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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4693257 No.4693257 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not investing in Ark? 8 Second transfer speed and made by literal geniuses who know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.4693388

Smartbridges. Better than atomic swaps. Allow any coin to be used and exchanged

Your own blockchain at the push of a button with easy customizable features. Hello small busisness.

First cooperative society SCIC in France, endorsed by France think tank.

DPoS - enough said. The best out of all, Eth will end up with this

No long blockchain history to dl with wallet. Actually works.

Mobile Wallets & native smart cards early 2018

The bonus, it'll work alongside eth, the normie coin, eth will be the company coin

>> No.4693404

People say ark holders are deluded and the price keeps going down. So it just seems like a bad idea.

>> No.4693407


no chance for gain

>> No.4693461

So does everything else. If your not using this as an opportunity to get in you're a muggins. Mobile wallet will be released this December, like 2 weeks aways max. Buy and flip if you want. Once you're on board though...

>> No.4693486

thinking about exiting day trading since it has been a losing game for me and just going all on ark, letting it stake and forgetting about it for a year

>> No.4693492

Well if those 3$ turn into fucking 400$ next year it fucking is a gain

>> No.4693514

"Deluded Arkies" is nothing more than a meme right now. It's either said ironically, or in an attempt to get the price to dip in order to accumulate more Ark.

>> No.4693526

Just listed on Yahoo Finance


>> No.4693529

me too. Wondering if I put $1k into it now and let it ride for a year how much it'd be worth.

Think I'm gonna dump my VTC for ARK after the VTC halvening.

>> No.4693531

I'm bought in heavy on ark but for crying out loud stop shilling this coin. Those who haven't yet bought are not the kind with vision. They'll start panic buying when prices skyrocket.

>> No.4693532

> tfw getting excited about ark again

>> No.4693551

One of the few coins with a legitimate, highly efficient TEAM working on it. Not just a random guy and his brainlet “communications” sidekick like so many other coins.

>> No.4693555

how much ark do I need in the wallet to stake?

>> No.4693576

No lower limit per say but voting costs 1 ARK so you'd need more than that. Return on voting is about 10% of total holdings a year.

>> No.4693592

Because it has 2+ threads on /biz/ and we know it's a bad sign.

>> No.4693599


>> No.4693620

don't take it too seriously. people are just really passionate about this coin and wanna promote it since the devs are not really interested in marketing yet it seems.

>> No.4693665


>> No.4693666

how do i buy ark?? Somebody plz explain. I have eth on coinbase but i dont know how to buy other coins

>> No.4693699
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well i'm done accumulating so i don't mind posting this.
>We're gonna double if not triple before the end of 2017.

>> No.4693700

Bittrex or binance, u need to transfer BTC/ETH first and buy ark with bitcoin or eth

>> No.4693707

They will wait til ArkVM & pushable chains are fully operational before shouting from the roofs. They understand they need a product to back up the talk, they've set goals, given updates all the way and have delivered.

once that's done the focus will be on getting the team AND community to develop encoded listners for coins. The main ones are here, ETH & Btc, specifics will come after.

>> No.4693712

Reddit fucking love this coin lmao, its all i see on r/cryptocurrency every day now even in threads not ark related.

Reminds me a lot of the autistic following ethereum gathered in the early days.. wouldn't be surprised to see ARK blow up huge soon enough so i'm glad i hold a decent bit.

>> No.4693723

Sehr Gut kamerad, heil hitler

>> No.4693727


Arks community devs are better than the lead developer of most projects

>> No.4693734

I hope you're right. From my reads, if they deliver their promises it'll be huge. I guess we'll wait and see. Even if it doesn't skyrocket I don't see it going down unless they just abandon the project, which I don't see happening.

>> No.4693739

I bought the other day a little high but I wanted to get started on staking and no regrets.
Plus the hourly facuet is nice too
I only have 82 ark right now but I'm gaining everyday (albeit slowly but whatever) instead of doing nothing. I'm happy and if it ever goes to even 10 dollars a coin (Which easily) I'm even happier let alone the possibility of ETH highs.
Will be buying more.

>> No.4693752
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>ouldn't be surprised to see ARK blow up huge soon enough so i'm glad i hold a decent bit.

>> No.4693761
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Ark will be attending, speaking at and sponsoring the North American Bitcoin Conference, the biggest in the world, in January in Miami.

This is big. New money will be pouring in

>> No.4693790


Ark has something a lot of coins don't, which is extremely important: a solid community and smart people working on making it succeed out of sheer drive and heart.

>> No.4693797
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Put it this way, blocknet garned a price of $20 on atomic swaps alone, the ability to exchange anything. Its revolutionary. $30 will hit for certain in 2017 beyond that i don't know.

