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File: 82 KB, 960x618, Female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607376 No.4607376 [Reply] [Original]

/r9k/ here.

How do females manage in the crypto world? In my experience, these technical and detailed things are too hard for their brains to handle. That is why they have their own chess tournaments so they have a shot at winning.

Do women manage to understand and apply their knowledge in crypto currency trading?

>> No.4607445

They take their clothes off for crypto

>> No.4607458

My gf bought a bunch of eth and ltc from normie base earlier this year and never touched it. She’s made more than I have now.

>> No.4607459

It's not so much about IQ as hormones and risk taking

Men are better(and worse) at trading because taking risks is part of testosterone influence

>> No.4607475
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-they-re-all-weak-all-women-they-re-stupid-compared-to-men-they-shouldn-t-play-chess-bobby-fischer-61-59-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah chess is all about that agressive risk taking

>> No.4607485


why don't you fucking read what I wrote instead?

>> No.4607557

The best kike who ever lived.

>> No.4607574

>smart guy
>uses double negative in a sentence

Pick once.

>> No.4607644

There's plenty
And they are probably have better gains than you
They just don't want autistic perma virgin r9k losers orbiting them

>> No.4607792 [DELETED] 


Show tits.

>> No.4607903
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>> No.4607937

Well sure when you number in all the hordes of pajeets, it's bound to skew the average.

>> No.4607981


That is quite a lot actually. More females than I expected.

>> No.4607994

It's not something overly hard to grasp. Most of you aren't geniuses and you learned these things in a few hours of research.

>> No.4608087

Considering how it's apparently impossible to predict the market, you could argue females have an advantage due to better intuition. Sure the risk/gain factor is lower, but in the long run it won't be the females posting pink wojacks.

>> No.4608104

Someone post that Instagram “ceo” whore from paragon coin

>> No.4608161
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muh dick

>> No.4608383

My gf had some difficulty getting into it at the start but I think her innate desire to be fully provided for started to kick in when she saw the gains I was making from Feb to May.

About around that time she started to get interested and begun actually involving some of her own money and started taking notes on trades/technical analysis as if it were class in uni. We'd talk about what projects/pumps we're interested and she'd also take notes on my intuition and then present it to me when it's all organised to help build my confidence with day trades and not "sit on my hands" as much when I saw good opportunities.

We're now at a point where I've quit my job and day/swing trade all day as well as have a small eBay business. We shave off my day-trading profits into long-term holds. I choose these long-term holds fairly intuitively with some TA and she researches more heavily and reassures whether we should do it or not.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

TLDR: Women don't manage money well cause their greed is OP, Find one you trust to manage your scattered attention instead.

>> No.4608449
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>Find one you trust

>> No.4608458

That's not a double negative genius.

>> No.4608479

My gf always tells me to jump out of certain things. Most recent example: sell your BTC it's going to crash pretty soon, I'm like wtf no you're dumb why would I sell my BTC it's on the rise. Next thing you know BTC dropped to 5400.
It's happened with Nuls, Neo, Vert and I cant remember what else. But God damn that girl is a crypto god and I barely tell her anything about it. I've tried convincing her to run my portfolio while I'm at work but she says she hates math and trading. Wtf girl you're the best trader I know!

>> No.4608575

I love women, I really do. I love my wife, mom, grandma, sisters, aunts. But they are legitimately too fucking stupid to understand crypto. They're different though because they know they're too stupid so they don't bother me with a bunch of questions about it. Much better than my female coworkers who think they know about it and make fun of crypto for being a scam or fake money. So many stupid whores out there.

>> No.4608660

im a girl, I'm bad at predictions, so I mostly hodl
I feel like I'm getting better at day trading though

>> No.4608714

Legit question but how is this a problem with women only? Most normies are pretty dumb about it too. Is it just because the women are asking you stupid questions instead of doing their own research?

>> No.4608718

tits or gtfo

>> No.4608737

any of those female chess players could btfo the average /biz/tard so i'm sure they could understand crypto

it's not like normie guys understand crypto either

>> No.4608812

Most of biz doesn't understand crypto either Lmao

>> No.4608851

you're probably sucking her future bf dick to get ithard so that he can thrust your gf with more pleasure.

>> No.4608855

kinda similar to my situation, get her to manage YOUR analysis in combination with YOUR emotional patterns to help YOU not the money itself. If they're directly in control of it, it will go bad. Trust me, this keeps both people's biological interests at heart.

