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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 120 KB, 500x494, when-you-live-in-venezuela-and-its-lunch-time-14010359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4609602 No.4609602 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
> Poor Venezuelan fucked by socialists.
> Dream of making 1$ an hour.
>Starving to death
> Go to upwork
> All ready filled with Venezuelans working for cents, people wont hire me because no rep.
> Go to farm Gold in Runescape
> Already filled with other Veneskeletons
>Try to mine in my shit computer
> Hear stories about SEBIN (secret police) knocking doors and jailing miners for " electric fraud" and panic
> Think about selling nudes.
> Not pretty enough to even be a trap.
> Try to leave
> Frontiers closed and guarded.

What can I do to survive this hellhole, biz?

>> No.4609643

loan sharking

>> No.4609661

Go to bitcointalk and find an up to date list of airdrops
Claim airdrops
Write spanish translations of whitepapers for extra coins

>> No.4609668

No one loaning any more because inflation is literally 10000% a year.

>> No.4609682

Call the CIA and ask them to work for them. They will send you some dollars and make you overthrow the government.

>> No.4609686

Hodl bitbean

>> No.4609711

make knee pads out of your sofa's cushions and start suckin.

>> No.4609733

get a bunch of hot girls together and we can move them to america and I will start a traphouse and we will pimp hoes. you will be a fat cat in no time babay. we will teach 3-4 of them how to dance then we got strippers to

>> No.4609761

Well fortunately you don't live in that hellhole. So just keep larping I guess.

>> No.4609770

Keep trying to leave, no point in wagecucking for $1

>> No.4609808
File: 72 KB, 650x494, migrant_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop the freedom trains to the land of freedom. We welcome you with open arms.

>> No.4609831

Interestingly the CIA isn't interesting in overthrowing the government because they don't want this to become Syria 2.
If I could leave I would had done it by now.

>> No.4609837

how do you even have a computer with internet in that shithole? It can't be as bad as you say. You just need to be more creative than your first-world counterparts.

>> No.4609840

i hope you die.

t. ecuador. i will post the same everytime.

>> No.4609850

fuck you faggot

>> No.4609852


>> No.4609872

I can just buy your tickets anon and set all the girls up with passports. . start a company later then get them on working visas then we start a fantasy cat house

>> No.4609892

>be me
>hear young people discussing how capitalism is the cause of all human suffering
>”we’d be better off in a “””democratic””” socialist system”
>”it’s only fair”

Then I read threads like this. I hope they learn the error of their ways as they progress into adulthood.

>> No.4609920

Internet is pretty cheap but is also like the third slowest internet in the world.
Also the apocalypse began like 2 years ago.
It was bad before but now people are literally dying on the streets. Its surprising how fast things can go to shit.
You know the Berlin Wall? They built that to keep people in. Something similar is going on around here. Moving out is not that easy.
You need to throw money on bribes just to get a passport, which I don't have.

>> No.4609927

Rev.com. Type along to audio interviews, take whatever tasks and whatever hours you want, get paid every Monday through Paypal.

>> No.4609950
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Nah but seriously good luck, my country knows all about starving too.

>> No.4610005

I'm so sorry to read that but I don't have a good idea. The best I have is to take a boat, and go to America.

>> No.4610100

Fuck off we're full

>> No.4610124

Sell cocaine and marijuana.

>> No.4610133

I was just too lazy to write that the next obvious step is to take a plane to Germany and pretend to be a Syrian refugee. We will take you with open arms.

>> No.4610168

Country is run by drug lords who have the habit of killing competitors.

>> No.4610174

You have jungle, go on an epic adventure through the jungle till you cross the border

>> No.4610226

But i am a weeb. I would die if I have to walk more than 1km

>> No.4610240
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ill send you bitcoins so you can buy food and flight ticket to elsewhere, how much do you need

>> No.4610269

Bah pendejo ya estas tarde

>> No.4610282
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3.5 BTC ought to do it

>> No.4610286

I dont even have a wallet.

>> No.4610310

Ademas, de que te sirve? No estaras pensando en pedirle plata ?

>> No.4610312
File: 99 KB, 706x960, nintchdbpict000291453186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to put yourself in a survival mindset.

Think it's bad now? Wait until the cannibalism starts.

Become a looter. Break into some old folks home, beat them up/kill them and loot whatever they have remaining. Sell it for cash that you can use to bribe the border guards.

You're home free and nobody knows what you did because Venezuela is falling into chaos.

>> No.4610320

Proof that you actually live there?

>> No.4610330


bring girls like this

>> No.4610338

Does IP count?

>> No.4610340

Lavate bien la cola. Hoy la voy a usar. Your future if you dont overthrow the govt.

>> No.4610345

That cannibal bitch looks like an actual zombie

>> No.4610356

Shit man, maybe you guys should try socialism.

>> No.4610362

I hope you're larping. But if not, stay strong and don't give up anon. And never stop looking for ways to get out of your predicament. I hope everything works out for you.

>> No.4610371

muy dificil, muy probablemente tarden anos para sacar al mariposon, y despues quien dice que no se aprovecharan de la corrupcion en esta mierda

>> No.4610374

Ah... let me go take a picture of somewhere. Give me a min

>> No.4610389

POS coins will be your country's savior. How will the gestapo stop you from staking ODN for a comfy 10%? How will they even know if they can't intercept your private messages?

this accidentally turned into a shill post.

>> No.4610401


>> No.4610408

This. Plus look into cheap PoS coins with decent Output. I make around 900 usd /months passively by staking coins

>> No.4610458

Go to Trinidad, right across the sea. Lots of Venezuelans there now doing prostitutiton and selling drugs and guns.

>> No.4610459

>buy cheap oil
>buy electricity generator
>mine btc as much as you can with that energy
I don't get it
also, couldn't you produce your own food?

>I dont even have a wallet.
it's easy af to make one

but seriously, is it that bad in vzla?

btw, yo soy chileno, y acá está lleno de venezolanos.. no tienes amigos que te ayuden a venir?

>> No.4610488

depends if you have dollars you like like, speculation is very profitable

>> No.4610504

Flee to mexico

>> No.4610514

ah q cagada

>> No.4610554


>qué es yuma
>qué es yitien
>qué es slave5
>qué es enchufarme en el maldito gobierno

maldito marico eres pobre porque quieres

>> No.4610586

Play oldschool runescape, find a money maker in the game that makes you 1m an hour,

1m = 75-90cents USD

There you go you're making one dollar an hour roughly. Use the website Sythe to sell your gold in chunks every week. Find someone in f2p who will give you a bond. Easy.

>> No.4610611


>> No.4610616

>cheap oil
Not for long: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-oil-jointventure-exclusive/exclusive-venezuela-leans-on-foreign-partners-for-oil-to-feed-its-refineries-sources-idUSKBN1DL1Y1

When you have the highest oil reserves in the world but still manages to fuck that up. Socialism really is magic.

