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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 543 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20171129-000425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4666652 No.4666652 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey has dumped 1 million LINK tokens on binance so far with another 5 mil locked and loaded in the same wallet that the initial mil was dumped from. This is not FUD, this is real. Top wallets 2-7 started with 50 million tokens each, wallet 7 is down to 42 mil. 1 million of them were dumped on binance and that same dump wallet was sent another 5 mil this week. 600k of it is locked and loaded ready for the dump. Proof in pic. You can follow the tokens yourself on etherscan, they did indeed 110% end up on binance.

>> No.4666708
File: 360 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171129-122558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the wallet that the million tokens ender up in it. It is indeed a binance wallet. Feel free to fact check this for yourselves on etherscan.

>> No.4666732
File: 77 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666772

True if big

>> No.4666781
File: 9 KB, 337x150, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666793

huge if big

>> No.4666800

Nothing to say pepe baller? Nothing at all? I own a lot of LINK and this coupled with the complete lack of communication and updates to github is no joke. I will admit that I am


But I am still not selling. This can NOT be construed as good news no matter how you try and spin it.

>> No.4666802


1/3 the tokens for incentive
1/3 in the presale
1/3 for the devs

But I assume the exchanges have to be sold some initially and it looks like that came out of the dev pot.

>> No.4666806

big if big

>> No.4666817

So far in the red that I'll never sell

>> No.4666835

And what makes you think this is Sergey?

>> No.4666842
File: 1.07 MB, 250x300, 1511812108018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> HODLing

>> No.4666846

Can you post this on the linktrader subreddit? I'm banned on all accounts

>> No.4666852
File: 12 KB, 242x251, 1476839384586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) how do you know it's sergey's wallet?
2) even if they went to binance, that doesn't mean they went there to get dumped.

>> No.4666864

These tokens were sent to binance about 20 days ago, long after it was listed. Trust me, I have tried to justify this to myself and write it off as nothing, but I just can't at this point.

>> No.4666904


New hire who is getting vested? Potentially to an advisor

>> No.4666922

u know guys. maybe they need actually cash to run a company?

>> No.4666923

>These tokens were sent to binance about 20 days ago, long after it was listed.

>> No.4666930

Like I said, wallets 2-7 started with 50 mil each which is the devs 300 mil split into 6 wallets as explained in the white paper that the devs set aside for themselves. This is not fake man, I wish it was. You can fact check everything I'm saying here.

>> No.4666960

Even if thats the case, that would mean this person with inside information is not confident enough in the company that he sold his tokens for pennies on the dollar. This is an impossible situation to portray in a positive light.

>> No.4666985

Holy crap, is this the state of Linkies now?

>> No.4666987

Why would someone send a million tokens to binance for any reason other than to sell them

>> No.4667012

to scare people like you?

>> No.4667014


they have 32 million dollars for that

>> No.4667016

They just got 32 mil in the ICO. Are they out of money? Where did it go? No new hires, no progress, no nothing.

>> No.4667018

the absolute state of link bagholders

>> No.4667029

A bunch of tokens were always meant for funding the devs.

>> No.4667034


Don't they have to sell tokens to Binance so binance has them? What if they ran out?

>> No.4667044

... in tokens, anon

Jesus christ you people.

See >>4667029

>> No.4667050

They lost it in the parity hack.

>> No.4667053

Everything that has more then 3 threads in /biz/ is a shilling market indicator, it's only understandable if you only been lurking here for a month but seriously people it's so god damn easy.

>> No.4667056

It must be sad, painful and lonely being a Linkie

I feel sorry for you guys, you got scammed

>> No.4667072

Binance charges a transaction fee in LINK. When LINK is sold on the exchanche its becsuse someone vought those same tokens. It's not possible for them to run out.

>> No.4667076

>They just got 32 mil in the ICO
Explain where they got this 32 mil.

>> No.4667090

I didnt intend to loose money lol, thank god I sold this long ago.

>> No.4667105

there are no devs though lmao
you volunteering for Go coding maybe?

>> No.4667119


they received 32 million dollars worth of ETH

I would know, 60 of those eth were mine

they've hired one part time dev and they already need to cut into the developer tokens?

holy fuck you are delusional

>> No.4667120

Wrong quote?

>> No.4667124

this link fud is getting to me fuck

>> No.4667127


>> No.4667133


They took our eth then cashed out. The tokens were worthless.

>> No.4667135

Are you serious? They raised 32 million in ETH from the ICO which was exchanged for LINK tokens that were created by the devs for free. This is how ICO's work man.

>> No.4667140
File: 102 KB, 1024x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok, they're gonna have a roadmap someday soon.

They might even hire a Go developer in a few months!

Just wait for SIBOS 2018 guys

>> No.4667171


Chainlink ICO round 2 will be right before Sibos 2018

>> No.4667180

Link is literally just an utter shit-show. However, I don't blame anons for hodling, since what other options exist at this point?

