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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4670718 No.4670718 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here got into crypto at least a few months ago and doesn't even have 100% gains to show for it? Now that bitcoin is all over facebook and twitter our "early adopter" status is pretty much dead, and I only made a couple thousand bucks.

Wish I could have been here from the beginning and made some better decisions. Feels bad man.

>> No.4670744

I played all my cards right and have a comfy 83 BTC for the coming normie stampede. This is the best timeline.

>> No.4670768
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>tfw got in at 2000
>thought I was late

>> No.4670771

Normies haven't even gotten into altcoins all that much yet. You can still make it.

Wait until this law passes then it's gonna moon

>> No.4670792

Got in around $1100, but mostly bought ETH around $45. I was pissed at myself at the time for getting in so late.

>> No.4670844


I can't ever tell who is memeing here.

>> No.4670928

I barely made 100% gains since I started at peak Ethereum hype.

>> No.4670957

who cares normies are fucking braindead they will be over this shit in a month. even myself i go thru periods where i dont keep up with and ive been in btc since 2012. there will be plenty of opportunity to come

>> No.4670974


What are you guys doing, hodling?

>> No.4670982

I've actually lost money from having most of my money in LINK. Fuck.

>> No.4671006
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I could have got in 4 years ago but I fell for the "buttcoin is a meme" meme.

If I ever find anyone who admits to being subbed to /r/buttcoin I will make them watch me rape their families before I kill them.

>> No.4671030

>you were the normie

>> No.4671129

i got in like 4 months ago and have made a decent amount on a number of coins, but recently have lost pretty big on link, not holding anything rn

>> No.4671134

I started Nov 8th and have 350% gains. I don't understand how you can have no gains

>> No.4671140

too late in the game!

email me rishen100@gmail.com if you want to learn how to invest in crypto currency

>> No.4671153

early adopter phase is long dead, it's institution phase still because ETF's and futures market isn't here yet.

>> No.4671345

Just invest in ETH. BTC sucks anyway. The only purpose of BTC is to pump and dump.
Unironically you can still get into early crypto currency because BCH is actually a hell of a lot better because you are actually able to spend it. BTC is dependent on a vaporware working in 2 years.

>> No.4671384

can i suck your dick for a BTC?

>> No.4671419

how many do you have?
more than 50 or less than 50?

just want to decide whether or not to an hero

>> No.4671498

This. "normies" are only interested bitcoin for nothing other than its speculative value. Other cryptos have better uses that still haven't been discovered yet.

>> No.4671501

>In from $1,800
>disgusting profit on btc alone
>traded alts in the boom too
I was financially ready for the transition to early majority, but not mentally.

>> No.4671507

>Who else here got into crypto at least a few months ago and doesn't even have 100% gains to show for it?


>> No.4671537

yeah it's pretty hard to keep sayin we're still early adopters lol the facebook chatter is insane now

>> No.4671592
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the herds still aren't putting large LARGE amounts of money into this. They are talking, but not doing yet. DOING comes later down the road. Wait until the ((((media))) teaches them about what a Satoshi is. it will be a feat to own an btc without selling your entire house to afford it.

>He doesn't own at least one hundred million satoshis

>> No.4671689
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Feels pepe man

>> No.4672424
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I highly recommend this if you haven't read already
I also recommend creating a broken bell curve and trying to fill in the timeline.

On mine I have innovation from 2010-2012. During that time is our Silk Road and niche enthusiast uses. Price goes from almost zero to about $15

In the first break is the Mt. Gox incident
Early adoption starts in 2013 to present.
During this time it finds specialized uses. $GBTC is created, CME futures, ETF proposals, president of the NY fed thinks about digital currencies backed by the US gov. BTC is in mainstream media and pop culture. The rise of exchanges like coinbase as a top 10 app. Overstock, Microsoft, Square, Steam, accept BTC. Wall St. takes interest and action.
Price goes from $30 to $10,000.

The second and largest break is 2018. Big question next year will be how practical is bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general? If consumers find practicality, adoption continues. The former events will help with that, to introduce early majority to crypto in a different way than it was introduced to early adopters.
It gets muddy after this point - just have to wait and see.