>> No.4610631

all these third worlders, so stupid they can't even figure out how to make 1 dollar on the internet

>> No.4610637
File: 184 KB, 966x1200, Trinidad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP make your way to Isla Cotorra or anywhere near the Columbus channel from east coat Venezuela. Hire a pirogue or canoe or any type of cheap shit boat to get to Icacos, Trinidad. IF you are serious I will come pick you up in Icaos and get work for you in a brothel. Also, bring at least 4-5 women with you who I can give jobs to as prostitutes. Do it OP, this is your chance for a better life.

>> No.4610692
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Hopefully this will be enough

>> No.4610718

Learn coding you will thank me later

>> No.4610720

Haz esto OP >>4610637

yo lo haría si estuviese en tu lugar, de hecho lo haría ahora mismo pero vivo al otro lado del país (Barquisimeto).

>> No.4610751

Stay as far away as you can. Pajeets have this field on lockdown.

>> No.4610822


>> No.4610829




>> No.4610843

She was anon. You might have survived the holodomor but you werent anymore either

>> No.4610885

>When you have the highest oil reserves in the world but still manages to fuck that up. Socialism really is magic.
uhm, it wasn't the venezuelan government what caused prices to fall, and they REALLY depend on oil... and, from what I've read, prices fell much lower than their production costs.

though I still don't get it: with all that energy, they could have done so many useful things. they could have told the US to fuck off, and have used the oil they sell to the US to produce food, create industries and so on...
otoh, venezuela has always been corrupt, and also, when left-wing govts are elected, the first ones to leave the country are professionals, precisely those with enough knowledge to do stuff

when you are hungry and desperate, you don't trust anything unless you are given proof that it works.
but I guess you've never been poor...

>> No.4610886


op its far far away from any cost my tobago bro

>> No.4610889

Its not so simple but it could be doable.
Will need to find girls willing to be prostitutes first.
You know how being a weeb is.

>> No.4610931

>> Go to upwork
>> All ready filled with Venezuelans working for cents, people wont hire me because no rep.
wait, how'd you get paid on upwork?

btw, have you tried other freelancing websites? what if you post on HN and try getting job from there? couldn't you make your own website for venezuelan programmers/IT people to sell their services?

>> No.4610932

mechanical turk
post your sob story on gofundme with a video

>> No.4610951

sorry i do not i am not a weeb I am a /biz/. chad. I am a get it done kinda guy. So you gunna get it done? or you gunna mope! get some girls. I do not care if you have to drug 40 of em and stick em in a shipping crate i dont care i don't wanna know GET IT DONE!!!

>> No.4610981

buy one vega 56 and put it in your computer, nobody will notice that usage and you can just say its your damn computer
will net about 150 bucks per month about 1368 Kwh though, dont know if they would notice that? otherwise just run it during the time youre on your PC
if you cant afford it, make a crowdfund and explain your situation

>> No.4610987

will check the others but gofundme is already filled with skeletons with sob stories.
I will need to do a rap or some shit to stand out.

>> No.4611016

If the electricity goes up you can have people knocking at your door.
So far it has only happened to big players but...

>> No.4611021

sorry i meant 93 kwh, dont know what i calculated above
nobody going to nitice that, vega is perfect for mining monero

>> No.4611034

aqui en 4chan solo hay pendejo americanos que te intentan prostituir. to not get poorer inflation convert anything of value of you have to something more stable, food, harinapan, dollars, etc, and hoard it for a bit, sell for essential items and itll be fine; venezuela isnt the first place to survive hyperinflation by just switching currency, pregunta a los argentinos

>> No.4611035

also https://www.rogue-labs.net/, download a bot and keep it running on your PC. doesn't drain electricity like mining does

>> No.4611050

We're fucked anon. I'd say go to Foroptc and buy a Humanatic account. Learn all you can about how you can be good at it and make money from it. You could be getting 40-80 dollars each month.

Confirmación de que hablo tu mismo idioma, pajúo.

>> No.4611061

look answer below, you have to find out if 93kwh per month hits the radar, but i wouldnt think so.

>> No.4611083

also, if you get a litecoin wallet te mando algo, and hopefully anyone with litecoin too, bitcoin fees too high.

>> No.4611123

Me envías a mi? Soy patriota antirevolucionario, maldito Maduro LcBQfyoZ9d4RKCECJbc9hrzaG7UgTz6zKN

>> No.4611139

swim to aruba if you dont get got by the sharks ill make you a sandwich
stay strong venebro

>> No.4611248

Do what
suggested, I made $9,000 off the deeponion airdrop, all it takes is one hit and you'll be sitting in a lot better shape than you currently are... I hope you make it anon, socialism is a fucking cancer.

>> No.4611358

Come to Colombia, Chamo

>> No.4611427

>be you, american
>unable to see the carnage the neoliberal capitalism is causing in your own country and all around the world
>blame regulation and other political ideologies instead of being critical
The collapse of the oil-rich venezuelian economy does not lies in some alleged inherent failure of the socialist idea, but in the corruption, the greed of a small minority and the pressure of neoliberal financial system.
>inb4 "socialist cunt lol I bet you voted for Clinton"

>> No.4611447

Do you have an ETH address?
I don’t have a lot but I have been lucky recently so I might give you a little bit. Especially since you are in one of te very few situations where this actually isn’t your fault.

>> No.4611479

>ETH address
Nope, sorry. I appreciate the gesture thou

>> No.4611490

What are you talking about? Capitalism has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity litterally not seen since the Roman Republic.

>> No.4611505
File: 1.06 MB, 601x768, 1503787865264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die in a fire commie

>> No.4611517

holy shit why are you being so dense?

people are literally offering you crypto and you refuse it even though you say that you're starving

it takes all of two minutes to open a coinbase or bittrex account

>> No.4611546

U stoopid nigger get some crypto adresses so we can actually help you lol. Ill send you some LINK ;)

>> No.4611559

Marico abre una en myetherwallet.com y acepta la donación

>> No.4611586

is is true vuvuzelans who still have money put it all in bitcoin?

>> No.4611601

Ah... well I guess I can figure it out. Let me see...
I am not really into the crypto thing I just wandered here from /a/

>> No.4611607

>but in the corruption, the greed of a small minority
which, casually, always happens in "socialist governments" and destroys the country

>> No.4611622

>invest fuckbux in shitcoins
>get mad gains
>fund your own army of desperate starving people for pennies
>take over Venezuela

>> No.4611647

you forgot the last part
>invest heavily in a some alt-coin or btc
>make it the national currency by decree

>> No.4611675


venezuela has more oil reserves than saudi arabia, crisis is caused saudi-usa lowering of oil price and by international creditors blocking release of credit because venezuela wont privatize PDVSA.

this is an global capitalist induced crisis where maduro is just small fish, esto se sabe en venzuela perfectamente pero los gringos solo quieren oir una cosa red-scare.

>> No.4611695

>this is known in venezuela
>my government told it to me through political propaganda
fucking kek

>> No.4611721

Are you hairy? Lanky, I assume, so that's a plus. What do you look like?

>> No.4611800

Did I do this right?