>> No.4667201

>they're gonna have a roadmap someday

because the way to run a business or any project actually is to have a roadmap someday, right?

>> No.4667213

30% of the total supply of Link was always intended for funding.
This information has been readily available on their website from the very beginning.

Wtf are you doing anon?

>> No.4667214

I was a former LINK whale in the top 50 wallets, sold 2 weeks ago. The devs are blowing smoke they have nothing

>> No.4667273
File: 6 KB, 181x250, pinkwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Picks up 9mm
> *BANG*

>> No.4667342

Are you a fucking brainlet or what?
We sent them ETH in the ICO and they gave us tokens.
They kept 32 million worth of ETH plus the 300 million LINK tokens.
There is literally no reason to touch those tokens whatsoever.
Even for paying the exchange listings, their ETH alone is enough for them to continue with this project for years.
Moving "locked" tokens to the exchange ruins the credibility of the team, what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.4667355

well yes, you need a roadmap. Link doesnt have a roadmap now, and they havent made one in the months since the ICO. But they will have a roadmap someday! Maybe Q3 2018?

>> No.4667359


So they spent 32 million dollars (much more if they left some in eth) in approximately 2 months? That doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.4667362


You people are retarded lmaoooo

ALL eth from the presale was turned into Link, the funding for the devs was always in Link.
30% of Link was always meant for funding.

This has been clearly and proudly displayed on the website since the very beginning.

But hey, good luck baiting idiots into selling low, I guess.

>> No.4667370

9mm wont pierce that think skull of yours

Get some buffalo bore 357

>> No.4667407

Yeah, how about the ETH after the pre-sale?

>> No.4667416


Do you think they're fucking alchemists? They got to keep 2/3 of the link and all the eth we sent them. Where the fuck would that eth go other than into sergeys pocketbook? The Link literally came out of nowhere.

>> No.4667430


You don't magically turn ETH into LINK and poof it's gone, you must be trolling.

>> No.4667434

My sentiments exactly. I will be keeping a VERY close eye on those 5 million tokens that were sent to the dump wallet. If hit binance, I'm exiting my position. I just can't do it anymore. This coming from a HUGE Link fanboy.

>> No.4667444

All cryptos come out of nowhere you idiots

>> No.4667464

Read that post again. And >>4667362

All ETH from the ICO was turned into Link you brainlets.
The funding is 30% of all Link.

What's gone?

>> No.4667466

>not being able to tell the difference between real genuine posts and shill posts

t's only understandable if you only been lurking here for a 10 year time period but seriously people it's so god damn easy

>> No.4667494

>Just wait for SIBOS 2018

This scamcoin has lost over 6x it's satoshi price since fucking October. Soon to be the next Digibyte or DNT and lose over 10x. Bagholders do yourselves a favor and get out now.

>> No.4667496

how much was it again?

>> No.4667502

I just wonder if anyone is asking for explanations for these shady transactions in slack RIGHT NOW?

I'd ask Rory, but I got banned for asking this exact kind of questions already.

>> No.4667511

WTF do I know about the Link ICO motherfucker? You just said presale, which to me is the sale before the official ICO

just accept you've been Joost'd and kys

>> No.4667513

Can anyone else believe Sergey just up and left the rest of the team?

>> No.4667515

You have no idea what you are talking about, they didn't "turn the 32 mil ETH" into LINK. The 32 mil was supposed to be for development purposes and in exchange for that ETH the investors received LINK tokens that WERE FREE to create. I can literally create my own ERC20 shitcoin for free right now if i wanted to.

>> No.4667540

Lol it's so funny how people of inferior intelligence get manipulated. They literally just get shilled by seeing a lot of threads and their monkey brains causes them to buy it without doing any proper research.

Idk it's hard to feel bad because these retards were going to get fucked by crypto one way or another.

>> No.4667556

I have asked MULTIPLE times for a response from Rory but my request have been ignored repeatedly.

>> No.4667574

Someone post a fat Sergey picture.

I haven't saved any of them and I have a feeling I'm going to need them for the future.

>> No.4667575

and what did your research tell you?

>> No.4667588

It's good isn't it. I consider the 500 bucks I'm throwing in bar and eating out money. Who knows what will happen.

>> No.4667589

>Do you think they're fucking alchemists?
i lel'ed

dude we are surrounded by idiots

>> No.4667598

To not invest in an obvious scam lol.

>> No.4667624

Please explain what do you mean by "turn".
Do you think they make tokens out of Ether or what lmao?
The tokens are created out of thin air buddy.

Eh, watch out for than ban hammer my fellow linkie.
What kind of atmosphere is in the slack currently?
I thought we'd have livestreamed suicides at this point.

