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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4674899 No.4674899 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to short one group of women and go long on another?

>> No.4674927

dump a bitch and wife another. too bad you cant buy love you dumb fucking sperg.

>> No.4674954


I think you're underestimating the power of money, femanon

>> No.4674968

>you cant buy love
This is what nocoiners actually believe

>> No.4676078

The one on the right looks more fun though

>> No.4676208

I fucking love cats so the right one. I'd pound the fuck out of the left one behind her back though.

>> No.4676422
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>maria KANG

>> No.4676460

You can buy my love anon-kun.

>> No.4676471

My dick went long inside your mum

>> No.4676495

I think you overestimate it.
No one wants to spend their live around a cunt

>> No.4676867


I'm sure she's a delight inbetween the constant brapping and screeching about fat acceptance


oh sweet summer child

>> No.4677078

''Hey, I couldn't help but notice you from across the room. How would you fancy flying to Paris and having lunch? Perhaps we could hit up a club in London or Milan after? Don't worry, I have penthouse apartments in both.''
>(((I think I finally found my baby daddy, he's a keeper!)))
About as much Love as any sociopath gives, what with all women being sociopaths deep down and all.

>> No.4677219

Women will put up with almost anything for money. Unless they think they can get their own in a divorce or if they earn enough themselves. Good luck staying married if either of those things is true. Sure, it happens once in a blue moon. Not often, women have evolved into sociopaths. Unless they meet a fellow sociopath or they happen to be incredibly thick and meet a fellow thick-o, or somebody willing to put up with their stupidity, then it never works out long-term.
Pro tip. All the men on /lit/ are sociopaths. All the people on it in fact. There are a lot on /biz/ too but there has been an influx of normies diluting that somewhat. The problem with feminine sociopathy is it occurs around the median intelligence level, giving power to a sociopathic average person is like letting a child play with gasoline and a box of matches. That is what the west has done. Sociopathy in men only occurs in higher intelligence individuals and is coupled with massive amounts of 'autism' (yes, the two combined happen, autism is only bad when you get it on its own, it is also being misdiagnosed by the feminists social sciences. In intelligent people autism is a benefit, stupid people can't process the information so they go into shutdown mode. People who 'suffer' from autism simply don't have the processing power to understand the information they are being given. The ones with enough intelligence do well, the ones with sociopathy ontop excellent. Sociopathy on its own can often be detrimental. It is the combination of the two that has been a driving force behind humanities accomplishments for generations. Women rarely have autisim.), so at least they had a better plan in general.