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4610086 No.4610086 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is and always be worthless. Sure it is currently trading at 9600$ right now. That does not mean it has value though. What can you buy with it? Groceries, gas, clothes? No ..? Then it is worthless. Until you can pay for commodities and values then it will have no value, and everyone who invests in it are dumb retards who will kill themselves once the bubble it is in pops.

>> No.4610122

Bitcoin is definitely in a bubble. You have to be deluded not to think the "normies" are in. When 2% of Americans have already held Bitcoin.

Certain smart contract related coins? Arguably not in a bubble.

>> No.4610141
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>> No.4610150

>can you buy...
Yes I can. I pay exactly like I would with my debit card.

>> No.4610152

>sell some for cash
>buy groceries, gas, clothes (alternatively find someone willing to accept btc for these items

>> No.4610167

>>What can you buy with it? Groceries, gas, clothes? No ..? Then it is worthless.

I guess gold is worthless, real estate, pretty much all assets are worthless...

>> No.4610175

>Sure it is currently trading at 9600$ right now. That does not mean it has value though.

It has value, it's 9600$

>> No.4610183

You are using cash to purchase those commodities, not bitcoin.

>> No.4610201

Hey Anon, why don't you goto the shop and buy some milk with gold...
Wait you cant do that, i guess gold is worthless...

>> No.4610204

and I use bitcoin to buy stuff online, not cash. What's your point?

>> No.4610206

Go to your nearest car dealership and buy a car worth $9600 - try to pay the car salesman with one bitcoin. Please.

>> No.4610218

>can't buy clothes
>can't buy groceries
Whole Foods gift cards through Gyft
>can't buy gas
Shell gift cards through https://coinfuel.io/

>> No.4610223

You're cute.


>> No.4610224

I can buy a kilo of coke on the darkweb

>> No.4610228
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Let me guess. You're about to say BCash is the "real Bitcoin"...

>> No.4610236

Be honest anon, do you really use your BTC for those things?

>> No.4610244

Let me tell you about gold money dot com

>> No.4610257
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>Trying to compare bitcoin with gold

Bitcoin is a digital currency that could permanently disappear tomorrow. Gold will always exist. Gold is real. Bitcoin is not real.

>> No.4610259

You think they would reject gold? Christ you're really deluded.

>> No.4610261

No, I do use my BTC for amazon purchases though as if you use Purse you can usually get at least 15% off. Just be sure to rebuy that amount of BTC.

>> No.4610281

OP doesn't have faith in crypto at all, you dolt.

>could permanently disappear tomorrow

Good luck with that.

>> No.4610292

>asteroid hits earth
It's that simple.

>> No.4610322

The illusion that gold has value could also disappear.

The main value behind bitcoin is the network effect / community. That won't disappear overnight.

Combine that with the benefits - truly scarce, impossible to seize,etc - and you have a winner.

>> No.4610355

>The illusion that gold has value could also disappear.
Prove it faggot. I'll prove whatever stupid shit you say wrong. I dare you.

>> No.4610364


All it takes is a large scale internet outage and Bitcoin will be gone forever.

>> No.4610366

How much do you pay in transaction fees for that? This is total bullshit and you know it.

Its mostly newfags that are buying this "tech doesnt matter its all about store pf value" meme. Back in 2013 we were all excited about BTC's colored coins project which was the closest thing to programmable money back then. Now all you newfags are doing is defending the shitty tech that has not changed.

Ethereum is the closest thing there is to BTC's colored coins. BTC right now is nothing but a ponzi.

>> No.4610367

>Bitcoin is a digital currency that could permanently disappear tomorrow.Lmao, you are too fat at this point. Bitcoin will not disappear, since nobody controls it, sure it can "disappear" in a sense that if most users drop it, it'd crash and become useless. It is possible, but many believe that speculators riding the hype train did drive bitcoin past the point, where complete abandonment is likely.

>> No.4610369

unless humans are erased from the earth, gold will always have value.

you nigger.

>> No.4610376

>why everything gotta cost money: the post
kill yourself marxist scum

>> No.4610395

Wrong. Gold has value everywhere in universe where a civilization exists.

>> No.4610398


book first class flights on expedia for example retard

>> No.4610410

No coiner

>> No.4610413
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You can do all three



That still doesn’t mean it has value though. Only purchasing power. Much like, you know, the US dollar.