>> No.4667633

I believe the ICO has had a great impact on Sergey, and only he can solve this. For an average person to be given 32m in faith of succesfully completing a project...that is a lot of pressure to handle. A lot of thoughts must have crossed his mind, and I'm sure he's battled his own demons with being presented to this situation.

-Being meet with a "reward" of 32m before completion greatly diminishes motivation to complete the project and give the same amount of driven effort compared to before.
-With all these new investors, there are a lot of new eyes on me. What if I fail? What if I succeed, but can't handle it?
-Investors bring questions and expectations, with such a small team attempting such a large task...it would be no surprise if they end up overwhelmed...and resort to having so much to do, that they end up getting nothing done.
-Expectations lie not only within the community, but Sergey himself. Not meeting his own expectations can resort to frustration, which leads to even lesser performance and continues this spiral of unproductivity.

There are a lot of signs of distress being shown by Sergey. There are not many reasons why a project of this magnitude should be neglected with such poor cooperation and community awareness. One of them is definitely an inner conflict with Sergey.

-His recent notable weight gain. No one gains that much weight and feels good. It is VERY possible he is eating to cope with the pressure and expectations of the massive issue his company has promised to solve.
-He recently took a vacation. I believe this is a similar attempt at coping with the pressure, in a way similar to running from his problems.

He is in a state of metaphorical paralysis, where postponing the acknowledgment of the obvious distress amongst the community seems to be his percieved option. He is postponing the inevitable, and will blow the whole project is he continues to run from his problems.

>> No.4667643

Ok, opinion dropped

>> No.4667645

alright which faggot linked this thread to reddit

>> No.4667660

i know its shameful but accept it

>> No.4667715

What the fuck is this, Dr.Phil?
I don't care about his feelings and insecurities.

He opened his pocket and asked for 32 million dollars, now it's time to sit the fuck down and finish the project you were paid for.

>> No.4667717
File: 81 KB, 556x430, 1511756510768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey collected 32 million for 35% of the total supply
>Sergey dumps tokens from the remaining 65% on tokenholders
Why can't he use the Ether to fund his lifestyle? Why did he have to dump LINK?

>> No.4667719
File: 14 KB, 224x324, 1496603144285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't mind, reddit can actually have a productive discussion on this particular one without a bunch of FUD memes, layered trolling efforts and other 4chan tricks, so I'll watch to see what they will conclude.

>> No.4667745

Dam dude...well said.

>> No.4667768
File: 116 KB, 500x1500, 1511954111679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4667769

>-His recent notable weight gain. No one gains that much weight and feels good. It is VERY possible he is eating to cope with the pressure and expectations of the massive issue his company has promised to solve.
That's the one thing that scares me the most, what if he turns into a balloon?

>> No.4667778

Where the fuck is pepe baller when i need him!

>> No.4667805


Because the Ether is increasing in value.

>> No.4667807


So you admit you are deluded and you still hold even when your corrupted shitcoin is getting dumped by the devs themselves? HOLY FUCK THIS A NEW LEVEL OF DELUSION THAT ONLY A LINKIE CAN ACHIEVE

>> No.4667811
File: 8 KB, 182x277, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go senpai
Unfortunately very small, it's the only one I got

>> No.4667812


>> No.4667843

"hands 32 million to two devs with a website and white paper"

wtf did you morons expect, there are people who spend years growing their business with a a highly established customer base and years of proven revenue and growth that dont come close to being worth 32million and you gave him that as just startup money

of course ICOs are a fucking bubble and tons of ppl are getting burned

>> No.4667854

Not in USD but in ETH,
right now it should worth around 50m unless he cash out since ICO finished

>> No.4667864

Can someone explain to me what kind of limits are on that $32m?

What nationality even is Sergey? Are you telling me since Link started he's had access to a bank account with millions and he can use it at will? No fail-safes, locks and other systems?

Jesus I'm not surprised he went AWOL. I'm surprised every shitcoin dev doesn't dissapear. He became a millionaire at 20/30-something, why risk it all just to please some basement dwelles and not dump his share and run? Who needs a reputation in a work field if you're loaded for life?

>> No.4667902
File: 35 KB, 408x450, retarded wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All ETH from the ICO was turned into Link you brainlets.

>> No.4667914

>What is the SEC
>What is Federal Prison for committing securities fraud
I dont think sergey is buff enough for prison. Maybe that's why he's growing moobs

>> No.4667926


Thanks, it'll do for now.

My McDonalds posts lack the punch they need without an image.

>> No.4667931

If he doesn't take the money and run but instead simply half asses making this work out and it slowly fails it isnt "fraud" but instead just another failed startup. You knew the risks investing.

>> No.4667933


He's not an American citizen. He's a Russian citizen.

>> No.4667955

It's all in an ETH wallet, he has all of the money in ETH so yeah basically he could cash everything out straight to his bank account if he wanted.
There are no regulation for this type of shit anyway. Look at Confido though that was a much lower amount.
You could get killed over this much money.

