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File: 4 KB, 281x179, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4689941 No.4689941 [Reply] [Original]

A Bitcoin Whale here needs serious advice.

I will provide best advisors with small amount BTC (I have 261 of the fuckers)

For reasons I don't want to go into, I can't cash BTC directly via localbitcoins.com or similar into my bank account. Bank managers here are fuckers, they will close me immediately.

I need a "legitimate" trade. Stuff I can buy via BTC and then sell on eBay. With the invoices I get I can show the bank the small amounts of money I'm getting are coming from legitimate sales.

Anybody can advice me of the best stuff I can buy? I'm looking into trading steelbooks (Marvel and DC shit seems to go up in price if I get limited editions) which I can buy via a BTC backed VISA debit card.

Any other things I can sell which makes good money? Put your BTC address at the bottom of your posts and I'll send to the best ones.

All other people who tell me to sell my mother's pussy, I can't do that I promised your mother I wouldn't do that

>> No.4690052

To avoid tax and be a king
Step 1 Get a fake id on the deepweb.
Step 2 Get a tenx or monaco card
Step 3 buy and sell
Step 4 enjoy.
You can skip step 1 if you are afraid.
I am doing that myself.


>> No.4690094

1. Buy gold onine.
2. Let them send you your gold.
2. Sell gold.

>> No.4690139

buy watches on overstock. easy to sell on eBay.


>> No.4690150

You could convert your btc to monero and use it on dark net to buy drugs that you can resell. Obv, some risk involved buy you'll make good return on your investment if you can find somebody to sell them on to.


>> No.4690151

Simple... get a fake ID to register on bittrex .. send yourself some coins.... open a bank account in thailand with said fake.. bankers there literally do not give a fuck .... wire yourself the money and cash out... no tax Wussup? tips accepted

>> No.4690199

Are you looking to do it via large amounts of small items? or small amounts of large items?

I think you'd want more smaller stuff you could buy with BTC then sell for cash (that way minimize taxes via declared pricing) as opposed to fucking with the ebay shit

alternatively, you could loan crypto into SALT when the platform goes live then use the money from the loan to cash out then default on the loan

>> No.4690274

Best advice here:

Buy giftcards on https://www.gyft.com/ with btc.
iTunes giftcards, Nike giftcards (buy sneaker, sell on ebay, will work 100% maybe even with gains if you buy limited ones), etc etc.

Best way to go. You're welcome!


>> No.4690282


Sent you a small amount thanks.

Are you using the Tenx card? Any good?

Which Deepweb sites are good atm?

>> No.4690295

I have this work colleague who collects rare snes games. collectibles. similar to what you say about steelbooks. These things have a huge cult following and some can cost up to $10-20k, and literally always go up in value with time. Get them all graded or buy graded ones for even higher returns. Good luck whale and enjoy your money, the tax man does not deseve your juicy whale fat.


>> No.4690301


I sent you a small amount thanks.

Which watch brands cost less and sell best?

Will I be making a profit or selling at a loss?

>> No.4690322


Fuck that shit, I'm not going to jail for drugs, I'm a fucking 261 BTC millionaire

>> No.4690346

1. get a walmart green dot money card
2. go to local bitcoins and find a buyer that will reload your card
3. sell bitcoins for reloads on your greendot card.

This is just as good as cash, you literally can even get a pin so you can take money out at the ATM... Ive been doing this for years.


>> No.4690352


Yes good call. I sent you a small amount.

Nikes should sell ok. Which ones go up in price fastest and what is the best size to buy?

>> No.4690353


This is by the way the quickest way since you can buy 500$ giftcards.

>> No.4690371

Today OP was not a faggot.
He delivered. Thx OP

>> No.4690373

To continue my comment, it is also a good idea to diversify your cash out so as to avoid arising suspicion. You have a very large amount of money to cash out. Using more than one method is advised.

>> No.4690391

Graphics cards, gift cards, clothes.



>> No.4690392

I would recommend you check new models or just go up to your nearest Nike shop and tell them you want to get into the sneaker resell business and ask for limited sneaker drops. I did this and it worked like a charm. Plus there's tons of other nice giftcards on gyft. Go with this method, you're not going to regret it. Any questions just ask, happy to help!


>> No.4690396


OP here.

Bro can you please elaborate a little bit more on which games I should buy and hold. I have a storage unit which I can use to keep stuff in


I sent the other guys some (check their BTC addresses above) I'll send you some too


>> No.4690404

you can check out tax haven countries if your looking into cashing out get ticket to a certain country make friends with one agree on terms and stuff, setup a business there and PROFIT.
here are the countries:


>> No.4690414

in all seriousness i have a good idea, although we can discuss on discord


>> No.4690425

This person is correct. Think liquidity of brick-and-mortar gov-supported buildings, those business will be floated despite them being underwater. Those cards will be liquid. And its food. And people trade in food liquidity always. And its fungible, and non-perishable

Thanks, 3J7j9ja4QZRY1rwUZiLkaikfh3q7F1d1Gu

>> No.4690439




>> No.4690441

To clarify myself, any international/usa chain restaurant gift cards.

>> No.4690449

download open barzaar, buy some decent shit on there with crypto. sell the shit on ebay for fiat. sorted.


>> No.4690450


I'm not US based but damn if I can find something like that, it's a great way to get a working credit card loaded.

Does it really work? People pay to a green dot card? Is it via bank transfer or what?

(PS check your BTC address, I sent you a little bit)

>> No.4690454

A used rolex would keep its value and be pretty liquid. You could sell on a watch forum. I just don't know if you can buy one with BTC.

>> No.4690472

how much?

>> No.4690486

I will suck your soul out


>> No.4690487

no its a walmart service... basically like a reloadable debit card for black people... lol... but you just go to walmart and you can reload the card.

>> No.4690488


thanks man!

bulova, seiko, citizen, tag, fossil are all cheap and popular. you'll break even minus ebay fees, but they'll sell easily.

congrats on being a whale.


>> No.4690490

my nigga how did you accumulate that many btc?

>> No.4690504

More advice from me (gyft.com, giftcards)

If you're lazy you can instantly sell those giftcards on sites like www.raise.com/sell-gift-cards

There's tons of sites that instantly buy your cards. Just diversify, best cards as I mentioned are iTunes & Nike.


>> No.4690511



>> No.4690517

OP delivered. OP is a legend... If OP could spare anything else for an anon in need i would greatly appreciate it. I can hook you up with as many schemes as you want.

Do you guys have nordstroms where your at?

>> No.4690527


download open barzaar, buy some decent shit on there with crypto. sell the shit on ebay for fiat. sorted.


Like what? I need specific products

>> No.4690536

If I understood correctly:

I would just check out these

pick out the most suitable products (least risky ones, that will surely get sold), then buy&sell.

Will post address if you like

>> No.4690540

You can also use LBC to buy prepaid visa cards... shit ill even sell you some for BTC. lol


>> No.4690547


Gift cards are no good, I'd be selling $100 gift cards for $90. Anybody can sell a tenner for a fiver

>> No.4690556

id say things like graphics cards, consoles or anything electronic that is high demand. you could probably end up making even more money if you went with GPUs

>> No.4690565

smuggle yourself out of country open bank in switzerland smuggle your self back wire all monies. bonus tip create back story of nigerian prince as good cover

>> No.4690568

Why not just put a bunch of fake shit on eBay and buy it from yourself?

>> No.4690585

Hi OP, Another advice:

You can certainly but egift cards
check out www.egifter.com/bitcoin/
these can be good as cash use or sell it
giftcards listed here:


>> No.4690591

This is not true, google search sell giftcards, buy 500$ cards on gyft, you get 100% of your giftcard minus a super small fee.


