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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4615711 No.4615711 [Reply] [Original]

Who else /Drink, smoke 24/7/ while trading

Who here /drunk/

>> No.4615726


its ya boi

>> No.4615734

whats good my nigga

>> No.4615742
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>> No.4615751

everything legit

we finna be rich gawd

>> No.4615760


>> No.4615779
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smoke meth all day

>> No.4615781

Taking pills and sleeping all day after seeing all red

>> No.4615784

Ima go to hell with just me myself n all my money
The IRS might put me in jail but they never gonna take it from me
I'll post bail with my mugshot lookin hella bummy

>> No.4615792
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Yeah I own a lot of XMR I think Ill be a millionaire
If not, I also own Pepsi stock

>> No.4615807
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>tfw did meth yesterday and this morning. Traded stocks this morning, and am waiting for the next morning

>> No.4615831



lul at your fuggin life muh nig

>> No.4615855
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This Ep is for winners like us tbqh desu famalam

I can't go to sleep without Hennessy and a whole lot of weed
everytime I walk into a room I'm fucking shining

>> No.4615856
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Every man needs a vice. Does he not?

>> No.4615913

no i quit drinking in 2012. /drinking/ brings down your gold hp and int.
now i only drink when i'm out at an event or something and i can't name an aspect of my life that hasn't improved

>> No.4615931

still smoke upwards of 2 grams a day though *shrugs*

>> No.4615997
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Smoking and finance are like peanut butter and jelly. I bought one of (pic related).
No weed while trading and I never drink.
Trade sober or get fucked over is the old mantra.

>> No.4616028

Im one of those people who needs to be on drugs to work

I used to do labor work and was on Heroin + meth all day everyday. people said they could never tell

>> No.4616104

I have a personal rule about only trading sober.
Of course, I often don't stick to it.

Most of my worst trades were done while non-sober.
Heck, one of them would have been alright, if I'd just decided to get more fucked up instead of heading home at one point.

>> No.4616110

That's kinda sad desu
Trading isn't the same as labor. It requires you to think rationally and logically, without emotion, making decisions based only in fact.
Alcohol really doesn't lead to rational decision making and especially not meth. Heroin impedes all decision making.
I guess I have to question what you're smoking when you trade, I assumed tobacco or marijuana.

>> No.4616153
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They hinder it unless you know how to harness their power

>> No.4616214


I’ve been smoking weed pretty much morning to night my for 15 years. Nobody except for a few close stoner friends knows. I only technically goto work once a week to shoot a wedding (wedding photographer) so those days I keep it to a minimum due to the need to be social.

>> No.4616263

I want t quit weed, its the thing im most addicted to

>> No.4616292

my friend is almost always drunk or barred out when trading.

Hes above 6figure range now. Started with chicken shit. I have no idea how he does it.

>> No.4616313

If by drunk you mean about to finish my 1 gallon of prep for my colonoscopy and shitting my brains out in a hotel. I am.

>> No.4616328

because trading all about patience, you cant mak profit when you panic

>> No.4616345

start smoking meth

>> No.4616369

already do meth and adderall almost daily, it just makes me compulsively smoke more

>> No.4616733
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absolutely blazed rn op

>> No.4616762

yeah the weed is the problem right
>dumbfuck addicts
kill yourselves

>> No.4616789


>> No.4616853
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lol whatcha gonna do about bitch? wanna take this outside? lol thats what i thought.

>> No.4616867

Can you take two weeks off from everything?
If you can stay away from weed for that long, any possible withdrawal symptoms will be gone.

It'll be an unbearably boring two weeks though.

>> No.4616890

I cant take a break from anything exept weed. I tried once, for 2 months, the nightmares, boredom, and nausea never stopped

>> No.4616901

sorry I mean, I CAN take a break from anything exept weed. its the main thing im truly addicted to

>> No.4616923

People always say how weed makes you fine with being bored, and it does, then they go on to say stop smoking weed and you can do other things and you won't mind you're not smoking.
I have no life but sitting in my room trading so stopping smoking isn't going to change anything.

>> No.4616925
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>wanna take this outside

>> No.4616970

>I have no life but sitting in my room trading so stopping smoking isn't going to change anything.
Weed makes you OK with doing nothing, and scrambles your brain power somewhat.

You got a good idea of your brain power right now?
You'd be amazed by what you lose the ability to think about while smoking.

>> No.4617030

You're right, I could probably be rich by now if I didn't smoke so much, too easy to get distracted or forget about shit. I do notice things are more clear when I'm not smoking though.
Maybe new year once this bullrun stress calms down then I'll cut back a lot more. Unless we get a repeat of last year then oh boy.

>> No.4617062

This is accurate
When everyday shit becomes mentally challenging, you know you've gone too far.
If your everyday shit is being stoned you may not realize how bad it is.

>> No.4617130
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>> No.4617154

>all in on link
>100x long

>> No.4617179

You just have to smoke to do those things like walk to the store cause its cold as fuck i wanna be stoned etc..

>> No.4617180
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im getting FUCKED UP right now my nogga. no more long sentences please

>> No.4617236

sup family

>> No.4617280

kys degenerate

>> No.4617296
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>> No.4617308


ITT: anons who will lose it all and die by 50

>> No.4617331

>be a pharmacist
>smoke weed everyday

>> No.4617334

No I'd rather be fully capacitiated when dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars and not have autism

>> No.4617611

I wish I could stop

>> No.4617732

this is what he tells me too. He says he is able to maintain composure when trading because he isn't freaking out when things go south. He's a quite intelligent so I'm sure he is able to make the right judgement calls, and then I guess he just waits it out by getting drunk.