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4602761 No.4602761 [Reply] [Original]

market value currently at 300 billion, nocoiners on suicide watch, dotcom bubble blew at 3 trillion

>> No.4602773


>> No.4602774

Was that 3 trillion just the USA stock market?

>> No.4602785

and these coins are way cooler than stupid websites, so this bubble should go far higher :^)

>> No.4602816

Imaginary tether money aka fake and gay valuation

>> No.4602831

>muh tether conspiracy

>> No.4602833
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the financial system is on the verge of collapse anyway. thanks to quantitative easing, we have a everything bubble. along comes bitcoin, normies invest, bubble bursts, now it's bitcoins fault: say bye bye to crypto.

>> No.4602980
File: 46 KB, 660x330, Edited-Head-in-Charing-Bull-Butt-Wall-St-NYC-660x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is still not at its peak, dollar is likely to crash before bitcoin.

>> No.4603051

And because of the endless printing of dollars 3 trillion fifteen years ago is significantly more than 3 trillion today so it should go even higher.

>> No.4603060
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Even better.

>> No.4603097

Crypto is bigger than dotcom

I know it sounds crazy. Time will reveal how big crypto is. We are only starting.

People have no idea how much wealth there is on this planet. No fucking concept.

>> No.4603153

Can I get a source on this?

>> No.4603199

dotcom blew at 6.7 trillion OP

>> No.4603879
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source: 4chan; the internet

>> No.4604215

I have a question: people assume that because the dotcom bubble was worth 3 trillions when it crashed, then the crypto one should be worth the same or around the same number for it to crash. But, does it work like this? Couldn't it be possible to burst maybe at half or 1/4 of the dotcom bubble, or maybe even in one month? Why should they be similar?

>> No.4604462

The crpyto market is worth more than all the tech companies combined.

>> No.4604519

ITT: We tell each other what we all want to hear and pat ourselves on the back

No. Crash is coming and you know it faggots.

>> No.4604545


>> No.4604557

of course it doesn't work like this
of course it could burst at 1/100

tech companies have a floor value which is the sum of their physical assets

>> No.4604562

Well basically what your seeing is the foundation of the future structure of human affairs. In the future the blockchain will be a fact of life just like the Internet is now and all of the old ineficiencies will disappear thanks to the decentralisation revolution.

>> No.4604595

Market cap isn't what matters retard. What matters is ROI which has already far exceeded the gains seen in the .com bubble.

This shit is going down. Hard.

>> No.4604646

Holy fuck you guys are so fucking stupid it hurts.

This >>>>4604557

>> No.4604727

Stay poor because bitcoin is going to have some kind of astronomical valuation like 5 trillion dollars or more in less than a decade and ethereum will probably be worth 2-3 trillion.

They aren’t fucking around.

>> No.4604777

I hope you're joking. I believe Ethereum will serve a purpose, but that purpose is not to 3x your money every two weeks. Speculative assets has a tendency to drop after a massive growth period. Or are you seriously thinking this time it's different from what has happened many, many times before?

>> No.4604840

Based on what?

>> No.4604862
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Adjust for inflation friendo. We hittin $10trillion

>> No.4604948

Based on investors wanting to take profit eventually, I'm guessing. Chain reaction, and boom $3k again

>> No.4604975

It's not a meme but it is much harder than just putting your money in one big coin and expect high returns.

>> No.4605047
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why do you people think the crypto bubble would be anywhere near the same level as the dotcom bubble? so many different factors. maybe the bubble starts much earlier, maybe much later. who the fuck knows.

>> No.4605056

The silver "investors" said the same thing in 2011. Paid 50 USD per ounce and now the price is at a more humble 17 USD per ounce.

I'd say that the likelihood that the FIAT currency of the worlds only superpower is very much less likely to crash than Bitcoin. Especially since Bitcoin already have crashed many, many times.

>> No.4605088

I'll get out of crypto when there is a bubble in silver

>> No.4605098

>I'd say that the likelihood that the FIAT currency of the worlds only superpower is very much less likely to crash than Bitcoin. Especially since Bitcoin already have crashed many, many times.
I had to read your sentence three times to get it.

Are you trying to say that the fiat currency of the US is less likely to crash than Bitcoin is? That's what I'm getting from your statement.

>> No.4605126

Please just try use your brain for once. Do you believe that say McDonald's crashed because Apple did during the Dotcom bubble? I know that most of you are complete imbecilles but surely you'd recognize the fact that back in 2000 IT companies made up a rather small percentage of all public listed companies.

Do Bitcoin make cars, hamburgers, computers, electricity, soybeans, steel, grape fruit, bananas, buildings, roads, pavements, windows, door bells et cetera? No? The NYSE and NASDAQ do.

In summary: you are a fucking retard for comparing entire stock exchanges, that actually have listed companies that produces something, with a fucking internet meme that feeds in sucker to it making a few assholes at the top of the pyramid scheme rich.

