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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 278x276, chnlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4640849 No.4640849 [Reply] [Original]

guys, I all in link, now so depressing, dont know what to do, every fucking coin had moon , but this shit going down in bull run. come all linkie bag holders , discuss what are our options

>> No.4640886

bull run my ass. most things are red except BTC and IOTA.

>> No.4640925

what about ada, eth,rdn, power, every other coin that came after link mooned 5x s, except this shit

>> No.4640935

I need to stop coming on biz every day. This shit is really getting depressing. In the back of my mind I know that this shit will definitely moon in the future but at the same time all of the bullshit on here is really eating away at me. Fuck.

>> No.4640951

Weak FUD that is, you guessed it. MUD

>> No.4640972

People are chasing 2x shitcoin pump and dumps. We are holding this until next year, where we flip this for a 150x profit.

> Ripple, $11 billion marketcap, 2017
> Ripple, $16 billion marketcap 2018
> ChainLink, $60 million marketcap 2017
> Next year, everything will be confirmed with Swift and LINK will also be on Bittrex
> We get Ripple's 2017 marketcap of $11 billion, now this number is our conservative number
> Let's also pretend that by then another 200m LINK has been diluted into the total supply for the node operators + Sergey sold off some of his stack
> LINK has a total circulating supply of 550m
> $11 billion market cap / 550m in circulation = $20 per LINK
> That's a 120x GAINZ, but you want to chase 2x shitcoin moon missions right now instead of waiting

>> No.4640974

what if link does not moon anon, by that time we realize we miss lot other moon missions

>> No.4640975
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>> No.4640976

>Linkies shit all over other coins, especially iota
>Iota is 50% up over its previous ath and link is literally setting all time lows
Lmao. So glad I always do the opposite of what know it all smug cunts on biz say and never bought link

>> No.4641018

>what if link does not moon anon, by that time we realize we miss lot other moon missions

what if link does not moon anon, by that time we realize we miss lot other moon missions

>> No.4641022

See posts like this are why I avoided chainlink
If other anons had half a brain they would have done the same seeing the level of delusion from bag holders

>> No.4641039

I've spent more time researching chainlink than I would ever admit. I feel very confident that I am right about this being huge but it is very fucking painful to hold in the short term, and the doubt is always there fucking with me.

>> No.4641087

seriously anon, more than bag holding, I am frustrated with team, looks like no words from them since sibos, may they doing cocksucking , not able to talk.

>> No.4641245

Yeah man but on the other hand they've been working on this shit for 4 years and this is where Ari Juels and Evan Cheng have some of their money parked not to mention all of the big players they have their foot in the door with as well as other companies waiting to use chainlink when the network goes live. But still. Fuck.

>> No.4641308

Every time I think about selling, I just remember how I wanted to bet on Trump to win when he first announced at 400:1 odds and didn't do it, and how it felt when Trump was behind 5% on election day, and how it felt when he won. Link is the Trump of crypto.

>> No.4641332

This shit reminds me of ANT back a couple months ago. People shilling 24/7. At least we got pink Wojak out of that mess.

>> No.4641338

I don't pay much attention to crypto these days, when other stuff moons I just say, hey, good for them! I'm just in it for the memes at this point.
>t. 41k LINK

>> No.4641401

ANT that is now neo?

>> No.4641474 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 1505x1259, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get back in? The volume is holding and BTC proper seems to be due for a correction and the last times a dip has happened, mini panics have driven pic related up hard and fast. Seems open and shut, just worried that this time the herd is going to run for ETC or BTG.

>> No.4641499

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black
BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick
in the corner with one hand and stonewalling investors in the slack with the other.
That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete
debacle are riddled with typos. A pile of unread resumes sit on the floor, drenched in
Big Mac sauce. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement
trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find
the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keeps frantically calling Sergey.
Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.”
Steve’ mom’s basement reeks of the marijuana Steve smokes to cope with the stress.
A thick haze from all the smoke lingers. All Steve can see are two faint lights.
One is the blue light emitting from his shitty 2010 dell inspiron laptop. Somehow
Sergey didn’t think they’d have money in the budget for him to get a new laptop.
The other is the glimmer of steel of his colt 45 revolver with his one way ticket out of his hell.