>> No.4611808

Make some wallets OP, people are actually trying to help you here. Can't say that about most begging threads

I sympathize with you deeply living in a 3rd world country myself (America) but I don't have much to give

>> No.4611831

Can you please explain

>> No.4611832

Every socialist regime fails in the same way because socialism is the denial of biology itself. We are no more than our genes. Man is made to reproduce, from the start a competition against every other male for the chance to reproduce. Any system claiming to ensure equality of outcome simply results in a shift of strategies used to become top dog. Capitalism recognizes human nature and tries to harness it for mutual good, which is why it creates wealth but also inequalities. Socialism denies human nature and tries to change the world to fit a vision, which is why it can seem to work at first then fails as the weight of the delusion breaks the illusion.

>> No.4611839

truth is, oil fell HARD when the US govt (the obama admin...) invested heavily on fracking and the keystone pipeline, and for some convenient (for the US) reason, saudi arabia started producing more and more oil. prices fell so hard, many of those being subsidized went broke.
the US govt used this to destroy political enemies: Russia, Venezuela and other leftist govts in LatAm...
meanwhile, ISIS was making a shitload of money thanks to oil from iraq and syria.
yeah, I'm sure all of this was just a funny coincidence.

>> No.4611843


For what it's worth, I buy camshows from guys from time to time. Masculine guys, not femboys.

Part of me wants to import a Venezuelan hunk for a mail-order husband but he'd prob kill me as soon as he landed in the States.

>> No.4611876

Eth? Do you have the private key written down/stored somewhere safe?

>> No.4611902

lmao you're fucking retarded. Fracking was in response to high oil prices....OPEC lowered prices to stop the US from producing oil. It had the side effect of destroying socialist paper states like Russia and Venezuela, OPEC doesn't give a shit about them they just want to make money on their oil monopoly.

>> No.4611905

Yes, that is your address. People can send ETH and ERC-20 tokens there (like LINK and REQ).

Guarda la private key en un lugar seguro. Literalmente es como darle la clave de tu banca en linea a cualquiera.

>> No.4611907

Yes, I think. I got a linky thing and saved it.

>> No.4611927

Chavez was sitting on a gold mine and instead of developing infrastructure and diversifying, squandered these natural resources.

Venezuela was mismanaged, end of story. This is the equivalent of a /biz/ autist blaming BTC normies for his own decision of going all-in in LINK.

>> No.4611949

you fucking retards. if you start giving away money to every retard from the third world, you will be responsible for the flooding this shit will create.

mook should range ban venezuela.

>> No.4611979

>Capitalism has ushered in an era of peace and prosperity litterally not seen since the Roman Republic.
>What is colonisation
>What is WW1?
>What is WW2?
>What is Cold War?
>What is almost every conflict since then?
Of course capitalism has allowed some people to accumulate capital, duh. I don't deny capitalism is an efficient economic system for economic growth, I just point the fact it is in essence inequalitarian an a threat to social organisation since it's centered on capital accumulation by few individuals and corporations at the detriment of others.

Just look at the world around you, the capitalism has won everywhere and now inequalities are off the charts. You have the chance to live in the US of A, one of the most liberal capitalist country, where social inequalities are the most visible on earth. Then just take a look at how capitalism has destroyed the third world by preying on ressources and peoples.
But of course as a good american you will blame inequalities on other factors (biology, concurrent ideologies, "free will"...) instead of the political system.

>> No.4611995

lol its kind of funny, hundreds of threads a day on here with people begging for crypto... guy getting fucked by socialism shows up and asks how he can get out... proves hes in in socialist country... gets offered free money and he turns it down... so now more people want to give him money.... lol get ready for an influx of pajeets from socialist states!

>> No.4612003

I'm from Colombia and find pathetic when you burgers start posting adresses when you know from the begginning that (((they))) won't give you shit. So this isn't exclusive to 3rd worlders

>> No.4612021

That remind me of that text based game called Free Cities

>> No.4612027

Actually he did 4 years ago but it was because people were using proxies from here.
CANTV (nationalized telecomunication company) had all ip banned.
When i want to post I have to change to phone

>> No.4612043

Honestly improving impoverished nations is the only way forward that can stop the humanitarian crisis and halt immigration. I'm not sure of the best way to do that but if Venezuela and Mexico and Syria can become rich and peaceful their people will stay home, work hard and love and improve their country. I can't imagine a world better than that.

>> No.4612057

soy the ecuador, retrasado mastica coca

mook tiene que banear todo el pais, incluido operadoras celulares. se que estan baneadas las conexiones fijas.

>> No.4612087


Please respond.


>> No.4612101

Make a binance account and give me your Ark address lad. I'll send you 15 to get started. Trade it up.

Police can't track that shit

>> No.4612114

sadly, he probably won't have anywhere to cash it out
plus the risks of getting fucked by the popo

>> No.4612118

>mastica coca
aca no se hace eso, solose procesa y exporta de hecho esto es muy comun en paises indigenas como Peru, Bolivia y Ecuador. Aca no tenemos muchos indigenas y los que hay no viven en zonas de producción de coca

>> No.4612162

I am not good looking enough for that.
But I know some gay fellas who are nice people and wont murder you if you are really interested.
College degrees and all.
This crisis destroyed the middle class altogether. I seen engineers loosing 20 kilos because they can afford to feed themselves and their families so they skip meals.

Ah... will try

>> No.4612177

Fuck that would be hilarious... If you do a rap, repost it here, and I'll donate.

Wish you luck either way my dude.

>> No.4612195

I actually have a pretty good business idea. Just one I stole from somewhere else, but I think we could make it work.
Can I have your email?

>> No.4612208

heh, funny. but point is venezuela cant buy the bitcoin of fiat, the universal US dollar, there is a political strangulation by creditors, so they can't import necessities, everything is imported in venezuela, this an externally induced social crisis.

well if you call mismanaged investement of BILLIONS in education, health, etc... they got fucked up on monetary policy because of the oil price pdvsa, creditor situation

>> No.4612217

>when you're so insecure about your political ideology you have to LARP a media narrative to justify yourself.

>> No.4612219


I'm not into pretty boys. I actually like normal dudes. If you're hairy, ++++++. Just for paid cam I mean. Mail order might be difficult if you're heterosexual.

I hate femininity, I was hoping for like a bi masculine dude. Gay is ok if they're not femme at all. Contact info?

>> No.4612222

Venezuela and Russia are part of OPEC. I'm sure they wanted to destroy themselves just to make a few companies in the US go down. and, once again, the ones who actually drove prices down were the saudis BY THEMSELVES.

true, they tried redistributing the resources (money, really) instead of spending more on industrialization. with the power of the state, they should have managed the resources better, and should have worked towards the creation of a fully automated society... but can can you expect from military men? those people are stupid, they don't know how shit works, they just know how to kill people.
also, as I said, professionals are usually the first ones to leave socialist countries, simply because most of them are center/right-wingers, and they know they can make as much, if not more money, elsewhere.
finally, most commies and socialists are hippies, lawyers, social "sciences" people, not tech people, they don't understand that we need to do the same as in a capitalistic society (i.e., use technology to improve efficiency and overall social wellbeing), but replacing greed with education and social conscience.

