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File: 249 KB, 2000x1321, IOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4626564 No.4626564 [Reply] [Original]


If you understand IOTA Data Marketplace project you will literally sell your kidneys and buy IOTA. The significance of this project is beyond one's imagination (please refer to the link and the comments from those tech giants - extremely bullish)

>> No.4627112

what does this even mean for the price, is it priced in?

>> No.4627154

buy high sell low?

There's no rush to buy atm, wait for the dip. The news effect will wear off soon when people arent becoming rich in one night

>> No.4627161

You IOTA fanboys just cant get it in your head

IOTA is centralized, and will never be decentralized. There is a reason no respected person in crypto gives a shit about IOTA, because it is shit and fools like you fall for it.

>> No.4627196

Reminder to every Muslim here that investing in Iota is mustahabb.

>> No.4627425


>> No.4627517

Most ‘respected’ people you talk about are probably heavily invested in blockchain coins like Bitcoin. IOTA is a serious competitor and thus they have every reason to spread FUD about IOTA.

IOTA is a hedge against blockchain and has huge potential. Anyone with a neutral point of view and in it to make money is holding IOTA. I’m 40% BTC, 20% ETH, 20% XMR and 20% IOTA.

Pretty sure i’ll make it.

>> No.4627543


>> No.4627618
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1510076899991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“partnerships".. . lmao. Jesus Christ you idiotas are gullible. I've never seen a more worthless project shilled so hard

>> No.4627639

>Actual criticism
>H-heh, bitcoin holders are scared BTFO
Are IOTA fans incapable of technical discussion?

>> No.4627687


not a single good or recognizable company on the list. shame.

>> No.4627724
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1509988787554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serious competitor
>requires a coordinator to function
>no working blockchain
>no working tangle
>no security
>ternary hash function
>broken wallet
>devs that act like teenagers
>announces new imaginary partnerships daily

>> No.4627785

Hey shills you need to stagger your responses to make it seem natural

Put your manager on the line

>> No.4627891

Let me guess, you sold your IOTA at a loss and are now salty as fuck?

>> No.4627955


>> No.4627977

literally every reason I didn't buy.

Oh and they support mass third world immigration. Fuck them.

>> No.4627982


>> No.4628435

corecucks are beyond help. But I'll try anyway.
Lightning network GUARANTEES centralization.
Every time you open a lightning channel, that is one transaction on the blockchain.
For a decentralized network you'd have to open up dozens of channels. Median costs are $3 a transaction, maybe $10 or more in the future.
So that's just $50 to get your wallet set up.

Efficiency vs Decentralization, you can't have both.

>b-but my moore's law
Current cost of VISA scale bitcoin node: $16 Million. Even if we grow at our historic explosive rate (we won't), it will still take 30 years to make the cost of a bitcoin visa scale node $16.

Inside of a decade and a half, hard disks had increased their capacity 1,000-fold, a rate that Intel founder Gordon Moore himself has called "flabbergasting."
Kryder's Law[2]


notice the pattern?

All crypto will end up centralized, for the near and mid term future.

>> No.4628508

Holy shit Ya Akih, this is a sign

>> No.4628512

yes but if it is completely centralized there is no point to have a blockchain or a "tangle". Just have a shared open database.

>> No.4629045
File: 6 KB, 134x135, 1508816491536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man who knew id be making money hand over fist AND also mining a ton of salt today

Stay mad, faggots