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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 223 KB, 445x556, Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 1.17.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4662146 No.4662146 [Reply] [Original]

>a bunch of NEETs becoming millionaires and gaining thousands of dollars
>"""""rich""""" old men who have been working their whole lives for money get BTFO'd
>muh bitcoin needs to be outlawed

Bitter old men are so upset at the fact that people are making money off of internet meme money.

The future is now fuckers.

>> No.4662182
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i would trust anything that man has to say

>> No.4662184

>random kike thinks bitcoin should be outlawed

>> No.4662220

fun fact:
Joseph Stiglitz is a jew and one of the main guys behind the war on cash
him and other jews are constantly pushing to eradicate ALL paper money
that this top jew is butthurt about bitcoin is a clear buy signal

>> No.4662223

Hugo stiglitz?

>> No.4662240


>> No.4662267

>him and other jews are constantly pushing to eradicate ALL paper money

Then what the fuck do you even switch to? One digital world currency would be right up their alley

>> No.4662281
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>"NEET millionaires"
>turned $200 into $400
Wow, amazing.

>> No.4662341

>Then what the fuck do you even switch to? One digital world currency would be right up their alley

yeah but the fact that hes pissed about bitcoin shows you that BTC is not gonna be the nwo-coin

>> No.4662415

Yes goy listen to the rich Jews who are professional worldwide money thieves

>> No.4662418
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>tfw they think cryptocurrency has the same intrinsic properties as stocks


>> No.4662435

>The goyim should not be allowed to become rich without our permission.

>> No.4662504

>It will go down and then go up
I hate boomers so fucking much

>> No.4662568
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It's actually a bunch of neets making a measly couple of thousands, while a minority boomers lose both their houses to reverse mortgage.

>> No.4662583

Tell this fucking kike to go fuck himself and count his sheckles.

>> No.4662710


I mean anyone with a brain already knows BTC won't be king forever. It's an old dinosaur of a coin with shit transaction times (which is why it was switched from a currency concept to a 'store of value'), and some real political garbage with it from the BTC vs BCH shit. We just have to get in early with them on what will be king

>> No.4662844

a government controlled coin as opposed to transparent and "democratically" controlled one

>> No.4662996

lmao speak for yourselves you plebs, I'm up 115k this year

>> No.4663142
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>getting in on closed source hyperinflated gov currency will surely make me rich
You are fucking retarded.

>> No.4663212


a government controlled nwo coin is exactly what you DONT want to invest in
might as well stay in fiat if you wanna see zero gains

>> No.4663247

Wasn't the dot com bubble like 3 trillion or something? We've got a long way to go before crypto could be considered the biggest bubble we've ever seen...

>> No.4663257

>I mean anyone with a brain already knows BTC won't be king forever.
you are a fool.

>> No.4663297


Aaa the good old reverse mortgage meme.

>> No.4663336

Let me ask you this: what makes Bitcoin valuable?

Please think about your answer before you reply or I'll tear you a new asshole.

>> No.4663366
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>My home is my retirement

>> No.4663375


>> No.4663486

It is the value of an anonymous currency exchange that you can cash over for any other currency with little in the way of fees, regulation, or monitoring.

It is perfect for trading in illicit goods and services across the globe, and thus that makes its own market cap huge as more and more people get interested in it for illicit purposes.

Essentially that's the real value, the rest of the value comes from speculators.

>> No.4663525

The same thing that makes anything valuable, demand
Deal with it

>> No.4663539

kek can't wait till the boomers are gone, more reasons to invest

>> No.4663554


>the bubble may start growing again after that

Nice. I'll buy 100k.

>> No.4663561

the nobel winner is right, you know that, right?

>> No.4663601


you dumb nigger
in a SHTF scenario I can shove my trezor up my ass, move to south east asian and survive for years... even if they freeze my bank account
economic collaps - my money is secure
heck I could smuggle 10 million over the border just by remembering my seed phrase
not even to menton that I can buy all kinds of stuff from a house to a fucking lambo with it

but sure BTC is totally worthless because I cant buy a coffee with it and transactions are like 10 bucks a piece and take an hour.

>> No.4663662

holy fuck i just realized this, (((they))) can't actually do shit to your money that way. just remember the seed phrase and they can't get your money in kikey ways. i mean, this shit should be obvious but pointing it out that way speaks of how they cant control this shit, at least not as explicitly as how it is with fiat

>> No.4663673

Keep telling yourself that, cuck.