She just needs to be "red-pillable" on male-female interaction. This is generally why most super-successful CEOs have a female super assistant. You will face increased difficulty following through with my advice with your girlfriend happens to be North-American.

>> No.4608892

A woman has a difficult time thinking about anything except what's right in front of her face. Whatever she feels is her reality. Relative to men, women aren't critical thinkers. They don't grasp long term cause and effect, that's why they fall victim to so many scams.

>> No.4609035

Relative to some men, you're right. But if we're talking pure average middling types, you'll end up with the same problems across both genders. Don't let the bell curve distract you from the fact that a vast majority of normie men are just as shit at the things you describe.

>> No.4609169

she's good because she doesnt know anything and trades on emotion, except faster

>> No.4609239

>good at seeing patterns
her TA is good probably because shes doing it wrong

>> No.4609242

> Thinks he's smarter than a genius
> He's actually just too dumb to understand what he just read
Fucking typical

>> No.4609490

>Do women manage to understand and apply their knowledge in crypto currency trading?

Number one trader on tradingview.com is an Indonesian woman. Haven't you heard of DianKemala?


>> No.4609572

isnt that just number of followers?

>> No.4609614

Probably has so many because she makes solid calls

>> No.4609644

or be female on social media

>> No.4609647

Check out her calls and make your own conclusion.


>> No.4609721
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>who is Judit Polgar
Also there are dumbfuck normie men as well. Women especially don't need to learn crypto because they don't need to make money.

>> No.4609722

Fuck off "Dian." No one wants your TA bags.

>> No.4609772

whats her portfolio? thats all that matters

>> No.4609874

>Fuck off "Dian." No one wants your TA bags.
Top kek.

You're all pathetic sexists.

You think you're better than women at trading. You're dreaming, neets. And that dream is baseless.

Why don't you show me your TA so that everyone in this thread can compare it to her TA?

>whats her portfolio? thats all that matters
Well I don't know, I'm not her brother. Why don't you ask her directly? But one thing that you all know for sure is that her TA is excellent.

You can deny it all you want, but the number of her followers don't lie.

>> No.4609911


>> No.4609971

TA on crypto is about as meme as it gets
like i said i only care about her portfolio

>> No.4610053

>social behavior is determined by biology
You have so much to learn young padawan

>> No.4610056

women, in general, tend to be worse than men in logical/spatial related stuff. BUT, the women who happen to be good at it tend to be better than most men. Autistic/highly intelligent women tend to be even more autistic/highly intelligent than their male counterparts. If you ever meet one of those kinds of women, you will quickly realize that your are the brainlet in the room. Their decision making skills are far supreior to that of most humans. Sadly, there are few of those kinds of women in the world (just as there are fewer autists than "normal" people). In short... yeah, tech women tend to be better at tech stuff than the tech men. Real female nerdy NEETs are even nerdier than male nerdy NEETs. Dian Kemala seems to be one of those kinds of women. Don't let her "instagram doll" appearance cloud your judgement... SHE IS MANY ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE MORE CAPABLE OF MAKING CRYPTO MARKET CALLS THAN YOU WILL EVER BE. Her brain is definitely wired for this shit. Gifted by the gods themselves, indeed. She's very good at crypto market calls (better than the best of the guys on tradinview.com). IMO, she's definitely the best at tradingview.com. I am not a fanboy, but I recognize a superior trader when I see one (and so should you). Admit it... you're just MAD because she will NEVER even talk to a loser like you. Get fucking REKT, you misogynistic INCEL fuckboy.

>> No.4610059

Polgar was great, but look at the currently top, not one female. I do think the argument has been made very nicely by Damore, we have different brains statistically, and that's not a bad thing for either side. Of course there are many exceptions, like Polgar(who was tortured if she didn't study btw), but on the whole ours brains are different. And that's ok.

>> No.4610296
File: 12 KB, 359x355, 17012616_1406379059414286_2008035401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women below niggers?

>> No.4610360

To be completely honest and unbiased I did notice most females sit in the middle of shit but most males can be completely useless.

>> No.4610370


> your nature is actually nurture!

oh okay then genes dont matter

>> No.4610473

That is desu, but what the fuck are women doing with their fucking time that these pie charts are always this retarded looking.