>> No.4690601

with what money nigga

>> No.4690602

honestly you have a lot of money. doing these 100 dollar sales will take fucking forever. buy gold

>> No.4690611


also this as well as openbazaar

gpus are in high demand

>> No.4690614
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 0-25m-short-1m-2m-long-USB-3-0-Type-C-Fast-Quick-Charging-Cell-Phone.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell cheap cellphone chargers and cables. They break all the time and theres always demand for them.

Also FlashDrives.


>> No.4690639


Rare beers/meads/whiskeys go for pretty insane values in the secondary market. Especially if you hold onto them properly and let them age em a bit. Definitely think some rare whisky/beer traders would be VERY interested in trading their rare hauls for "some of that there bitcoin". And then you trade the booze for cash. It's actually mad simple.

Alternatively, you can buy gold and silver coins with BTC as well. Or just anything on overstock that you can sell more for on eBay.

just bombed a huge interview today so any love is appreciated, lmk if you wanna know more about the secondary rare beer market.


>> No.4690644

sell your bitcoin on virwox.com and transfer it to pay pal

>> No.4690643

If you're a whale just set up a LLC overseas and pay yourself.

FEIE first 100k is non taxable

Alternatively, just buy stuff on overstock with bitcoin and resell. Or become a travel agent and use bitcoin on Expedia.



>> No.4690649

Step1: Join Paxful
Step2: Buy Amazon Gift Cards (buyer buys them IRL with cash, has to upload receipt showing they paid in cash + the card code)
Step3: Apply gift card to Amazon Account
Step4: Buy iPhones to resell on eBay or buy Marvel/DC stuff)

The thing about selling on eBay though is you are going to get people from time to time, 1 in 20, that will try to claim your item is broke or didnt work.

For gift cards you can buy digital gift cards from egifter.com gyft.com, pcgamesupply.com (has international), offgamers.com if you want to make purchases in stores or online. Ive used all of these sites.

You can also purchase stuff from bitify.com


>> No.4690652

That's cool. Yeah, the guy I'm telling you about collects games for an old school console called Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or snes for short). Some sealed and graded games for the snes go for thousands.
Examples (search on ebay):
Pac Attack VGA 75 - Super Nintendo - SNES Brand NEW PAL UK Factory Sealed

Terranigma Big Box VGA 85 - Super Nintendo - SNES - Brand NEW - PAL-GER Sealed

Super Punch Out Super Nintendo SNES New Sealed 90+ VGA GOLD Graded

There's even a Facebook group where they discuss games that go on market and that are worth collecting. The most valuable ones don't usually go on buyout sales like the ones I showed you but rather on auction. Naturally, you're rich af now so you can outbid them all when you see them on ebay.

Here's the FB group (just add the regular fb link before it)


Another good thing about it is that you buying loads of games will only cause them to shoot up in value even more.

I can ask my workmate more about this without arousing any suspicion if you're interested. The point is that they're small items high in value that also bring an interest over time. You might not be able to spend all your millions on these, but it's a start.

Good luck my dude, and lemme know if you wanna keep in touch for more info.

>> No.4690661


No I meant selling on ebay.

I'd have to sell a $500 gift card for $490 which wouldn't be any good to me.

I'd need to sell for at least a small "profit" for it to look legit to my bank

>> No.4690681

Work with another unregulated market called Magic: the Gathering Online cards. You can purchase on CardHoarder.com with BTC, then sell elsewhere (MTGOTraders) for a small loss.


>> No.4690716

Use purse.io to buy stuff from Amazon at a discount using BTC.

Can probably make more selling on local sites/apps like OfferUp, 5Mile, LetGo, etc. than on eBay because local markets are smaller and have less competition.

Another website where you can buy goods using BTC: allthingsdecentral.com -- focuses on the crypto crowd, might be able to resell higher to incoming wave of new people.


>> No.4690721
File: 48 KB, 477x395, IMG_7763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still totally understanding this.

Instead of paying 40% to the government you would rather peddle shit on eBay?

time is money. I would rather get a CPA and pay the tax and live off the half you get to keep.


>> No.4690743


Yeah thanks I'd be interested to know a bit more about the SNES games, give me your contact details, I'll contact you via an anonymous throwaway email

12JKUt5VL6jdPRv1NuQ6VmKPoZYh47iw6y is loaded up :)

>> No.4690747

anything you buy will lose its value on purchase, i doubt you can pull off any kind of profit

>> No.4690762

Ah, I see.
Then I would definitely go for the Sneakers, since the interesting ones often double in price and you wouldn't believe how quick you'd make a great profit off this market. This is a no brainer. I could put together a plan on which ones to buy/order with a timeframe when good ones are released, how can I get those informations to you?


>> No.4690781
File: 46 KB, 500x800, 1509415543439-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4690614 here

Op, you can also travel to Brazil and buy Emeralds on Minad gerais. For the price of bananas

And you can double profit selling them

But you must be brave.

>> No.4690796

Why don't you do arcade games or restoration or modding gaming systems.

That way you can buy the games or systems cheap, gives you something to do during the day restoring/modding and then selling it.

Be like a digital video games American pickers.


>> No.4690800

JM Buillon accepts btc for precious metals. They sell a lot of coins too which you could flip on ebay, that way your sales are tied to the market value of the metal. You could even make money if the timing is right.


>> No.4690803

You can also have a look at dropshipping. Since you have money you can have someone set it up for you and you have nothing to do except answering some question on FB. Got a friend that is doing that with some shitty scarf and he is banking up to 2000$ a week.


>> No.4690808

If you're from a big city you could sell BTC on localbitcoins in exchange for cash. If you have a lot to sell you could even go out of your way to drive to some bigger place for a transaction. As an incentive you could sell it at a cheaper than market price.
I'm sure you can find a lot of people who also don't want their crypto business to show up on their bank account.
You can put the BTC on some hardware wallet and exchange it for money IRL. Or even advertise that somewhere.
That would be much simpler than washing it via ebay.


>> No.4690810

If you are selling shit on ebay be one of those guys who gets a shitton of iPhone cases so normies eat that shit up


>> No.4690812




is loaded up:)

>> No.4690820

I would get gift cards and resell sneakers. Hell, just get some cards and buy every pair of jordans on the market right now, the new releases of 12s or 11s, in a year they will be 2x or 3x the value, you can resell them at higher than retail even after buying lol cuz stupid people dont even know how to look up retail shoes. Id just get nike gift cards and buy the shit out of it. Youll get profits and wont be traced. Also you could add money to peoples steam wallet but thats a lot of work desu but there arr many kids who cant do this and i have done this couple of times myself. U can use btc on steam. But this method is literally pain in the ass lol, but u wouldnt get traced as u would add money onto different acount every time


>> No.4690840


Good job, you just advised the IRS on how people are avoiding tax.

>> No.4690847


Ok like it

18H4bWru5xqfgzFtDqudkYv5RzaiBrtnnB is loaded up :)

>> No.4690856

OP, Please send me 21 BTC . I need it badly. Might die... cheers brother.


>> No.4690892

If you want a hobby as well to occupy your time do this. Start a 'podcast' and have a bitcoin donation link for supporters. Register your podcast as a business and give it a red hit go.Then donate to youeself whatever amount you like.

Additonally you now have a business and can claim expenses i.e. internet/phone bill.

You now also have something that will keep you entertained and might even grow.

Sucks you dont have good bank and tax laws where your from. Thanks


>> No.4690899

Thanks bud, appreciate it. The thing is: how will I know it's you contacting me? If I leave my details here it could be anyone of these guys on the thread. lol

>> No.4690908

Even if you have receipts for selling stuff on eBay what is your explanation for getting said products to sell?

