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File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4629789 No.4629789 [Reply] [Original]

*moons loudly*

>> No.4629821

best coin available

>> No.4629832
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>> No.4630379
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it's a trap!

>> No.4630414

you basically need to be using coinbase to actually use bitcoin, and now its basically just another paypal

The fact I can send Monero and have it confirmed in minutes instead of hours says something. It's the new digital cash.

>> No.4630434


>> No.4630473


>> No.4630592
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and transaction fee is currently 15c if you have 2 hours time and at maximum speed 20 dollars to receive it in 15 min

>> No.4630636


> not dumping your ltc for xmr

How do you live?

>> No.4630662

was bullish before i knew it was not only more anonymous, but faster than btc as well.

now im mega super duper fucking bullish.

>> No.4630677
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not having huge amounts of both

>> No.4630709


> not factoring in that ltcs btc value has gotten to the point of when it was at $3. As the only reason this shitcoin is up is cause of btc/use

Meanwhile xmr is raping xmr/btc.

>> No.4630782

Guess it's time to put sell orders in...

>> No.4630849

I live in brazil and I have about 12k USD to invest. How do I actually buy this thing safely and how does one cash out? No memes please.

>> No.4630860

LOL ok, I use the low fee all the time and the first confirmation happens in minutes, you can stop lying anytime.

>> No.4630862

>and transaction fee is currently 15c if you have 2 hours time and at maximum speed 20 dollars to receive it in 15 min
too bad exchange withdrawal is at least 0.04xmr

>> No.4630881
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buy btc or eth and trade for xmr

>> No.4630911

yeah man i bought on kraken and it's fucking 0.05 there. thats insane.

>> No.4630993

what do you mean? when do they hit you with that?

>> No.4631039

Where can I buy Moniro and how does it compare to XRM in terms of technology?

>> No.4631051
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>> No.4631168


>> No.4631284

Yeah but where do I actually do this? Is there some kind of place you could direct me to in order to get correct and up to date info on all the important tidbits? I've been meaning to buy monero since it was 28 bucks cause I just had this feeling it would moon, but I didn't have the money. Now I do and I wanna go through this safely.

>> No.4631308

pedo dollars

>> No.4631352

no clue I don't live in Brazil, find out how Brazillians get BTC, send that BTC to an exchange that has an XMR pair, or just use Shapeshift, and boom. Monero.

>> No.4631416

Why is it even going up right now?

>> No.4631463

An exchange or shape shift. I use HitBTC. Exchanges aren’t a great place to store your stuff long term, so when you buy make a point to transfer to a wallet relatively soon.

I’ve had my stuff on an exchange for a few months with no problems, though. I really need to setup a wallet here though...

>> No.4631484

People diversifying their gains perhaps.

>> No.4631543


>> No.4631554

pedo dollars will be the new petro dollars

>> No.4631575

bitcoindtrade ponto com ponto br

Compra bitcoin la e depois cadastra no binance ou em alguma outra plataforma de negociacao de crypto. Voce pega seus BTC do mercado bitcoin e envia pra sua conta no binance e de la vc vende/compra todas as moedas em cotaçao de BTC

boa sorte

>> No.4631599

bitcointrade* ponto com ponto br

>> No.4631705

Bittrex is 0.04, at least I get Justed less hard than you.

>> No.4631745

Fucking crash back to 0.0185 you fuck, I need to get back in!

>> No.4631820


E esse tal de mercado bitcoin, é bom? Vi alguns sites recomendando ele.

>> No.4631866

From what i've seen, Monero seems like the best coin for every day cash transactions. It solves the blockchain data mining issues that would occur if crypto replaces cash, it has fast block times, it has dynamic block sizes.

I would assume the increased privacy measures also come with a lot of bloat in the form of the 'fake' transaction info. Would this be an issue long term if Monero really becomes mainstream. Everyone was already complaining about how the large block size of Bcash encourages centralisation through raising the resources needed to host a node. Is this even more so the case for Monero? How large is the blockchain per transaction compared to other non-privacy coins?

>> No.4631995
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I should accumulate more XMR.

