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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4600674 No.4600674 [Reply] [Original]

thanks biz

>> No.4600722

What did we do?

>> No.4600741

nice work, turbo autist

>> No.4600742


>> No.4600749


She sees no potential for your future because you didn't invest in chancoin you nigger

>> No.4600756


look like you got cuckolded my friend

>> No.4600767
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>> No.4600769

Show us what you said.

>> No.4600777

That’s a Male avatar

>> No.4600791

Probably showed her blockfolio and there was no chainlink

>> No.4600794
File: 15 KB, 456x320, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man work is gonna suck for you now

>> No.4600799

more like it was 100% link

>> No.4600802


He sees no potential for your future because you didn't invest in chancoin you niggerfaggot

>> No.4600828
File: 1.28 MB, 300x300, 1511466995887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry anon we can still be friends!
>Never talks to you again
>Work becomes hella akward when she starts talking behind your back
>You overhear her talking about Chad and how she pleases her

>> No.4600841

You approached her with a message instead of IRL contact? Hahahahah

>> No.4600913

No. we went out on a date and I was too agressive and tried to fuck her and she didnt want to and it was weird so we made out and I left and than the next day she was awkward and so I texted her asking if she wanted to meet up later and she said that

>> No.4601278


Fucking lol.

>> No.4601360

>I was too agressive and tried to fuck her
How were you aggressive? Give us the fine details anon. Imagine I'm the girl, how the fuck will get me to fuck u.

>> No.4601387

>BCHcucks when they show females their blockfolio
For real though, ignore whores, acquire crypto.

>> No.4601444
File: 90 KB, 750x479, 22519106_10155282091319514_5382404553350792969_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck would you ever date someone at work? Even if its totally consensual and you get laid for 5 years, at any time she can say you were were inappropriate and you get fired and then sue you for whatever if they know you have money.

>> No.4601463
File: 7 KB, 185x226, 22780391_1479464272131154_2569790873052644334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also. Don't ever fucking use work IM to contact women for dating ever. That shit is logged. See previous post.

>> No.4601473

lol why are you trying to fuck girls on the first date are you 19? especially coworkers

>> No.4601498

I want ERPers to go.

>> No.4601497

i work in a restaurant and everyone fucks everyone no one gives a shit.

>> No.4601507

>t. has never been friends with normies

my fucking normie friends are always fucking girls on the first date and bragging about it.

Its literally only us virgin autist neets who can't feasibly imagine or pull something like that off.

As I've gotten older, my feelings for love and romance have turned from indifference, to depression, to anger. Fuck women.

>> No.4601572

>believing normie lies
yeah, they also got A's and graduated college without studying, didn't you know?

>> No.4601577

well this is quickly becoming /r9k/ tier. im no virgin autist neet but im no chad either. not interested in whores, sloppy seconds, hot dog down a hallway. being the thirtieth dick inside some whore is not something to brag about

anyways to make this /biz/ related there are no women in my workplace within 10 years of my age. its fucking bleak, basically boomers trying to retire far as the eye can see

>> No.4601654

I feel the same way as you. I'm not an r9k fag, but being a virgin neet I've just slowly blackpilled myself on love, romance, and women.

Crypto is one of my hopeful remedies to this problem. I want to get enough money to travel, and maybe I can find a traditional girl somewhere who hasn't yet been corrupted by western values. Honestly though I get this feeling that I'll be alone forever. Already gone 23 years and now my "friends" don't call me to hang out anymore, I think they think I'm fucked up. It really hurts when you see them all at one of your supposed best friends baby shower party and not a single person fuckign told you and you had to find out by watching snapchat. I did the old "don't call anyone and see what happens" and no one has asked me to hang out in months. Looks like I never had real friends in the first place.

>> No.4602526

31 here and every woman i've met in the past 2 years wants to fuck on the first date. Sometimes there's not even a date. I think the new generation has this Tinder mentality. Even if you're meeting conventionally, they're going to act like this.

>> No.4602604

>who hasn't yet been corrupted by western values
shut up nerd it's called being normal

>> No.4602635

i feel u.
no friends anymore and cant find a job right now

>> No.4602667

fuck u chad and enjoy ur disgusting Aids ridden roasties the

link will give me a lambo next year. lets See then

>> No.4602671
File: 77 KB, 533x740, 1511505852744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wasting your life.

>> No.4602729

That's because taking the blackpill makes you stink to others. They can smell the bitterness coming off of you and don't want you around when their own lives are moving forward. Sorry bro, you're too far gone now. Best invest in some robot-waifu stocks.

>> No.4602772

who the fuck are those 2 goddesses

>> No.4602810

This isn't /r9k/.

>> No.4602872

muh dick

>> No.4603102

can confirm, restaurant people are degenerate rabbits

>> No.4603176

Just say "It's you're*" and nothing else.

>> No.4603363