You need some friends to help you out.
1. Have friends create eBay id's
2. Retire some arcade game or mod some gaming system.
3. Put item up for auction and friends will out bid each other because of exclusive uniqueness of said item
4. Auction ends receipt is made and transfer money to your account and repeat.

Just have to send your friends money to make the purchase.
Rinse and repeat.


>> No.4690909

buy MacBooks and game consoles on newegg.com resell on eBay people will be wanting these for the holidays. Good luck OP

>> No.4690924

Sports memorabilia

>> No.4690932

He can send a picture of his btc balance.

>> No.4690941


Can you quickly set up a throwaway email and leave it here on this thread. I'll be in touch, I'll send you a link of the BTC I sent you to prove it's me and not some other guy

>> No.4690947


Become intergalactic travel agent, book people's flights on Virgin Galactic (apparently they can accept bitcoin). Could also get it done much quicker compared to gift cards.


>> No.4690996

Here's an idea, pay your fucking taxes. If you aren't larping then you'll still be able to retire regardless.

You're welcome.

>> No.4691027

That was my thought. 2.6 mil in btc.

I'd be happy to pay 40% and just get on with my life instead of trying to hustle shit on eBay.

>> No.4691049


Hey man you;re the guy who posted straight away under mine and then put a new BTC address on.

Not cool man

However, I'm interested in the drop shipping idea. Can you setup a throwaway and I'll be in touch (I'll send you a link to my BTC account which sent to yours).

If the info you give me is good enough (i.e. not all bullshit,) I'll send a decent size reward your way

>> No.4691056

Exactly. Instead of getting bit in the ass and losing it all, might as well pay the taxes and walk away a millionaire still. Invest into something longterm to keep bringing in cash and you'll live the good life.

>> No.4691057

Whatever you do, don't buy anything because you will have an endless inventory you can't sell. I would advise you to hire a lawyer and open an offshore account (plenty of choices). It requires a bit of work but it's your safest and best bet. Good luck


>> No.4691092


Buy a sports memorabilia giftcard with BTC https://www.egifter.com/bitcoin/steiner-sports-memorabilia-gift-card-bitcoin

You can then sell for face value on ebay or hold, and the value will definitely increase over time. I have some signed MJ shit back from the 90's that's skyrocketed in value since then.

If you're not a sports guy, feel free to hit me up for any recommendations. A lot of stuff on that site that's currently ~$500 that can easily be worth $~2000 in 5-10 years.


>> No.4691107


>> No.4691120

Arrange a situation where you bought and sold Flowers. Its a common way for drug dealers to launder money. No ways really to track flowers.

Cutlery, china, dishes might be good as well

Art, paintings, antique furniture

Maybe vintage spirits, champagne, wine etc.

Real estate if you can arrange it somehow

I've also heard from people who do dropshipping that a nice niche online are baby products. All kinds. Parents seem to be buying them online.

And the list I posted earlier is also good for selecting drop shipping other products.


>> No.4691128

2nd offshore account


>> No.4691129

Also, cash by mail could definitely be your thing. You might want to do smaller paypal transactions on localbitcoins to make your rep go up.
Then you could sell BTC cheaper with cash by mail.
That way you get the money safely first and send the BTC after.
What's there not to like?


>> No.4691167

Hi OP what you're doing is called money laundering and you need to talk to a lawyer not biz.

>> No.4691220

These people are also partly right. Even if you pay 40% tax you have like 1.6m left. If you invested 1.6m in something like ARK for example which returns like 8-10% of your total holdings a year, you'd get like $13k+ a fucking month in 'dividends'. I don't know about you, but I'd live like a fucking sheikh on that return.

>> No.4691222


Come on guys be fair.

You're the guy who had the rare beers idea, now you've posted a different BTC address.

I'm one of the few REAL guys on biz and you're taking the piss.

On the other hand, I'm happy to speak to you offline. Send me a throwaway email. I'll confirm it's me contacting you by sending a screenshot of the BTC transaction and then we'll take (don't bullshit me please, I'll just delete the email)

Send me your throwaway email and I'll send you some BTC now

>> No.4691223
File: 75 KB, 900x900, IMG_7694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliver OP


>> No.4691244

Not cool anon here
Dummy email to explain you dropshipping

>> No.4691257

Come to Slovenia. Crypto is not taxed for physical persons, only for companies.

If law permits and it's viable due tax reasons start your own company that accepts crypto and buy shit from yourself and and buy stuff on company expenses. If you are in good buisness actual buyers will cover the gap. Takes some energy but you can makema fake story how your company succeded. Bonus points in life.


>> No.4691272

Find a bitcoin atm and withdraw. You have money travel around and find them.


>> No.4691277

That was my thought. 2.6 mil in btc.

I'd be happy to pay 40% and just get on with my life instead of trying to hustle shit on eBay.


Because how'd you think I got the 261 BTC in the first place?

By being the kind of guy who pays taxes?

I need to show some legit income between now and the next halvening when BTC will go beyond moon to fucking outer space

>> No.4691290

Doesn't matter. He would need to become a citizen and denounce his us citizenship for that to work.

Americans get taxed no matter where they live. Best bet would be set up an LLC there and pay himself and live off 100k a year. FEIE allows the first 100k untaxed.

>> No.4691300

Op i have and idea about how I'm going to launder my gains. I'm interested on discussing about it so I m not going to ask you for any BTC if you don't want to.

>> No.4691301

You can buy computer hardware on caseking and pay with BTC bro. I just bought a gtx 1070 for 0.07 BTC a week ago.

>> No.4691310

forget about marvel collectibles, you should go into diamonds. you buy them using bitcoins, and you put them in a safe. best solution, even better then gold: there is a bunch of options you can go for, from Reeds.com - the only one i've met someone using it (i'm still a beginner!), Since1910, Bitcoin.de, Samer Halimeh and so on. you will thank me one day i hope (:


>> No.4691315

This is the ideal thing to do. Just pay taxes OP and live without the stress of teying to hide your cash.

>> No.4691320

Thats the point of hiring a CPA to sort that shit out for you.

>> No.4691353

Buy and sell used books via FBA on Amazon or the equivalent on ebay. This is viable for people just looking to flip or make $1k a week doing nothing else. It might sound laughable but buying and selling used books works. FBA via amazon is best though, with FBA and prime people will pay up to 80%+ more for yours just to get it sooner in 2-3 days.


>> No.4691366


Not trying to take a piss mate. Just trying to provide solutions, didn't mean to post a different BTC address.

DESU I thought that you missed my post or thought my beer idea was shit (because no ebay) so I threw another idea out there for you mate. No scumbaggery involved.

Just want to a. help you with something i'm knowledgable in and b. get internet money

beertrades69420@gmail.com is my throwaway. gunna walk my dog here and ill speak to you soon mate.

>> No.4691371

I hate the idea of paying for nogs to keep shitting fatherless babies but eventually you will get caught.

Al Capone couldn't escape the IRS.

>> No.4691434

What's funny is if all the ideas are such money makers. Anons would be doing it themselves and making money and not being a wagecuck.

Hire a good CPA. Set up a foreign LLC and pay yourself. Thats the easiest and best legal way. Unethical maybe but not illegal.


>> No.4691464

you need money to make money you tard

>> No.4691480


Thats the point of hiring a CPA to sort that shit out for you.

Let me explain it again because you haven't got a clue

I don't know what a CPA is but I'm assuming it's a tax accountant.

In my country, the minute a bank manager or tax account suspects something dodgy happened he must report it or he's committing a crime himself.

So the best thing for me to do, is carry on doing what I'm doing, make a little bit of money on the side and then wait till June 2020 and then move to Outer Mongolia or somesuch

>> No.4691486

I haven't seen a single pitch that requires a lot of money. Just a lot of time.

You can buy shit on overstock and resell it.