>> No.4610521

You're taking a so for individual from the most extreme end of a bell curve and acting like she is representative of the group as a whole. Fact is, men are better suited for markets like crypto currency (or just trading in general) because women are more risk adverse. It's just a basic biological imperative not "sexism". Or maybe it is "sexism", but it's the truth.

>> No.4610595

>male-female interaction. This is generally why most super-successful CEOs have a female super assistant.


>> No.4610615

Then how come most of the failures in rhe crypto market are all r9k losers who think they are better than women?

>> No.4610691

Does anyone have her twitter or fb to follow?

>> No.4610819
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>> No.4610863

>evolution isn't real

>> No.4610878

>muh everything is cultural meme
go jerk off to feminists

>> No.4610989

why the fuck do you need help of a woman? I would hate to have someone "help me" on this, I know what I'm doing.

>> No.4611037

>look, I found ONE exception to the rule, woman can tradee!!! <3

1. Men are usually taller than women

are you fucking stupid? use your brain shithead

>> No.4611092

Except she's a better trader than 98% of drop kicks on this board who only know how to buy high and sell low
In fact, going off this board it's sage to assume the majority of "guys who are clever enough to get into crupto" are complete and utter fucking retards that don't understand the most basic fundamentals of the market
So... comparison of the men and women in crypto it sure as hell seems like women are the better traders

>> No.4611133
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Whats her twitter you fag

>> No.4611154


>> No.4611169
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Pls i need a trader bae

>> No.4611240

Boobsnbitcoin is smart enough to buy dips and hold

>> No.4611395
File: 121 KB, 500x1024, 1510423534087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i want to follow that tip top tier trader waifu

>> No.4611457

Because most of the successful individuals in the crypto market are also men who think they are better than women. Crypto is 97% men because it is very risky and women are disinclined to engage in it.

>> No.4611492

>You will face increased difficulty following through with my advice with your girlfriend happens to be North-American.
What about Slavs?

>> No.4611568
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>> No.4611588

Is that Pipebomb?

>> No.4611602
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MONEY doesn't CARE if you are a WOMAN or MAN or a BLACK GAYE.
WHat a RETArdeD thread. l

>> No.4611651
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>> No.4611707

Who is this

>> No.4611757

Am femanon,
I know I am emotional I get FOMO and FUD to a huge degree, so my bf he make the decisions and calms me down.

>> No.4611793
File: 56 KB, 1440x1065, 1504630907578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financial industry, especially trading, is probably the worst profession for females. It's even much worse for female brain than programming etc.

Trading and finances are highly dominated by testosterones biological effects. The exact opposite females are good at naturally

>> No.4611862

Is that why 99.9% of the world's money is in the hands of men, you disgusting SJW shit eater?

>> No.4611964

>is in the hands of jews
Yoire so special white boy

>> No.4612034

>It takes high intelligence to buy shitcoin shilled on /biz/ at its ATH and sell after the dump commences

Yeah that’s why women don’t do crypto

>> No.4612175

>thanks just bought 100k ath and sold 100k atl

>> No.4612285

It sure is. Welcome, fellow olderfag

>> No.4612286

paralegal fag here, at the firm i work the data show men are 10 times more susceptible to scams, tricks and cons, especially cons concocted by women. women are masters at scamming due to their high cognitive empathy and high tolerance for drama. they don't do it in high tech ways though.

>> No.4612908


>> No.4613236

Another pathetic neckbeard loser who doesn't even have the courage to talk to an actual woman in real life.

You are a loser. You have never dated even one girl in 36 years of your life. That explains why you hate women so much. You think they are unfair to you.

Back to topic, I've just proved your 'theory' wrong.

I never said that she represents ALL women in the crypto world. My intention was to show to you losers that women CAN trade crypto and there is ONE woman who does it better than all men on tradingview.com.

I'm no feminist, I even despise the so-called feminist these days. I'm only anti non-sense. And your 'theory' that women can't trade is non-sense and should be debunked.

Get a life, faggot. Stop fapping to 2D porn.

>> No.4613416

Men are retarded when it comes to women. Beta males are worse than useless to fend one off.

>> No.4613428
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Idiots cite one exception to the rule and then scream "See?! You are WRONG!"

>> No.4613456

Toni Lane, pictured above, is a godawful poser who doesn't even own much Bitcoin. Her "crypto" project, cultu.re (seriously) is the worst

>> No.4613700

>that Instagram “ceo” whore from paragon coin

>> No.4613790

How smart is she? She looks beautiful

>> No.4613945

Women have poor future time orientation.