>> No.4672462

normies will forget about it in less than a week.

>> No.4672501

If you cry every time you miss out on a moon then you don't even have the early adopter mindset. You're just chasing yesterday's heights.

>> No.4672504

you aren't going to get rich for a long time with these mindsets
the normie wave is starting and it wants bitcoin

>> No.4672519

>Who else here got into crypto at least a few months ago
>early adopter
If you werent able to get stacks from cpu mining, youre the fucking normie. Gtfo.

>> No.4672552

>tfw shilled on buttcoin just to take advantage of weak minded faggots like you while I accumulated

>> No.4672647
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The volume is actually lower than it used to be...

>> No.4672651

ehh I was fucking 12 during cpu mining fucker. I bought in 4 years later in 2013 for 88 dollars with 1k I got from selling shit and Christmas money. And I hodled until ethereum ico where I went half way into that, and then bought into IOTA. Not all early adopters are from fucking stone ages.

>> No.4672687

>ehh I was fucking 12 during cpu mining fucker
Are you even old enough to be posting here kiddo lmao
gj tho

>> No.4672711

im at about 700% right now. started in june.

>> No.4672719

i turned 5k into 42k, admittedly from eth gambling but still

>> No.4672753

thanks mate. 18 like half the kids on this fucking board, honestly it scares me how many kids at college pat their fucking dumbasses on the back for just getting in and talk about there gains, and make fun of normies. Fucking idiots just got in, alls they do is like at the price and TA to try and trade. 0 of them code. 0 of them read white papers. all of them buy shit coins.

>> No.4672794

Feel the same. At this point is it worth betting on alts and leaving the bitcoin train? I just threw all my coins in XLM. Bitcoin seems pretty shakey right now.

>> No.4672831

>0 of them code
most youngsters who claim they code are god awful at it

>> No.4672840

nah, its just getting good

>> No.4672849 [DELETED] 

Coming out as being exactly 18 years of age doesn't put you in any good position to call people "fucking dumbasses".
There are people on this board who are a full decade older than you on this board who ARE smarter than you just by virtue of the fact that they're brains haven't started to become decrepit from old age and they've experienced actual adulthood for longer than 0 years.
You're going to get rekt if you keep at it
Also >0 of us code
LOL do you know where you are and in what year you are?

>> No.4672922

Yeah the fresh meat bragging about their shitcoin day trading gains gets to me. Even back in like 2013/2014 on /g/ and /biz/ there were idiots hanging around in threads but they werent the type to spaz out over random facebook posts from normies or whatever they were just idiots having fun.

>> No.4672971

First I didn't call the people on this board fucking dumbasses, I called people at my uni dumbasses. and uci freshman. And there may be people on here smarter than me, but desu I'm pretty sure a lot of the smartest people who used to pop up on this board are long fucking gone.

>> No.4673024

That comes with the age. 18-25yo range is notoriously naive and overestimates their abilities

>> No.4673049

I was in a shit job for most of the early days of crypto. Only recently got a good job once BTC was around 7k.

In total I've made around 5k. I'm still going to dump in a grand a month now though.

>> No.4673158
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Got in a month ago. 120% in btc and sitting on these bags for more to come. I noticed that only complete morons here count their profit in usd instead of btc.

>> No.4673219

What is wrong with counting your profits in fiat?
BTC fluctuates too much.

>> No.4673261

Got in in august and up 400%ish. WTC, BCH,IOTA. I was bag holding bad on all of them but i did the hodl meme and it worked out beautifully. Now i just have btc and i dunno what to put it in. Luckily btc mooned while i was holding it.
Starting to think this is all luck

>> No.4673288

this is a meme that has gone off in the past month because btc has been on a great bull run. Many people would've just been better off holding btc over the past month compared to anything else.

Hindsight is 20/20. No one trades perfectly, lots of people on this board missed the bitcoin bull run to 11k+, you shouldn't consider suicide if you missed those gains or didn't gain vs. btc in your altcoins. Counting your profits in fiat is fine.