>> No.4641500

Not my ELIX

I'm Hella /comfy/ right now

>> No.4641540

This a very fair assessment and exactly what I have been thinking as well. I may have went back to LINK a tad early but it is better than being late.

>> No.4641564

All this money pumping into every other coin but LINK just means there's more money in other coins and the crypto market to all flow into Chainlink when it pumps.

>> No.4641645
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>> No.4641692

If it makes you feel better linkies. I have a pretty good track record of picking coins. Right now riding the IOTA wave. I bought link near ATL but willing to give it a chance. Any news from devs with any developments will give this coin a pop.

>> No.4641701

pajeet you need learn speak english my sirs

>> No.4641757

nigga, I am chinki, we dont speak engleessshhh.

>> No.4641894
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Amen, anon.

>> No.4642169
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Me too, except I went all in Trump for 35k on Trump. After the fees I got 140k. Now I'm in crypto and all in for LINK, except this is a lot less of a risk desu.

>> No.4642195
File: 163 KB, 768x1024, chadthundersocks_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We out here in Sri Lanka with that ICO Money senpai, you feel me?

>> No.4642413

fuck when was this taken

>> No.4642417
File: 997 KB, 230x230, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn

>> No.4642427

Once there is even some what of a pump alot of bag holders are gonna dump b because they know they will.go through another long period without communication and tanking the price again.

Vicious cycle but I don't see link doing great for a while. My bags are heavy af. The 2 coins i held for good cloak and link are stagnant while I sold zcoin and vertcoin after holding for months. Just to have them fucking moon right after. Fucking cursed with holding shitcoins. Gonna dump this shit first chance I see.

These people are so fucking lost that they think link will be more than a dollar. Let alone 10s to 100s. Lol

>> No.4642642

Well I bet BTC on Trump winning and it gained me 25 BTC, and I'm not in link.

>> No.4642747

why do you hate money anon?

>> No.4642789

thats the thing. im confindent that a "link" between blockchain and realworld will be huge. but dont know man... the communication part of the team.. just so fucking bad.

just hope there is no other team stealing chainlinks show because of that.

>> No.4642828

>Once there is even some what of a pump alot of bag holders are gonna dump b because they know they will.go through another long period without communication and tanking the price again.
uh huh they say this about every coin. can never pump cuz bag holders.

>> No.4642872
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>> No.4642930
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this, i remember when i was letting the shills make me think trump wouldnt win but we need more meme magic for link

>> No.4643131

I thought you guys were shills, just keep meme magic-ing it.

>> No.4643158

What were the odds of Trump winning and losing?

>> No.4643178

I think it was like 400:1

>> No.4643274
File: 94 KB, 736x1104, 9f2603e9fec3e96cc538dfd1a47dbce0--kpop-girls-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have ben smarter fags. Serves you guys right 70 percent of biz was covered in link spam.

>> No.4643626

yea you should probaly dump. its just overbought

>> No.4643699

I want to buy this shirt. Got the original image?

>> No.4643720

Fuck you Rory.

>> No.4643826

Yup. Biz has been shitting over iota because "muh no true blockchain", while i have had so many friends and colleagues hear recommending it. Iota is mooning while biz pumped chainlink is falling in a bull market.

Always do the opposite of what biz says.

>> No.4643899

Dude it's crypto. Delusion is rewarded with millions all the time.

>> No.4644003

Then get off biz. The only reason to hodl at this time is to ignore all the stress of the crazy market. I love you

>> No.4644030

RIP my bagholders.

I went all in with 20 btc at ico, cashed out at 80 btc.

somebody gotta hold my bags ;)

>> No.4644046

Probly before he got rich from the looks of it

>> No.4644087

Reminder that biz told you to buy ETH when it $7 and BTC when it was $200.

>> No.4644128

I hope you thank the President when you're a billionaire.

>> No.4644152

stop making threads about LINK here nobody fucking cares

>> No.4644221

Reminder that biz told you to buy Bancor, digibyte and chainlink as well.