>> No.4610414

bitcoin is worthless because its can't even do the very thing it was meant to do. this coin only serves as an entry coin to better coins

>> No.4610416

An EMP attack could cripple bitcoin and ruin it forever

But then again, a mass EMP attack would destroy USD fiat as well.

A mass EMP attack would cause me to worry about a whole lot more than the value of USD or Bitcoin or any money.

Just always make sure you have enough spare WATER, DRY/NON PERISHABLE FOOD, BATTERIES, LIGHTERS/MATCHES, and SHELTER on hand to last through at LEAST a couple weeks if needed. That's what will be important in a true loss of internet/power for extended period of time.

>> No.4610426

The only way that would actually matter is if the internet was shut down for good. If that happens you're problems are much larger than monetary and gold won't help you.

The patrician portfolio contains bitcoin, guns, ammo, food, and medicine.

>> No.4610437


>> No.4610446

No.. blocks would simply stop being added to the chain. Chains could also possible continue separate from each other (if the global network is disrupted). Once things are reconnected the chain with most work would take precedence.

>> No.4610456

What are people doing to get other coins
>paying for something
Huh almost like it’s a currency or something

>> No.4610467

>All it takes is a catastrophic event and it'll all be over!
You really showed us

>> No.4610476

cash out and buy with cash. takes 20 min with PayPal and coinbase.

>> No.4610490
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You can buy a lamborghini or a house.

But you have fun with your fiat shopping at Lidl.

>> No.4610493

Yes they would. In fact it is much more likely that a shop accepts crypto than gold.

>> No.4610501

Most has been $10 a couple months ago. This is why you make large purchases
>Its mostly newfags that are buying this "tech doesnt matter its all about store pf value" meme.
I haven't said that, not sure why you're assuming I think this. It needs to get better, if even half the people in crypto were actually using it for its intended purpose everything would be entirely falling apart.
>BTC is nothing but a ponzi
This is a bit much though.

>> No.4610502

I hope you enjoy eating Subway 3 meals a day and only being able to purchase gas and clothes from one or two retailers.

>> No.4610509
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>goes to grocery store
>puts $100 worth of groceries in the cart
>hands the cashier $100 worth of gold
>casher says "fuck no"

>> No.4610520

the whole point of e-cash is to have the ability to compete with electronic fiat on the same level, while keeping yourself hidden from authorities.
as of now the barrier of entry to crypto is pretty high and the fees/cost is too big

>> No.4610533
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>implying we are currently in the end state

>> No.4610540


Faggot what can you buy with gold or silver? You buy your local FIAT currency stupid fuck.

>> No.4610565
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>converting to cash for purchases at a brick and mortar store like a caveman is impossible

>> No.4610580

i pay ALL my bills, utilities and groceries with Bitcoin. absolutely everything.

>> No.4610601

Our coins which we use for currency have gold and silver in them numnuts. You use gold and silver to make purchases everyday.

>> No.4610613


Debit cards, PayPal and many forms of electronic transfer exist. All I ever hear about with bitcoin is it is "secure and decentralized", but ironically your money is more insured against theft or fraud by dealing through a normal bank or company that deals in payments, and everybody is always talking about who in the crypto world is manipulating currency or trying to steal your money.

>> No.4610627

You're in a desert, what good is an ounce of gold for?

Gold acquires value in an advanced, trade based economy.

Bitcoin acquires value in a digital, fiat scam economy

In order to make bitcoin worthless we'd have to go back to a time where bitcoin wasn't possible.

>> No.4610632

I gave you what you asked for, then you changed the objective of the discussion. What am I to do now, list more retailers? You'd still come up with a reason why they're invalid.
You said you couldn't buy XYZ with it. I gave you examples of places you could buy XYZ with it.
Nothing left to discuss

>> No.4610642


>> No.4610668

holy shit you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you're fucking stupid I know that for sure.

>> No.4610688

No they don't

Bitcoin is unironically more secure than Fort Knox.

>> No.4610708

There are no US coins in circulation that contain gold or silver. All copper, nickel, and tin now. The dollar coin has zinc and manganese though.

>> No.4610710

I will be laughing the day you kill yourself when the Bitcoin bubble bursts. Keep spending real money on computer pixels.

>> No.4610737


I'm not American. This is why I am not stupid enough to fall for the Bitcoin scam.