>> No.4614611
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 1511397600975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats her social media then?

>> No.4614626

She's as smart as most coin CEO's, so extremely.

>> No.4614680

Are you being ironical?

>> No.4614722

Yes. If you've actually seen her speak, she's a fucking genius. I'm PhD students and I can't even write at the technical level that she speaks at.

>> No.4614775

In countries where gender roles are much more egalitarian e.g. Scandinavia, women score just as high as men on standardized math scores. In Iceland they actually score higher.

>> No.4614812

I’m a woman and I do pretty well.

I used to just buy bitcoin to buy things, but I recently came into some money and am now using a small portion to day trade.

Started with about 10k two weeks ago, now have about 14k. Usually just set buy and selll orders at work and have an alarm go off when they hit so I can place the next order.

Planning on getting my initial 10k out and then just playing with house money and Hodl.
I started with 10k and I’ve done pretty

>> No.4614835

What do you do for work?

>> No.4614864


it's easy to make money in a bull market. You have to be a terrible trader to lose when the market cap literally doubles over the span of a month. That strategy would fail you most other times of year.

>> No.4614946

Those are white women tho. We all know they're perfect beings in most of Europe.

>> No.4614948

How much longer do you guys think it will last

>> No.4614953

>star wars reference
kill yourself reddit

>> No.4614973

unironically yes

>> No.4614975

am female, crypto currencies aren’t complicated.

source: am ugly female engineer who’s only hope is to make it to the moon with crypto and then buy a hot man.

>> No.4614998

I'm fairly attractive but I want a highly intelligent female to breed to ensure I have genetically superior offspring.

>> No.4615087

I’m a software engineer, so I guess I think fairly technically.

>> No.4615135

Guess I came in the right time then... however, I’m all in USD right now waiting for correction.. should be soonish..

>> No.4615150

Is there something wrong with me for wanted to breed the most intelligent women I can find?

I figure the most intelligent would be doctors and lawyers. Maybe I could find a fellow day trader but I'm not sure if successful day traders are more intelligent.

I guess engineers would be near the top too.

>> No.4615177

and the jews try to have us believe that fischer was a jew.

>> No.4615197

Except that is just something the jews have come up with. There is litteraly 0 evidence that he was a jew. He played against jews whom he demolished and since it is so important for jews to be "the smartest race on earth" they tried to make him into one using their media monopoly. Also it defuses his statesment regarding jewry.

>> No.4615200

put a sharpie in your pooper and take a pic

>> No.4615204

no one on /biz/ is in seattle anon you’ll have to find other (likely way more attractive) fertile women to hodl

i believe in you.

>> No.4615208


>> No.4615248
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wait.... you guys don’t take your clothes off while trading meme coins?

>> No.4615471

My wife is a doctor, she is not into computers or tech at all but she is pretty smart.

It is nice to be with a smart girl but the most important thing is that you find some wise. Smart and wise are not the same, there are plenty of unwise smart people that do dumb things all the time.

>> No.4615479

There’s a balance to everything and finding someone who is strong in areas you are weak, I believe is the key... but no, generally wanting an intelligent partner is not bad.

>> No.4615509

Savors strongly of bitterness.

>> No.4615587


You can teach wisdom. You can't teach raw intellect. And intellect is inheritable.

I want to breed a woman that is fairly attractive but highly intelligent to ensure those two things get passed down. Other things like wisdom and kindness you can teach to children.

This planet just isn't fair. I'm probably going to get trapped by a low I.Q gold digger.

>> No.4615839

Yeah, I agree with you IQ is very heritable. You should be careful who you breed with.

Just find a girl that is in the health care field, that weed out dumb ones. Really anything other than low tier stuff that doesn't require any degree.

>> No.4615866

What about nurses? I mean I'd rather s doctor or an engineer. Also are you the uber dad?

>> No.4615871
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Jesus. No wonder women make less than men

>> No.4615907

Fuck that sounds amazing

>> No.4616251

Nurses are generally fine if they are atleast an RN or BSN. Better if they are more specialized and work in the ICU / OR.

I try to be a good dad and show my kid all sorts of cool things. Also I would say to try and find a girl with a good family, that will help a lot, especially when you have a kid but is hard to find.

>> No.4616266

plain and simple females are not in crypto at all, only the nerdy smart ones .001%