>> No.4644256

Very easy to see that chainlink is a great investment right now, when all the fudding is just bashing memes while some shilling has actual reasoning behind it. If youre buying or holding Link you are already better than 90% of the people on here. Be greedy while others are fearful.

>> No.4644285

And antshares

>> No.4644288

my main man sergey got dem swift hoes on his dick, he probly been over there all week showing them what its like wit a man in da house

>> No.4644335

DGB never had anything going for it

>> No.4644348

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keep frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Get out

>> No.4644374

This is as bad of a shitshow as it gets. I feel like a total fucking retard holding 100k of this shit and having expected a single slight moon IN THE BIGGEST FUCKING BULL RUN OF ALL TIME IN CRYPTOHISTORY. While missing out on other shit, what do I get with LINK? Yeah, right, a wrecked anus. God fucking, this is just pissing me off so hard.

I just want to get rid of my bags at this point. I hope the December news will make a big spike I can sell into, since it will eventually DROP AGAIN ANYWAY while BTC is headed to 15k.

>> No.4644396

lol /thread

>> No.4644407
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>> No.4644549

explain to me exactly why its a shitcoin and worse than for example IOTA?

>> No.4644585

Nothing is worse than IOTA. Why would you compare two unrelated projects anyway.


Ah, don't kid yourself. You'd have fomo'd in some random scraps of news again. Maybe your stack would be bigger now.

>> No.4644649


>posting the ugly Obsidian girl

I hate you

>> No.4644652

sold all my LINK for REQ two weeks ago.

the sweet release is amazing.

actually up 25% since the move.

mfw i'm comfy because my devs are competent

>> No.4644668

that's what im talking about. chainlink right now has everything except the marketing on point and a massive price explosion will follow. "its a shitcoin because the price is dropping right now". tell me how do you choose the cryptos youre speculating on?

>> No.4644683

>tfw 40% LINK 40% REQ 20% BTC

is this what purgatory feels like?

>> No.4644699

how many losers here are going to babble on about this shit project before.... ah fuck it
no cares

>> No.4644754

Nobody knows about the actual development at this point, and this is the reason why the price tanks. Could as well be far behind and therefore the lack of updates.

The other reason is the low/non-communication understatement style. "Muh NDA, can't even give infos about a fucking exchange listing." HOW THE HELL IS THAT NDA YOU FUCKTARDS?? Anyway, fuck this, I'm selling my useless RLC and buy more Link. If I am in delusion mode, I might as well go 100% full autistic delusion.

>> No.4644756

You guys do realize that its on one exchange and is heavily manipulated and is not even close to launching a main net let alone testing it. Just sell, go away for 5 months and take a look at it then. Stop crying. They know there communication sucks, they do not care. So sell and go away if you do not like there mode of communication. i Rather they keep their mouths shut until they have something significant to say that will rally the community and get it excited not some stupid "we made a new website!" shit

>> No.4644773
File: 19 KB, 394x379, 1506284262524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it.

this is literally, LITERALLY DGB 2.0. never since that first week in June has a coin been so heavily shilled, held through its ATH, and gone on to collectively JUST all of its bagholders after a meme conference failed (Citi/SIBOS)

the writing is on the wall. face it LINKmarines, it's over. funny enough, both DGB and LINK will be the same price soon.

SIBOS was a flop

both teams have GARBAGE communications/marketing,

NO devs, sergey = jared literally.
does Sergey even know how to fucking code?

github hasnt been updated with meaningful shit in ages

deluded fucking linkies i swear


>no roadmap
>vague promises of updates
>terrible PR team
>competitors will do it better
>legion of delusional bagholders
>last hope is a partnership with a large Fortune 500 company (never happpened for DGB, won't for Link either)
>both were supposed to be $1, neither ever touched it

did i miss anything?

>> No.4644784

I mean I'm not saying they should post rocket emojis or technical analysis on twitter like POWR or something but at least give something, anything to the investors

>> No.4644793

Yeah, I've seen this said a dozen times tonight also. Everything at Binance is -10% -30%

>> No.4644823 [DELETED] 
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i sold this pile of shit for IOTA yesterday. /comfy/ at 50 percent gains. cant wait for the eventual 2x when Korea FOMOs into it

>> No.4644844


lol /polacks, go home

>crypto is not a shitty politics

>> No.4644855

Actually I betted 5000 on Trump to win, which was then my initial investment for cryptocurrencies. Good times.