But he has enough funds to run the project from the background.
Even if he wants to fuck off, he could still pull this off so idk what the fuck is his problem to be honest.

>> No.4667961

Isn't it obvious that this was a scam? Look at the whole thread lmao no legitimate argument against this "FUD", holy shit it's staring at you right in the face. They are dumping their own tokens. What else could it be? Seriously, listen, they fucking sent their tokens from the dev wallets to an exchange 2 months after the listing. Literally for what other fucking reason other than to dump their tokens? Nothing. Fucking nothing. It's fun to shit on all of you linktards but seriously this shit is staring at you right in the fucking face. I know the confido fucks are just meme-ing but what else could it be? I mean, what the fuck holy fuck I'm repeating myself but I'm imagining staring at the face of you bagholders asking you repeatedly, what else could it be? Why the fuck would they fucking send their tokens to a fucking exchange? It's so fucking sad actually.

>> No.4667972

Fuck Sergey. This coin is a scam. I got out at a loss but glad I did. Rather lose some money than lose it all.

Fuck this scammer.

>> No.4668032

a million link at 15 cents is only 150k when he already got 32mil

i doubt they did that unless they just dont want to dip into their nest egg idk seems unlikely though

>> No.4668044

Thread full of turbo autismo moonboys who if don't see profit in 2 days sell at a loss.

Remember teens, the stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient

>> No.4668059

You are supposed to buy ICOs that ALREADY have a roadmap lol

What did you buy guys?

>> No.4668067

> always do the opposite /biz/ says
thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.4668083

>2 days
It's been 2 months of constant red candles

>stock market
This is crypto market sweetie

This project is a shitshow.
Imagine having to "work on the roadmap".
This should be something you make before the ICO.

>> No.4668125


not in the binance or etherdelta orderbooks faggot

>> No.4668166


Dude a roadmap, even if its fake, takes like one hour lmao


>> No.4668211

Even vaporware pajeet shutcoins worth only a couple hundred k have roadmaps jesus christ the absolute state of this scam.

>> No.4668215

You're right that you're deluded, jesus christ.

You point out several major flaws in your investment and on top of this accept that Link itself are dumping their own tokens and you still dont sell?


>> No.4668258

and this utter scam is still being defended for some reason. any time someone brings up some stupid link shilling, just ask them what the fuck is the reason for the devs to dump their tokens on binance. literally fucking no arguments against it. feels fucking good to finally shut these fuckers up. holy fuck im so fucking hard right now imagining the tears and the state of confusion these deluded fucks are in. literally cannot answer why the fuck would their devs dump their tokens (hint: it's because this whole thing is a scam). fucking pajeets

>> No.4668277


>> No.4668291
File: 279 KB, 1151x737, whySergeywhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a new pic.

>> No.4668355

Because I'm fucking deluded man. Sunk cost fallacy I suppose. At least I have the balls to admit it.

>> No.4668363

Exactly man.

Your point about being rewarded prior to any major progress is one of the major things holding back blockchain tech at the moment.

If you suddenly received 32 million dollars- which is enough to retire comfortably on- your motivation to finish the proposed project is massively reduced. This is basic human psychology (delayed vs instant gratification).

One of the main reasons why there has been so much money pouring in to blockchain, with so little progress is because of this.

This issue needs to be fixed and investors need to wise up to ICO's lying about their funding needs.

There is no reason why small teams of devs based out of cheap offices need millions of dollars for funding purposes lol.

>> No.4668409

True, you are being honest.

If I were you I would just get it over and done with- sell your LINK stack.

There's so much money in crypto- you'll recoup your losses in no time.

>> No.4668410

I raised the same point in slack recently, about the funding.
I got attacked by a horde of bagholders and just gave up lol, ICOs are a bubble.

>> No.4668425

Please post this on the Reddit thread

>> No.4668469
File: 104 KB, 1727x807, chainlink top wallets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that receiving address only has a total history of 5 transfers.
What makes you think it's a binance wallet?

>> No.4668499
File: 566 KB, 1632x1224, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he's a fucking robot just like every other crypto developer - he doesn't have any feelings

do you think Vitalik gives a shit about the pressure of being head of a project with a market cap of $43Bn? If he does he's got a funny way of showing it tweeting about being a paedo and wearing purple tops with cats on

Sergey doesn't give a shit about money either, he's a crypto autist

>> No.4668502


You guys still havent realised that pepe baller is sergey?

>> No.4668522

if the plan was to dump, getting on more exchanges would've been priority one.

>> No.4668528

Different level of DELUDED in the chainlink slack. Bunch of Rory lovers in there making lots of excuses.

>> No.4668549

so why are they selling it off now of all times?

>> No.4668562

It's worth mentioning that Rory won't answer questions except to say that he's "busy answering lots of DMs".

>> No.4668571


I don't know why anyone bothers talking to rory. He's confirmed to not be in contact with Sergey or Steve.

