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File: 278 KB, 745x2048, F1DA96B7-6DE5-4C7F-BDF1-DEC94C48CAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4616983 No.4616983 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey goy, if you buy $250,000 worth of this shitcoin we will give you a “master node.” What is a master node? Does it fucking matter? We haven’t actually made the coin we promised yet. Hell we haven’t shown any proof of concept or prototype whatsoever. We claim to have patents for cutting edge RFID chips but you can’t see those either. We missed all our deadlines and we reset our moving target for sometime next year lol. BUT we took pictures wearing matching t shirts and got some slick videos made using stock footage so obviously we’re legit. Just buy up our bags and we pinky promise to deliver some day.

If you own Walton coin right now you are an absolute tool. These chinks are orchestrating a $100M+ scam and your dumbass is falling for it. If you are really interested in the IoT/blockchain/supply chain investment angle, look at Modum IO and VeChain. Walton is a disaster waiting for a greater fool.

>> No.4617005

They're going to burn 50% of the supply before they exit scam though. That's the icing on the cake to make it moon.

>> No.4617028

Correction, you must hold $35,000, still retarded

>> No.4617075
File: 15 KB, 224x225, 1511160699005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a master node? Does it fucking matter? We haven’t actually made the coin we promised yet. Hell we haven’t shown any proof of concept or prototype whatsoever.
I don't know, senpai. Far-eastern master are usually very secretive and don't talk much. But their kungfu!! BOOHA!!

>> No.4617078

>>4616983 (OP)

You're cool

>> No.4617141

No, op not cool. Is faggot. Master cool. Buy Walton coins. You will like very much.

>> No.4617195

Guess you didn't pick up your master node.

>> No.4617218

nah dude they are legit

>> No.4617259

this, anon. Wise words.

>> No.4617655

This is what a butthurt OP looks like lmao

>> No.4617678

He's attempting to right now.

>> No.4617708

are you long on modum?

>> No.4617736

guy, are you long on vechain

>> No.4617789

I’m definitely into MODUM and VECHAIN. Before any Walton

>> No.4617888

Those Walton shirts did look pretty stupid.

>> No.4617892

A real patrician goes balls deep on both Modum and Walton.

Up $80k on WTC atm from a $9k investment, and up $15k on MOD so far.

Don't listen to retarded OP's like this, because you'll find that they usually have a bad track record when it comes to investments. In fact, you'll find that most people actively wasting time to fud other projects are often projecting their own insecurities and financial troubles.

>> No.4617914

What are you looking at next?

>> No.4618097

Keep fudding it please OP. I am 800 WTC off a Guardian masternode. I sold at 70k sat and waiting for a final dip before sending them off to MEW.

>> No.4618137

Watch the boxmining visit to wtc and rethink your life decisions pls

>> No.4618215

Behind schedule? These niggas works day and night literally. Went from erc20 token to genesis in like 2 month. Alpha released during like 3-4 am in China. They work harder than most projects.

Meanwhile I swear you hold monaco or some lazy shit 4 months to get approved by wave crest lmao

>> No.4618329

Thanks OP you glorious shit bag. Ive just entered Masternode status. See you bastards on the moon. Dont even care if the price drops a little.