>> No.4693813

I also don't think people understand the significance of the exchange feature in the wallet.
This is going to be used for ACES. It's gonna make it so easy to do anything with Ark once it's added.
Ich habe dieses Bild nur von einem Arche-Community-Entwickler kopiert. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, leider

>> No.4693844

Looking at the website, it appears arl is only 10% of the way complete. This is reminding me of backing kickstarter video games that rarely turned out to be any good.

>> No.4693848

Not sure about 30 usd in 2017. It depends a lot on when the devs start an aggressive hype campaign to sway the investors. Is it after the mobile wallet? Then yeah, 30 by the end of 2017 is possible? Is it after they finish core v2? Then maybe q1 or q2 2018.

>> No.4693864

Why 10%? You literally picked the lowest % on that list for your average. lol

>> No.4693874

There’s always risk if you want to be an early investor. Ark atleast shows promise and has been delivering and gathered a really big community and lot of comunity devs volunteering just to help the project succeed. Lots of coins don’t have that

>> No.4693878

I don't wanna blow smoke up your ass or anyone elses, but this dev team is literally one of the best in crypto.
They've delivered on 4 things on the roadmap and constantly update other things.

>> No.4693879
File: 213 KB, 1195x657, smartbridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no definitely not in 2017, but 2018 for sure. The amount of money coming into crypto, we still have 2 years of pump to go, maybe 3. With arks roadmap by Q3 we could see $30, bull runs during summer coincidening with crucial releases.

>> No.4693889

anyone explain what this means, and why it will increase the price 2-3x before 2018?

>> No.4693894

Most altcoins are dead. The only two that matter are Ethereum and Bitcoin

>> No.4693912

Go to a shop that accepts bitcoin, but you only own ark. Ah don't worry about it just tap your phone on the machine your good to go.

>> No.4693920

I'm calling $50 by June 2018.
That'd put the market cap at 5 billion.
Think about it, bitcoin gold is at 5 b. lol

And thats not to say that the whole crypto market will have a lot more new money in it.

>> No.4693995

If you're right then I'll be rich enough to live off ARK dividends and feel like I live in the goddamn future.

>> No.4693996
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How do you stake ARK?

>> No.4694001
File: 48 KB, 260x300, Mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team page looks like a trustworthy bunch of male nerds. I steered clear of Confido because the team members had untrustworthy faces. Is this the coin that had a tranny on the team?

>> No.4694042

You vote for a delegate, which currently costs 1 ARK, but will cost 0.1 in the future. Voting takes 2 clicks and there's nothing else you have to do, unless you wanna change your vote to a different delegate.
If you get more ark in your wallet they are automatically added to your vote.
Needless to say you can only vote for 1 delegate at a time.

>> No.4694048

>Is this the coin that had a tranny on the team?

No, that was IOTA I think. Ark has an all-male (male) team and they're all pretty cool guys. I met Mike at the Princeton Hackathon, since I'm a CS student there, really nice guy who obviously has some big ideas and likes getting people involved.

>> No.4694095

a bunch of CIS whites and asians cant possibly go on

>> No.4694151

Thanks... I just voted..

>> No.4694197

congrats. You'll be getting about 8-10% of your total holdings a year, meaning if you have 1000 ark in your wallet you'll get about 6.6-8.3 Ark a month. That's pretty cool if you ask me. :)

>> No.4694222

How is a dividend that high sustainable? How does this staking thing work?

>> No.4694270

what are you guys voting for??

>> No.4694278

it's not. these children dreaming about earning passive from this autism coin are going to be so disappointed

>> No.4694293

same here. Actually pretty excited about it.

>> No.4694299


>> No.4694305
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It's quite lengthy and complicated to be writing it out here, there's a wiki on the subreddit: arkecosystem.
Basically it's comparable to how inflation works on Bitcoin and the other currencies. There's a set number of coins that are mined every day by the top 51 delegates. These are shared between the delegates and their voters. The number is fixed which means that as the total number of coins grows, the inflation % drops. The difference is that instead of mining the coins yourself you delegate it to one of 51 people. This saves energy and hassle. There are a lot more arguments and sides of this, so I think you should read about it yourself. It's quite interesting imho. Is it sustainable? The image I attached shows the inflation rate for ARK which isn't so bad compared to ETH for example. But ETH might handle inflation differently, idk, I don't know much about it.

>> No.4694320

heres the thing: is ark a good coin with good ideas? yes it is. however, do the good coins in the cryptoworld always prevail? no they dont. the problem with ark is they dont know how to market themselves. theyre a bunch of really smart autistic nerds who for some reason cant promote themselves. so i dont expect this coin to ever take off. we see this in the business world a lot. the best product doesnt always win. what wins is good marketing and knowing how to sell something to the masses.

>> No.4694354

C'mon man, at least tell me why. I'd actually be very much interested in the negatives of ARK. I've talked to plenty others and the whole project appears pretty robust. Sure, there's a long way to go, but it's a promising start.