>> No.4673328


If you've been here a few months and not made anything, you're clearly following hype. Protip: at this stage the only things that will not make you at least 100% per month in crypto is investing in BTC and investing in scams. Anything else in the top 10 is fine. In order of expected growth by EOY: BCH,XRP,ETH,LTC,IOTA,DASH, ETC (last 3 are completely fine investments, just they're more 3month holds after the current pump).

>> No.4673337


>invested 8500 in july
>only have 12000 now
>if I'd held BTC I'd have 20k plus
>if I'd held a top 20 basket I'd have 30k plus

I didn't even chase pump and dumps or HODL microcaps. I spread my shit out among like a half dozen promising projects within rank 25 - 75 more or less, and if one of them 'mooned' I took profit and moved to another promising coin. How did I miss all the fucking gains?

If crypto has taught me anything, it's that fundamentals matter nothing and shit moons on a whim. Rumor, hype, a funny-sounding name (looking at you Goose Gristle) matter 100x more than a working product, major partnerships or a competent dev team.

>> No.4673340

I'm pissed about this as well OP

I got into crypto in March. Bought some ethereum and started trading shitcoins not long after.

My portfolio should be 110k right now, which is perfect for a young NEET trying to capitalize on the normie invasion. Once you have that kind of money you just hold top 10 coins for guaranteed gains.

But LINK fucked me so hard. My portfolio is 30k right now. There are people who have been here two weeks who made that. Normies nonetheless

>> No.4673362

Not alone brother, I'm down 5k fiat overall because of link fucking me raw. Fucking want to kms

>> No.4673407

should i sell my ETH and buy more BTC?

bought BTC @ 4.1k but only 200 dollars worth. turned 400 into 800 combined with my ETH but i wondering is ETH a longterm hold? BTC gains seem too juicy right now.

>> No.4673643
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>be me
>localbitcoins it is in its infancy
>back then btc was sold via forums and shit outside of the first world
>arranged to buy with a guy with a great rep
38 BTC for like 220 usd
>needed bank account off my father since i was just out of high school and back then they did not open you an account without income certificate
>father tells me its a fucking scam
>tell him it is the money of the future and its price can only increase
>NO he tells me


I could be sailing the world with a beutifull model right now , reeeeeeeeeeeee this is not just reeeeeeeeeeee fuck thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4673649

because you bet against btc while investing in it, it's illogical. Even if it fall back to 100$ it will rise again, eventually higher than it ever been. So it doesn't matter how much fiat it made you as long as your btc stash is growing, that's where real profit is.
>counting your profit in fiat is fine
It is, once you completely cash out. But until then it's nothing short of silly dick measuring contest.

>> No.4673717
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Dear god i just did the math again and stated to legitimaly cry once you do the currency conversions and realize the usd was even worth less than now i want to blow my mind for real.

My plan was to hold to 2019 , i have used btc in the past for micro transactions but i never invested since that time i wanted in 2012.

Fucking hell i truly want to blow my mind thinking about this.
If any can soul gift me 0.00000x btc to make me feel better about my humanity


>> No.4673800

>needing to do the math
>when BTC is exactly 10,000
No wonder you couldn't complete a simple trade.

>> No.4673828

Normies bought bitcoin at $10k and have already made a few % while biz is done heavily

>> No.4673958

its always a good time to an hero.

>> No.4674046

>Implying you wouldn't have sold at some point along the way before 10K+
Hindsight is 20/20. Posts like these are fucking dumb.

>> No.4674240

Started in sept with 3.5k now 11k and I don't even hold bitcoin because I'm an altcoin beta cuck.

>> No.4674578

>biz is done
More or less. Although BTC does seem to be doing quite well overall, we're getting into bagholder territory now.

>nb4 the only way to lose is to cash out meme
People always love to ignore that long period of steady decline BTC entered after the first big boom. We're going to end up there again eventually.
We might even end up in something worse than steady decline. We don't know. The volume is not the same as it was for the last boom.