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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4639171 No.4639171 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there only two threads on IOTA?

Why are you all not rushing to buy this right now?

Do you fucking understand what just happened today? Do you not understand what the internet of things is, beyond it having a gay ass name?

Data is the biggest marketplace in the globe right now, the largest corporations ALL deal in data metrics. It is the future of everything.

IOTA just became that currency.

You are witnessing Bitcoin at $100. This is Ethereum at $35, ANS at $7.

You're thrown off by the $4B marketcap. Wow! Guess what? It will be $20B in 2 months.

You are witnessing the future begin right before your eyes.

I'm not shilling this, I know it will moon hard. I just want you to KNOW that if you don't buy this you will be missing out on becoming a millionaire within a year. Remember this post if you don't buy. I fucking warned you. Never has there been a signal this clear. You would be a FOOL not to buy.

>> No.4639201

The board's latent racism and xenophobia is causing everyone to miss out on the biggest moon mission since Ethereum.

>> No.4639207

because iota is a fucking dumb idea thats why

>> No.4639241

What happened today jampai rezu? Been studying for my finals.. keep on missing all the sweet gains...

>> No.4639285

This. Notice there is no rebuttal to this post because it's true.

>> No.4639305

Explain to me how this coin could possibly moon?
Btw I was shilled it, but only bought $100 worth, made no gains

>> No.4639333

>bitcoin is a dumb idea
>ethereum is a dumb idea
>microsoft, samsung, huawei partner with dumb companies that have dumb ideas.

>> No.4639345

>Why are there only two threads on IOTA
You fucking newfag piece of shit. Check the catalogue before posting.

It's like you fuckers think this is reddit

>> No.4639367


>> No.4639381

Are you suggesting that IOTA tricked Deutsche Telekom, Bosch, Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCooper, Accenture, Cisco, Samsung, Orange S.A., Fujitsu, and Huawei Group? And that you're smarter than all the folks at those companies, who must be fools?

>> No.4639403

Because it's not an argument you brainlet

>> No.4639421

2.7 billion coins in circulation.

>> No.4639458



>> No.4639495
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I already bought the dip a couple of days ago and am chilling. What are you on about? Don't tell me you didn't buy the dip?

>> No.4639548

No one gives a shit that you bought 6 IOTA with your lunch money fuck off faggot.

>> No.4639592

>tfw a member of the GIOTA club
Must make you very upset.

>> No.4639730

Oh boy it's that coin that can only run on a centralized system with a trinary code base (for no reason) and run by a baby who can't into criticism

I'll wait for the next DAG coin that isn't a dumpster fire

>> No.4639742

I literally own 100k IOTA you faggot kys.

>> No.4639791


Because I am a poorfag. The only crypto I have is 97 bts

I'm so poor that I had to take a house under adverse possession ...


>> No.4639824

The name Iota makes me think tiny.

Like a small baller

I wanna be a big baller

I want big money

For that reason, I'm out.

>> No.4639870

Because I went all in at 16500 like a retard and am trying to forget it exists.

>> No.4639912

Dont worry anon i went in on powr at 10400 cus im a retarded newfag i just sold that shit off and im already making my money back with different coins just find the pump nd dump before it gets posted here

>> No.4639944

5% of the posters here probably have greater understanding of blockchain tech and applications then whoever the fuck IOTA talked to at MicroSoft (the only company out of those that might have any fucking clue)

>I'll wait for the next DAG coin that isn't a dumpster fire
This. But tt's already here and it's called Byteball. #smartmoney

>> No.4639955

Should I throw 50$ at this and forget about it?

>> No.4639972

iota is literally run by an anti white numale soyboy

it deserves to die

>> No.4639991

i can't decide if it will pump back up to get me even though, so i'm kind of in limbo, i'm going to sleep on it and see what happens

>> No.4640030

>Centralized server
>No solution to scalability, devs usually dodge the question or say they'll figure it out
>Idiot emotional devs who can't code for shit according to MIT

Oh yea that's why

>> No.4640053

if its not on bittrex, im not buying it. pass.

>> No.4640056

>racism prevents people from posting on fourchan

>> No.4640093

it probably wont this place is full of shills spreading lies it might rise again but if it does what powr did/will do it will slowly bleed out before rising in a few months as it gets developed

>> No.4640100

>iota is literally run by an anti white numale soyboy

I'm late to the iota party, care to elaborate?

>> No.4640127

i agree it's closing in on the end but i remember going to bed on powr thinking it was absolutely done at like 9.5k and woke up to it at 12k

hopefully it has a pump in it but you're right i highly doubt it it will be a slow bleed but i'm already down 15% what's another 10% to find out I guess

>> No.4640174
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>bought $100 worth, made no gains

>> No.4640197

you can hide the thread, breh

>> No.4640264

all the retards FUDing IOTA because it won't work. FUCKING VITALIK doesn't even get it. how can you dumbshits understand it? ETH is finished. IOTA is going to overtake ETH by this time next year.

scroll up for the lulz

>> No.4640285

about to buy 10 coins. if Data helps it take off it would easy be at 100k by end of next year. if that corp is as global as you say it is.