>muh human nature

>> No.4612235

ban you!

this is what is called solidarity. it is an essentially communist act, to give away something and not require anything back. ENTIRE SOCIETIES HAVE WORKED THIS way FOR MILLENIA

>> No.4612250

See this

>> No.4612258

Russia is not part of OPEC. Venezuela is but everyone knows the middle east controls OPEC.

>> No.4612275

>the ones who actually drove prices down were the saudis BY THEMSELVES.
and fracking companies in the US, of course... those were being subsidized..

lemme add: Venezuela has always been a more or less corrupt state, just like almost any other latin american state. and no one gave a shit about poor people there before Chavez.

>> No.4612278

>be me
>live in venezuela
>learn useful skills
>make 25$/hour on upwork
>don't whine on the internet

ve, e-indigente, deja la lloriqueadera y ponte a trabajar, vago

>> No.4612291
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>> Frontiers closed and guarded.

>> No.4612341

Genetic actually has little to do with social behavior and political organisation. Through your overly extreme discourse I can clearly recognize the underlying philosophical stance you take to justify social inequalities. I could go great lengths to explain where it comes from in the history of ideas and what are the fragile postulates it is build upon but that would require a lot of time and you're probably not interested in receiving an alternative point of view since you seems to try hard to "trigger" my perceived inner socialism emotional fragility.
All I'm just saying is that not being critical of capitalism as much as you are to socialism is wrong. It's not about socialism being better or worse than capitalism, good or bad, it's about analyzing how it works and who profits from it (materially and symbolically). But to do so you have to work with tools (ideas) free'd from the influence of the political model you're trying to understand. If you don't you will just justify capitalism with a capitalist discourse on capitalism, a circular reasoning.
Then after this step you can make a moral statement on what should be done to organize the society.

>> No.4612360

>it is an essentially communist act

Not if there is no gun pointed at you.
Otherwise, it’s just called being nice.

>> No.4612377

Ensename el camino oh maestro

>> No.4612399

git gud

eres menor de edad? estas en una universidad? que carajo estas haciendo que no le puedes quitar dinero a los gringos que estan regalando dinero por hacer trabajo que podria hacer un mono

>> No.4612439

Universitario de la USB.
No tengo idea que hacer y la verdad es que solo se programar lo basico.

>> No.4612449

How cheap is venezualan pussy?

>> No.4612523

que estas estudiando? tambien estoy en la usb. no puedes meter materias de algoritmos?

hover over the pics and divide the prices by 84000 to get the amounts in usds: http://www.sexycaracas.com/sexyccs/p_index.php?ids=1&WHERE=&ORDERBY=&/Damas

>> No.4612552

I would do a rap then I guess.
I could use some fun anyway
matematicas y no, no todavia al menos

>> No.4612595

(((neoliberal capitalism)))

>> No.4612614

aplicadas o puras? que materias estas viendo? si estas estudiando aplicadas te enseñan a programar en el segundo año

>> No.4612650

Is this legit?
Some of these sluts go for less than $4 an hour.
Is it safe to travel to Venezuela? I'd like to boost your economy.

>> No.4612658

1 hour with Caroline BsF 200.000 / 84000 = 2.38 USD?
Are you sure about the conversion rate?

>> No.4612680

Ya that seems too cheap

>> No.4612686

Puras. Estoy viendo matematicas y fisicas, nada de programar todavia

>> No.4612689

(You) totally (((destroyed))) my argument

>> No.4612733

Anon do not fear, I have the answers to all of your questions here. and problems.

>Right now you need to get to Puerto Rico
>Pretend to be a Puerto Rican
(I know its paintful)
>Get a free flight to Florida
Food .jpg
>Hurricane Help for Puerto Ricans
Good Luck Anon I know you can do it

>> No.4612735

2.5 usd ?? I searched for the conversion rate and the price should be much higher, where do you get those numbers?
IF it's 2 usd holy fuck, I would take a vacation to your country,

>> No.4612739

>Estilo: Hindu, Ruso, Frances, Tailandes, Fetichismo
wtf does that even mean?

>> No.4612750

Draw porn and character pics on furaffinity

>> No.4612764

that's right

it's safe if you know what you're doing. but if you're dumb and don't have street smarts you're going to get yourself into trouble
pretty much. go to https://localbitcoins.com/sell-bitcoins-online/vef/ and divide the vef/btc rate by the usd/btc rate. it's about 78000usd/vef right now
you probably stumbled into the official conversion rate which no one uses. reference vef/btc rate number is on the top: https://twitter.com/dolartoday

>> No.4612782

it's about 78000vef/usd right now*

reference vef/usd rate number is on the top: https://twitter.com/dolartoday*

>> No.4612816

te iba a preguntar si estas viendo calculo 3 para que me dijeras si los temas del parcial son nada mas potenciales, integrales triples, stokes y divergencia lol

>> No.4612851


How safe is it for Americans there? Isn't your country infamous for beheadings and kidnap/ransom?

3 bucks for an hour seems hella cheap. How much would a big house or mansion cost?

>> No.4612858

Fuck you. Venezuelan here. You have an even higher rate of niggers and indigenous people there, so fuck off and put a banana up your ass.

>> No.4612881

Democratic Socialism works in Western 1st world countries idiot.

>> No.4612891

Fuck that's still 2,5 USD / h with Caroline <3
1 BTC Could get me 4000 hours (166 days) in her ass
And there are people on this board who will argue capitalism is the best system ever

>> No.4612941

This is the exact reason why you diversify your assets

>> No.4612951

kidnap and crime in general is common

it's a dangerous place but not much should happen to you if you don't do stupid shit. say, if you rented a room in some luxurious hotel and just fucked whores over there and you don't go out of the hotel (or go out with someone you trust), nothing should happen to you

>> No.4612960

>wandered here from /a/
Proove it

What are the aoty for the last 3 years?

>> No.4612963 [DELETED] 

by the way i have no idea about the cost of a mansion. i pay $50 a month for rent. so i'm guessing it'd be $300 tops

you could go to airbnb and see

>> No.4612969

> Isn't your country infamous for beheadings and kidnap/ransom?
Express kidnap and ransom maybe. Beheadings are not a thing in south America.

>> No.4612976

how bad is it actually, are there mass graves? are they liquidating people yet? are their people doing open cannibalism? will you all eventually face tank shells and rockets for liberty anon? serious questions, the leftists tell me its not so bad but i don’t trust them at all

>> No.4612985

300? holy shit, I could live like a king there and I'm a poorfag from a third world country.
It looks like we should create a new category for countries like venezuela.

>> No.4612995

no i fucked that up. it should be more. $300 is like a regular apartment. a mansion or some luxurious place, i don't know

>> No.4613005
File: 178 KB, 1600x1496, Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as full as us cunt.

