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4603719 No.4603719 [Reply] [Original]

>grandmother dies
>leaves us a 1300 sq ft house
>instead of letting me inherit it parents want me to buy it AT MARKET PRICE from them

Is there anything more Jewish than this?

>> No.4603763

death/inheritance shows people's true colors.

>> No.4603795

Sabotage the house, its the only way they'll learn.

>> No.4603798

Tell them to fuck off and just accumulate XMR

>> No.4603806
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Just say no thanks and wait for them to die too.

>> No.4603862

Burn down both your parents houses. It's the only option at this point

>> No.4603872

you told them about your crypto gains, didn't you

>> No.4603888

>inb4 they donate it to charity like a boomer cucks they are

>> No.4603892

If you are actually jewish. Make them proud by standing your ground and asking for a low price. to keep it between family.

After that you sell it with profit.

>> No.4603897

All joking aside that is extremely fucked up. Sorry OP.

>> No.4604007
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>parents make a will
>3rd in line for inheritance
>behind sisters who are druggies and never hold a job longer than a couple months
>ask them why
>”your sisters need the money and property more than you, they aren’t financially stable like you”

>> No.4604016
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National debt wasn't enough. Importing 3rd world trash to prop up their Social Security Ponzi scheme wasn't enough. Hollowing out the cultural norms and traditions wasn't enough.

Now you have to pay them for an ancestral home. When those cunts get old, I hope you let them rot. I hope you let them wallow in their shit and piss. I hope you let cheap 3rd world trash home caretakers abuse them.

They saw you as an economic unit, a host for their parasitism. Treat them accordingly.

>> No.4604036

>grandmother dies
>leaves "US" a 1300 sq ft house
She was your GRANDmother and the house now belong to her child, your mother or your father. What on earth made you believe you were entitled your grandmother inheritance over your parent?

>> No.4604069
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>admit that you're financially stable
>admit they're not, and it's because they're dumb cunts
>admit that these 2 reasons are why they are leaving it all to them instead of you

I've been fucked over in my life, but god damn I feel for you.

>> No.4604072

>t. jew

>> No.4604090

Babyboomer is entitled to sell it for some quick cash.

Find a different way to stay alive, your parents do not care, and are not as generous to you as their parents were to them, unfortunately.

>> No.4604094

Set up KFC and Jordans on the porch
Buy the dip

>> No.4604102

This. Fuck your parents, fucking greedy boomers pieces of jewish shit.
This reminds me of millionaires who donate everything to charities and don't give shit to their sons. how cucked can they be for fuck's sake.

>> No.4604106
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Boomers never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.4604124

Kill parents, collect house + life insurance.

>> No.4604143

Clearly this

>> No.4604172

Are your sisters roasties?

>> No.4604173

actually jews are very generous with their children.

>> No.4604219


They inherited the house, but instead of leaving it to him in their will, they want him to pay them for it. That's what he's saying.

>> No.4604278

I don't really get it OP. When my grandparents died I never assumed I would be entitled to anything. They had multiple kids and even more grandkids so why would I get the goods.

>> No.4604285
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>> No.4604535

Leaving stuff to your kids only made sense when people died in their 50s. My grandmother passed a few years back. Her kids are in their 60s already, with houses and retirement funds set up. Of course they didn't need the money. So it went to the grandkids instead. I was able to stop renting and buy a house. When my folks pass, they'll leave everything to my son and his cousins. That way people get stuff when they actually need it

>> No.4604606


R\Interesting points, but read the OP: the only way it stays in the family is if he purchases it. His parents don't give a fuck about him or his potential future kids.

>> No.4604625


*Interesting points

fuckin keyboard.

>> No.4604667

Finally someone who gets it

>> No.4604726

>buy at market price

Did your parents invent Ethereum?

>> No.4604884

trips of truth

>> No.4605005


Jesus christ that makes me suddenly feel immense pity for the poor kid that VB will one day have. Can you imagine his life?

>Dad is billionaire
>Extremely autistic, makes kids pay for everything.

>> No.4605049

>inherit stuff at 60

>> No.4605055

This is why most families fail to build generational wealth.

>> No.4605108

it'll be worse. he'll marry a crazy asian future tiger mom and the kid's gonna go through hell competing to one up his autistic genius dad or simply match his chad grandfather.