>> No.4640314

because /biz/ is fucking retarded and would rather hold LINK bags

>> No.4640429


>> No.4640503
File: 184 KB, 1800x743, MOASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA bros - I've been in and out of IOTA for awhile, and am getting back on. Did they make any big changes to their wallet in the last couple of months? Do I have to redo my seed like the previous wallet update? When I input my seed the box says (PCC) - am I still good to use this seed?

>> No.4640558

i'm waiting for the new wallet to come out in a few weeks

>> No.4640595
File: 766 KB, 2048x1366, 372742_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me running that's pretty. I just hate leaving more than $1k on an exchange for that long.

>> No.4640609

Explain to me how you made no gains on something that went up 43 cents in one day

>> No.4640634

you can still generate your seed and wallet address offline and send the coins there until the gui wallet is available

>> No.4640664

Micro transactions son. Only 1000 iota puts you in the 2.7 million club. Wtf is the problem? I'm in the club, are you?

>> No.4640931

I work at Orange. Our "partnership" with IOTA is just the IoT/cloud computing head of department who took a look at their data marketplace amongst the many other things he takes a look at on a daily basis. If you don't see an announcement from a company source itself (website, press release), there is no partnership.

>> No.4640988

This, partnership is such a weak fucking word. Lots of pink wojaks coming soon.

>> No.4641013

This is also a good point. Believe me, companies as a whole have no clue when it comes to distributed ledger technology. This is why we're invested scattershot into a little bit of everything with the right buzzwords on the offchance something takes off.

>> No.4641049

By "invested", I mean in terms of manpower, giving attention to various projects.

>> No.4641100
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decent FUD 7/10

>> No.4641141

OP, I'm not sure what message you're trying to convey, here. Can you be a little more clear?

>> No.4641215

I made no statement about IOTA itself, just correcting any assumption there's a partnership.
The EEA was seen as partnerships as well by ETH moonkids, and this misconception didn't stop ether from rising to $500. Cool your jets; if the tech is solid, it will rise regardless.

>> No.4641223

Its next on my list, waiting til ETH hits $550 so I can buy without reducing my ETH stack too much

>> No.4641256

Exactly, the """""partnerships"""" are purely superficial and say nothing of IOTA's tech. Just meet n greets and "sure we'll be in touch, call us when ur shit works" from these companies.

The dev's get roasted all day long on BTC talk, Bruce fucking Schneir the crypto god himself roasted IOTA after their rookie mistake of rolling their crypto algo and having it published on github, they can't even make a goddam wallet, and the tech doesn't even fucking work without the centralized server, Coordinator. It's literally substantially worse than blockchain tech, and the only honest DAG tech in crypto is byteball.

It's all literal dumb money from people who don't understand, and they'll pay when it comes crashing down.

>> No.4641300

The worst part is the iotiots think if you don't fill your bags with iota, it's because you "just don't get it", because they were memed into thinking """tangle""""" is blockchain 5.0

>t. angry earthbound bag holder

>> No.4641426
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>so serious

>> No.4641446

No samefag you are not getting it, the tech does not matter, you know this money does not understand so it should be easy for you to grasp that there is literally no point in bringing technology into this.

>> No.4641454

>so stupid

>> No.4641463


The blog post has literal quotes from every company's executives

Terrible Fud, faggot kys

>> No.4641481

~R A R E~

>> No.4641482
File: 554 KB, 967x954, erererereeereeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please no I put money into this.

>> No.4641514

obviously, this. ETH is soaring and they really don't do shit except allow for ICO pumps and they're switching from PoW to PoS. no one gives a shit about the tech except some cypherpunk wannabes.

>> No.4641680

I wasn't intending to obscure that I was replying to my own post, it was more of a post script than anything.

I know the money doesn't understand and I know eventually the market will catch up and come back around, I just want to kill every single IOTA holder.

There's just legitimate projects out there with real use cases and readily available and fully functional tech that receive almost no hype. This is bad for two reasons:

1) My bags are heavy as fuck, and
2) When it comes crashing down and exposed for the smoke and mirrors that it is, the whole crypto scene looses credibility.

The latter point of the two isn't so bad I guess, as it gives us as all a little more time until big money rolls in en masse.

>> No.4641720

>eth doesn't do shit
Dude if you don't see the potential of ETH you're a fucking retard, most of crypto is piggy backing off it as we type here and through FUD around. Smart contracts were an issue before crypto currency was even invented you ignorant fuck.

>> No.4641723

blog post inc for pinkwojakcoin, satoshi nakamoto quoted as saying "my original vision for bitcoin is finally here in pinkwojakcoin. invest in the ICO!"
jesus christ, how desperate are you. bought at $1.50?

>> No.4641740

Ark or IOTA?

Currently I'm all in Ark. Redpill me iotards.

