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File: 10 KB, 480x295, Electricity_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4671061 No.4671061 [Reply] [Original]

how the FUCK do you get free electricity

>> No.4671119
File: 226 KB, 1152x770, Home_With_Solar_Panels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno. Maybe do a google search?

>> No.4671142

no problem with solar power (which you get in the worst time when demand is low, yet you gotta put that shit somewhere)

>> No.4671143

solar panels aren't free

>> No.4671162

nobody said solar panels are free. But excess energy is.

>> No.4671169
File: 412 KB, 998x1139, rice-mill-1813-blindfolded-mules-harnessed-to-mill-grinding-rice-into-D96TKX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a mule and make it generate electricity

>> No.4671209
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I dunno. Actually me and someone were shooting the shit about how some of the low end ant-miners could be powered by gym bicycles.

But then we'd have to run a gym.

>> No.4671216


>> No.4671225


>> No.4671236
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>> No.4671242

how much is a solar panel from china?

>> No.4671249
File: 71 KB, 896x716, 1492706424243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly sure there are power generator variants you can sit on and jerk a little every now and then. The fatter you are, the better.

>> No.4671275

Buy Electricity Stock.

Trade it and pay your bill with it.

>> No.4671283

Start a biz, make money from that, rent office that doesn’t charge utilities.

>> No.4671288

Mine at a university so you don’t have to pay for your power

>> No.4671292

>too expensive
>not durable
maybe some day, yes. But storing energy is IMHO a much more difficult problem than simply generating it (whereever you are ideally, otherwise you also need to transport that shit... still easier than fucking around with batteries). Water barriers/dams are nice, sure, but you can't have them anywhere you want...

>> No.4671303

is this one of those overpriced novelty items marketed for hipsters?

Is there cheaper alternatives?

>> No.4671320

Thanks for appreciating tax payer funding you cock sucker.

>> No.4671327

Either steal it or live in an area with lower electricity costs ($0.07/KWh where I live).

>> No.4671340

>mine btc
>pay off bill with btc

>> No.4671376

One of my friends was able to setup his mining rig at work. But his job is IT stuff so it was easy.

>> No.4671388

Missing the point here

>> No.4671396

Mining btc is the worst coin to go at solo. He would be in the red

>> No.4671403

It's christmas time, hook an extension cord up to your neighbors lights at night

>> No.4671422

Oh i forgot this board is filled with unemployed daydreamers

>> No.4671426

I was going to do this with a Jalapeno in 2012 but couldn't because I wasn't stupid enough to preorder vaporware. Fucking butterfly labs is the reason I'm not a multimillionaire by now

>> No.4671427

I have two antminer s9 units. I don’t pay for power. But at this price you would still make about 600$ after power cost. That’s with 22TH of power average.

>> No.4671430

A rectenna that is able to capture the CMB radiation. Closest thing to "free energy" there is. Otherwise you are looking at using a big coil of wire to steal electricity from an existing source using inductive coupling.

>> No.4671436

>I don’t pay for power.

>> No.4671438

Keep using that crutch soyboy.

>> No.4671452


>> No.4671467




>> No.4671512

Starting a business isn't free

>> No.4671514
File: 362 KB, 932x597, nuclear-fusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4671533

I’ve never had one cent of debt and started it with $6000 I saved from working the job I quit.

Buck up son.

>> No.4671561

Seems like you're describing paying for electricity and then finding a way to use the extra you don't need. Not what I'm thinking of

>> No.4671626
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>> No.4671645

You will mine at a loss with solar panels, if there's enough excess to cover costs of mining hardware you bought too many panels but i guess mining is one way to reduce the cost of that mistake

>> No.4671902

How so?

>> No.4671945

All of you electricucks better be balls deep in powr.

>> No.4671959

let someone else pay for it

>> No.4671983

Anytime someone in the crypto world claims they get free electricity for mining 2 things come into mind.

1. College kid living in dorm

2. Mommy and Daddy paying for it

>> No.4672000

That's the idea, but how? No point in having my mommy pay since I'll get that money eventually anyway

>> No.4672021

I wonder how cost-effective it would be to buy a valley, turn it into a dam, and use all the electricity for yourself.
Wait, can you even do that, are there laws that state you need to sell the electricity produced or some other kikecommie shit ?

>> No.4672026

google microhydro

>> No.4672035

Rub a fluffy blanket on your hair.

>> No.4672039

I used to grow a copious amount of weed we had free power for days i am willing to give you the blue prints for a small consultants free

>> No.4672047

it's probably really dangerous and definitely unethical but you could steal solar panels

>> No.4672105

>2. Mommy and Daddy paying for it

NEETs have zero concept of expenses.

>> No.4672158

It has been not only possible, but relatively simple and efficient for everyone to have free electricity for a while now. It has already been discovered how to do this, but world governments have kept this a secret to protect energy corporations, fossil fuel, the petrodollar, and the current system.

>> No.4672181

find a guy who knows how to tap into the underground wires and then dont get caught

>> No.4672186

Big extension cord

>> No.4672188
File: 55 KB, 412x342, freeelectricity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking stupid brainlet doesn't know how to get free electricity. Why are you even on this board?

>> No.4672221

just plug in your antminer under a table
come back the nekt day see if it still there

>> No.4672269
File: 55 KB, 684x626, 1510599374438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Free electric one simpel trick
>Electric companies HATE him

>> No.4672291

Sounds like you are not interested in economy of scale.

>> No.4672883

Zero point torsion. Large, resonating magnetic field, basically. Need lots of neodymium, silver, rare earths.