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File: 35 KB, 512x512, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4684223 No.4684223 [Reply] [Original]

After researching bitcoin on Yahoo news I noticed that bitcoin is doing pretty well now. I am happy to join in buying it. Litecoin looks like a good option because it is cheap on coinbase. Any suggestions? Also is coinbase is doing great on the apple store and Bloomberg featured it. Thanks guys, also Please do not hate I am from /diy/ and /tg/

>> No.4684331

welcome bro. crypto will defeat you be prepared.
join a good exchange and gamble a very small amount on shitcoin

>> No.4684374

fuck off retard, we dont want newfags in crypto

>> No.4684384

Welcome, enjoy your stay. Don't gamble all your money away.

>> No.4684393

Then why the fuck are you here normie cuck

>> No.4684402

do a lot of research on the different alt coins. Don't fall for the ICO trap

>> No.4684406

Don't get into crypto if you don't already have some crypto

>> No.4684411


>> No.4684422

BTC is a bubble. dont invest. its too late. now go away

>> No.4684429

i am in crypto since early days faggot, when ever brainlet newfaggots enter crypto, market fuckedup

>> No.4684433
File: 536 KB, 600x622, OPisFGT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4684464

What's the best wallet to transfer purchased CC to if I don't want all my purchases stored on just coinbase? They only have the 3 major currencies (BTC, ETH, & LTC). If I wanted to invest in other altcoins where could I send my current coins to start buying smaller investments?

>> No.4684469

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.4684506

and then it reached ath. normies mean money boyyyyyyy

>> No.4684523

BCD (Bitcoin Diamond)
In this order are my favorite to invest in, buy on coinbase and make an account on Binance and transfer funds over there.

Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) is going to be huge, will 5x easily by December and you can trade as a future right now on Binance for it.

>> No.4684524

Welcome to the party anon. Nice timeing too, fuck bitcoin, checkout OMG and others

>> No.4684541

normies mean more attention from govt, these foggots fuckup market one day. I dont want bubble anytime soon, at least another 5 yrs, we should stay in under rader

>> No.4684567

>we should stay in under rader
you're delusional, crypto hasn't been 'under rader' since 2012

>> No.4684580
File: 79 KB, 992x900, 1511968158689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market fuckedup
Do you ever think that if you don't know how to take advantage of that you're not really smart?

>> No.4684659

>implying a universally higher market is bad
>implying crypto should remain the special neet internet wizard money
>implying crypto can't literally change the world, disrupt the current power hierarchies, and bring us one step closer to freedom and liberation

>> No.4684702

33% BTC

This is the most basic bitch set up, invest in smalle market cap projects once you learn the basics, or take my word for it and set 10-20% apart for REQ. Personally, I'd opt out of BTC at this point though, it's getting too risky with this crazy amount of bullishness.

>> No.4684741

Invest in a hardware wallet if you plan on holding on to coins for a while or if you have a lot of $$ wrapped up in coins.

>> No.4684770

why do people buy hardware wallets when paper wallets are way better? is it just ease of use?

>> No.4684787

way better and FREE

>> No.4684815

I'm just afraid I would lose the paper wallet

>> No.4684859

Look into Glacier Protocol nigger

>> No.4684915

First rule of crypto is we don't talk about crypto.

>> No.4684961


> fuck off retard, we dont want newfags in crypto


>> No.4684975

>looks at catalog

>> No.4685302

So basically to get out of the BTC I've purchased I would need to research the smaller market coins and figure out a good exchange rate to divy up the BTC into smaller coins that may be worth more in a few years?

>> No.4685325


>> No.4685388

Good buy right now:
XRP (Huge)
QTUM (Good)
NEO (Good)

Hodl for 1 month, thank me later

>> No.4685794

Buy high sell low. Use your kid's college fund.

>> No.4686092

>fucking newfags

>> No.4686105
File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, 1511827532301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a small ammount of ripple

>> No.4686146

Pajeet wanting to be a normie wanting to be a chink wanting to be a pajeet detected.

>> No.4686181

>you give american citizenship and middle-class home i be good wife
>many suck suck

>> No.4686288

>doing pretty well now
its been doing well for a very long time you stupid old man. go die a boomer death, its here to stay and always has been. idiots just take time to realize. that means you.

>> No.4686513

Yall are fucking spastics

>> No.4686572

Many Asian women do not like to suck cock. They think it's dirty