Also this feels harsh, give me a pet name for you guys like people have for Arkies. What do you call yourselves?

>> No.4641751

None of this is bad you're just playing the right game at the wrong time. Now is the time to take the normie money to use against them the next time, you grow stronger as they grow weaker.

>> No.4641768

DYOR research and you will see anon. But ride the bull while it last if you're careful. Do you even know what your tokens do for the network, why they should increase in value over time?

Because I sure as fuck don't, and neither do the devs, or anyone else other than hype train retards.

>> No.4641826


Bought thousands at .26 back in August.

Your post made no sense, go to bed baby boy. You're delirious and have that 6th grade spelling bee tomorrow

>> No.4641843

I rode a bit of IOTA back in the day and it was stupid kek. Cashed out because I'd rather not have to worry about a flash crash in the event of everyone wising up to it or another cryptographic fuck up and poof everything is gone, and I just never know with those goddam devs man. There's more secure, potentially higher ROI money to be made.

>> No.4641849
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LOLOLOLOL. ETH is already outdated thanks to IOTA. The recent ETH pump was so the whales could dump their bags and put them in IOTA - oh and look what happened with IOTA. ETH is basically blockbuster video now. number 1 rule of investing - don't become emotionally attached to your investments. you have to judge them dispassionately.

>> No.4641881

My problem is also that I'm a know-nothing fucking idiot, and I know if I can see through this bullshit and rek them iota boypussies, that means most the market is dumber/knows less than me, and that's the real discouraging part.

>> No.4641927

yo yo yo yo

dipping hard on binance. RESTOCK TIME BOYS

>> No.4641936

Ok, nice complete lack of substance there m8. ETH and IOTA are completely unrelated, and I hope for your own sake that you understand that, and that IOTA does not threaten ETH due to the vastly different use cases (to say the least), and vice versa.

>don't be emo
I hold no ETH or IOTA.

>> No.4641960


>this guy claims to be smarter than the inventor of Proof-of-Stake / co-creator of Iota.

Lol bro most of us are sleeping soundly or distracted watching our portfolios fly through the stratosphere.

Enjoy your bitter bags, lemme guess...youre pissed that linkcoin dropped 4% today?

>> No.4641999
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>My problem is also that I'm a know-nothing fucking idiot,
>that means most the market is dumber/knows less than me

>> No.4642011

sounds reasonable enough
yeah well this is it really, with any market

>> No.4642043

Here's my IOTA fud folder btw guys, if anyone wants to DYOR and cash out while you can, have at it


And then read the devs getting BTFO on a regular basis on BTC talk.

You're welcome

>> No.4642061

Just because was right once doesn't make him right now.

Do you not understand the implications m8?

>> No.4642073
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There's always hope.

>> No.4642126

I didn't know all markets were like this, I guess I'll start doing as you say and thinking more like a normie short term, and an autistic virgin NEET long term.

Luckily I trade like a tortoise so I don't really care, but I just believe such a poor project should die off to make room for real ones, and that fellow /biz/raelis should know what they're holding.

But clearly your indifferent position is best for gainz, and I'll work on that

>> No.4642136

>Do you not understand the implications m8?
i do, but they're highly presumptuous

>> No.4642199

Yeah kek, I'm an anonymous faggot on the internet though why should I give a fuck. IOTA's market cap is literal dumb money at it's finest.

>> No.4642237

the fact that you know this and refuse to profit from it is mind-boggling to me. please explain to me your reasoning

>> No.4642345

I'm surprised it's gone on this long t b h. I can't see the future m8, if I could things would be a bit different and maybe I would've rode this wave today.

But at any rate, I like having my money in places where I don't have to worry about flash crashes due to the devs doing a cryptographic fuck up, or the general public wising up. But that's just me, I put my fundamentals first instead of chasing pumps.

>> No.4642378

nice pepe

>stop fucking shilling bro - just get rich and spit on none-coiners when in lamboland

>> No.4642389

Additionally, it's not like IOTA is the only coin to profit from, so your reasoning is kind of broken there too. I caught a lot of pumps this week, but missed this one because I've let IOTA leave my radar at this point, and I don't think that's really bit me, even factoring in today.

>> No.4642396

fair enough.

>> No.4642436
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>only honest DAG tech in crypto is byteball

thank god someone mentioned this, I thought I was the only one watching this coin.

Why isn't byteball being hyped up around here? Is it because it's still relatively new?

>> No.4642559
File: 349 KB, 626x461, rRaG8in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking byteball, seriously? it sounds like a computer playground game. this game is all hype, marketing, logos and names. the name is literally killing it. who wants to work with a byteball?

>> No.4642611

I don't know but I'm buying Byteball cuz I hate IOTA and then I'm buying WaBi because I hate Walton moon cowboys, both should be easy money anyway too

>> No.4642648

i'll fuckin bite ur ball m8 if you keep insulting my alt bags

>> No.4642704
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>stop insulting my coin

>> No.4643233

relax my dude, I will be buying after the correction.