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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4677618 No.4677618 [Reply] [Original]

6 days 3 hours remaining

>> No.4677624

Why that time

>> No.4677645

BTC diff adjusts up 11-18%

>> No.4677655

Jihan and ver are just a bunch of larpers. Even with segshitcoin bleeding as we speak the bcashers just stand by and watch instead of dealing the killing blow

>> No.4677665

btc will adjust up by at least 25%

>> No.4677681

But what does that mean? Doesn't higher difficulty mean greater profits when you mine that coin? Won't this make BTC even more attractive to miners rather than less?

>> No.4677738

Higher difficulty reduces profits (takes more mining hardware to do the same amount of "work")
This means a BTC difficulty increase => BCH profitability increase, all else equal

>> No.4677751

Ooooooh yummy

>> No.4677757

But Bch difficulty adjusts to Btc difficulty now so this is all pointless

>> No.4677799

BCH diff adjusts every block against its own chain's block times, thus BTC diff increase will still lead to a BCH profitability increase

>> No.4677801

Isn't this anon correct? If BCH adjusts, won't it be "less profitable" just like the more difficult BTC?

>> No.4677817
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Ahhh, kk, so we're looking at BCH doing some pumping then in 6 days for 2-4 days then? For sure sure?

>> No.4677852

Not necessarily a price pump, just means some of the miners will have a reason to switch to BCH mining, which slows down BTC causing mempool to fill more, tx fees rise. This could in turn make BCH appear more attractive as it will be operating smoothly.

>> No.4677877
File: 24 KB, 618x434, DPpfrt_W4AA7rOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't press my buttons I'm a millionare

>> No.4677935

>fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.4677984

its bitcoin cash, not bcash.

>> No.4678090
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It means Bcashies come out of their caves pink-faced, half bald, and blabblering "mmmuh-ff-flippenngg"

>> No.4678631

>fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.4678703

Who cares at this point? Even if they throw all their money at it they can only start a pump and dump. BCH reputation is finished after the 0.5 pump and dump.

>> No.4678779

Who cares if you can make money off it.

>> No.4678797
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>> No.4678819

Back on toooop

>> No.4679112
File: 25 KB, 250x241, pppunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money did the retards that sold before an ATH expecting muh flippening made?

>> No.4679146

If somehow these Chinese guys could sustain 1400 USD value while Bitcoin goes down, it would bring A LOT OF FAITH into Bitcoin CASH as a stable currency independent of Bitcoin and money would flow inside of it eventually but they are too shortsighted and want to make even more profit than they have.

>> No.4679174

kill your dragon if you want kill.

>> No.4679213

The potential for being left with ETERNAL BAGS has killed off any appeal of a BCHBTC swing trade. First BCH exchanges went offline when Bcash spiked, then yesterday every bitcoin exchange went offline during the ATH and flash crash.

No way I want to risk my HODLcoins on a moderate chance of some small returns.

>> No.4680078

Centralized shitcoin which, amazingly, is already lagging behind Bitcoin in terms of code. Let that sink in.