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File: 434 KB, 724x483, Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 5.02.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4646602 No.4646602 [Reply] [Original]


your thoughts?

>> No.4646717

yes, archive clickbait

>> No.4646736


good guy

>> No.4646800

<I love this guy, this is what passion and dedication looks like!

>> No.4646836

This guy should kill himself

>> No.4647160

>a 24-hundred bite modem
The final STATE of journalism

>> No.4647219

BCASH, the shittiest shitcoin of all. I mean, if you're gonna create an alt, at least create one that is not a complete copy of BTC. BTC has the "bitcoin" brand status. What does BCASH have? NOTHING. lol Bitcoin is well established, but this BCASH shit needs to stop trying to capitalize on other people's shit.

>> No.4647303

Bitcoin Cash is going to make Bitcoin great again. Instead of paying subscription fees to your jew-government approved Lightning payment processor for transaction approval into the blockchain, you can just send your transaction fast and cheap direct.

>> No.4647315

BCORE, the shittiest shitcoin of all. I mean, if you're gonna create an alt, at least create one that is not a failed copy of BTC. BTC has the "bitcoin" brand status. What does BCORE have? NOTHING. lol Bitcoin is well established, but this BCORE shit needs to stop trying to capitalize on other people's shit.

>> No.4647340

it has larger blocks...? Enjoy your (((Segwit))) coin

>> No.4647405

Is no Bitcoin Cash. Is BCASH ok???

>> No.4647973

He should just fuck off to his own country.

>> No.4648016
File: 24 KB, 618x434, DPpfrt_W4AA7rOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the Bitcoin Jesus

>> No.4648060

This guy is a cancer to bitcoin ,his constant shilling of bcash is just embarrassing now

>> No.4648142

BCash shills need to fuck off and go back to jerking off to THA DRAGUNSLAYA

>> No.4648191

>government approved Lightning payment processor
Multisyllabic Desperation

>> No.4648239
File: 266 KB, 980x742, 1511322542192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


butthurt bcore cuck detected

>> No.4648306

This is gonna end exactly like it did 2000 years ago.
>Jesus (here bitcoin jesus) puts everybody on the right track, goes around telling his tales and spreads his vision and wisdom making some enemies along the way
>Jesus challenged the hierarchy’s interpretation of Sabbath laws and drove the merchants and money changers out of the temple, declaring that they had made it into “a cave of robbers.” (aka, bitcoin core forcing high fees)
>Priests convince plebs to crucify jesus (core convinces newbies that bitcoin jesus is a bad guy, kill bitcoin discussion by censuring bitcoin subreddit etc)
>Plebs vote to crucify jesus (retarded plebs spam every thread on social media, crucifying bitcoin jesus)
>Afterwards, plebs realize they fucked up and crucified a nice guy

>> No.4648378
File: 222 KB, 724x483, Roger-Ver-LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the OC.

Donation addresses, much appreciated:
ETH: 0x378DD04f54F4E47473c9676264d3c5e67404B71F

BTC: 1LmisfpToHsxkoNhUUJMe9JRYgujnMp1fc

>> No.4648615

literally 1 minute worth of entry-level photoshop

>> No.4648689

Took me 3 minutes you stupid fag.

>> No.4648746

That's a very generous picture of Roger.

>> No.4649192

is this cunt gonna pump his shit coin anytime soon?

>> No.4649210

No u should sell. Ur missing moons cause of this fag

>> No.4649250

Fuck i clicked

>> No.4649822

>left hand on right arm
Sent .01 BTC anyway, enjoy :^)

>> No.4650248

only way to cash out is to use bitcoin cash or tether.

so far bcash looks much better.