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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4640562 No.4640562 [Reply] [Original]

I had 6 Bitcoins In January.

Sold it when I got bills and I had to pay my rent that month.

Lost the rest of it when the market crashed in June.

I literally missed out on 60 thousand Dollars.

Now I'm a poor cuck burdened by massive student loan debt.

I'm going to be poor for the rest of my life.

I'm sorry to all the other poor people who missed out on this bull run due to stupidity.

I guess I'm going to try to forget about crypto. I don't want to kill myself knowing that I missed out on the biggest bull run in history. That 60k would literally have changed my life from extreme poverty to being able to afford clothes and decent meals.

>> No.4640619

Do it on camera op. Or at a mcDonalds

>> No.4640687
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>I missed out on the biggest bull run in history.

he doesnt know whats coming

>> No.4640737

Thats not pain son.

Sold 500 ltc at $4.50

Sold 200 eth at $15

Sold strat at 15 cents

Suck it up and keep trying

>> No.4640752

Everyone has a story like that, myself included

>> No.4640769


All I have are 0.0083 bitcoins now. Fucking end my misery.


If anyone wants to help

>> No.4640809

Sell stuff. I had to build back from zero. I did not beg.

>> No.4640812

>I guess I'm going to try to forget about crypto.

You see, paying your bills, keeping a roof over your head isn't stupid. Whats stupid is doing the above.

You should take a $10,000 loan, credit card w/e and put $8,000 in ETH, wait 2 - 3 years for it to rise above $2000, then decide your selling point. $1500 choice coins, OMG, ARK, MOD decide selling point at EOY 2018.

$500 for ICO's, pump & dumps, day trading.

>> No.4640821
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Started buying BTC at sub 1k levels,
Through trading, then later, margin trading, worked my way up to 1.2 BTC,
lost most of it margin trading, now I'm back to .159.
26 yo with one year left in a comp sci degree, gonna spend most of my disposable income on crypto, just to get back to my original 1.2

>> No.4640885

You're right, I don't
>bought .44 btc in June
>traded it to .67
>JUSTed on ripple brought me to .44 again
>traded it to .886
>JUSTed by OMG and NEO
>back to .7 something
>traded it back to 1.3 BTC (today)
I'd like to formally thank bitcoin forks and binance coin for rescuing my lunch money

>> No.4640947

Ahh man, great to see somebody with the same experiences as me. Bought 1.3 btc in june, began trading, now down to 0.14 or something.
Currently have Bitcoin Diamond, hoping for a moon or I'm out.

>> No.4640950

bruh people dont transcend once they have a bunch of bitcoins. who cares? move on do cool shit with your life and stay a little bit ahead of the curve like you did originally.

>> No.4640959

Dude I had over 100 btc in August and now I have 30 left. I spent those 100btc on alts and keep holding

>> No.4641078

It's over for you. Think of all the things you could have done with that 60 grand if you didn't have such weak frail grandma hands. I know people who hammock camped in the park, showering at the uni gym, just to keep their iron grip on their one crypo-ticket out of poverty. That guy seemed like a crazy bum but his vision was so clear, he knew what he needed to do, and boy is he living comfortably now.

Well anyway, nothing you could do with those weak hands you were born with. You can't hold on. Best pick up only the light things your hands can hold. Live hand-to-mouth scratching around under the table of the millionaires. You ever know, a juicy crust might fall from their table that could sustain you for a whole hour!

>> No.4641311


Please man. give me even 0.1 btc. or ANYTHING. PLEASE. I'd kill to be in your position.