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460016 No.460016 [Reply] [Original]

ITY: Scamming plebs. Would it be possible to make up concert tickets in Photoshop then sell them on gumtree, always doing face to face sales, using a fake name, email, disposable phone ect?
Add onto this. Post similar ideas ect

>> No.460017

Also how illegal is this? What if I never actually say that they're "concert tickets", as far as I'm concerned they're just pieces of paper with names on them.
Also I've never been to a concert so I don't know what their tickets look like

>> No.460019 [DELETED] 


>> No.460021

>Buy a ticket for the concert
>Make perfect copy
>Print as many as you want

>> No.460022

Have you done this before?

>> No.460025

No, I have just heard many people buy tickets, then wait for the last days when they are sold out and sells for high price, like double the price. In Norway there is no punishment for such thing, even it is illegal

>> No.460026

It's called scalping and you get banned from properties for doing it in the states, also they take your tickets from you and any money made

>> No.460029

Yeah people do that all the time here (Australia)
Would there be anyway to trace the ticket back to me? Like a barcode or something? Obviously I could edit it in Photoshop so it can't be

>> No.460031

Just don't do it at the venue, people are always "selling x ticket" on their Facebook

>> No.460036

Just buy a ticket with a Spendon card then

>> No.460037

Is that one of those store bought prepaid visa cards?

>> No.460040

Yes, you get them at gas stations, grocery stores and places like that. They often also sell Spotify Cards, and other types of giftcards.

>> No.460042

>Buy ticket for big name performer using throw away visa card
>Photocopy and print our replicas
>Buy throw away phone and sim card
>Create and add on Craiglist/Gumtree using fake name, throwaway email ect
>Post add after concert is sold out selling selling for retail price, with a believable excuse
>Make face to face cash deals
>Cut off all contact on the day of the concert

This could easily net thousands of dollars

>> No.460045

Any reason why this would not work?
Obviously this is illegal, will the police take action WHEN people come to them with a fake ticket they bought? If so how do I ensure that they cannot trace the ad back to me?

>> No.460048

>Buy throw away phone and sim card

Don't they need your full name for this?

>> No.460050

Ive never bought one before, but im almost they don't, in australia atleast.

>> No.460067

Prepaid sim cards don't require that.

>> No.460094

Bump for more input

>> No.460126

>Be me
>Be 18
>Won first prize in a Graphic Design Contest with hundreds of participants in realistic look design
>Use it to make fake tickets online

I can make really detailed fake tickets. E-mail me if interested:


I'll take bitcoins

>> No.460158
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The result of what I made just real quick now for a test (My ID is also in the white area)

>> No.460164

New contact mail: a1583642@trbvm.com (10 minutes)

>> No.460194

Sorry man,not really interested in getting others involved.

>> No.460197


When you grew up with 4chan you consider scamming to be actual business.

Mangafags and their logic :3

>> No.460217

>and any money made

Just hide the money

>> No.460218

>implying scammers don't have businesses and make them as legit as law and call them "investment companies"
>implying most of the capitalist system isn't a fucking huge scam.

Grow up, boomer.

>> No.460231 [DELETED] 

You're in Australia? I think you guys have stricter laws than us when it comes to digital and communications privacy.

A. Don''t do this in your home town, or even your home city. The chances of you running into someone you ripped off is way too high and you might get attacked/the police called on you.

B. Most people can tell the difference between a real ticket and a fake ticket. You need more than just your printer at home. Yes, tickets from services like Stubhub can be printed on paper, but I really doubt people scalping tickets are going to want Stubhub tickets.

You could probably make a shiiiiit ton of money if you bought wristbands in bulk and sold them outside of concerts for 25% off. You know, the kind of wristbands that you need to get back into a festival, certain concerts, etc? Sell maybe a hundred to a passing crowd and GTFO quick.

>> No.460267

There was a guy in my high school that got stabbed for doing this. Cops aren't your only concern

>> No.460306

How exact would one make a legitimate looking ticket?
I think I would be able to design it, but what would I print it onto?

>> No.460364

If you scam for like $75:

>Fake parking tickets
>[Put suggestion here]

>> No.460371

>There was a guy in my high school that got stabbed for doing this.

I was going to post the stabbing possibility on this.

>> No.460379

I guess a bit heavy duty paper, but not too heavy. Just go to a store where they sell printer paper and check it out

>> No.460410

scalping is legal in some places; ie. perfectly legal in florida.

>> No.460572

There are cameras everywhere 24 7 nowadays, you would not get away with it.

>> No.460578

I'm not talking about scalping. I would get them to give me their house address, drop the tickets off grab the money and Fuck off out of there

>> No.460584


Yeah I know someone who got stabbed for doing this also.

>> No.460600

I'll stab them first

>> No.460626

Until they come back next show and kick the living shit out of you, this might work okay.