>> No.4610752

Very stupid. How does it feel knowing that your utility payment for last month has gone up 50%?

>> No.4610767
File: 237 KB, 1000x750, MeandMyGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots, My name is Peter and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat retarded no-lifes who spend all day staring at crypto currencies.
You are everything wrong in this world. Honestly, have any of you ever made any money trading? I guess its fun pretending to be apart of the 1%ers like me all day but this is worst than jacking off to pictures on Facebook

Don't be a stranger just hit me with your best shot, i'm pretty much perfect. I am CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc,CEO, and chairman of Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC , I also am founder and chairman of SchiffGold, a precious metals dealer based in Manhattan. What companies do you run ? other than jack off to the crypto currency on all day LLC ? I also have a banging hot girlfriend she just blew me (Shit Was So Cash)
You are all Faggots who should just kill yourself, Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: Its me and my bitch

>> No.4610775

>What can you buy with it? Groceries, gas, clothes? No ..?

Actually... check, check, and check. But, no, anyway.

>> No.4610781

You can't do a single google search for "US Coins metal content" before posting though?
Your points are getting a bit rekt and you just shift the argument every time it happens

>> No.4610783


You sound perturbed

>> No.4610823


That's dumb, Fort Knox is a bunker with a military around it and a great track record. Bitcoin nearly collapsed when people lost millions from a rogue exchange only a couple years into its life.

>> No.4610844
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>pay with gold
>cashier has to get out the scales
>everyone behind me in line hates me

>> No.4610869

This is all a moot discussion anyway since you can't cash out Bitcoin to fiat even if you wanted to.

>> No.4610875

Dude if you goto the store with $2 worth of gold and try buy milk with it, I think they'll tell you to fuck off.

>> No.4610877

>cashier pulls out a pick and bottle of nitric acid

>> No.4610882

>converting to cash
Oh fuck, you haven't heard, have you? I'm so sorry.

>> No.4610892

How deep are you to keep convincing yourself that bitcoin won’t be worthless in a few years? It is just another tulip mania. Once big banks lobby to kill it or acquire it, devaluation will occur if they are not the major holders. Economics are not the only factor to consider, politics is a major influence. Investment firms fire financial managers for speculating in the cryptocurrency market.

>> No.4610918

What a poor mindset.

>t-this doesnt have value because i can buy food food or gas gas for muh wagecuck job, how can get to wagecuck job if not buy gas with bittlecoin??

>> No.4610933

Are you saying all crypto is worthless?

>> No.4611025

Yes. Cryptocurrency is not real currency. It is inherently valueless.

>> No.4611028

Neither is the fiat money in your bank money. That's not real either. At least with Bitcoin, money can't be duplicated, can't be stolen (if you're above double digit IQ) and wouldn't be subject to inflation or panic the same way fiat would be. There are certainly reasons why crypto would fall flat on its face but hardly any of the things in the world that would adversely affect fiat can affect Bitcoin the same way.

>> No.4611033

2% of adult americans isn't a lot.

>> No.4611036

Yes i buy food, power, train tickets, rent, houses with it. Right now.

>> No.4611103

i bought more money with it later on

>> No.4611147

Real currency can cease to exist over night.

What's your point?

>> No.4611146

I unironically can't envision a future where crypto currency isn't the main supply of money and where the unsustainable fiat banking system doesn't collapse. I'm 99% sure this will happen in our lifetime.

>> No.4611163

then why not just use a debit card?

>> No.4611198

How so, the 20 dollar bill I have in my wallet will always be in my wallet, even if the electrical grid was shut down.

>> No.4611199

Existence isn’t the argument, it’s value.

>> No.4611201
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FUN FACT: In my country you can cash out ETH exclusively (and it's super easy to do), everything else cannot be cashed out directly

>> No.4611245
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OP's face when bitcoin crossed 9k.

>I don't think bitcoin is worthy anything.
Reality disagrees with you faggot.

>> No.4611249

Easy trolling more or less makes you an autist. Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.4611252

*buys drugs with btc*

>> No.4611280


Nope. The government might accept it but good luck trying to get some fuck tard in the treasury department to switch it out.

>> No.4611293

And there are legal tender bills that have no value right now.

>> No.4611340

It’s honestly hard to tell if this is true retardation or mere pretending
Yet another banking problem solved by blockchain