>> No.4605139

You are an entitled fuck. Nobody owes you shit. Work and accumulate wealth. Your parents are doing you a huge favor by giving you a break and not requiring get a morgage and pay interest. If you don't like the deal PASS ON IT. Your an adult - be an adult. Put down the bowl and get a job.
Invest in ARK and buy your parents a house for their old age. DIE IN A FIRE NEET.

>> No.4605194


get rich from crypto and give them nothing.

>> No.4605208
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Buy it from your parents, fix it up and sell it for more than you invested into it.

Give your parents some of the profits as well.

Maybe this will make them love you, because they obviously dont give a shit about you now

>> No.4605231

Yeah, a Jew.

>> No.4605234

In about 1,5 year I'm about to inherit land worth around 200k-300k USD (in eastern europe, so I can purchase more with it here, than in the west). My plan is to multiply it somehow by about 3-4 times, which would give me stability for the rest of my life. I wonder what's gonna happen with crypto then.

>> No.4605235

>leaves us
>leaves them

>> No.4605248

this, this guy has got to be a oven dodger

>> No.4605266

ha, fake jordans tho

>> No.4605283

>are roasties roasties?

>> No.4605336

You should tell them that it is financially imprudent to give it to your sisters who will mismanage is squander whatever is given to them, and to instead give it to you with stipulation to manage the wealth between the three of you. That way you can manage the wealth and give your sisters the money they need to sustain their current lifestyles instead of them being idiots and blowing it all on drugs or other shit in under a year.

>> No.4605373

How the fuck is he going to buy it without paying interest? Market value is only 10k?

>> No.4605396


>Nobody owes you shit.

Except to be born into debt racked up previous generation.

>our parents are doing you a huge favor by giving you a break and not requiring get a morgage and pay interest.

Nothing in what he posted indicated that he would not have to take out a loan to buy the house. Furthermore, not having to get a mortgage a pay Jew interest is not a favor.

>Put down the bowl and get a job.

Is he jobless? Where'd you get that from?

>buy your parents a house for their old age

No. They just got one. You cannot birth someone into debt slavery, offer to sell them an ancestral home which you inherited, and then expect them to buy you a god damn house. I'm assuming they'll get Social Security soon if they're not already. That's OP's god damn money. He'll never get it back.

There's your god damn old age home, cumshitter. Boomers can die in this debt ridden, soulless, multi-culti economic zone which they created.

>> No.4605452

Did your grandma leave you the house in her will? If that's the case, the house is legally yours and you should contact a lawyer. If not, then it belongs to your parents and you shouldn't have dreamed of owning it in the first place.

>> No.4605691


>you shouldn't have dreamed of owning it in the first place.

yeah you shouldn't expect boomers to include you in their will like their parents did for them

>> No.4605755

As long as they don't splurge it on holidays and home improvements you'll inherit it back when they die anyway. Unless they leave it to someone else, in which case I'm sorry your parents hate you. No parent wants their kids to have an easy ride, builds character apparently.

>> No.4605821
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Are you the first born ?
If so jdruish law is that you only get 10 %

>> No.4605880


You shouldn't expect to be included in anybody's will unless that person says as much.

>> No.4605958

>ancestral home
Cringe as fuck dude

>> No.4606008

i'm pretty sure jewish people are well known for taking care of their own, so i don't think your parents are jewish at all

>> No.4606039

OP's parents just want him to appreciate his own house

>bet he gets free house
>trashes it in one year

Will your parents at least help you with loans?

>> No.4606084

So just don't buy it.....?
If you want the house, buy it. If not, don't. The reality is they're probably giving you a fantastic fucking deal on whatever the house is but want you to pay so you don't just pawn it off right away and waste the money.

>> No.4606113

Piss all over the house to lower the price

>> No.4606116

his parents have 2 houses and im assuming they are financially secure ontop of that.

im 90% sure they will sell both houses and buy a new house with the money, iv seen tons of old people do this

>> No.4606124

You guys watch too many movies.
Look up "legitime". Unless you disinherit your children and relatives, they ARE entitled to inherit your shit even if you didn't include them in your will.

>> No.4606171

okay well then, go kill your parents then. that entitlement is only valid after they are dead or you have power of attorney over their estate.

so no, you aren't entitled to their property while they are still alive.

>> No.4606183

That's even worse for anon though, since he'll need to take care of some dumb retards. Just give them the money at this point.

>> No.4606224

kill your parents.
they are boomers, they deserve it anyway

>> No.4606374

That's what it's called, retard.

>> No.4606753

Could say family home or some shit
Not ancestral home like it's some manor that's been in the family for six generations and everyone has lived there... it's just pure cringe