>> No.460628

Solid strategy. You lower class folks are hilarious

>> No.460635

Look , Cunt, in fuckin' lower middle class. Okay!

>> No.460644
File: 151 KB, 304x399, Jewem Dafoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scamming is bad for your karma, opie. do be a fucking jew and try to come up with a service that is actually useful.

>> No.460647

>do be a fucking jew

>> No.460653

I prefer the first version

>> No.460689

You could probably make some money on this, but it is illegal, you are scamming people.

You might as well rob a gas station and make a lot more money.

>> No.460695

Robbing a gas station (unless you take hostages and demand the owner give you the codes to the safes) will only net you like $200

>> No.461175

One could argue that the scalper is reducing the ticket sellers variance, and thus value adding.

>> No.461244

Someone will stab you, there are people you don't want to rip off.

>> No.461264

I will one direction tickets to young girls.

>> No.461268


Rob a diner instead

>> No.461275

How is anyone going to stab me if i cut all contact with them,never use my real identity

>> No.461383

People can remember a face and re-create it with the right help. There are law enforcement experts hired to re-create faces from the memories and direction of witnesses.

Also cctv will catch some of your movements eventually. Your mode of transport. Anywhere you took your throwaway phone while it is turned on or in standby mode, recordings of you when you bought the throwaway credit card and phone from store cctv. So many ways to be identified in the long run.

>> No.461397

I wouldn't sell them in a town I lived in and I wouldn't do it more than maybe 1 or 2 events personally. I have a low risk to reward tolerance for things like this though.

>> No.461402
File: 216 KB, 850x850, Coca-Cola-Art_Enjoy_Logo_Ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also how illegal is this?

Enjoy Coca-Cola!

Wait, I meant enjoy prison.


>> No.461499

I dated a Mobsters daughter once, could you imagine if you had done that to her? Her dad would get men to make you sleep with the fishes.

>> No.461501

problem is you will never have enough balls to do it, and you cant print balls.

>> No.461537

I knew someone who got jumped, it was kinda funny since he was a dick and bragging about it

>> No.461584

That sounds like it'd be mildly terrifying. How'd you break up with her?

>> No.461597

You can basically steal ten thousand dollar items from people on eBay, look it up

>> No.461603

No the police won't do anything. Google stories similar to the scenario suggested (as well as other scams).

>> No.461704

Everything i read sounds like bs

>> No.461727

>face to face scams
Enjoy getting stabbed or entrapped.

This is 2014, you shouldn't need to meet a mark to get their money.

There are call center sweatshops in Nigeria pulling £1,000,000+ a year without ever touching British soil

>> No.461732
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>using the moral equivalency argument to justify being a scumbag

>> No.461750
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>concert tickets in Photoshop
Enjoy your hidden printer ID on them
>on gumtree
Enjoy your IP and cyber fingerprint logged
>face to face sales
Enjoy your face recorded on cameras, getting stabbed with revenge or busted by cops
>using a fake name
Enjoy customers asking to see your ID
>disposable phone
Enjoy your position triangulated and logged by telecom towers

>> No.461895

Op here - this is the kind of shit I wanted to hear, why couldn't the rest of you fucking morons deliver this?
For your contribution, anon, I'll be sending you 16 free VIP tickets for you and your mates to go and meet Katy Perry at her next concert

>> No.461948

Use library/university printers.

Throwaway phone to make the advertisements. Use open wifi spot to post.

Make sure you meet where there aren't any cameras around for a long long way.

Fake ID

Do not use phone near your own house/working place/whatever. Remove battery when not in use.

>> No.461974

I do this fairly easily at cons. Not a lot of money but every little bit helps.

>> No.461976

This really seems like more trouble than it's worth

>> No.461994

>/biz/ - drug sellers

>> No.462006

>library/university printers
Those are only operated by personnel working there. They will see you and the shit you're printing.
>Use open wifi spot
More like fucking foreign VPN that doesn't keep logs. TOR + virtual machine for extra safety.
>Make sure you meet where there aren't any cameras around for a long long way.
Totally not suspicious at all. Besides cops will bring their own camera when they set up a meet with you.
>Fake ID
Yeah, so easily obtainable.
>Do not use phone near your own house
So you tell your clients to make phone calls with you under specific time because your phone is unavailable otherwise? Totally not suspicious.

>> No.462023

Virtual machine ? Why ? That's fucking useless faggot.

>> No.462028

For different fingerprint. Do you really want to log onto your scam gumtree and your real fb from the same browser and OS? Good luck.

>> No.462036

Not at my uni.

Good idea.

If they're cops, you're fucked anyways, and it means you have fucked up some of your previous encounters.

If you know where to look.

''I'm at work between X and X, please do not call at these times.''

>> No.462068

God damn, are you guys really this non-creative and dumb. Here i'll walk you through it.

Fake Ticket Scams 101 -

NEVER do concerts for popular performers/acts/whatever. Lady Gaga coming to your convention center? This one is a no no.