>> No.4663706
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>> No.4663764

/pol/ was right again

>> No.4663787


just wait until all the oldfag boomer goldbugs realize this
I know for a fact that some loaded richfags invested big money in bitcoin for this exact reason. because theyre paranoid about the (((government))) taking their shit and they realize they cant just smuggle half a million in gold over the border

its no wonder the jews are flipping out and trying to shut it down but they cant.
jesus and on here you still got idiots going on about 10 dollar tx fees and muh crashening .some people will just never get it we aint seen nothing yet anon.

>> No.4663795

aww, is the /pol/mutt upset that jews have a higher IQ than their so-called "masterrace"?

>> No.4663814


>> No.4663838

Nope. Not even close.

It's belief. Irrational, human belief. Guess what happens when no one believes your precious Shitcoins are valuable anymore?

*Poof* No value.

Same thing that would happen if people stop believing a few pieces of paper with "One Dollar" printed on it can buy a carton of eggs.

But yeah, something that can be as easily manipulated/controlled as human minds is foolproof for sure. lmao, what a bunch of idiots you all are.

>> No.4663842


Fuggin KEK.

I love seeing boomers get BTFO'd. Fuck these assholes. For once, they don't get to live life on easy street.

>> No.4663875

thats a myth sweetie, when you account for population size jews don't have a "lower class" stay dumb hon :)

>> No.4663887


>> No.4663892


>> No.4663906

you're a fool because you don't understand why btc captures people's "irrational" belief. tip that fedora bud.

>> No.4663912


>> No.4663920


>> No.4663931

Why do you (((think)))?

>> No.4663941

Wow you sure did tear them a new asshole

>> No.4663955


wow and you are so smart anon
why dont you just set all your fiat money on fire then? and throw away all your gold and silver while youre at it. also burn down your house because at the end of the day its only a piece of paper that says its yours right? i mean none of this shit has any value. thanks for enlightening us about supply and demand.

>inb4 acschually gold is used in industrial production

>> No.4663963

>in bubble
>people cash out
>not in bubble
>people buy bitcoins again
>in bubble
top kike

Also probably this guys first bitcoin bullrun.

>> No.4663980


>> No.4663981
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lmao at all these fucking nerds who are probably just really butthurt that they missed the btc train.

Just stick with your petty stock market and be happy with a 4 percent gain over a year.

>> No.4664022


>the old jewish high IQ meme

reality is jews underperform in pretty much any measurement. all they got is high verbal IQ plus they are ruthless sociopaths that dont play by the rules.

>> No.4664026 [DELETED] 

>"""""rich""""" old men who have been working their whole lives
>who have been working their whole lives
Yeah, no.

>> No.4664049

>captures people's "irrational" belief
>holding a wolf by the ears
Yep, you're right.
Hey now! You guys can start pointing out where I'm wrong anytime you'd like.

I'll wait.

>> No.4664059
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everybody in the Wehrmacht knows Hugo Stiglitz

>> No.4664062

ITT: cryptocommunists wanting capitalism to die

>> No.4664079

>salty nocoiner this mad
Keep working hard and put everything into that 401k bro
Youre doing good and are totally smarter than everyone who is making mad bank

I've heard this shit since 2011 and each time I laugh more and more inside

>> No.4664104

stiglitz pls go

>> No.4664124

See >>4664049
>start pointing out where I'm wrong anytime you'd like

Still waiting.

>> No.4664135

on a side note all the finance secor and bankers have done in my life never worked out in my favor
so why should i listen to them now ?
fuck all of them if i want to buy neetbux and gamble let me what does he care what a few neets buy with their money ?
seems they get nervous every day now
just think about it there must be some people that had thousands of bitcoin from 2009 and reclaimed them now they are fucking rich
they have a right to be scared lmao

>> No.4664144

>Hey now! You guys can start pointing out where I'm wrong anytime you'd like.

you utter dipshit arent even saying anything except "hurrr its only demand that makes something like BTC valuable"

so what?

are you implying demand is gonna go to zero tomorrow?
are you implying fiat is somehow backed by something else than mere demand and thus better than bTC?
wtf are you even talking about mr. genius?

jesus you really are retarded and smug at the same time. worst possible combination.

>> No.4664165

>huur it has no value prove me wrong you can't
The market disagrees, if bitcoin had no value the price would be zero. Prove me wrong you can't :^)

>> No.4664169

It's called emergence. A single jew can't do much, most likely killed by a cross. A flock of jews can create power houses and fuck the economy. But thankfully there's a limit, as once you get to a few million collaborating, they lose all hope and just accept death.