>> No.4644918

Where did you guys do this election bet?

>> No.4644932

>when Korea FOMOs into it
But that never happens. The "Koreans are waking up" is a fucking myth.

>> No.4644971

I did it on bet365.com

Never had any problems and withdrawals were fucking fast.

>> No.4645015

This was a pump and dump. Will never reach its ATH again. You fags that get emotionally invested in coins make me lol. Sell and buy something new that hasn't pumped yet.

>> No.4645400 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 924x976, 1484178634739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is Bcash?
what is ETH?
what is, dare I say Blockstream?
All that was Korea my small brained comrade
if you win too much, bet365 tells you to go fuck yourself. I went on a streak last year UEFA and those fucks refused to give me my shekels
this. I will never fall in love with a token again

>> No.4645454

either they announce bank partnerships and you make a fuckload of money or they don't. idk what to tell you man

>> No.4645677

I'm all in on link until the December announcement. Would literally be retarded not to, but if it's a big nothing I'm cashing out 90% of it.

>> No.4646487

>a failed meme conference failed

>> No.4646524

>SIBOS was a flop
On the day of SIBOS, we learned that 5 major banks were going to be involved in the Chainlink demo.
Count 'em: five.

BNP Paribas, Barclays, Santander, Crédit Générale, and Fidelity.
On top of Swift.

You are an idiot.

>NO devs, sergey = jared literally.
>does Sergey even know how to fucking code?
Why in the fuck does this even matter in the slightest?

>> No.4646547 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4646548

invests in russian pump n dump scam, wonders where money went LOL

>> No.4646566

I just love how link dumps everyday and people keep comparing this to ripple in marketcap. LOLOLLLLLLLL ripple was a completely different beast, very marketable, link team are all fat n useless. Sergey had one failed project already, now this is his second, years to run the ico, now they're talking of recoding and which language to use


>> No.4646573

and PIVX back in March

Only remembered this one the other day when I saw PIVX mooning but /biz/ was all over it at <$0.10 in March or whenever it was. At least 40x gains there too

>> No.4646575


>> No.4646583
File: 154 KB, 1080x1920, chainlink roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no roadmap
See pic.

>vague promises of updates
They're working on releasing the network. That's all anyone needs to know at this point.

>terrible PR team
Their product and incredible industry exposure say it all.

>competitors will do it better
"My dad is stronger than your dad!"

>legion of delusional bagholders
Only one delusional is you.

>last hope is a partnership with a large Fortune 500 company (never happpened for DGB, won't for Link either)
DGB was part of a parade of many different companies organized by a single bank.
Chainlink was the ONLY external crypto dev to develop a proof of concept for fucking SWIFT and showcase it at their premier conference.
There is no comparison.

>> No.4646713
File: 204 KB, 900x657, 1511797066251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadmap here

>> No.4646784

sergay looks like a fat and useless sloth. he's lucky he managed to scam you NEETs. now he will be able to live on the beach, while you are all stuck holding bags. BAHAHAHAHA so fucking funny har har

>> No.4646809
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nice post

>> No.4646843

>See pic.
Joke of a road map

>They're working on releasing the network
They are working on hiring people so they can begin to start coding the network...

>Their product and incredible industry exposure say it all
Doesnt change the fact there is absolutely zero communication and its all done through a fucking slack channel. This is the type of professionalism you expect after giving a a two man team 32 million dollars?

>Only one delusional is you.
Yet youre the one who refused to sell at the obvious highs and kept holding all the way down to 1500 sats.

>> No.4646928

It was a set up, a scam, a fleece, two man team pulled off millions. Sergey is rich for the rest of his life and he didn't even have to build anything.

>> No.4646968

Even their bloody smartcontract news twitter bot has stopped posting since Nov 6th. You can't make this shit up. Everyones left.

>> No.4646998



How, this is fantastic. This is our chance to accumulate more Link. I am buying like crazy right now. Fucking coinbase is fucking me over with that fucking deposit limit right now holy shit fuck off I want to dump my entire bank account on this dip.