>> No.4691561

can't you buy/resell mining rigs and other hardware?


>> No.4691592

As if the jews weren't aware.

>> No.4691593
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to a CPA in he country you want to set up the LLC that is tax free.

I'm guessing your not American but Brit bong so you don't have to worry about foreign tax then. So this is your best bet. Pay yourself what ever you want.

Buy house in Slovenia make it your permanent residence. No taxes.

>> No.4691652

Find a bullion dealer that accepts bitcoin. Sell slowly over time.

>> No.4691672

Setup an online shop with square that accepts bitcoin to sell your unique high priced art


>> No.4691678


Ok to show I'm not a complete cunt I sent you something anyway

1JPbuN4P6MkNxjN7Rcyx625bkX1sdH4AKV for your load :)

But no I'm still not paying any fucker any tax advice. Better to be a wagecuck than banged up inside

>> No.4691709
File: 48 KB, 730x280, mtg-banner-730x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy magic the gathering cards with bitcoins from sites such as https://www.abugames.com/bitcoin.html .

Magic the gathering cards are an unregulated market just like cryptocurrency and if anyone asks how you got them just say you found them at a yard sale or they have been sitting in your mom's basement. Some of those cards go for thousands of dollars and a lot of selling them is backdoor deals.


>> No.4691723

Sell trading cards like MTG. No one can prove you didn’t just open/trade for all the thousand dollar cards.

>> No.4691750

Fuck did someone really beat me to this by a minute?

>> No.4691759
File: 180 KB, 1300x937, IMG_7653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP did deliver.

I would think about non-domicile resident for tax purposes. You don't need to a CPA for that.

Alternatively, when I was nepal I ran into several brits who were but fabric to bring back to the U.K.

Mybe take a trip there or China and wholesale buy stuff

Or another thing is setting up your Amazon store selling t-shirts You designed or pay local artists to design for you.

>> No.4691786

you both got beaten

>> No.4691815

To expand on this since the guy beat me by 1 min, the cards fluctuate in value over time and could simply be claimed that you traded for them when they were low. You can also sell some cards for thousands, and others for hundreds, or just buy unopened boxes/packs and resell them.

My buddy does this all the time and people will buy these fast for market prices. It’s an amazing way to launder money when you can simply claim you opened those cards out of random booster packs, or found a card binder at a garage sale for some of the more expensive ones like a black lotus or mox’s.

>> No.4691838



jkus7ojq what;s your BTC address?

>> No.4691843

At that point just buy art. The ultimate money laundering scheme.

Or set up a non-profit and claim your money came from people donating.

>> No.4691850

Let me grab it, one sec.

>> No.4691853


Don't worry I'm not a cunt :)

>> No.4691885

i dont get it. just buy real estate off some retard

>> No.4691902
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1509443010554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giftcards are good but shit like PSN cards or xbox live cards will go quickly as fuck because the earnings for the end user (your buyer) are much bigger than with regular gift cards, there is a bigger market for it


>> No.4691913


If this is real then thank you.

>> No.4691917
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, IMG_7466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes not. OP delivered even to me. Mad respect.

>> No.4691928



your BTC address


is coming off as invalid

Please send another with the same anon ID

>> No.4691931

I don't understand the gift card deal. He needs to make a profit.

Why would any one pay full price for a gift card

>> No.4691972


Check you BTC address for your load

Can you give me a throwaway email so that I can speak to you offline about these Magic cards?

I'll send you a screen shot of the BTC I sent you to prove it's me when I email you

>> No.4691994


Exactly. I have to pay ebay seller fees as well.

Selling tenners for fivers is a fucking useless game

>> No.4692004

Here is some real fucking advice. If you are american you have two choices. You either move out and revoke citizenship or pay your tax and avoid all the legal drama. Anything else is asking for jail time. Sorry if it isn't what you wanted to hear.

>> No.4692037

Hes brit bong based off his language.

>> No.4692048

create a steam account if you don't have one, after that you can add $ to your steam wallet via bitcoin (it is explained howto here https://support.bitpay.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003001283-How-To-Load-Your-Steam-Wallet-Using-Bitcoin))
then you can use that money to buy items of steam marketplace (some in game items go over 800$) and just resell them on steam marketplace
and you can say you earned those while playing a game

>> No.4692049


Leaving work now, I’ll check it a little later tonight.

>> No.4692090

Buy GPU cards on overstock with BTC and sell them on ebay as ETH miners and you will get more then you paid..Cash money home boy..I hope nobody say this yet I'm lo lazy to read..


>> No.4692094

I would think art.

Buy art from second hand store or oxfam. Send BTC to a friend who can withdraw at BTC ATM and sell it to him for whatever price you want because art is so subjective pay him 10% as a fee for it. Or put it on eBay and do the same thing for a more legit receipt.

>> No.4692112

You can also watch Alpha Investments on youtube. That is where I got the idea from. It was a guy that worked in finance that later went on to make millions in Magic the Gathering.

>> No.4692126

Buy mining GPUs like the 480 or 1070 on Newegg in bulk then resell for profit. If questioned you can just say that you bought the GPUs with regular cash in order to flip them which is legit and is currently done by some


>> No.4692133

Are you still in here OP?

>> No.4692148

Hi OP.
I’m an Ausfag so I can use Living room satashi to pay and bills/cash out to my bank if I like.

I think finding/waiting for other BTC bill paying platforms that you can use will be g so to ‘cashout’ Indirectly by paying all your bills.

Also, given BTC is not properly monitored these days you can more than likely cash out using Monero/privacy coins and be relatively safe.

Lastly, buying goods that accept BTC is the best option.
There’s sites that list crypto payments available, order tech (iPhones/laptops) in bulk say 20x and sell for cash. You obviously can’t use a bank so cash is the easiest option.
- you don’t have to cash it all out straight away remember it will go up in value likely in the coming year. Maybe buy 50-100k worth of tech products, and sell via local site... maybe even pay someone a little to help hand the goods over to buys to make it less of a hassle.

Hope this helps :)

>> No.4692171


no, he wants to launder money. making money would be just a bonus.

>> No.4692174



Can you send me your BTC address? Do you want to send me a throwaway email too, I'll speak to you offline about these magic cards

>> No.4692182

also you could just do a crypto/crypto trade to something like XMR and then sell that because it's more private and not as closely watched

>> No.4692190

If op is still here, create an account on overstock.com, then sell items from their on ebay, have ur overstock page ship directly to their address.


>> No.4692191

I'd just pay the taxes but you could just invest in this that only get more valuable. Collectibles like sports cards are good. The /k/ in me says that you could buy something like AR-15s or AR parts a little bit because prices would skyrocket if a Democrat gets in office and threatens a ban

>> No.4692204

actually sell bought items here: https://opskins.com/
that way it can go to your paypal acc

>> No.4692214


>> No.4692228

Buy limited edition versions of video games when they come out. Reserve them before hand from gamestop/bestbuy/Amazon and sell then on eBay easily a day or a few days after the game gets released. You'll get at least retail value for it. If it's a game that people want You'll get more.

>> No.4692233

https://www.reeds.com/about/Bitcoin.html seriously, why not diamonds?


>> No.4692254

yeah but how does he get the profits out of his steam wallet

afaik once money goes into steam wallet it doesn't go out unless required by law

>> No.4692269

i corrected myself here

>> No.4692276


not my thing, too high profile, but i'll send you something for the idea anyway

>> No.4692278
File: 14 KB, 278x278, 1508278653908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you pay a one time fee of 10 dollars you can get essentially over 10% cashback in rewardpoints on all cards on egifter.com, so if you sell it at a 5% loss you still make profit

For example if you pay the fee: https://www.egifter.com/insiders/
And then buy an xbox live card https://www.egifter.com/credit-card/xbox-live-gold-12-months-gift-card-credit-card

You get 12.5% cashback which you can spend on the next card. Many sites have various different cashback rewards like this.