>> No.4668578

My guess is that reasonable people got removed and Rory only left his little cult followers to kiss his ass while he laughs at them.

>> No.4668591

It literally says binance.

>> No.4668595


We're onto their tricks. The Sergey quit meme spooked them hard.

>> No.4668615

It's about 50% LINK doubters actually. Rory "too busy" to ban us logical people just yet. We had an in depth conversation about how Steve and Sergey are spending their $32MM (Bermuda, cocaine and hookers) and Rory did nothing

>> No.4668642
File: 35 KB, 640x437, chinamasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep- it seems like the whole crypto community has become more and more delusional and unwilling to criticise obvious problems.

This is probably due to the massive amounts of money pouring in. Also, the issue of ICO funding will never be discussed as long as throwing your money at any shittoken with a bog standard white paper nets you a profit.

ICO's aren't being invested in based on merit- people just see the incredible profits and throw their money in.

This is really bad for cryptocurrency markets at large because we're building all this growth on irrational optimism- a house of cards.

There needs to be a big shakedown so all the noobs, get rich quick people and idiots leave so the technology and market can be built on sturdy fundamentals.

>> No.4668650

Sergey was already rich because he already owned alot of Eth. Why did he did do this? To get more rich?

>> No.4668655

4chan got 4channed by a 4channer, hodl those bags! sergey is planning a charity soon, i swear, he told me.

>> No.4668659

What you guys need to understand is that Sergey of Nazarov is busier than Donald Trump, Tim Cook and Elon Musk. That's why those three men often Tweet more than once a day to their supporters, while Sergey never communicates with his supporters at all.

He's just that busy.

>> No.4668672
File: 95 KB, 640x844, IMG_7270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's answering LOL

>> No.4668681

not even 1% taken out, whats the deal, if they really scammers they can hype up and sell those tokens in premium price. u retards its very comman to use those funds for pr/dev/new offices/ partnerships/ also it may be advisors account who can take as well. be cool.

>> No.4668685
File: 100 KB, 1200x900, MHB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find the transaction in the image there m8, weak fud

>> No.4668704


>> No.4668742

where do i go to see this for myself? i dont trust you faggots

>> No.4668749

So heres the problem with already using ICO tokens for funding

2) The more of the link he spends the less he has to gain from the future success of link

>> No.4668751

who says?

>> No.4668756
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>> No.4668765

How would you know it's Sergey's wallet? It could just as well be Binance cold storage.

Why would he be doing this just now? Why not post SIBOS?

Why isn't the price dropping? Is he selling them 100 at a time? There are no big sell order. I guess he is going to wait until the price drops further before he exits?

>> No.4668785

one of them could be for advisors. we dont know what they spending, y fud retard, if u want to sell u can sell u r bags and move on

>> No.4668793



>> No.4668807

Just start clicking




>> No.4668838
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>> No.4668842


>> No.4668848

They are making the rules for expending the tokens on the fly?


>> No.4668861

>as if i bought link im just here to see people more miserable than me

>> No.4668899
File: 43 KB, 640x239, IMG_7273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Rory.

>> No.4668903

keep posting screenshots and asking rory questions while he's live

this is the most info we'll get all week

>> No.4668918

its fucking nothing

>> No.4668928


ask him if Sergey is distraught from the 4chan memes?

>> No.4668937

He just admitted that token management is non existent, they are actually using them randomly. This is not a joke guys.

>> No.4668945


If Sergey wanted to dump he would've gotten Link on more exchanges right away.

Not just to get a better price, but also for liquidity.

Also, the 1 mil to binance was 21 fucking days ago, but now suddenly it's a big problem.

Go look at all the shit Vitalik pulled with his tokens.

>> No.4668956

Jesus, that incompetent faggot literally confirmed that the devs were dumping their own coins. I guess $32 million (now $50 million when adjusted for Eth price increase) wasn't enough to hire someone to write a roadmap or activate a Twitter account.

>> No.4668981

>lol guys why are you being so sceptical and assuming the worst in a landscape of shitcoins, broken promises and dumps all around??

>> No.4668997

He's saying he doesn't have a say in what happens to the dev tokens.
Which is a very good thing.

>> No.4669022

LMAO. The reddit thread got removed.

>> No.4669024
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>> No.4669032
File: 5 KB, 194x259, 1511560627244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies getting dumped on by the DEV team. They are pulling an Obsidian on a grander scale!


>> No.4669039


Does anyone think that Rory is just hired to run a smokescreen?

I mean it seems like his isn't involved with chainlink and doesn't know shit

>> No.4669043

agreed. devs need to pay rent too. why wouldn't they sell some of their stack

>> No.4669074

Obsidian is the exact opposite of Link. Responsive team, increasing coin price and a working product released next month.

0/10 for making me respond.