>> No.4605154

Stop comparing it to the dotcom bubble as if it's going to fellow its lath 1:1

What was the size of the .com bubble when CME starred trading futurES? i know that 5 years later it popped.

The internet was a new thing and people bought shares through institutional investors, people buy bitcoin from the internet with a card, no minimum required (well there's a minimum but who's going to buy 10bucks worth of bitcoin nowadays?)

And finally, even though blockchain is tech, bitcoin is supposed to be a currency.

In the future I can see Bitcoin (if they implement LN and make it scalable)
Ethereum (as the go-to Smart Contract protocol)
Link (un-ironically as the on-blockchain external data provider)

And then idk, Ark? If they manage to create those bridges it coild be somehow useful (really most useful in this bubble space with load of shitcoins)

And... ? What other coins are needed or will survive?
BAT might survive long term, not worth a lot imo but stil be there.

Well Monero will probably be there
LTC as the beta for BTC might still be there
And then IDK, opinions?

>> No.4605174

>currently at 300 billion
>dotcom bubble blew at 3 trillion
So we only have, like, 10x to go? Fucking weak. Crypto a shit.

>> No.4605180

>I had to read your sentence three times to get it.
And that makes you quite stupid, doesn't it?
>Are you trying to say that the fiat currency of the US is less likely to crash than Bitcoin is? That's what I'm getting from your statement.
That's obviously what I and any sound person is saying. Bitcoin have already crashed many times by up to 80 %. To believe that Bitcoin is more stable than the dollar, hehe you have to be really dumb to think something like that.

>> No.4605209
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Checked and Kek'd

Praise Kek!!

>> No.4605211

Don't forget blocknet. Gonna need an exchange to trade those shitcoins.

>> No.4605249

> 1000 billion worth alone

>> No.4605251
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>pyramid scheme

>> No.4605284

Or any other descentralized exchange really
What are the options?

If they cant create a decentralized exchange crypto will end up in wall st and that would be the end of it as we know it

>> No.4605285

>Bitcoin have already crashed many times by up to 80 %
Yeah and whith the exception of the Mt. Goxening, every one of those many times it crashed created an incredible buying opportunity at the bottom. How many times has the USD re-deflated after a crash?

>> No.4605342

>I'm stupid
>he can't even type a sentence
You Brazilian or some shit? I can understand if English isn't your native language. It's not mine, either, but it isn't very hard to learn, nor is it impossible to compose a sentence that makes sense--unless you are, of course, retarded.

>> No.4605356


Bitcoin is not a speculative asset, it exists to have value. The market is simply correcting up.

>> No.4605375
File: 172 KB, 1731x1178, Screenshot_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would make Billions of Trillions with Infinite tether !

>> No.4605440

Homie it really ain’t that hard to read. Learn common English.

>> No.4605461

We have plenty of stupid logos with stupid names though, and we're reaching the point where any product has a token because ??? and everyone will PnD it even though the token has no connections with the actual project.
It's not much different on how people bought any dotcom related stock, like shitty dog sites with no purpose.

>> No.4605467

Mofos have been saying the stock market is in a bubble for like six months now. Where's the crash, dumb cunts? Everybody is Peter Schiff now.

>> No.4605472

The dollar have never "crashed" rather it has seen a slow but steady decline which is intentional because central bankers believe that we need inflation. Bitcoin have crashed with 80 %, can you give me one example of the dollar crashing 80 %? No? Then fuck off would you with your retarded idea that Bitcoin somehow is more stable than the Dollar because that's fucking nonsense.
I can see that you've some serious problems but it ain't me you dumb larping faggot.

>> No.4605508

I never said it was more stable, illiterate bitch. I said the crashes were incredible buying opportunites. For somebody who hates money so much, you sure think you know alot about it.

>> No.4605515

If you could time the moment a bubble pops you'd keep quiet about it and make millions by shorting it. I'm not saying that you can't time the market, but what I am saying is that if there's anyone out there that can he is keeping dead quiet about it.

>> No.4605542

Well that's correct. I was just responding to the dumb fag who actually thought that Bitcoin was as stable as the dollar. You have to be a complete nutcase to believe that.

>> No.4605602

>dumb fag who actually thought that Bitcoin was as stable as the dollar. You have to be a complete nutcase to believe that.
Well, yeah. That's retarded. The instability is where we make our money, though. Just buy them dips and rebalance into other assets periodically on the way up. I hope it keeps crashing every few months.

>> No.4605633

yes Bitcoin is indeed a new paradigm

>> No.4605704

>the sum of their physical assets
literally 1/1000th of their valuation, might as well be zero

>> No.4606424

Explain please: if the market cap is 300 bln and we have couple bln moved daily, doesn't it mean that within a month all bitcoins will change hands?

All this without much actual market trade in goods, just pure financial speculation. We can assume people that got out of bitcoin just cashed out, and will not go back in soon.

Crash when?