>> No.4692280


OP can buy 10 dollar painting sell for 2,000.

Actually just become an artist. Send friends BTC to buy your art with 10-25% fee for helping out.

You might actually become a real artist once word of mouth goes around.

>> No.4692291

No because eBay fees. He loses out.

>> No.4692300

OP here

thanks for everyone's replies. I'm going to close it up for today but I'll keep checking the thread,

Anybody with any other REALLY good ideas keep them coming I'm not a cunt, I'll send a little BTC to your address when I check in tomorrow.

Anybody want to leave a throwaway email to discuss further ideas can do that, I'll send you a link to my screenshotted Bitcoin wallet showing my outgoing transfers today.

Maybe we can talk offline, and if anyone has a real moneyspinning idea for least amount of effort, we'll talk about your reward too for that

(PS, 9EnL1hur send me your BTC address and I'll send you something, I'm not a cunt :)

>> No.4692310

set up a nootropics or vitamin website that accepts coins. make it legit. you will be able to pay taxes on your profits and you good.

>> No.4692359

Hey bud
Yeah I did this for a while. I have a top rated seller account and this totally fucked me. What I did was sell .001 bitcoin and .01 for double their market value at the time.

I made it mandatory for people to send me a selfie with their ID after purchasing. Now don’t get my wrong, a few people did it and I made some money. But literal pajeets would order, and inbox me their btc address only. When writing back, they’d say they weren’t sending ID forcing me to cancel. In addition, the ones that were successful counted as “No tracking information updated” and knocked me out of top seller status. So pro tip, do this on a separate ebay account.

A few people would order while I was sleeping, and I’d wake up with an order Email followed by another email from PayPal saying the charge is being disputed.

So if you want to do this, know that PayPal WILL mostly side with customers 99/100% of the time. So require ID. Make a serpate account. And always send blockchain confirmation.

>> No.4692367

I’m in accounting and have *known people* who have laundered before.

If you’re legit all I’m asking for is .01, hell even less that to see if you’re real or this is just fake.

If it’s legit we can obviously go from there.

>> No.4692389


>> No.4692391

Go on local Craigslist.
Create anonymous listing saying you'll trade BTC for cash.
Find someone willing to pay cash for your BTC.
Wait until you have cash in hand, bring a friend or pack something for protection.
Accept cash, transfer, do this in whatever amounts you'd be willing to over time.

Not the most complex plan, but I tried. :3


>> No.4692413


This is the new wallet

Have screenshots to prove I am the same person.

>> No.4692443

I'm sure the IRS has some sort of revenue opportunity unit though - they may monitor CL. Not sure if they'd be in on local patch style sites or forums. Used CL as an easy example of a local exchange of goods/services.

>> No.4692454

Deposit onto online poker sites, such as americas cardroom or ignition if youre american, then withdraw via debit card you can sign up for (acr) or via check. You then withdraw money out of atm for debit card (keep limit on card under 10k, pref 9.5k), or deposit checks into bank account as you would regularly.

>> No.4692505

ARE YOU IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? If so response letters ahead of time explaining in the law why renumeration was not effectively connected to "Trade or Business"

>> No.4692526

There a few options what you can do, i will try to sum them up and give you the best options and why these are the best:

1. Buy giftcards - https://www.gyft.com
What you are aiming for are limited editions but, not too limited since if you get 20k cash you will try to spend it in the future. So this is a temporarily solution.
2. Localbitcoins - Well, you can sell them to others, for cash. It might be a slow manner but, there are some essential steps you need to take, first at all you should use a mixing service like BTCfog. Your coins cannot be traced anymore (!!). Besides that, keep your lifestyle modest, don't buy lots of lambo's it will throw away your whole plan.
3. Use the tax system of the Bahama's - Start a company in the bahama's, which does sell e-books on the internet for bitcoin (You can easily let people make a garbage e-book for nothing). -> This suggestion is by FAR the best, but BY FAR, since it might be shady, but in the Netherlands it is kinda accepted that the situation is like this. There is LOTS AND LOTS of information about this, and actually it is FAIRLY simple. Let me know what you think about these 3 ideas. I'm a student at the university, and i do study economics, so i know what im talking about :)


>> No.4692552


If you are in the U.S. Canada I know for a fact tax liability can be avoided, may work for the rest of the western world too idk

>> No.4692598


Consider vintage guitars, think high value like vintage Martin/Gibson Acoustics, Pre-CBS-era Fender electrics (telecasters, stratocasters) and basses, vintage GIbson Les Pauls, etc.

Find a musician friend/instrument nut to help you out, else search around. These can easily be sold on Ebay.

Best of luck to you!


>> No.4692653

OP, thanks for the btc earlier in the thread. I came back with a potentially better idea for you.

I dont know if you like anime or are a weeb. Japan releases figures of characters fairly often, figures going from $40-$300. These are usually done in limited runs and its very common for figures to go up in price from $40 to $60-$80 depending on the figure. Prices stay higher than what they originally sold for unless the figure isnt popular or if they do a re-run where they make more figures.

The sellers limit how many they sell to each customer to avoid people buying them all up. But for an individual you could get 2-3 of each figure, get them delivered to you months down the road, then sell them for 20-50% above what you paid.

Look up Nendoroids for a place to start. I was going to do this plus some anime themed projects but have been swamped with work lately and will be busy for another year or two before I can work on something like this myself.

Best case scenario, you can resell the figure for 20%-100% more. Worst case scenario, you can only sell it at cost and lose out on $5 shipping unless you are willing to hold until online inventory drops.

>> No.4692658
File: 43 KB, 1359x307, ScreenHunter_954 Nov. 30 21.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any richfags that can help a poorfag whose coins got taken, logged into my account and i have a balance now of less then $100.00 , thanks bros


>> No.4692735

3 LEGAL(!) Ways to do it:
1. Gift bitcoin to Family and friends.
Bitcoin gifts in the US are subject to 0% Capital gain - if they have a low income. It requires some paperwork and fair amount of trust, but it is a legal way.
2. Foreign Bank accounts - Regions of the world such as Belgium, Belize, and even Hong Kong (!) do not have ANY capital gains for bitcoin as of right now.
3. Hold and wait for Legal recognition - Might be in your case not the right thing, since you want to cash out.
4. Woman - You need to meet a woman (or man if you are in a state that allows same sex marriage) who has a carried forward loss or other loss that exceeds the $3K/yr they can take against their own income. If they had a loss of $200K some time ago, and are taking $3K/yr, they may still have $100K they can offset with you. Marriages have been based on less than this.

>> No.4692763


OP here.

Fuck it, I'm still monitoring the thread.

Yeah I'm not into anime or Japanese figures but that's a good thing.

I can buy the little dolls and sell them and not want to keep any

What's your throwaway email? Let's talk offline. Give me some pointers to some dolls I can buy. If things go well, I'll send you some BTC for each heads up.

Sound ok to you? (I'll screenshot the BTC I sent you earlier as proof it's me)

>> No.4692783

Ok ok, how can i reduce my capital gains? (If you want to pay the taxes):
Sell something else at a loss to offset some of the gains
Don't sell until you've held the asset for more than 1 year to qualify for the lower long-term capital gains rate.

Things to consider:
1. Break the sale up over several tax years so that you don't have a spike in your income pushing you into a higher tax bracket.
2. >>4692735
Don't sell it until you retire, when you're probably in a lower tax bracket. (If you're 20, this may be impractical.)
3. Get some other deductions, like medical expenses, charity, etc.
4. Then there is charity. This still requires spending money and you not having it any longer. If you feel that a cause can use the money more directly than the US government, you can donate an appreciated asset to the charity - not report a gain and also take a charitable deduction.