>> No.4669081


they didn't even proactively hire him

Rory begged Sergey for a job basically

imagine if he never existed. The coin would have died months ago. Sergey and Steve have never communicated anything

>> No.4669103
File: 114 KB, 299x456, 1510085503128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many do you need :^)

>> No.4669109

They got $32MM in ICO. They don't need money.

>> No.4669123

>Rory begged Sergey for a job basically

Is that actually true or just FUD?

Having seen Rory's face, it sounds plausible enough to be true.

>> No.4669128
File: 84 KB, 303x463, 1511037508330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the bald version

>> No.4669144

He doesn't have a say because the rules for token distribution/usage has never been clarified, not even in the whitepaper. He is involved in the project and he just admitted that the token usage is not defined. That's a pretty fucked up thing to say.

>> No.4669152

Say that to mark zuckface. They never stop jewing. Even a billion isn't enough.

>> No.4669177

any why would you sell at .15 cecnts. fucking pump that shit up and dump if you wanted to scam

>> No.4669188

30% of Link was always for dev funding.

The fact that they're dipping into the Link stack does not fucking mean they blew through the original 32 million from the ICO.
Nobody said they had to use up the original 32 mil first.

Also, that 1 million Link was sent to Binance 21 FUCKING DAYS AGO.
But now it's suddenly a big problem, RIGHT at the time of the biggest dip in four weeks.
Hmmmm, what a coincidence.

You fudders are going all out, aren't you?

>> No.4669194

I've got to say this is the best FUD campaign to lower token price prior to moon mission that I've ever seen. Surely you guys have accumulated by now?

>> No.4669197


yes. Rory told us this like week 1

>> No.4669218

Go to the website.
30% for "continued development".

Clear as day.

>> No.4669228

It is, because theres more LINK in circulation than we know. And this affects the price obviously

>> No.4669234

And Rory isn't replying anymore. I would suggest that maybe he called Sergey but it's unlikely he even has cell phone numbers of anyone involved in LINK

>> No.4669241


no, he sucked Sergey's cock, while Sergey was eating big macs and snorting coke from BBW booties

>> No.4669262


Sergey doesn't have a mobile phone. He claims it interferes with his ability to not do his job.

>> No.4669286

>selling tokens from developer pool
>no roadmap
>no hirings
>sergey only cares about conferences
>never mentions chainlink during any of his talks
>sergey lives in nyc, steve lives in san fran
>team works remotely and doesn't even share an office
>have steve and sergey even met?

>> No.4669290

Could you please tell me what's the roadmap for those 10 million USD?

>> No.4669291
File: 303 KB, 600x700, 3ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669295

Only if they're actually sold.

>> No.4669307


Proof or shut your hole.

>> No.4669309

They were sent to the binance general wallet, so they are in circulation now.

>> No.4669312
File: 154 KB, 1080x1920, chainlink roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669317


top fucking kek

>> No.4669331

>never mentions chainlink
chainlink was literally plastered all over the sibos presentation
how fucking dense are you?

>> No.4669332
File: 24 KB, 216x240, 1511331247350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love watching this linkie drama. These deluded bagholders just keep denying the shitshow that's unraveling before their eyes.

>> No.4669342

Rory is such a fucking faggot.

>> No.4669348

>receive 32 million in ETH for project dvelopment
>dump your own token on a low liquidity exchange to fund the development


Holy shit he's making things up, Sergey probably told him to fuck off.

>> No.4669353

>ALL eth from the presale was turned into Link
Holy kekking fuck, this board truly is a gem.

Man, imagine if I could turn ETH into my own coin. I would reduce the ETH supply multiple times and become a fucking millionaire. Too bad I am not an alchemist like Sergey.

>> No.4669368

have you ever heard him mention the word "chanlink" verbally? Thought not, brainlet.

>> No.4669383

All the time.
Including at devcon3.

>> No.4669416

...do other people, see Sergey and Steve, Rory?

>> No.4669425

He mentioned it once, barely.
I doubt anyone caught it except autists that listened carefuy if he'll mention chainlink by name.

>> No.4669445

I haven't seen this level of delusion in a long time. How many people gambled their life saving on this dumpster fire? The way linkies try to justify current event means they don't want to face the cold hard truth that they've been JUSTed big time.

>> No.4669446

Rory apologists can't face the facts that we thought we found /ourcoin/
But it was just a russian scam

>> No.4669447

My $10 dollars are turning to nothing everyday. fuck sergey.

>> No.4669461

He doesn't need to mention chainlink. He's not shilling the token that has no purpose as of yet.
Once the mainnet is up, nodes are running and companies are looking to use these nodes, that's when chainlink will serve a purpose.
And like the other guy said, he has mentioned it.

>> No.4669463
File: 140 KB, 700x939, 1510828557853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I talk to Rory? and does anyone have that chainlink/bladerunnermrwallace.jpg?

>> No.4669465

I only put 90 dollars into this and those have been halved too.