We have not had a proper Link dip in ages. The last few weeks and days was not a dip. Remember Sats don't matter. Sats are geriatricBitcoin garbage that will probably be a dead unit of measurement in a year or 2 when Chainlink is in full swing anyways.

The USD value is all that matters and CL has been sitting at 18 cents for ages, finally it dips to 15 cents, this is the dip I've been waiting for all month.

>> No.4647022

Rory has already stated they are "doing something new". As they get closer they will release "a roadmap".

They lied by omission. There is nothing about their project that is far along.

And now the price is literally about 10% above the PRESALE ICO PRICE. There is 70 ETH worth of buy orders standing between people who gave Sergey their ETH in AUGUST , and an ETH denominated LOSS.

Sell your LINK, preserve your ETH, buy back in below pre-sale ico price if you really have that much of a hard on for it.

>> No.4647036


>> No.4647045
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How does it feel linkie? how does it feel that while you are "accumulating your shitcoin, everyone else is having mad gains and laughing all the way to the bank while you ar holding your neutron star heavy bags. And on top of that, should link start to move, everyone else can buy in at a discount greater than yours and still make a lot more bank than you all because you stuck to the HODL meme on a shitcoin? how does it feel linkie?

>> No.4647047

Theres no fiat pair for link. Satoshi value is the only thing that matters because trading against btc or eth is the only way you can accumulate.

>> No.4647057
File: 109 KB, 769x273, steve ellis golang nov 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joke of a road map
Maybe it's time for you to recognize how far along the project really is.
All there is left to do is fine-tuning, porting, and practical implementation.

>They are working on hiring people so they can begin to start coding the network...
The network was coded in June, source: https://www.coindesk.com/swift-completes-blockchain-smart-contracts-trial/

You're thinking of the Golang coders they want to hire to help port from Ruby to Golang. But they've already been porting from Ruby to Golang for literal weeks now.
See pic, they were already porting to Golang at least on Nov. 10.

>Doesnt change the fact there is absolutely zero communication
They're working on releasing the network, that's all anyone needs to know at this point.

Does Swift provide weekly or even monthly updates on their Fabric proof of concept?
Does Apple provide weekly or even monthly updates on their latest iphone?

Even if you're a major investor in a tech company, you'll be lucky to get quarterly updates.

>> No.4647067

I sold this shit a few weeks ago. Also sold half of REQ when BTC start mooning.

>> No.4647101

>Maybe it's time for you to recognize how far along the project really is
It really isnt far along at all. You are delusional.

>The network was coded in June, source
You understand what a proof of concept is right?

>still thinks absolutely zero communication is good
Delusional beyond all delusion.

>> No.4647110

you faggots deserve it for killing this board

link is going below 1k sats btw


>> No.4647211


I'm not holding bags though. I sold my Link ages ago and only just begun buying back in with a bigger stack in the last few days. I've been making gains until just these last few hours, which is great because I was hoping it was going to go lower since I'd already traded all my other altcoins for Link, and only had fiat left to buy with. Was at work all day hoping I'd come home and find that it dipped, and it did. Literally filled out my entire deposit limit on coinbase when I saw that. Now I'm just waiting for it to dip a bit more and reach my buy order.

>tfw if I get bought I will have over 30k Link and will be in the green

Feels good buying in at the absolute bottom.

>> No.4647213


Yes exactly. I'm 100% certain the fudders have never read the white paper and don't know half of what we do about the coin its team and who they have worked wiwth already

>> No.4647222

>It really isnt far along at all. You are delusional.
Except for the network which they used at Sibos right? With direct involvement of five major banks and Swift?

>You understand what a proof of concept is right?
Something like a working prototype.

>>still thinks absolutely zero communication is good
Except there hasn't been "zero" communication, has there?
Like I said, even million-dollar investors will be lucky to get quarterly updates from projects in which they invested.
By mainstream tech business standards, the Chainlink team is absolutely spoiling us.

They're working on technical fine-tuning, towards practical implementation.
The technical side is the only thing that matters right now; and if you have any TECHNICAL questions, go ask Steve Ellis on Gitter. He'll likely respond within the day.