>> No.4692792


Yeah ok mate, sounds a good plan.

Where can I get garbage e-books made for nothing?

Also give me your BTC address from your username 22tC8jMk and I'll send you something.

Send me a throwaway email if you want to chat offline

>> No.4692794


feel free to email me any point here at beertrades69420@gmail.com

not sure if you missed my other post so ill leave this here rq before i head for bed. cheers.

>> No.4692835

Throwaway mail: slofratret@hvzoi.com (My offline mail - send me a mail if you can, so we can go offline).

My Address: 1u3Rz6ZQxJ4JLFFc4fXj63868WSrfCgRY

**Note for everyone sending your gmail, dont be stupid since this can be traced back, real quick -.-'

>> No.4692870


ok check you BTC address for your load

don't worry about the gmail addresses. As long as you are logging on through a quality VPN and then switching to Signal or Telegram or similar then it's no issue

>> No.4692895

Buy iPhones and laptops from NewEgg, I'm pretty sure they accept BTC

>> No.4692916

Hey, im waiting for your mail :) I will check it, bitcoin is quite slow sometimes, you know the deal.

>> No.4692921


its k dude im behind 7 proxies

>> No.4692933

OP i'll pay cash for some bitcoins just give me a fair discount, you seem like an honest guy.

>> No.4692950

OP another thing you can try is buying and selling old car parts. think 1960s through 1970s muscle cars, out here in the states there's a huge community of people that restore these things back to factory condition. And those things only go up in value because of how rare they are


>> No.4692993

I will gift you $10000 via paypal for every 5 btc

>> No.4693038

I'll buy 2 for that same price

>> No.4693040

Sounds good, I can give you a short run down via email. You can reach me at bizbizbiz@protonmail.com

>> No.4693054

So wait he sent you "an amount" so you come back to say thanks and leave your address (again? Not even fucking arsed checking this out fuck off tenx rerardggh

>> No.4693056

Create a website that accepts Bitcoin as payment. Sell digital goods, or pictures, fonts, anything that you can create on the computer. Buy your own goods with your own Bitcoin. You could even start a "cam whore" site where people pay to watch girls.

What about Twitch or other streaming services where you can receive donations? Donate Bitcoin to yourself.

Of course this all should be done with proxys but you can buy many new ip addresses cheaply and quickly.

If your problem is that you need to create a paper trail to show that you earned your "Bitcoin" legitimately, this has the possibility of working. If your problem is that you simply cannot cash out Bitcoin in your country or for whatever reason, sorry I didn't help.

>> No.4693060

No you wont youre full of shit

>> No.4693093

Another idea would just do general graphic design. Look at the website Fiverr and make your own website offering some of the things the people on there offer. If you want to, you can use sites such as "freepik.com" to download templates for your "designs". Your "clients" can pay you in Bitcoin.

>> No.4693096


hey bud, me again, the guy who mentioned the snes games. I made a throwaway e-mail, lemme know if you wanna talk.


>> No.4693110
File: 164 KB, 887x901, 1512067767850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic cards or another tcg. The rarest cards go for thousands of dollars and have out performed most indexes. You could also buy sealed boxes and sell the individual packs. You're trying to launder this, yeah?


>> No.4693140

Since my throwaway is only 48hours available i made a protonmail instead:

Thanks for the btc :) I hope i can help you further!

>> No.4693153

Didn't see that you were offering Bitcoin for ideas. If you like mine just let me know and maybe I can clarify any questions you have.

My address is

>> No.4693157


Some good ideas there, what's your BTC address and do you have a throwaway email if we wanted to chat offline?

Thanks guys for all the useful suggestions. I'm sure some people are doubling up on Anon usernames to get a few more BTC but this stuff is worth a lot of money to me so it's worth it

>> No.4693174

It's 1HgA2but1DaYTPuck66ErSz6knyS3WcS11

I don't have a throwaway email. Can you suggest a service and I'll make one.

>> No.4693175


you can buy stuff off of amazon.com with bitcoin using this website. thank me later ;)

also i second newegg.com buy macbooks and gpus.


>> No.4693177


1HgA2but1DaYTPuck66ErSz6knyS3WcS11 ok check your BTC and let me have your throwaway if you have it

>> No.4693189

What country are we talking about or did I miss it

>> No.4693194

Hey he is stealing my idea ! You can indeed use fiverr to get these ebooks aswell. Fiverr is a freelancer website, where you literally can pay people to make garbage for you. Well, most of it is garbage but it is like 10 dollars. It doesn't really matter for an ebook, since it doesn't matter if it is good or not.

>> No.4693205

5k a piece? Thats fucking half price discount

>> No.4693212


OP here, to all the guys posting your throwaways please check your email on Sunday I'll be in touch with everyone then. Don't respond to anyone who doesn't send you a screenshot of their BTC transfer to you

For your throwaway Protonmail is a good one.

Otherwise just use gmail and we'll switch to Signal or Telegram on your smartphone later

>> No.4693213

You could buy a lot of vinyl records, they seem to hold or increase value. Here's a couple of websites which accept bitcoin. :)


BTC address: 1FFgqB1PkUho8LbDRGDZ9u3epgX8yYwqrJ

plz i invested all mine in cripple :(

>> No.4693218

I’m the guy with the throaway2222@gmail.com account. I went home and talked to my friend regarding what the best methods for doing this would be. Lemme know if you need any advice on how to get them for BTC or what cards to look for.

>> No.4693223

Besides that i made a sort of list with lots of interesting links, where you should look at, many suggestions :) Good luck, if you need me:

Congrats with being a whale and u will make it.

>> No.4693241

Hey rich man. Ill straight up exchange cash for btc via paypal

>> No.4693253

is my new email address.

>> No.4693255


OP - any "mom and pop" type computer shops or tech packrats nearby? Hit them up for old hardware they've got laying around in their backrooms and whatnot. Dead serious, windows 95-98 era stuff has become collectible now and sells for a good chunk of change on ebay. Older stuff even more so. Plus, given the nature of the business (technology), they're highly likely to accept bitcoin as payment.

1EYdYGixWos2nref3A6pwqsjQV8MGcSfX8 if you feel so obliged ;)

>> No.4693268

Send me one, be sure to mention what country you live in, if its in the free world and has a common law system it probably operates around a public office which you are the trustee of not the benefactor of

>> No.4693275

I don't understand why OP would go through this effort. He's going to report that he sold 261k copies of A shitty e book? No one on earth will believe this... U think a millionaire is going to click add to cart 261,000 times? No.

If OP is trying to skirt taxes this is too overt.

OP should get a cash based faceless business. Buy some candy machines and robotic frozen yogurt stands. Now ur money can trickle in and he can pay lower tax rate

>> No.4693306

Buy and sell slot cars. There are big slot car racing scenes all over the place and the little things go for about $100 a piece on average


>> No.4693318

OP , ok i'm logging of for today

Will check the thread tomorrow. Anybody posting throwaways, remember, I'll be in touch only on Sundays (either 3rd or 10th)

Get a decent business plan together and I promise you, if I make money you'll make money. You can see I'm not a Billy Bullshitter, I've handed out a fair bit of free cash out anonymously tonight

watch out for the whale jpg again in future. I may have further questions

>> No.4693322

He doesn't have to report, since your the e-book sales aren't being reported, the govs don't know how many you sold. They dont know HOW much bitcoin you have, and if they do, because he did use coinbase or whatever, he should use a mixer, to minimize this.

About your faceless bussiness, that is already being mentioned several times, but OP doesn't want to pay tax rate. If he wants to pay lower tax rate, there are better things to do :) Which i did mention aswell.