>> No.4613006

what city are we talking about?
I should just call the number on the site and arrange a meeting? Do they take dollars or whatever currency Venezuela has?
I've never done this sort on thing let alone in fucking Venezuela.

>> No.4613024

You think people have money for blowjobs?

>> No.4613030

because of your socialism of the 21st century the economy is in the shitter.

we already would be in full blown civil war, and way worse than your shithole if we didn't use the dollar as currency.

fuck socialism, and fuck you very much for it.

>> No.4613031

>breaking news: 35 years old virgin neet uses his mom's credit cards to travel to venezuela to meet a hooker, he get beheaded after leaving the airport.

>> No.4613049

>And there are people on this board who will argue capitalism is the best system ever

Yeah because you likely have capitalism in your country.

How much are fancy hotels? Also am I'm never allowed to leave the hotel? Are the chances of me getting kidnapped that high for seeing the sights? Is there no tourism? What the hell kind of countries are you guys from?

>> No.4613072

Voy por mate 4 que creo que es tu calculo 3
Not very safe
Well for me personally
2015 Yatterman night
2016 Planetarian
2017 Youyo Seiki
But /a/ tends to get violent when talking about AOTYs
very bad

>> No.4613073

Those womans eyes are fucking terrifying.

>> No.4613148

Who says I'm a socialist you fucking autist? I fucking HATE it, and I fucking hate niggers like you and the Colombian filth that came straight to the Petare favelas. Fuck all of you.

>> No.4613186


>> No.4613251

How much for the biggest and nicest house you've seen?

Or to stay at the biggest and nicest hotel for a month

I'm actually pretty poor American but it seem i can live as king there

>> No.4613253

>you likely have capitalism in your country.
Yes and I feel sad that a 25 y/o unemployed student can afford 166 days of permanent anal sex with a starving third world prostitute with his internet toy money

>> No.4613321

Nicest hotel is like 10$
5 dollars.
Check this.
Nowdays you can pull this off with probably 50 bucks
If you come I guess we show you around

>> No.4613328

>what city are we talking about?
those girls are in caracas
>I should just call the number on the site and arrange a meeting?
no don't do that. i could do that for myself, but they're going to realize you're a foreigner and try to rip you off or something. have someone do that for you
>Do they take dollars or whatever currency Venezuela has?
i don't know if they take foreign currency. they do take bolivares, which is the local currency
>I've never done this sort on thing let alone in fucking Venezuela.
yeah ur going to get urself stabbed
i'm not sure. we have these fucked up exchange rates which makes it hard to figure it out using google. i could call them and ask them........................0x7D7BE35ce70055d7B0EF07fB4A2Fb315D5f049ca

i think it's about 3151245/78000 = 40.4$ a night using the price at the bottom in http://www.venezuelatuya.com/hoteles/mostrarhotel.htm?JW+Marriott+Caracas+Hotel&HOTCode=7a5xsJA7Veg.. foreigners say it's a very nice hotel in the reviews
lol i don't know. i don't exactly go around asking about rent prices for luxurious houses. check https://www.airbnb.com/s/Caracas--Capital-District--Venezuela/
como estas viendo mate 4 si estudias matematicas.. los matematicos vemos calculo 1 2 3 en vez de mate 4 5 6. deberias estar viendo calculo 1

>> No.4613379

>follow me anon.
>this isn't a seedy back alley, this is best street in all of Fevela.
>anon, give me your kidneys.

>> No.4613419

How are most people eating? I never heard news that your country is starving and I used to keep up on world news more than the average American.

Is the cannibalism thing real?

How long has it been this bad? Also sorry I'm a no coiner. Going to wait until the market settles or until I can make more money.

>> No.4613435


>> No.4613454

if I do this and I'm a white guy will I get kidnapped and murdered?

>> No.4613533

>I've never done this sort on thing let alone in fucking Venezuela.

Rubmaps, idiot.

>> No.4613539

No estoy super seguro de cual es la equivalencia en la central.

On all honestly, I wouldnt come here either.
And I wouldnt trust strangers from the internet.
I say like 10% chance

>> No.4613546

>Also am I'm never allowed to leave the hotel? Are the chances of me getting kidnapped that high for seeing the sights?
not really. sure you can go out, but there's stuff you shouldn't do like, say, take pictures. if you just walk around and don't speak to anyone and don't look like you're not from around here or like you have money, you'll probably be fine. you might just get randomly robbed though
>Is there no tourism?
i don't think many foreigners come here. people on reddit are telling people to not come all the time
>What the hell kind of countries are you guys from?
a proud one
>How are most people eating?
they don't. many people are just losing weight and/or eating once a day
>Is the cannibalism thing real?
not really. there's a lot of dogs left. that's a joke most people don't eat dogs, but there's some weird stuff happening like people eating some lizards
>How long has it been this bad?
five years? everything has been fucked up for like ten years but it became really bad like the last four years

>> No.4613567

como que en la central mamaguevo loco si me dijiste que estudias en la usb, yo estudio en la usb, los dos estudiamos en la misma escuela, que estas escondiendo

>> No.4613600

cabron, el trabajo solo es la fuente de la riqueza si hay riqueza social para que se distribuya mediante el trabajo. si se ha destruido, por el valor denominado en bolivares, no seas bolludo

>> No.4613601

I'm glad I'm multi racial. I can blend in without almost any ethnic group.

>> No.4613610

Ok me agarraste. No estudio mate. No confio en la gente de internet. Pero si estoy en la USB.
Y las materias de algoritmos todavia estan lejos.

>> No.4613612

I'm not him. Feel free to talk. I'm listening.

>> No.4613633

brilliant, not 4chan capitalo-cucks have ears or anything between these.

genetics, heh humans aren't puppies or octopusses. they are creatures of language, language moulds the subconscious and the brain itself, plasticity, etc,

>> No.4613711

but seriously, how bad is it in venezuela? is it as bad as the media paint it? was it ever this bad before?
I'm a commie, but I seriously hope maduro gets out ASAP. being a commie doesn't mean wanting the worst for the people... and vzla is going to get fucked by bankers and transnationals soon.

>> No.4613730

Its worse than you can possibly imagine.
Media usually tones it down so people believe it

>> No.4613824

>how bad is it in venezuela?
very bad. people are dying from diseases that had been eradicated. kids are getting fucked up for life from malnutrition
>is it as bad as the media paint it?
i don't know what media you watch. it's not good. sometimes they say stuff that isn't true in the media about venezuela, so i don't know
>was it ever this bad before?
maybe like in the 19th century. presidents in the 20th century spent a lot of money so everyone had a lot of money and it ended badly, money ran out with oil prices dropping (just like it happened this time) and people elected chavez because they ended up hating the previous presidents so much. i think this time is worse

>> No.4613830
File: 21 KB, 480x270, 22555153_1511347518949192_3881448464982569205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Llevas 4 horas argumentando que tu vida esta de la verga...
Quizas ahi esta el problema y no en si en Venezuela.