>> No.4664192

Yeah, but that wasn't one thing (Bitcoin), it's was a large number of random tech companies that promised the world, but couldn't deliver as the tech hadn't matured enough to match their promised abilities.

>> No.4664255
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keep letting everyone know how poor you are

>> No.4664286

>once you get to a few million collaborating, they lose all hope and just accept death.

more like once a few million are collaborating the goyim get hip to their schemes and throw them out of their countries

>> No.4664297

Who the fuck buys bitcoins to use them?
In the end we cash out. We get fiat. Thats what people want. Not some fucking internet monopoly money.
They want to see the fucking money on their bare hands.

95% is just speculation.

My normie friends dont even know what the fuck bitcoins or ethereum are. Yet they still bought because they simply want to cash out real dosh at the end of the day.

>> No.4664389


>> No.4664393

>its only demand that makes BTC valuable
There it is. Thanks.

But yeah, demand could easily go to zero tomorrow. Especially since the only thing driving the demand is the irrationality of a few flawed human beings.
Watch out, with arrival of a couple of "unfortunate" circumstances your belief system collapses ;^)

>> No.4664403

"a few investors will make thousands"
Who? Insiders?
Do they not understand that there really aren't insiders in a decentralized system?
If anything, the people with the most money will make (or lose) the most money.
>biggest bubble of our lifetime
objectively that's false.

This guy must've just heard about bitcoin.

>> No.4664420
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>> No.4664451
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checkmate, nigger.

>> No.4664516

>There it is. Thanks.
>But yeah, demand could easily go to zero tomorrow

oh wow youre totally right!
how could i not see this

well I guess Ill just sell then
and Ill set my money on fire too. since after all, it has no inherent value and demand for it *could* just go to zero tomorrow right?

wow youre so smart anon
thank you for showing me the light

>> No.4664598
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How are you guys going to kill yourselves when the rug gets pulled out from under you?

I mean, seriously. You've been alive long enough to understand this isn't the way the world is run, right? You have to know this isn't the way it works, right?

You don't seriously think you're actually going to win *THIS ONE* do you? I mean, c'mon...

Let's be real here.

>> No.4664627

Sorry I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The same is true of anything considered a store of wealth, the advantage that bitcoin has is that it's a global untracable form of money that you can forex trade with at almost no fees compared to various currency exchanges at a rather rapid rate.In addition its hidden value is that of the fucking illicit markets, if you can't see that you need to grow some balls and buy some drugs with bitcoin to see it works.

I can smell the fedora from here.

>> No.4664660


oh I dont know. I guess Ill just write off the couple of grand I invested and move on with my life

how are you going to kill yourself once BTC hits 500k and youre still babbling about muh intrinsic value?

>> No.4664707

when we start baking these kikes (again) all oven workers will be paid in BTC

>> No.4664731

Isn't Stiglitz the filthy kike whose economic theories when applied to some country in Latin America caused total economic collapse?

>> No.4664737


Krugman won a nobel prize. The award has Zero meaning in econmics and most other non hard science fields.

>> No.4664769

>considered a store of wealth
My balls could potentially be considered a "store of wealth".

If I could only convince a bunch of neckbeards on the internet it was true... ;^)
>the couple of grand
>I invested
/biz/ in a nutshell. Comedy gold.

>> No.4664790

>he doesn't know I used to write hacks for DayZ
>he doesn't know that I only accepted BTC
>he doesn't know that I have a job where I earn 180k a year USD
>he doesn't know that if I lose all my crypto (1m+) it won't affect my life that much
>he doesn't know what it feels like to ride the crypto train to the fucking moon

i feel sorry for him, d e s u

>> No.4664840

Yeah, I agree. LARPing is so much fun.

>> No.4664859

>/biz/ in a nutshell. Comedy gold.

wow youre really reaching now arent you?
its 15 grand to be precise and Im up over 250% in the last couple of months
it goes to zero, Ill have the money back in three months

how are your investments doing anon?

>> No.4664899

because the us is still on the gold standard right?
are you really that coinless?

>> No.4664948

>Bitcoin has pumped from zero cents to 10k because of "a few humans beings"

Thanks for admitting btc had value btw

>> No.4664972

I always find it hilarious when people moan about how much someone else has invested, surely it's the gains that matter and not how much someone puts in.

But hey, I managed to mine potcoin on my 460 a few years ago and made $2k from those coins that I have invested into other coins which are all green all the time, fuck me right? Such a small amount of dollar!

