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4639196 No.4639196 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else really want crypto to crash to practically nothing?

Bitcoin, and Reddit/Normies completely ruined it. It was fun talking about alts and ICO's and the tech behind them, speculating on what would pump knowing that you would probably make a profit anyways.

Not it's all just "hurrrrr normies buy more Bitcoin oh look Bitcoin pumped 2% normies are celebrating and alts are bleeding 20%"

I cashed out my initial investment and a small profit, don't have much left in it anymore outside some ETH and Link. It's no fun and just making me miserable. I hope it all fucking burns and we can rebuild it from the ashes once everyone leaves again.

If you don't understand my feelings you're probably the problem.

>> No.4639209


>> No.4639214

sounds like you're mad cuz ur coins suck and you lost $$$

>> No.4639242


Monero is the new Bitcoin.

BTC and all its forks are just a normie game of ponzi that will come crashing down when the big end of town decide to short it.

Crypto is still alive and well, it just has nothing to do with BTC any more.

>> No.4639245

nocoiner here, only ever used bitcoins to purchase things. and yes, i can't wait until it crashes and forces a lot of speculators to leave.

>> No.4639248
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Hurr durr I cashed out at 5k and now I'm sad BTC is 10k

>> No.4639252

Its okay Dimon.

>> No.4639256

didn't buy enough btc

prob sold all remaining btc for some retarded alt /biz/ convinced you to buy

>> No.4639260

same. i love you. this shit is completely basterdized from what i signed up for at the start. everybody turned into greedy pajeets

>> No.4639262

It will but it won't be for quite a while

>> No.4639275

>>Not it's all just "hurrrrr normies buy more Bitcoin oh look Bitcoin pumped 2% normies are celebrating and alts are bleeding 20%"

Actually my XMR and ETH are doing just fine. My ETH went to 500 and the held steady at 460 during the mother of all bullruns and my XMR is going to 200 from 148 entry point.

What you meant is shitcoins are bleeding 20%.

>> No.4639284

Monero is great until quantum computers become a thing, then y'all are fucked. i'll probably get behind it once PQC encryption has been implemented if the value of XMR is still reasonable.

>> No.4639294

Absolutely anon, was just thinking this to myself today. I would LOVE if the "bubble" burst and all the normies felt like they were right and everything went to shit again

>> No.4639295

Normies don't know what alts are. They stop at Coinbase.

>> No.4639311

You were alienated by your peers as a child and felt like an outsider.

It's ok OP, I can relate.

>> No.4639321

nu-coiner ignores the king, buys shitcoins, gets destroyed. a tale as old as bitcoin time.

>> No.4639371
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>tfw if you just would have bought $1000 worth of bitcoin when it started you'd be a billionaire by now

>> No.4639388

If I did I'd fucking dump all over there retarded normies right now and it would be so satisfying.

>> No.4639394

Eh, maybe. Who knows? Buy some QRL to hedge. It's cheap. Leave most of your money in Monero.