>> No.4613856


>> No.4613887

try to leave and come to south brazil my friend, one of the few places in latin america you wont get stabbed

>> No.4614518 [DELETED] 

>socialism is the denial of biology itself. We are no more than our genes.

Man is made to reproduce, from the start a competition against every other male for the chance to reproduce. Any system claiming to ensure equality of outcome simply results in a shift of strategies used to become top dog. Capitalism recognizes human nature and tries to harness it for mutual good, which is why it creates wealth but also inequalities. Socialism denies human nature and tries to change the world to fit a vision, which is why it can seem to work at first then fails as the weight of the delusion breaks the illusion.

His statement on biology is a classic argument which have been used for centuries. He claims that the system of organisation of social relations he lives on is "natural", that human behaviors follow a "natural" logic, determined by biological imperatives (reproduction, survival). This call to nature and biology to legitimize capitalism is an attempt to negate the political and historical nature of capitalism. Capitalism is an idea, a culturally and historically situated idea of social organisation.
You can dig in the heated debate on the origins of capitalism but to make it fast you have two main approaches (Max Weber on the philosophical conditions of the emergence of capitalism and Karl Marx on the evolution of the modes of production).

His idea of competition for survival of the fittest is linked to social darwinism, an ideology developed after Darwin's findings on species and heredity. They applied his biological theory of evolution on social relations (disregarding the time scales at which changes occurs) and transforming it into a political theory leading to the justification of eugenics, social inequalities and preying on the weak. Evolutionary advantages would be gained randomly and evenly among all participant in a fair competition (a sort of genetic lottery). This is also a justification used for racialist theories.

>> No.4614535


His statement on biology is a classic argument which have been used for centuries. He claims that the system of organisation of social relations he lives on is "natural", that human behaviors follow a "natural" logic, determined by biological imperatives (reproduction, survival). This call to nature and biology to legitimize capitalism is an attempt to negate the political and historical nature of capitalism. Capitalism is an idea, a culturally and historically situated idea of social organisation.
You can dig in the heated debate on the origins of capitalism but to make it fast you have two main approaches (Max Weber on the philosophical conditions of the emergence of capitalism and Karl Marx on the evolution of the modes of production).

His idea of competition for survival of the fittest is linked to social darwinism, an ideology developed after Darwin's findings on species and heredity. They applied his biological theory of evolution on social relations (disregarding the time scales at which changes occurs) and transforming it into a political theory leading to the justification of eugenics, social inequalities and preying on the weak. Evolutionary advantages would be gained randomly and evenly among all participant in a fair competition (a sort of genetic lottery). This is also a justification used for racialist theories.


>> No.4614574

Ok we get it, you read Foucault.

>> No.4614970

His underlying philosophical theory is liberalism. Liberalism, along Socialism and Communism is born from the Enlightment and are rationalist movements. But unlike socialism, communism, anarchism, feminism and most left wing ideologies, liberalism is not a materialist movement. For liberals, individuals are free by essence. They consider freedom in negative terms: the absence of limits on one's free will. For them, individuals regroup in societies by free will and forfeit a part of their freedom by agreeing to follow a "social contract".

On the other side of the political spectrum, materialists consider freedom arises from society since society pre-exist individuals since systems of relations are already instituted before one's birth. Freedom is defined in positive terms: a collective emancipation through education and equality to allow every individual to fully use its political agency. This philosophical gap is the source of most of the misunderstandings between the two camps since they don't have the same definition of freedom, society and individuals.

I could go on and discuss the origins of concepts like "free will", "materialism", "social contract", "political agency" and so on but it's 5 AM here.

I've read Surveiller et Punir and Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique by Foucault but I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion. I'm in no way advocating for a postmodern theory of capitalism.

>> No.4615020


What I always wondered is why you guys can't just go to the border and sell barrels of Oil to other countries. You have the cheapest oil in the world and people would pay you millions for it, yet Venezuela doesn't seem to export Oil.

What exactly is preventing you to get some cheap oil and sell it over broad? And if it's illegal, why don't you sell it for Bitcoin?

>> No.4615036

Post some pictures of your place and Ill send you $100 in LTC

>> No.4615056

Join the army.

>> No.4615084

You were gorging on $100 oil. And rather than doing the smart thing like the Norwegians (giving everyone formal shares of the wealth via a sovereign wealth fund) or anything cool like Dubai (desert ski resorts lol), you blew all your money on fuck knows what. Tortillas or something.

Now that capitalism's worked its magic of advancing fracking tech, oil's going to be at half that for the next few decades. And what's your... newly educated Indio population? Led by a corrupt bus driver? going to do in response?

Go on, show us the wonder of socialism. It's better, so you shouldn't need to borrow our filthy Yankee dollars or sell off your gloriously maintained Assets of The People.

>> No.4615115

Go to a faucet and wait veneco.
That or come here to Colombia and ask for money on the streets.

>> No.4615124

make sure you can receive funds in your ETH address and then post some unique pics and Ill send $100 ETH. or LTC if you prefer.

>> No.4615187


>> No.4615217

>crisis is caused saudi-usa lowering of oil price and by international creditors blocking release of credit because venezuela wont privatize PDVSA.

Got a source for this?
I'd expect to have heard it somewhere else with all of the non VZ people defending their government.

>> No.4615270


>sell it for Bitcoin

They need to make money not lose it next week

>> No.4615277

lol oil is the only thing that venezuela exports retard

also, if you mean in the black market, in small amounts, who the fuck would buy raw oil? do you happen to know someone that has an oil refinery lying around?
lol wanna know what we spent the money on? free money for everyone. subsidized dollars. you could travel the world for cents. like, you could get 100$ for 10bs from the government and sell them on the black market for 100bs. or buy stuff in amazon with them. crazy stuff like that
hey i want ur money. what do you want to see. it's night time. i might take a picture of a maduro thing outside my house. want to see a picture i took this afternoon of my fridge filled with coal because i've been desperately trying to get rid of a smell

>> No.4615377


>> No.4615382
File: 10 KB, 255x254, Disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol wanna know what we spent the money on? free money for everyone. subsidized dollars. you could travel the world for cents. like, you could get 100$ for 10bs from the government and sell them on the black market for 100bs. or buy stuff in amazon with them. crazy stuff like that

Jesus... You know in Alaska, they do something similar. But the cash that's handed out is only like $2,000 per year (with an average household making like $50,000). People blow it on a snowmobile or whatever and move on.

Did you guys limit the free money to a reasonable level like that (~4% of income) or was it just "lol max out popularity"?

>> No.4615475


Why can't you get cheap oil at the gas station and sell it to private people on the black market?