>> No.4632039
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*gets cucked loudly*

>> No.4632083

Ele é seguro e permite você transacionar sua conta bancária diretamente com ele, ele usa autenticador do google, melhor lugar no BR pra comprar BTC eu acho. Pra enviar seus BTC de lá pra outra plataforma é so ir na aba "transferir moedas".. muito facil

>> No.4632280
File: 15 KB, 500x375, 344681eed021f4dbc39afe340c83c647--david-caruso-storyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst bait I've seen in a long time

>> No.4632308

aha wtf is cardano

>> No.4632626
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>> No.4632872
File: 130 KB, 779x904, MoneroDaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4633314

FOMO bought more to double my stash. Not a wise move at all, but with the news coming up I'm not worried.

>> No.4633329

what news

>> No.4633460

I'm itching to FOMO after selling a few hours ago, hoping it'll drop back down but getting pretty anxious.

>> No.4633472

>Mobile wallets for iOS and Android
>Ledger, Trezor and even a Monero specific hardware wallet

We're going to the moon, baby.

>> No.4634180

Source, nigger.... WHERE???? I WANT TO BELIEVE!!!!

>> No.4634520

I'm on my phone, but you can find all of this on the subreddit.

>> No.4634786

Ledger is still unable to find a way to add monero to the wallet, neither trezor. Why lie?

>> No.4634797

wasn't multisig also on the horizon?

>> No.4635163

The guy working for Ledger said he's almost done. They have to review the code, but we should have support very soon. Check the subreddit, that's where he provides updates.

Yes! I'm pretty sure it's already available. Either that or being tested.

Now if they implement Bulletproofs...

>> No.4635326

Where's the fucking correction.

>> No.4635392

You're right, it should correct to $300 minimum

>> No.4635403

Yeah fuck it, I'm just gonna FOMO back in at -5%. All I wanted was to recover Bittrex's gay transaction fee but it had to fucking keep going up. Stupid fucking coin.

>> No.4635404


Ledger dev says monero is very close to being supported, check the ledger or monero subs there are updates all the time.

>> No.4635449
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tfw that buy order which will never get filled

>> No.4635489

LMAO it's already going down. HAHAHA every time.

>> No.4635847
File: 25 KB, 403x433, 1511238881993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i buy monero without giving my ID/passport or major identifying information to anyone? Serious question here.

>> No.4635871

localmonero, or you could just realize it doesn't matter.

>> No.4635878

For reference i own eth and btc on coinbase and some erc20 tokens on etherdelta

>> No.4635926


Localmonero, or local bitcoin and then buy monero on binance

>> No.4635935

So I basicly have to meet up with a tax evader and send him Bitcoins for Monero?

>> No.4635967

For Binance i have to take a photo of my ID. Won't let me move coins there otherwise.

>> No.4635988

hot damn son

>> No.4636005
File: 144 KB, 740x640, monerotan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% BTC
50% XMR

Man feels good to have THE BEST portfolio mix.

>> No.4636031

>he missed out on Cardano's 120% in 24hr gains

>> No.4636069

I am talking about long-term. Short-term gains are everywhere. Each day there is a alt that moons.

>> No.4636092


Then local monero or local bitcoin your best bet. But that's also not true about binance. I didn't have to give any info there that I remember. Look around there are plenty of exchanges with xmr that you can trade on without identifying info

>> No.4636095

Poloniex or hitbtc

>> No.4636103

Been 100% in since $90. We're going $300 by end of year. $400 by March.

>> No.4636150


70% XMR
30% BTC master race.

XMR is ths comfiest hold. Consistent gains with no fear of being justed by some pajeet coin

>> No.4636175

For real though how did Cardano pump that much ive never heard of it where do i find these hidden gems

>> No.4636271

They're all scam coins that whales pump to wealth transfer from noobs then the coin is never heard from again.

>> No.4636312


Looks legit and its in the top 10 at least atm

>> No.4636337

Is ripple a scam?

>> No.4636339

Top 10 is just the volume from today, doesn't mean shit. If it's in top 10 for 2 weeks we'll talk.

>> No.4636351

Ripple's been around for ages and isn't dead, it's not a scam but I dunno if it's going to succeed.

>> No.4636352

top ten is market cap

>> No.4636375

Ah, well we're looking at different top 10s then :(

>> No.4636805

I'm looking to do the same. Thinking about doing an online transaction with LocalMonero via PayPal straight to my account. Yes, I'll pay more, but avoid the hassle of what you're describing. Total anonymity has a cost.

At the moment I'm trying to figure out how the "wallet" works with Monero. Any anons care to give a tip?

>> No.4637098