>> No.4693324

This kids not lying about being a whale. He tried to split the transaction so many times to hide but I found his main wallets by going backwards on his transactions. He has 375 BTC



>> No.4693385

the richfag prophecy has come true

>> No.4693397

I wonder why he told us he only has 261?

>> No.4693418

an exact value might be easier to trace? idk

>> No.4693443

cool idea

>> No.4693446

Probably doesn't want us to expect more for all our good suggestions

>> No.4693456

>celess bussiness, that is already being mentioned several times, but OP doesn't want to pay tax rate. If he wants to pay lower tax rate, there are better things to do :) Which i did mention aswell.
THis no reporting forms, not ta liability is presumed against you why do you think they dont go after prostitutes or drug dealers?>

>> No.4693480

Have a network of trustworthy people to buy stuff on their living country with your bitcoin, sell it and give you back the earned cash.


>> No.4693493

>trustworthy people


>> No.4693499

OP reminds me of that song by Biggie, Mo' Money Mo' Problems.

>> No.4693512

HEY OP , check out these ideas
one of the things that you can buy and sell is at this site and also buy these cards and sell them on ebay and they can be bought with bitcoins

1) https://spendabit.co/ - awesome site with ability to find various types of products to sell

2) https://www.egifter.com/bitcoin/express-gift-card-bitcoin

my btc addy


>> No.4693513

Jewelry I think is the easiest and Reeds accepts bitcoin. Jewelry is light weight and intrinsically valuable. Let me know if you like this idea.


>> No.4693520

Ever thought about just selling your Bitcoin on eBay in small amounts? Seems like the least amount of effort and people are doing it already.

You could also pay someone to make a legit looking app and buy iTunes gift cards online with your bitty for said app/in app purchases. This is what pajeet scammers do with their stolen cards.


>> No.4693535

Dude, buy drugs and sell them

>> No.4693560



>> No.4693566

buy and sell stuff from newegg
computer components, graphics cards


>> No.4693581

Buying gift cards will be the easiest and best way.

You had asked about video games, and avoid this. Since games depreciate in value quickly.

Someone suggest selling a small amount of BTC on ebay. Avoid this, since after they buy, they can file a chargeback.

>> No.4693583

BTW everyone who posted their accounts are being watched for tax evasion by their country

Gj you all played yourselves.

>> No.4693604


>> No.4693639

If you problems buying things directly with BTC, consider getting a Shift Card. You can use and buy things that accept Visa. The funds are drawn directly from your coinbase account.

>> No.4693652

what accounts you moron?

>> No.4693656

Sack off the low price tag items and become an art dealer. Not only is there a lot of money to be made, but with the right knowledge and tax accountant, there are plenty of legal tax dodging loopholes, too.

I have a friend who studied at the royal college of art. He exhibits all over Europe and the US and gets paid crazy amounts for his paintings. Not long after he left the RCoA he drunkenly blurted out to me that in less than a year he had painted less than 1 piece a week and had already made £80k! 5 years on and with awards under his belt, he must be earning multiples of that and his paintings are increasing in value. There is so much money around for art!

Im sure you could find some decent young(ish) artists who have built themselves a brand and are willing to accept bitcoin for art you could snap up some pieces to sell on.


>> No.4693690

I was going to suggest many things that have already been suggested here, it's worth it to arrive so late. but to complement your question, you could be a kind of "angel" in some project related to Bitcoins in another country, for example: Investing in a platform selling bitcoins for a lower price for people (in Brazil, for example, where the price is a relatively larger) they have dollars. It would be like washing money. I think that way because I'm a developer and I have projects that work with smart contracts and bitcoins.

If you'll excuse me, I can make another suggestion. Pokerstars uses a platform (neteller) that accepts bitcoins to credit dollars on the platform ... You could go this way too. I will be grateful if you receive any investments for my projects. many of them add to the crypto community.

If you need any help, I live in Brazil, there are good opportunities around here.
Thank you


>> No.4693730
File: 255 KB, 972x794, CASHOUTTOGOLD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this whole thread. PT Barnum was right. A sucker is born every minute. You fuckers and your scams. Here ya go, OP.

>> No.4693749
File: 179 KB, 728x715, CASHOUTTOGOLD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4693768

Unlocked smart phones if you ship globally can sometimes fetch more then what you pay for on ebay but sometimes you break even.



>> No.4693838

1.buy and sell used vehicles. offer to buy 1-3 year old car for btc, sell it for cash.

2. sex dolls.

3. antique furniture.


>> No.4693849

Go to Seychelles and cash out

>> No.4693863

Anon, i have a very good tip for you, you don't pay me for that.

Cash out only a little and pay your taxes.
Keep at least 95% of your BTC's.

>> No.4693906

Buy cheap videogames with bitcoin and sell the video games as "Mystery Loot Box" or "Surprise Loot Box". You can get double your BTC value easily.


>> No.4693978

Buy fake Chinese rip offs of popular brands like yezzys,purses,watches resell them at higher prices.

>> No.4694023

Hey OP, one thing I didn't really hear anyone throw out is clothes. My mom made a whole business out of selling shoes on eBay. But if you take a stroll on over to /fa/ you'll see that high-fashion luxury items such as Rick Owens and Burberry clothes will fetch a pretty penny. There are other brands to think of too but yeah, even if you only have a slight interest in clothes there is tons of money to be made in reselling. You're talking $5,000 a pop for some designer jacket THAT WILL get a lot of bids, unlike some things have people here have suggested. That's just my two cents. If I were in your situation, I'd be flipping clothes/shoes/accessories first and foremost. Some people here have said jewelry, which is also a good idea. True haute couture fashion however is a distinct commodity. It carries a scarcity factor which will most likely appreciate.

Godspeed my man

>> No.4694033

Buy and sell physical bitcoin https://denarium.com/


>> No.4694066

Don't know if this was mentioned before but video game sites like HumbleBundle, BigFishGames, etc. would be easy turnaround.


>> No.4694074

This is also a great idea, with your amount of capital you could easily acquire a fine collection of (quality) art. Start looking at auction houses that focus on obscure modern art and such. Art is yet another appreciating asset (and fun to display too)

>> No.4694082

Contact Rudy @alphainvestments, he deals in magic and I suspect BTC too.
He's an ex-investment manager, quit to invest in magic the gathering because investment firms want you to sell mutual funds and not be a fiduciary. Makes a killing "selling cardboard" as he says.
You should pay him most of it, but just in case your feeling generous:

>> No.4694092

You can find him on youtube lel

>> No.4694117

You need to minimize your costs and buy digital good that can be resold without shipping. I believe it was http://cryfter.com/ that I bought game keys from. The problem is the site is down so I can
t confirm.


>> No.4694126

>MTG (((investors)))
I hope you and him die in a fire.

>> No.4694185

This is easy friend.

Be you. Buy gold, buy amd, buy stock proffit. There is grey market too. But best option is to sell what you know. Sell computer parts, sell mavbooks, sell old world valuables.

Sunce you are money. Find a pleb that will trade car or house for bitcoin. Mega-win.


>> No.4694216

i know where a bitcoin cash exchange is opening, far from government eyes, why not hit those guys up.

>> No.4694257

Has anyone said to sell advertising services on ebay. Then when you have buyers on ebay go to sites like www.bitmedia.io to buy ads with bitcoins.


>> No.4694284
File: 2 KB, 198x248, nuls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4694304

you are going to go to jail for money laundering.

>> No.4694323

Just get out of your country and relocate in a place that is more "BTC friendly". For example Japan or some Euro city-state.

Live there happily ever after.


>> No.4694377

Become wagecuck.