>> No.4615503


Even if Bitcoin lost 99.9% of it's value it'd be a more stable currency than the Venezuelan bolivar lo

>> No.4615562
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, Photo 11-28-17, 12 32 30 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was like... $5,000 subsidized dollars for travelling and $3,000 for buying stuff online yearly, back in 2007? some crazy shit like that. don't know what the average income was back then. maybe like $600 monthly. surely it didn't reach $10,000 yearly
pay up fucker 0xAad1C21944f55BB441244C3795A78A4CAc2FE7b1. there u can read "aqui no se habla mal de chavez" which means something like "we don't say bad stuff about chavez around here"
what do you mean "private people"? gas is cheap for everyone

there's people near the border that buy gas here and smuggle it to colombia. there must be a lot of money in that. but you don't want to get into that and end up being killed by some gangster. i'm guessing most people doing that are people from the government

>> No.4615571



>Expecting the tightass incels of /biz/ to tip you even if you were on fire

>> No.4615573

The world is in a horrible state because of the jews.

>> No.4615580

"private people" in a country where everyone is dirt poor

>> No.4615596


Well if I was in your place I'd seriously consider smuggling. There's A LOT money in it.
Gotta take the risks.

>> No.4615600
File: 2.00 MB, 3024x4032, Photo 11-28-17, 12 32 30 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking stupid exif data

>> No.4615608


I mean to other countries

>> No.4615652
File: 176 KB, 1059x1500, Haifuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not pretty enough to even be a trap.
we can fix that if you're dedicated.

>> No.4615655
File: 1.39 MB, 3024x4032, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd have to figure out how to bribe guards, how to not get killed by other smugglers, how to find clients, how to bribe judges in case something bad happens, how to maximize the amount of smuggled oil per day. you wouldn't do it you little incel

a pic of my refrigerator in case someone wants to donate 0xAad1C21944f55BB441244C3795A78A4CAc2FE7b1

>> No.4615702
File: 259 KB, 342x414, shoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. Sorry, its getting late.
How do I check if my wallet receives?
Also what kind of pics do you want?
those who are already doing that will shot you
this is true

>> No.4615719


>> No.4615748

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.4615756

I do not expect anyone to give me any stuff nor did I ask for it but they were shouting at me for not doing so I did.
At least I learned how to do that today.

I always thought that been a convincing rap not something you could learn but rather a talent you are born with

porque el carbon?

>> No.4615774

That is exactly the opposite of what the jews want. The jews want destabilized brown countries so that they will flee to the west and thus decimate the white population.

>> No.4615775

>could've saved $8,000/yr for 4 years and be pulling in a 5% dividend from private equity worth $1,600 a year, meaning 10 weeks paid vacation the rest of your life
>instead blow it all on Amazon and travel (experiences!)

It's like Millennials: The Country.

>> No.4615845

what is this? coal?

>> No.4615876

lol. se daño el protector de la corriente de la nevera. estuve afuera un par de dias. se daño una carne dentro de la nevera y todavia huele mal. lei que quizas usar carbon serviria, pero creo que lo hice de la manera mas estupida posible. mas porque estoy desesperado que porque sea un retrasado
we have a centuries-long tradition of being fucking retards. politicians know this and whenever oil prices go up we'll live this again
yea im trying to clean my refrigerator because of some spoiled food and some dude in the internet told me to put some coal in it he might have been trolling me his name was monkfan97

>> No.4615893
File: 69 KB, 281x206, 1290402390161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm seriously thinking about going to Venezuela to fuck hookers and live like a king.
I don't want to die or robbed while doing it.

If I give you $40US to be my bodyguard and tour buddy for 2wks, would you do it?

>> No.4615921

The eternal jew.

>> No.4615932

fucking cheap fuck

>> No.4615940
File: 81 KB, 284x322, 1417918794508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this be a lesson to commie and socialist faggots all over the west. Stop voting for this stupid shit. This is what happens. Fucking millennials, Jesus Christ I fucking hate my generation. Hopefully I can get wealthy enough and I can flee once the US goes full Venezuela.

I'm sorry about all that starving bullshit, OP.

>> No.4615951

I'm Norwegian and let me tell you that we are not smart at all. Pissing away money on foreigners is not smart.

>> No.4616031

Sure, sounds fun. Although I don´t really recommend leaving the hotel. You can easily afford the best one and you will be pretty safe and you can fuck all the prostitutes you want

>> No.4616043

Not as bad as Sweden or Germany I presume

>> No.4616047

40 bucks is like 10 high escort fucks.

In America that would translate to roughly 3k usd

>t. Hooker expert

>> No.4616064

Would you fuck hookers with him?

>> No.4616076
File: 8 KB, 223x225, delet-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4616090

The point is you at least have money saved up, Bjorn.

In fact, $200,000 per citizen is fucking ridiculous. You can blow $20k each on a personal refugee and barely notice it.

>> No.4616097

Its not a bad rate considering I will be pretty much just showing him the way to the hotel.
I rather not. Devout Catholic. But hey if he wants to I wont judge. Plus even 2$ its like two days of work so I cant really take those luxuries right now.

>> No.4616106
File: 2 KB, 125x95, 1511823565446s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what??? You wanted me to repost this?

>> No.4616188

If you are unemployed and white you are basically fucked the way things are now. Only brown people and women that are going through a divorce get anything.

>> No.4616260


Am I reading this wrong or do you have a 4% unemployment rate? That's about as good as you can expect in any economy...

>> No.4616421

wait which one of you needs the $100 more?

>> No.4616476

Give it to coal guy.
My freezer might be empty but at least it doesn't stink.

>> No.4616525

fine. Coal guy it is.

Prepare for $100 of ETH coal guy.

>> No.4616560


Check your wallet.
As I said $100 of ETH incoming.

>> No.4616594
File: 64 KB, 1171x475, enjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is some picture proof.
So I hope you sent the right address, kid ; )

>> No.4616637
File: 66 KB, 1184x509, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realized I fucked up the number.
here is a new pic with the other 95.


>> No.4616662

why are you just randomly moving 1000 ether around wallets?

>> No.4616667

You are a nice person.
And to think that dude that stuck a pencil in his pooper didnt get anything.

>> No.4616685

I promised the charcoal fridge dude $100.
Gotta help our fellow man and all...

Not a big deal.
I have made about 62k from about a 1.2k investment so I am pretty comfy.

Hope $100 can go decently far over there!

>> No.4616701

He can easily live for a couple of months with that if he administers himself.
Althought he should probably fix his stink ice machine instead.

>> No.4616720

a little bleach will clean it.

and thats good to hear. Hopefully you will be alright too.

>> No.4616724
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1508375389439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to see something like this, am not disappointed.

>> No.4616729
File: 23 KB, 540x960, 13495152_1690138071248685_3698407470380773545_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just come to chile (and bring me your sisters)

>> No.4616734

Is it wrong of me to wish this fate upon my Canadian countrymen?

>> No.4616741

Feels good man.

More people should try this.

>> No.4616750

One of them had a job and the other is starving

>> No.4616760

Which was which?

I skimmed...

>> No.4616769

Well I came here for advice on what to do for a living and I got some.
If you have any advice it will probably help me as well. What can I do to be as rich as you?

>> No.4616791

what coins are you staking?

>> No.4616808

Man, where I live Im not rich at all...
Just have enough to cover a couple months.

I got here mainly by luck. I was careful with my investments, but so were other people who didnt end up as lucky as I did.
If you learn to code, you can get a good job paying about 50-60k starting in the U.S.