The best marks to take advantage of are the degenerates that go to rave events. I live in Canada, BC. Raves and events like this happen on a bi-monthly basis. Bi-Weekly for smaller scale events or for people that are "in the scene". Typically these people are fucking high, stupid, sluts or a combination of the three. They also ask the least amount of questions in the transaction/sale process. They want a ticket to the upcoming event and they want it for below market value. Perfect.

Step by step process to avoid going to prison and visiting Jamal. Will break it down in a few posts.

>> No.462072

Keen to read this

>> No.462080


1 - Buy an actual ticket. Now in Vancouver we use an alternative middleman service called Clubzone. I believe its specific for "Club/Rave events" but I know for a fact the actual tickets are simply printed out on standard printer paper and handed into the ticket gates upon arrival to the event. They have the company header, event name and date, ticket number and a barcode. I heard you would simply use paint or PS and change ticket numbers and reprint as many as you want to sell. Typically no more than 5-10. Word will spread quickly if someone is selling fake tickets and police will take action if its been ongoing for a particular event. Get in and get out is the right attitude they say. Best method I hear is to line up the buyers all on the same day or weekend and dump them.

2 - Concealing your ID/CYA - Burner phones are a no no. Prepaid whatever. All major retailers of prepaid simcards will ask for ID. At the retailers I've heard of. Even if they don't you will appear on surveillance footage at some stage of the purchase process no matter where you go. The best alternative I heard of was using Textplus. Your number can be changed anytime, and there are multiple layers of protection in terms of being ID'ed and tracked down by Law enforcement. Obviously you don't use your phone but you can if you want to and simply wipe the app and phone after each score, but buying a used iphone/android from C-list is the safer route.

>> No.462082
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>> No.462095


>> No.462096


3 - Advertising Methods - Obviously C-list or one of those mediums is the most obvious method. The safest way to advertise however, or at least from what I've heard, is to show up to a starbucks/library or somewhere else with open WIFI during rush hour. Multiple people using laptops/phones. Way harder to track you down individually assuming an investigation was ordered. The best method though in terms of generating sales, or at least one that will generate responses the quickest that I've heard of. Is to follow rave culture/upcoming event pages on SM. Vancouver has several FB pages that list upcoming raves/events/performers and people post last minute looking for tickets all the time. Either route you choose to follow though, use the mentioned tactics above and you should be 100% anon and nearly impossible to track down. AT LEAST AS THE ADVERTISER.

4 - Collecting the money for the tickets - This is the riskiest part of the endeavor from what I've heard. You could get jumped, stabbed or be selling to an undercover P.I.G. But here is how to circumvent at least part of the risk involved from what I've heard thus far. Never discuss prices in person. Always establish the firm set price beforehand. NEVER in the actual ad. Always through text/over the phone. Avoid meeting anywhere public, and by public I mean somewhere that you can be recorded on camera at. The best spot to have buyers pick up their tickets is at a restaurants. Mom and pop ones that are busy during the day work best. Never a starbucks, train station etc. Always arrive 5-10 minutes before the agreed meeting time, and ditch the area and the deal if the purchasing party is running more than 15 minutes late. From what I've heard also, you should wear clothing/hats you don't normally wear. Use lifts or high top trainers to adjust your height, and grow facial hair/head hair out that you can cut/trim after you perform the score. Also never carry more "tickets" than the agreed upon amount

>> No.462101


If you have any questions or something I may of forgotten to mention feel free to ask. Any other scams you want to know about I can also provide some info on.

>> No.462220

That was a very good read, thanks anon!

Do you think you could post some other scams?

>> No.462397
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Why don't you do something more ethical like selling drugs, like acid or mushrooms? It's easy to get into, the hours are amazing, and you can see anywhere from 2x to 4x on your initial investment. You're also making people's lives better or worse depending on what you are selling. Just do your research, bitches fucking love research.

>> No.462429


>drug dealer
>making anyones life better

I'd be amazed that they actually believed this but they probably take drugs too so..

>> No.462449

If it's meth or crack or opiates then yes, you are most likely complicit in allowing people to ruin their own lives

if it's psychedelics and entheogens and weed (and even coke, depending on the sorts of people you're selling to), then probably not

you're just b8ing tho m8 i know

>> No.462455

former drug dealer here

it really just all depends on who you're selling to, regardless of what you're selling. some people are buying drugs from you to have a good time with their friends, and for the most part they're doing alright. other people are buying them just to have some way to get through the day, and they're not alright. i've seen plenty of people start trying to trip and/or roll almost every day, it gets almost as ugly as if they were a crackhead.

>> No.462481

How to into drugs dealing?

>> No.462501

1) have friends that do a lot of drugs
2) have another friend that can get you a shitload of drugs for cheap

its really not something that I ever thought I would do, until a few stars aligned for me.