>> No.4647322
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>"Categories of digital agreements that have few participants and already use digital state - things like derivatives. [...] In a period like 5 years you're going to see the high value contracts in spaces like derivatives, spaces like the bond market, all kinds of different securities, even equities, they're going to be the standard. So smart contracts are going to be the standard."

Skip to 6:45 or so. It's worth watching all the way through. Despite the impression you might get from this board, Sergey is not some fat autist selling shitcoins from a toilet. He's the real deal. Derivatives are a QUADRILLION dollar industry and these are exactly the kinds of agreements that will be implemented in smart contracts and so use chainlink.

He also mentions a key theme at the conference as being moving from proof of concept to real world implementation. This fits with their plan for a release in early 2018.

Yes, the lack of communication is frustrating but you've got to see it from their perspective: they have no interest in generating hype among individuals - it's all about institutions. This thing isn't even on Bittrex yet, give it time.

>> No.4647382
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Thanks anon, you made me feel comfy again

>> No.4647393
File: 240 KB, 704x396, GokuSpiritBombFrieza02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is loading up the spirit bomb, and /biz/lets haven't looked up into the sky yet.

>> No.4647427


Spot on m8. The derivatives thing is something people never seem to mention. The crazy thing is this was a month ago yet the autists here are acting like it was a year ago.

The "sergey is missing" meme started here and snowballed to the point where link lost 2 cents, yet nothing about the project fundamentally changed at all. That's kind of the weird thing about all this.

>> No.4647437
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>he thinks he bought the bottom

>> No.4647446
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>> No.4647462

God damn he is our saviour

>> No.4647513

>bitcoin goes parabolic
>Other altcoins shooting up as well
>Biztards bet their money on link, the one shitcoins that's dead in the water

Congrats you fucktards that's what you get for shitting up this board nonstop for months on end.

>> No.4647546

>all in
NEVER a good idea

>> No.4647547

Congrats on getting emotionally invested in this.

Do you yell at billboards along the road too?

>> No.4647835

actually might kill myself

of all the things i didnt think it would be over some interenet coin

>> No.4647918


nothing has changed in the last two days other than some anons started a "sergey is missing" meme

>> No.4647933

If you guys feeling suicidal, please share links with me then. In case of event turn around I will split it with your family.


>> No.4647971

thank god i dumped this shit around 32c

>> No.4647984
File: 178 KB, 1244x757, 1511507808408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking right he is.

From the same video (2:55):
>"Digital contracts between individuals are kind of limited. The reality is most digital contracts that happen between individuals happen through other services"

What reason would they have for hyping this coin up among individuals? The fact is they've raised the money through the ICO and are now getting on with developing a product for business. They probably expected (unreasonably, given the reaction on this board) that investors understood the project and were in it for at least a year.

Going back to the comment about the theme of going from proof of concept to real world implementation: this could not be more clear. I saw an image posted on here recently (please post it if anyone has it) of the expected timeline of smart contracts. 2018 - 2022 was described as the time period in which they will be implemented, which is in line with Sergey's comment:
>"In a period like 5 years you're going to see the high value contracts in spaces like derivatives..."

It's funny that a common piece of LINK FUD is that it's 'vaporware' - when LINK is one of the few products that actually isn't. Sergey constantly talks about external data because he realises this is the thing that will lead to smart contracts actually being USED.

>"Smart contracts are moving away from proof of concepts and closer to actual implementation. And as that happens, they're going to need high quality triggers and high quality outputs."

It's so clear that they are only really concerned with developing a product that is actually USED. The time scale to mainstream adoption is a couple of years, starting with tests that will begin next year. When people realise this then the hype will grow organically and the snowball effect will be as large as we've seen with XRP, ETH, PIVX (this was hyped on here too), NEO, and other moon missions we missed out on like STRAT. Look at the charts. Pic related is inevitable.

>> No.4647988

what a cunt, get back here you filthy slav mongrel

>> No.4648518

almost every coin has this darkest before the dawn moment, you have to maintain the courage of your convictions and remember why you bought the thing in the first place