>> No.4669468

of course.
they made 32 million instantly and had 300 million link.
I sold my link and feel quite good about it.
At this point i highly doubt that there will be a working product

>> No.4669469

That fud died the moment they released their block explorer. It proved that the ODN devs never dumped anything.

>> No.4669478
File: 213 KB, 1175x695, Swift press release smart contracts 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta go.

I'll leave you with some anti-fud.
See pic related; Swift itself listing the Chainlink PoC in the context of ISO 20022, right alongside other massive projects like GPI.

Source: https://www.swift.com/file/45401/download?token=1SlvZHKA

This is post-Sibos btw ;)

>> No.4669496

wow they are really Exit scamming

>> No.4669515
File: 30 KB, 640x179, IMG_7275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4669522

why is he even on the team seriously

>> No.4669526

What's most telling is that they're dumping at an ATL.

No-one seems to have brought that up yet.

Do they know that nothing lies ahead for Chainlink?

>> No.4669552

What OP is talking about was 21 days ago.

>> No.4669560

Of course. Nobody is gonna pump it. Not even whales since binance is a small exchange.

>> No.4669561

based on his responses, he's clearly not an insider and probably never even met the team

>> No.4669562

yeah haha tru tru it would probably be somewhere around 32 million haha ha ha

>> No.4669607

If they were dumping then they would have Sergey do an AMA or at least tweet that he is alive and well and everything is going according to plan to jack the price up before they dumped. They are not dumb enough to dump at ATL when a single tweet is all that is required to go ATH.

>> No.4669611

Does he know that 5 million is 5x the amount of LINK on the buy side.
It's more than enoguh to market sell down to 1 satoshi and 1 wei on both pairs.

They should get this idiot off the project and find someone else.

>> No.4669627

Guys, guys, chill out. The fact that he is dumping link does not mean anything. Sergey just got weak hands. Spooked by biz FUD

>> No.4669669

You need a better PR guy. Rory sucks ass

>> No.4669672

top kek

>> No.4669693

rory just confirmed to me in DM that he gets paid in LINK. so he's a bagholder too. sad

>> No.4669702

>another day of /biz/ wanting overnight moons
tired of reading this bullshit and you pestering the team. Mainnet is not scheduled to be live for months.
are you going to pester them every day when this was clearly communicated beforehand?

>hey CL team, i know you said it wasn't going to be live for months, but is it done yet?
>is it done yet?
>Hey where are you, its been a day IS IT DONE YET?

DUMP. stop whining and attacking them if you really don't believe in it. You are not entitled to a refund, you are not entitled to gains. You took the risk and its your responsibility to deal with the consequences.

>> No.4669704

Umm guys... Rory's wife has a half-nigger daughter.

Rory is literally looking after his wife's black child.

I'm not making this up.

Clue: Facebook

>> No.4669710

they need to fire rory fucking idiots. he does not have any skills and but community manager. this fucking idiot always give vague answers like kinder garden kid.

>> No.4669719

he married a roastie?
top kek

>> No.4669730

Would you fire free labor throwing up a smokescreen so you can exit scam 32M in ETH before your plan was complete?

>> No.4669733

Kekker hard. Thanks anon

>> No.4669738

they wouldn't make it that obvious

>> No.4669744


>> No.4669760
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1069388_10151467236581688_1693754802_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669786

>married a roastie
>gets paid in LINK

>> No.4669804


>> No.4669811


>> No.4669819 [DELETED] 


>> No.4669834
File: 50 KB, 600x574, 1499738862725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god no

>> No.4669835

Rory living the stinky linkie lifestyle.
>Paid in worthless crypto funbux
>Shilling for people who will leave him as the fall guy
>Raising Tyrone's pump n' dump


>> No.4669840
File: 97 KB, 800x789, smart pepe frog thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming to Bittrex soon

>> No.4669845


my wifes son: the coin

Holy shit it only gets worse for the linkies

>> No.4669854
File: 62 KB, 640x354, IMG_7276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4669865


KEKEkeEKEKEKEKEK the memes were true. He is a literal cuck

>> No.4669866
File: 144 KB, 1280x960, Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking KEK is Chainlik's spokesman!

>> No.4669893

This is way better than the OP

Does the pain ever goes away, Linkies? :)

>> No.4669897
File: 21 KB, 211x246, 403851840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'm loving this LINK drama.

Shame that I own 10,000 of this garbage.

>> No.4669898



>> No.4669902

lol, poor soul , sergey paid in usd, this rory gets in stincky link. how many links he get paid per month ?

>> No.4669905


>> No.4669918

>this shit
>gets compensated in link

whenever you feel down, /biz/, just remember:

at least you're not rory

>> No.4669951
File: 149 KB, 400x400, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear you poor linkies. When will the JUSTing end.

My offer still stands, I will trade 1 for 1, for any amount - your LINK for my JUST coins.

