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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4601536 No.4601536 [Reply] [Original]

Can you be as much of a cuck as this guy? Is this the final boss of the mainstream normies?

>also general cringe-tier fud thread

>> No.4601558

Jealous people are a cancer.

>> No.4601581

lol get ready cuz the butthurt is gonna be REAL as the years go on.

>> No.4601804
File: 461 KB, 1069x1520, Screenshot_20171125-202319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4601868

not much interested about the content but about how many normus like and share such a garbage. 1000s? 100s? 5?

>> No.4602018

guys i know we are often 2 edgy UUUU but i unironically am starting to think that the vast majority of normies are utterly fucking mentally incapable of coming to their own conclusions and are effectively monkeys. i'm no better but god damn i see shit like this and it just blows my mind trying to understand the mind of a normie and the retarded shit that comes out of their mouths. does the normie ever think before speaking, or do they expect all their lukewarm opinions to be well received?

>> No.4602039

They are NPCs. Very little processing power is spared in their thought routines.

>> No.4602081
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x850, feels....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you are surrounded by NPCs and are too autistic to play along

>> No.4602085

Yeah because canned food and clean water comes falling out of the allahauauaua akbnurar skies.

Fucking muslims.

>> No.4602114

>arab intellectuals

>> No.4602127

Wow that's some serious cope

>> No.4602158

middle class works years to save up 10k? lmao good goys

>> No.4602421

>not fiat currency and planned inflation while the government overspends constantly
sure thing, buddy

>> No.4602434

I've heard people whining about how saving just 1k is an ordeal.

>> No.4602486


>people don't deserve to be rewarded for taking a risk and being right about the value of an emerging technology that is still widely mocked by society and the media

Holy mother of cringe. Fuck that guy.

>> No.4602506



>Bitcoin makes a mockery of the financial system

That's kind of the point, retard

And the financial system hasn't done those middle class folks that this guy is white knighting for any favors

>> No.4602537

>middle class works years to save up 10k?

Jokes on him, normies aren't saving anything.

>> No.4602564

And then they're suprised they live in a shithole

>> No.4602588

true, just buy all the latest crap

>> No.4602637

>it was created to slave human
>Islām is the verbal noun of Form IV of the root, and means "submission" or "surrender"
I guess they would know huh.

>> No.4602953
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this is true.

I don't even talk about it anymore to normies.

>> No.4603030

If you're middle class and it takes you years to save $10k, you aren't middle class.

>> No.4603730


Pic related is such a load of shit it enrages me.

I don't need an alarm to wake up at 6 am because I am not a regressive manchild who wants to stay up all night drinking and playing pokemon, I don't struggle to brush my teeth and hair, I don't mind pissing and shitting and I look forward to seeing my coworkers and being productive. Do millennials really think like pic related?

>> No.4603979
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>> No.4604001


most people have shitty jobs man

>> No.4604023


what a cuck
I saved up 20k in one year when I was a university student working part-time for minimum wage

>> No.4604037

Bitcoin was created to free us from the yoke of central banks like the federal reserve

>> No.4604052

sweet. BTC to 1 million confirmed

>> No.4604078
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1293827321107s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> millennials
> literally quotes from a book written in 1975 by a man born in 1920

no "millennials" don't think like this, people who arent retarded think like this period.

Yes pat yourself on the back for imagined qualities like all the other pretend new wave conservatives on the internet. Yes I'm sure you don't like video games, uh huh. Yes you're a real man for liking being in the employ of someone else and spending the majority of your existence making someone else money. We're all sure you don't jerk off to porn either, because thats degenerate.

yeah sure pal. kys.

>> No.4604114


Not everyone is a good boy like you Brian!

>> No.4604207
File: 29 KB, 450x532, 1438536266721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People shouldn't be allowed to put their money in assets that are too profitable for me

>> No.4604268
File: 279 KB, 618x591, ppthrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going rich while cucking normies, boomers and (((the government))) one satoshi at a time

>> No.4604288

Lol no you fucking didnt unless youre being supported by your parents

>> No.4604334

It's only a matter of time before the retarded masses start demanding that your crypto gains be taxed by as much as 99% so the wealth can be redistributed

I hate society and the people in it.

>> No.4604438

butthurt authoritarian nocoiner cunts

>> No.4604518

bitcoin is fiat

>> No.4604550

Bukowski was a wage slave until he was 49.

>> No.4604571

Someone post the magic money tree/bitcoin packages plz

>> No.4604638

No, you can't print it like USD to infinity.

>> No.4604694

you can if you had uhhh super copmuter

>> No.4604707

Yes, that's why he knows what he's talking about. He survived the wageslave hell.

>> No.4604736

If /biz/ makes it, we well see hordes of normies jealous of us and talking shit behind our backs because we made it in a "retarded" market with no value or some shit. Remember what I'm saying, people will try to devalue what you achieved.

>> No.4604785

He's probably one of those people who thinks the middle class reside between people living on benefits and his boss. Pay no mind to idiots OP, there are many.

>> No.4604858

>I just got the iphone 69xyz for $900!
>how will coiners ever compete?

>> No.4604960

Believe it or not, there is money to be made in buying and selling iPhones and macs.
>tfw trading apple products
>tfw currently bagholding apple watches because no one wants them

>> No.4605053

> i unironically am starting to think that the vast majority of normies are utterly fucking mentally incapable of coming to their own conclusions and are effectively monkeys

Technically even monkeys can be taught advanced reasoning skills

Our current societies only use the techniques to damage children's minds

>> No.4605101

These would be the same douchebags that go to Vegas twice a year and brag about winning $800 on blackjack like they beat the House like Ocean's Eleven