>> No.4694370
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biz_classic but im a mug who cba searching elsewhere

Its up to the delegate how much they return to the holder, if they lower rewards not giving enough incentive for people to vote for them then they drop out the top 51.

The system works, the rewards or didivend as you call them work, they may change in the future, but I don't see why so. Also important to point out that Ark has a lower rate of inflation than both Eth & lisk.

>> No.4694389

I partly agree with you here. It's one of the few widespread concerns that people seem to have within the Ark community. But the only explanation I can come up with regarding this absolute lack of marketing from an otherwise excellent team is that they don't want to do it until they got to a certain stage of development.



>> No.4694405

>the price keeps going down.

It was 6 cents 7 months ago. Do you know how to zoom out on coinmarketcap? Oh wait, it defaults to the entire existence of the coin so you'd have to be blind not to notice the consistent uptrend.

Look at the green line. It's not the fault of Ark that Bitcoin has seen tremendous gains over the last 2 months.

>> No.4694412

This shitcoin is going to fucking zero.

>> No.4694418
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>> No.4694425
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everyday all day with you fucks at biz classic

>> No.4694450

compelling argument

>> No.4694470

You deluded arkies are all the same. You're gonna have no money, no job, and no Bitcoin.

>> No.4694495

0 to 100

Get on board, bang $60 in, get 20 and if it moons to 300 one day buy a good buttplug because you'll be fucking yourself for life.

>> No.4694513

>no money, no job, and no Bitcoin.
thats the goal

>> No.4694519


Yeah makes me want to get even more for that reason. Trying not to be greedy though.

>> No.4694526

More like $3 to $0. This coin is going nowhere.

>> No.4694553

Ark can stay at $3 for eternity for all I care. It's all about buying enough so that the % return is decent.

>> No.4694668

What's your stack, do you have a end price in mind?

I'm a pauper, 150, adding in 2 weeks, probably on a high or thereabouts, but unavoidable.

>> No.4694714

>tfw only 105 ARK

I'd like closer to 200 but can't really front the fiat right now, tight spot financially. I tried to expand it on other P&D's this week but kept missing the boat.

Ohh well, just have to hodl a little longer when its price has mooned

>> No.4694738

Not that big, about 2k. I would avoid buying then, it's when the mobile wallet is rumoured to be coming out as they're beta testing it now. That's more than likely going to be a high. Either struggle and buy before or wait longer and see if there's a dip afterwards that you can jump on.

>> No.4694801

Is 3000 Ark enough?

>> No.4694823

I have 200 ARK, is it even worth voting with this amount?

>> No.4694828

Enough for what? With 3k ark at the current price you'd get like $75 extra a month.

>> No.4694835

Yes. $600,000 in one year.

>> No.4694851

Enough to stop worrying if I have enough

>> No.4694871

Yes, over 2 months you should see 3ark. 2 months because Im not certain on the core update release date. Vote only costs 1, update will be 0.1.

>> No.4694887

I might just wait for the update then to get 0.1 cost for votes.

>> No.4694900

I mean that depends how prone you are to worrying. lol

>> No.4694925

>I might just miss out on free money because I can't read.

Even after 1 month you'll have 0.5Ark to show for it. Vote and get paid, don't sit on the side with money in your hand waving at everyone.

>> No.4694945

If the alternative is to wait for lower fees then vote. It'll get you your ark back and then some by the time v2 comes out. Plus, voting is your voice. Look at the delegates and see whos's doing good for the community and deserve your support. Voting helps them stay in top 51 and to continue doing what they're doing.

>> No.4694962

why ark?
in what way do you see this mooning,
shill me

>> No.4694967
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So I have to spend 2 months to even earn back my vote cost, when the 0.1 spending update could be released in less time than that?

Do you think the update is a while off yet? Do you think I will make my vote cost back before the update?

>> No.4694986

>I'm not only too lazy to read about ARK elsewhere, I'm even too lazy to read what was written in this goddamn thread.

>> No.4694989

I'm not going to spoonfeed you, but basically

>passionate community and devs
>possibly next ETH
>good project with a bright future

>> No.4694997

With your stack, 200, you get your vote back within 20 days. Im not explaining any more as you're clearly a retard.

>> No.4695005

I literally just said so. VOTE

v2 is only 25% on its way here.

>> No.4695018

yup, fuck you

>> No.4695033
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1357568743577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you feel good about being a cunt mate

>> No.4695075

can you please add more memes on your next post so I know I'm on the /biz/ board of the 4chan website? thanks.

>> No.4695081

>being a cunt to people who don't understand something

>> No.4695103

Don't worry you'll have the last laugh, already got a stack bigger than mine.

>> No.4695130
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4695140
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You arkies would say that