>> No.4669955

he's nice enough but he clearly has been given no access or authority to give real answers
and paying him in LINK seems like a fucked up move considering steve and sergey have $32MM
and his wife was blacked.

>> No.4669984

that would be such a good coin
>whenever any other coin crashes, JUST moons

>> No.4669985

>I get compensated in LINK
rory no. this is the mirror image of the Confido PR guy
has no idea what's going on
paid only in tokens
gets dumped on by the devs

>> No.4669990
File: 26 KB, 257x301, 4C61080D-527F-4105-BDB1-9F7C8CBC8866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sure there’s an explanation for this, OP.

>> No.4670011

Real question. How do we know Rory is involved. Does Chainlink not have a mailing address? Couldn't someone walk into that motherfucker and see if they doing shit. For Fucks Sake Something Got To Give FUFFUUFKCK

>> No.4670099

So, this is all bullshit to get someone to sell their presale for nothing isn't it? Ha, that's hilariously evil.

>> No.4670138


>> No.4670177

Well if you cunts want to dump LINK you can give it to me, call it a magnanimous act. I might even remember you some day

>> No.4670187


>> No.4670199

But I don't know-how to buy. Please take advantage of me

>> No.4670222

Link is (legitimately) trading for under 2600/eth so he's selling @ below ICO prices. Homeboy could have dumped the initial pump and made 7x as much BTC but instead he was a true OG and only dumped the bottom.

>> No.4670278


>> No.4670433
File: 46 KB, 453x361, A8F03B0C-D8F4-4642-8F0C-35794E116530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot thickens.

>> No.4670508
File: 2 KB, 492x27, chrome_2017-11-30_04-02-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought my first link ever today. Already up 5%.

Thanks sergey for selling to me cheap

>> No.4670530
File: 18 KB, 303x166, 9845D831-88BC-4054-9493-6550978F5A97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn. Finally a voice of reason. Keep doing your thing, fudders.

>> No.4670605
File: 7 KB, 528x404, 07DFF46C-4CB4-41BC-A52F-093A827F7C52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fug

>> No.4670786
File: 34 KB, 270x296, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dumped all my LINK. feels good man.

>> No.4670812
File: 13 KB, 168x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we needed to pay someone nearly $800,000 USD.
>we needed to dump our shitcoin to do it instead of using the raised eth

Yeah sure.

>> No.4670905

please tell me this Rory guy isn't part of their team.
Also, it makes no sense that Sergey is trying to exit scam or dump his LINK, because there has been absolutely no promotion of CHAINLINK since the ICO basically. They would pump it up if they were going to sell. That being said chainlink is a shitcoin don't buy it because i'm still accumulating. This garbage is going nowhere, stay away.

>> No.4671038
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1895, 1511845020625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>inb4 pic related becomes his next transition to deal with the stress

>> No.4671083

There is no fucking reason they need 150k dollars after just receiving 32 mil with nothing to show for it. FUCK.

>> No.4671112


>> No.4671166
File: 167 KB, 720x960, 1508542351316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol. You know Johnny Depp makes $150 million a year and is still in debt.

>> No.4671186


Why is he not shitting any LINKs from his poo-poo pants?

>> No.4671235
File: 480 KB, 1536x2048, 1511901020048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey already escaped to tropical islands.

>> No.4671262


Link the Facebook, faggot. I can't tell if that's really our chubby Rory.

>> No.4671314

That's clearly him man

>> No.4671349

This thread was the final straw for me.
I dumped my 60k LINK and have honestly never felt better.
There is simply no good way to interpret their selling tokens at this price, and no reason to retain confidence in this unmitigated shitshow of a project.

>> No.4671371


Well, that's pathetic. He obviously types like an over-nice cuck.

>> No.4671439

this is just plain sad. every bit of it

>> No.4671493

kek, someone actually fell for it

>> No.4671888
File: 518 KB, 500x578, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4671912

God I just want to cover my hands in oil and slap his fat tits around, wouldn't that be hot guys?

>> No.4671941
File: 314 KB, 416x522, 1507732225963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dishonorably Discharged.

>> No.4671993

This, use your fucking brains guys

>> No.4672042


>> No.4672303

no devs. no communication. 60 mil cap.

>> No.4672496

1mil LINK buywall would be pretty fun to see

>> No.4672529

holy shit the fud worked. and now it's going up. LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.4672718


>> No.4672732



>> No.4673001


>> No.4673323

It's not mooning hard enough.

>> No.4673416
File: 59 KB, 250x250, donovan_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not selling

>> No.4673750

Guys, the money is made before coins ever hit the market. Take this one for example.


Universa, 50 free coins just for making an account. Access to discounted coins before it ever touches market and goes 2-3x that value. It's guaranteed money.

>> No.4673830

this motherfucker
no wonder he never mentions the link token

>> No.4673915

good god, sell sell sell