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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4607900 No.4607900 [Reply] [Original]

>Put some savings in a bank account
>Get a 2% growth per year from the bank
>Inflation is 2.5% a year
>Decide to take out the money
>Have to pay taxes on the """"profit"""" because I now have a larger amount of fiat than before
What the fuck is this bullshit. These assholes print more and more fiat all year long making my money go down in value and then I get taxed because "you have more useless bills now, you've made profit :^))))". It's not a profit I'm literally losing money, how is this ok?

>> No.4607919


>> No.4607922

Welcome to BTC

>> No.4607953


>> No.4607972

why do you think people are going into crypto?
good money chases out bad

>> No.4608044

>pay federal taxes
>pay self-employement tax
>pay state tax
>pay car tax, property tax
>pay nonsensical 1c tax state gov added to everything that was supposed to help the state but turned out was ran by gov cronies leasing expensive cars and spending all the money on 'operating costs'
>go have a hamburger, pay sales tax + pay hospitality tax because the county decided to add another tax

>decide to become landlord, that must be the way forward.
>buy rental property, pay property tax
>get angry letters in the mail, you didnt tell us you werent living in the property! your property tax is now 5x what youd pay if you lived there. its the not living there tax

How many levels of tax are you guys on?

>> No.4608066

Getting taxed on having a nice view.

>> No.4608070
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this, like... come on now. This stuff is jew 101.

>> No.4608101

what shit hole do you live in where inflation is 2.5%?

>> No.4608136

Sweden, target inflation is 2% but it usually ends up being a bit more.
>tfw you get taxed near 50% if you make at least 20 000SEK a year (roughly 2400USD)

>> No.4608140

LOL my country have %10 inflation rate.

>> No.4608153

too fucking money
gov needs to make a fedcoin, put a 5% flattax on that shit, and be done with this bullshit

how the fuck can anyone do any business, with all these "fuck yous" thrown in everywhere?
it's a goddamn nightmare

i'd dream of a tax system with no IRS, no tax returns filing, no keeping records for 10-fucking-years

seriously goys, simplify that shit, make it slightly less to incentive it, and stop with this fiat funnymoney bullshitery

>> No.4608174
File: 26 KB, 402x402, 1460308525459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to take money out of my savings
>5% withdrawal tax
>go to the movie theater by myself
>3% singles tax
>hit up the gym afterward
>4% penis inspection tax
>take the bus home
>2% transportation tax
>turn on the TV
>6% cable tax
>use the bathroom
>7.5% toilet flushing tax


>> No.4608283

>not dodging the penis inspection tax by becoming a cute trap
Do you like throwing money away Anon

>> No.4608462
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>> No.4608489

You're not losing money, you're losing VALUE. Big difference.

>> No.4608508
File: 15 KB, 191x263, merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably one of the oldest jewish tricks in the book, welcome to finance