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File: 19 KB, 225x225, sec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4643515 No.4643515 [Reply] [Original]

The problem with crypto is that just when things look most ROSY, bad news is lingering around the corner.

>> No.4643778

They probably own the exchanges.

>> No.4643835

not everyone is a US resident LOL. also, who cares about the US? China and north korea are the new world powers (they control the crypto market). if you 'muricans are banned from crypto, well that's too bad (zero fucks given). you muricans have a nazi problem to deal with, before you are allowed to tell the world how you think they should deal with cryptos.

>> No.4643862
File: 196 KB, 600x473, captain america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nazi problem
>a problem

Enjoy your zyklon.

>> No.4643927

They definitely own the exchanges. If not they would have stopped it.

>> No.4643959

> Own the exchanges
> Had to build a team and start hearings to figure out crypto

>> No.4643992

white nigger found

>> No.4643996

US gov will be perfectly fine with bitcoin after they pressure the exchanges to release tax info of their customers.

ICO market is gonna get fucking hammered hard soon though. Say bye to your scamcoins.

I'm mostly worried about Monero though, I love that little coin, and it'd be too easy for the government to ban it on US-serving exchanges. It wont die, but yeah, would hurt growth a lot.

>> No.4644026

the sec literally cannot do shit. whats gonna happen? theyll try shut down exchanges hosted in nations they have absolutely zero jurisdiction over? monitor the computer of every single us citizen to make sure they dont trade bitcoin?
many governments are fully behind crypto. actual first world nations. no one gives a fuck about uncle sam.

>> No.4644078

Nazi problem lel.

I think you got lost on your way to ledit. They might care enough to hear about your made up world problems.

>> No.4644122

I might be completely wrong because I haven't seen the numbers... But it appears that the ico market has slowed down. Or at least, there hasn't been any huge ico hype lately. Most of the good ideas are already out there

>> No.4644143

lol, if uncle sam want, its easy, if they cought couple of folks , throw behind the bars, all normie will scare to enter, then btc back to 2$

>> No.4644157

>nazi problem
normie detected

>> No.4644186

Yeah, bitcoin would drop to $2 and then monero would shoot up to 10k

>> No.4644217

why would anyone outside of america care?
america is nothing to the bitcoin market. and wall st is untouchable so they dont care either.

>> No.4644244

Good, I've been waiting for a dip. I need to buy more of the stuff. I'm getting addicted to these gains!

>> No.4644440

I'm East Asian you shitskin fodder

>> No.4644519
File: 95 KB, 750x500, Operation Dragonslayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China and north korea are the new world powers (they control the crypto market)

Yeah, we witnessed that on Friday when BCH couldn't even get an erection. China has a Communist problem. It is isolated and hated. The clock is ticking.

>> No.4644631

yes. its pump and dumb game