>> No.4664996

>4% gain over a year
Which will quickly be erased by inflation. kek

>> No.4665009

Cope moar.

>> No.4665029


YOU were the one who started this dick measuring contest you weaselly piece of shit

lmao so you are just a poorfag after all, mad that people are making gains while you cant afford jack shit. well sucks to be you I guess but no reason to be an asshole over it. you could always get a job and join the party you know. but I guess its much easier being a fedora tipper on an indian basket weaving forum.

>> No.4665055
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Just remember when you're holding that empty bag that it can be used for vagrant style panhandling. I'd even be willing to drop a quarter in because I'm such a nice guy ;^)
I'm sure you guys will start explaining how I was wrong any time now....

lol, I kid. I knew you couldn't before I ever posted.

>> No.4665071


actually it was the other anon who started it

>> No.4665113

This is shit bait, btw. Here's the (You) that you so desperately crave.

>> No.4665122


>never adresses arguments
>never answers questions
>refuses to state his own numbers after making fun of other anons numbers
>declaring himself flawless victor

wow you sure showed me lad

>> No.4665126
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Exactly. Dumb normies and boomers don't see how for that fact alone it's worth trillions. Then again, laggards is why we will be billionaires.

>> No.4665183

a bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world

>> No.4665186

Yeaaah I was about to say. When I saw that my post colour was pink, I did think "fuck, he's going to think I'm the other guy."
All good, bro.

>> No.4665203
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LARP hard, breh ;^)
Ok ...maybe I'll throw in a penny if I have one.

That's fucking 26 cents FYI. Try not to waste it like you did on Shitcoin, asshole.

>> No.4665227

Pick up an economics textbook you dumb nigger
Saying value comes from demand literally doesn't explain anything. It's not even a tautology

>> No.4665232

They can’t manipulate it.

>> No.4665233
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>> No.4665242
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How many times did you show up on this pic?

>> No.4665243

Nope. Not even close.

It's what the first guy said. You are a fucking retard.

>> No.4665306
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>price is the same as value

>> No.4665332
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>> No.4665339

Let me guess, you’re the “guns gold and seeds” guy.

>> No.4665414

I'd honestly prefer to live in a society where all money is crypto and not fiat. My ideal situation is not needing to cash out because crypto has replaced fiat in all regards.

I'm holding a $100 bill in my hand right now, and it seems like such a fucking stupid idea compared to assigning that equivalent value to crypto.

Not because I think the crypto will rise in value, because crypto is better than fiat in every single way.

Fiat is the postal service, crypto is the internet. It's not even worth a comparison.

>> No.4665637

Kill yourself k*ke
I'm gonna buy a gas chamber with my BTCs

>> No.4666282


is it to late to buy? would you wait or would you just buy to hold?
Aren't there better coins than bitcoin?
What is the best way to store the bought coins?
Would appreciate some help.

>> No.4666578

Stiglitz is the same person who wrote 600 pages about how EURO sucks and envisioned 4 different currencies for the EU with a central bank in Crypto

>> No.4666656

that would actually work lol because Euro sucks.

>> No.4666999

Thought it was implied at this point. Every. fucking. time.

>> No.4667051

dem digits doe.

>> No.4667152
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Jews confirmed.

>> No.4667206

Oh my dear anon

>> No.4667244

That guy looks like such a fucking jew.

>> No.4667272


>> No.4667279

I'm up 160k this year, pleb.

>> No.4667292

The day that bitcoin crashes will be 10x better than when trump got elected

Green ID by the way

>> No.4667315

Lmao that is literally how all money works

>> No.4667527

I heard a clip of Stigliz on the radio today. He said Bitcoin is popular because it lacks oversight, so it should be banned. Almost everything traded between private individuals is done without any oversight by anyone else. For example I sell you my old couch for $40: no oversight by anyone but you and me. Does Stiglitz think old couches should be banned, too? Fucking marxist cunt unironically doesn't believe in private property.

>> No.4668012

- Not too late to buy and hold.
- There are, monero is current best. iota can be even better if it doesn't fail. its concept is new and there is a lot of controversy about it, but if it succeeds, it will change everything.
- best way is to put your wallet on an external hard drive and keep it turned off.

>> No.4668040
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>> No.4668060

(((Joseph Stiglitz)))

Whatcha doin, Rabbi?

>> No.4668092

why don't normies know that when you see a bubble you go in? instead they choose to not make money or even worse short an irrational market and lose all their money. Why are normies retarded?

>> No.4668961

the abc finance guy is cool