>> No.4694404

Hey open give us a contact. I'm in the dropping field and can show you how to set up a store

>> No.4694457

If you're being serious, McLaren allows for purchases via Bitcoin, just buy a bunch and sell or some shit

>> No.4694467


I don't know what country are you from, but I recommend you to buy cellphone covers and many other accessories for cellphones, you can re-sell them via eBay or you can actually open a physical shop. It will provide you with profit in the long and short term and you will be able to cash out your btc.

here is my address if you feel generous


>> No.4694471

>Create an amazon account
>create a fake listing selling for $5k
>use your btc debit card to buy that item several times
>say you sent it since its to yourself
>then get raked by amazon and taxes
>recieve disbursement few weeks later
> ????

>> No.4694480


>> No.4694504

Amazon sellers account*

>> No.4694571

I am an internet marketing guy, and know how to avoid taxes properly without having to sell cheap items forever for fucks sake.261 btc and ebay will take you forever.

Let me know if you want to discuss proper practical solutions

>> No.4694629

Motorcycle gear.

Worth a shit ton. High demand especially in the USA and asia sells well on Ebay, especially used.

Same with parts and acces which can be bought in bulk and sold for a ton as well. Used to work for a dealer in the USA so I've seen it move firsthand. Good luck OP and let me know if you need any info


>> No.4694764

Idk if someone mentioned this, it's a slow process but you'll be able to move large amount.

Buy miners and sell them on eBay.
You'll even be able to sell them for more than you paid because of the demand.

Second thing you could do is sell video games off steam. You'll have to give them a discount but it would be fast small amounts. You can checkout via bitcoin and buy the games via the person's wishlist.


>> No.4694818


OP, why don't you build mining rigs? You can reach the ROI in a year usually, even less in some cases. Mine some coins and sell them on exchanges, there's your paper trail. If you need small amounts, then just sell small amounts. And mining rigs have the advantage of, once set up, they'll require little maintenance, leaving more free time for you to work on other laundering techniques or for your leisure.

Personally, i'd look for some AMD Vega's 56 GPUS to mine Monero. Mining is quite profitable at the moment with these cards, and you'll be mining a coin with good growth potential, it's a win-win situation. Anyway, if you're interested for more info, just ask for my throwaway.


>> No.4694894

consider selling some things that coin miners might use. computer parts, most importantly GPUS.

buy up NVIDIA gtx 10- series cards and resell.


>> No.4694933

Buy some 80% AR lower receivers for a possible future ban

>> No.4694981


If I was you, I need something that I can control start to finish.

Have you ever seen those mattresses in a box that are advertised all over facebook?

Guess what nigger? Those importers / wholesalers make MILLIONS a year.

Wanna know how I know? Because I am currently building the wholesale website for a national (USA) importer.

Now, check this out. If I was in your position and hypothetically speaking was looking to come out clean on the other side I would do this.

>Build mattress in a box website
>Advertise & undercut every mattress in a box on facebook / insta etc
>get paid for said mattresses in actual cash

and here is the trick

>buy the mattresses in bitcoin.

>Have these mattresses drop shipped to the FB buyers.

The spread on mattresses is huge thus actually creating bigger wealth for you.

Now, if I wanted to turn 291 btc into a ten million dollar company, I would do this:

1. Open "mattress in a box LLC"
2. Set up my connections to get these memory foam mattresses dirt cheap
3. Sell these wholesale to ACTUAL mattress / furniture stores
4. Build my army of wholesalers / dealers
5. Import said mattresses to specifications
6. Rinse & repeat

I just showed you how to go from 2 mill to 10 mill

$100 btc to


Wanna learn more? I even created a throwaway just for you


>> No.4695029

there are places that will sell gift cards for btc, probably visa check cards as well. that's probably your first and best bet.

there are shit loads of stupid products normies will buy too.

shoes: nikes and other big brands
watches: get the decent but cheap brands
name brand apparel sells
consider selling GPUs to help miners

you could always send it to some fuck you know and secretly hate, have him pull it out in cash and have the tax and bank consequences be on his head. or do this with multiple people, promising them a percentage cut of the withdrawal.

tobacco products sell on ebay pretty well too, I know there are a few legitimate sites that will take bitcoin.


>> No.4695168

>tfw don't have any bank accounts linked to my wallet

>> No.4695280

Just stick with what you're familiar with - crypto.

But hardware wallets in bulk, never open them, and resell them on eBay. Ledgers and trezors are getting more and more popular, and most places that sell them want crypto.

So for people who don't want to buy in crypto, there's places like ebay.


>> No.4695731

Invest in PC hardware, doesn't drop in value a lot. RAM prices have more than doubled over the past year due to a shortage in flash memory. GPUs are also a steady pick for now.
Or convert it into steam items (CS:GO skins, TF2 skins, PUBG items) and sell those on some marketplaces like opskins. PUBG items are mostly rising in value currently.


>> No.4696129

Open an account on Bovada.
Deposit in BTC.
Play some poker.
Cash out FIAT
Now you are a professional poker player.


>> No.4696210

I own a cash for gold, I will sell you as much gold as you can buy for btc, its inherently liquid and requires no licensing or reporting. We can exchange commodity for commodity all we want.

>> No.4696223

Some states cant cash out in fiat so be careful whale

>> No.4696651

Buy Pokémon Cards Generation 1 Charizards, as many as you can to make the price go up for the fuckers like people have done with magic cards. It will only increase in valu aswell. Most sought after card globally.

What you should look for imo, rather than something refined like gold which would be so obvious if anyone got interested to look into you is. Items with a collectible or mass market value. Everyday watches that every cuck wants to buy (, you can buy digital Casio from singapore for 20$ and sell for 50$+ easy to hipsters on ebay. It all depends on what kind of overturn gain you want as an investment or just quick cashout.


>> No.4696879

I recommend buying some drugs sell a little to friends and use the cash for half of your groceries.
I know zion is ligit but depending on what you wanna buy the dark web super wiki has a bunch of things not just drugs and guns.



Check forums for the different sites to see what venders are the best.

>> No.4696983

sell the btc and withdraw the money to someone's bank account you trust


>> No.4697062

You actually need to set up a money laundering scheme involving Marvel comics in order to cash out. GL OP.

>muh currency of the future

>> No.4697204

you can try DOLLFIE or ball jointed doll OP; the maniacs can be a source for some killing

hoping to be helpful

>> No.4697228

Bank of Gibraltar, set up a registered business - perhaps a domain name company. Buy lots of small websites, sell them to yourself through crypto. Invoices can show volume, then one day sell yourself one that turned out to be a ‘great investment’. Keep all money, hosting etc offshore, if you need some cash, set up another company in the US, and pay yourself in the US as a consultant to your offshore company - kind of like what Starbucks, Apple and other big companies do.


>> No.4697281

I have an online business you can funnel money through but you’ll have to take a cut for the American taxes.

>> No.4697426 [DELETED] 


>> No.4697569


There you go mate, just buy some stones


>> No.4697977

Bullshit. Green Dot requires name, phone, Social Security #, etc.

>> No.4698146

I dont have coins but im a small business owner. Move to puerto rico today. Live there for 6 months and 1 day declare all your gains in 2018 and pay 4% tax

This is literally the law. Get an attorney and accountant to help you. Trust me you do not want to risk evasion on this for 2M

>> No.4698281

Don't buy capeshit OP. That's a bubble that's about to burst. Even normans are getting sick of it.

>> No.4698530

This website sells silver and gold, and they recently added bitcoin as a payment method. When you pay with bitcoin you get a 3% discount from them, which is nice. I'm a small fish but I've cashed out this way before, and I actually sold the silver coins for 10% more on ebay than I got them for

>> No.4698597

>Register or hook up with a video game company in a tax haven country.
>Allow micro transactions via btc
>Use a strong proxy and send the money to your company.

There will be taxes, but it's cheaper than investing in other "investments".