You will have to take jobs that people are offering randomly online, but if you can deliver you will make good money.

>> No.4616847

Bots crawl 4chan and spam emails

What is your bitcoin cash address?

>> No.4616914

uh... I made my first wallet today in this thread.
I know nothing about crypo actually.
how do I get a cash address?

>> No.4616939

make a bittrex account.
It has most coins.

>> No.4616974

bruh being a trap is easymode/
move to Siberia.

>> No.4616979

Download electron cash wallet on phone or computer. Create standard wallet, wrote down and protect 12 safe words, then link me a BCH address in your receive list

>> No.4617051

Did I do it right?

>> No.4617082

If you actually help this anon out you are a good guy.

anon, please remember bitcoin cash is not bitcoin. Please dont send it to a BTC wallet. Only send it to a BCH wallet.

>> No.4617140

let me figure out how to do that

>> No.4617143

How does all this shit work? Is there a way to keep all my money on just two coins like eth and a bit coin?

>> No.4617207

Hope you did because I just sent $39.48 of bitcoin cash there (~0.025)

Dont forget what socialism did to you, bro

And don't lose those 12 fucking words

>> No.4617217

if you want I guess.
Its like anything else.

Take milk for example. today the milk is $5. I have to buy it at a grocery store. tomorrow my friend bob wants to buy milk for $10 and I can sell him my milk for money.
The gorcery store is an exchange, and bob is a place to cash out like coinbase.

>> No.4617222

OP know any hot girls?

>> No.4617265

Then whats the problem with OP needing multiple adresses to receive internet money?

Why isn't just one good enough for all this imaginary money?

>> No.4617276

I got mbch (+25 unconfirmed)
So... thanks!
Wow. I am actually speechless.
You guys are actually very nice.
Some, why?

>> No.4617288

Different networks. Why don't banks store multiple currencies for you? They've had centuries and I can't deposit Canadian dollars in my Aussie bank

>> No.4617295

t.someone who doesn't live in it

>> No.4617350

>Thinks someone posting from another country is larping

The rest of the world has internet too, burger

>> No.4617364

How much internet money did you get today and how long will this keep you alive?

Because there is a lot of money to be made in the difference between them.

I'm a no coiner but thinking of getting into it in the next few weeks of everything goes well. Is there some way i have a single address or broker to accumulate bitcoins and ether?

>> No.4617384

No problemo Pablo
Now stop watch animals and learn about bitcoin cash instead

Learn why no rational person would send you btc

>> No.4617403

which one is the popular one that's all over the news about to hit 10k

>> No.4617405

Watching animes

>> No.4617414

Hook me up with contact info and if any of them get picked for a gig I'll give you a cut

>> No.4617426

Go watch mtv Stacey

>> No.4617444


Anon this guy offers some legit advice on making money >>4609661

Browse bitcointalk.org altcoin announcements and follow the instructions to get airdrops for every coin you can. You'll get some free coins that you can sell and you'll sometimes land on a winner that can net you a few hundred to thousands of dollars. I've never done this myself so I can't give much more advice but I know there are guys making thousands of dollars a month doing it.

Also see this thread for more info >>4592463
and read this guys comments >>4431262

This free money from airdrop coins won't last forever so plan accordingly.

>> No.4617499


What the hell is an air drop

>> No.4617541

Will do.
althought I cant really recommend coming here unless you plan to stay in the hotel zone (Tamanaco) 24/7
Its a nice hotel. I spent a new year eve there with my parents once when I was a kid. Those were better days...
I am making an account there and I will check those links. Thanks!

>> No.4617582

It's just an alternate way of distributing coins. Instead distributing coins with mining or ICOs, a small amount of coins are sent to your address after following whatever instructions they have.

>> No.4617897

Charcoal is good at getting rid of bad scents, it's used in footware a lot.

>> No.4617932
File: 111 KB, 960x960, 24129936_10155912504626031_7233264198561214388_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before going out, I just want to say I am not kidding about hot girls kind of desperate for a green card.

>I love you
>I love you to Chilean nationality... I mean Alfredo. Alfredo, right?

>> No.4618045

fuck you we dont want more shit foreigners in mexico, unless theyre hot bitches

>> No.4618052

Awesome. I need some translation when I go there.
Dude, gimme your throwaway email. I'll check this thread later.

>> No.4618679
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x640, a smile for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still make it in RuneScape, I goldfarmed about 1b/week in August. Hell, even if you don't know how to write bots, you can manually smith addy spears for 5m gp/hr (which is about 50-75 cents/hr). Addy spears only require a couple short quests and 75ish smithing to make, which you can get through smithing lower spears which are also a few mil/hr.

>> No.4618950

How can you even afford internet there?

>> No.4619029

Start playing Old School Runescape on your shitty PC and sell the gold
1m is worth around 1.05 Dollar at current rate
You make around 1m or more an hour depends on the skill you are doing
Their are skills that earn 3m+ an hour

>> No.4619039

>live in a country where you can find the top quality pussy
>take poor sexy latina who cannot use a computer
>stream on chaturbate her blowjobs to you
>edit videos and upload on porn sites for more income and visibility
>split profits

>> No.4619065


this sounds like a good idea

>> No.4619305

You buy cheap coins, then you send them to your wallet. After setting up the wallet (encrypting, etc) you unlock it for staking. Basically, your amount of coins have a certain weight to it which decides how many blocks you get, comparable to mining blocks with hardware (the more hashpower the more blocks you will find). The computer/vps has to be on 24/7.
Master nodes require a special amount of coins to lock. PoS/master nodes hybrids are the same basically. Masternodeholders get more block rewards tho.

I am currently staking:
- Netko (10000 coins will get you around 1,5 or 35-40coins a day which is like 8usd) and it's fair,pure and easy Pos
- bitcloud BTDX (around 5000 coins, bought them very cheap)
- Solaris XLR (a whole masternode can be bought for around 0.12 btc for now, netting you around 80 USD a month atm. Could easily x5 in the next few days)

Basically accumulate solid projects when they are down during dips or if you know they have an upcoming rebranding, then immediately start staking.

>> No.4619550

im not sure if raw coal is porous (dunno how to spell, but like meaning it has tiny holes in it)
But yeah charcoal is great for neutralizing odors

>> No.4619593

Why do you even think venezuela is a shithole? Capitalism, dumbfuck. Poor countries are kept poor to serve as cheap labor and to extract resources from.

>> No.4619670

pretty sure people do exactly this. I always see Venezuelan women on Chaturbate saying next to nothing, looking like they don't want to be there and talking to someone off screen. I always assumed they were getting pimped out, but I was too busy jacking off to look further into it

>> No.4620030

lol thank you! i sent an email to the other dude. i'll send him the eth.. he might actually really need it at some point. dunno why he wanted you to send it to me

>> No.4620157

Dude, be a Spanish tutor on course hero .com
Doing Spanish homework for american burgers like me

>> No.4620706


Fuck you traidor

And you op dont even think come here, we are full