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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 200x200, Power-Ledger-200-x-200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4600069 No.4600069 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4600073

Shouldn't have bought so high

>> No.4600084

Honestly, buy more

>> No.4600090


>> No.4600093

who said I bought high? I mean I am at a loss right now but it's not a big loss.

>> No.4600106

I bought in at .79 the other day and I'm finally in the red. Shit sucks

>> No.4600136
File: 303 KB, 800x497, 1501339373661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder POWR is the next LINK.
350mil coin supply out of 1bil, overactive shills, pumped and now a long dump.

>> No.4600138

get rid of it idiots i bought at .23 and thought i got in late

>> No.4600153

>buying something that already 10x in a few days.
You dumb fucks deserve everything, holy shit how stupid can you get.

>> No.4600153,1 [INTERNAL] 

Here i thought i was so slick buying at $1, as it hit its tippy toes only 2 times over 4 days.
Fucking dip to 95 and under im losing shit, what do??

>> No.4600222
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reminder POWR is an actual energy company worth billion.
LINK is one gayboi in a toilet stall that isn't worth the coin in his wallet

>> No.4600265

>at a loss
>didn't buy high

Pick one

>> No.4600265,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bullshit company, im selling a .92, nice 300 dollar loss

>> No.4600983

Sold it all off at a loss

this shit is crashing

>> No.4601090

hold and buy more if it dips.

are you guys fucking retard. this coin has seen a huge upwards trends. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT???? 20X every week? SHILL THE FUCK UP.

LOOK AT EVERYTHING THAT IS BEHIND THE COIN. the projects in motion, the team, the influence of mama girl.

FUCKING OMG is valued at 9 dollars with 5x the market cap. Shill the fuck up. This will go 2 dollars. then 4. Then fucking 10. And you guys will make money.

STOP LOOKING AT THE FUCKING RED. the only thing that you will do is trade another pumped coin and look at more red in 1 month. But it won't be a good coin like powr but a shit one instead.

GO FUCK. GO PLAY VIDEO GAMES. GO STUDY. GO WORK. GO READ BERSERK. Something that is not refreshing blockfolio.

Crypto will not change your life in 1-2 weeks. If this shit doesnt crash it will change it in 1-2-3 years. have some fucking patience and smile cause WE ARE THE FUCKING EARLY ADOPTERS

and now im going to watch some porn. Rachel Starr if any of you is interested.

>> No.4601091

> an actual energy company

>> No.4601116
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w-why did mommy betray us

>> No.4601148
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>> No.4601166
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>> No.4601170

Sold at 7800, originally bought in at 6k. ill just wait for news i guess

>> No.4601175
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I could buy a thousand at $1.00 and still feel comfy as fuck.

This is pretty much the only altcoin that has a working, tested product and has offical government backing and is in effect in the real world right now.

You have to be an actual retard to sell this for anything under $5. In fact this is one of the alt coins that it may be better to just keep because you actually get a fucking nice coin in your pocket that is borderline electric POWR

I bought 300 at $0.24 and another 180 @ $0.70 and I would buy many many more if my budget allowed.

This IS one of the best coins on the market under $1 no questions asked.

>> No.4601183
File: 156 KB, 600x1493, ugK0T0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna miss mommy's milf milkers but I dropped my bags around 8.5k, could see the signs of mass dumping.

This coin cannot break $250MM because it's already incredibly overvalued. It might be a good coin but it's not THAT good. It's more of a product, not something that deals directly with money. Investing in Power Ledger is the same as investing in a traditional sector's business. Growth will be slow and over a long time.

I took all my gains and put it into BCPT. It is Venmo 2.0 with blockchain, it was leaked that it's going on Bittrex soon and they have a working product and app that will be released this week.

Right now the marketcap is $15MM... I made over 90k from powerledger and I put it ALL into BCPT.

Stupid? Maybe. Risky? Yes. But that coin is primed for a massive moon. I'm going to break 1MM within two months but I might do it this month with Blockmason. My portfolio is 350k so I'm betting a 1/3rd of my stack on that coin. Take me there baby.

Sorry mommy, I'd love to suck on your tits more but I have places to go.

>> No.4601208

The pasta-game is strong in this thread

>> No.4601235

Bro BCPT is dumping too

>> No.4601256
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, 1445206368138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is so overbought
biztards still don't know when to take provit

>> No.4601273


>> No.4601275

No, there is some weird activity going on with BCPT on Binance. I've been monitoring it off and on, and I've seen over 10 buy orders between $45-$120k. Usually I laugh at people who use the "muh accumulating" meme, but this is the first time I've seen something that actually looks like accumulation. The floor is 3.8k, which is where all the giant buys are happening.

The trex rumors are true, and there are definitely people capitalizing on this it seems. I'm not going to miss another fucking 10x. I'm going for the kill this time, baby.

>> No.4601316

>This is pretty much the only altcoin that has a working, tested product and has offical government backing and is in effect in the real world right now.

That's probably why it's dumping right now. Crypto market is completely irrational.

>> No.4601318

Seriously this. It's had its hype pump and will trend downwards until they actually release something late next year

>> No.4601327

Picture couldn't possibly be more shopped

>> No.4601331

you should have sold long time ago you fucking retard. POWR is worthless.

>> No.4601374

Fuck it. Sold.

>> No.4601411

Pixels etc

>> No.4601426

Incorrect, power can't sustain moon because it's actually a real product. That's not a good thing in crypto investing.

People enter crypto for the 10x, 20x, 100x, etc. These kinds of gains only come from coins that are associated with MONEY, because only a product revolving around currency or debt can increase by that amount in a relatively short amount of time. Power is going to slowly go about it's way and may eventually climb back up, but nothing will cause it to moon short of announcing a partnership with Elon Musk... which is pretty fucking unlikely.

So like I said, move your Powr gains to BCPT like I did. Blockmason is going on Bittrex and will moon 10x within weeks. It's Venmo 2.0. and it's much better and is able to create debt like a credit card with blockchain, will be freaking HUGE. App is coming out this week.

>> No.4601433

Weak handed faggots. Screenshot yourselves and check back in 6 months. In the mean time, keep buying the biz PnD of the day at its high and sell at its low, you trading-inept cucks

>> No.4601439

good price to buy back in?

>> No.4601453

This coin is making news everywhere in Australia.. Whales pushing it lower to accumulate.. Gotta be idiot to sell now.

>> No.4601492

I was an idiot that didn't sell at around ATH.
But I might as well keep on to my 4k POWR now...
It's definmitely going up again bigtime. This is no LINK

>> No.4601520

lol you check back faggot when i make more money then you by selling at 11k and buying back when it stops going down.

>> No.4601531

You guys do realize we're hitting new ATH's when they announce partnerships this week right?

>> No.4601548

Iron hands here. Hodling strong.

>> No.4601598

Can you smell it? Powr fags reeking of desperation... hahhahahahaahhha

shit is definitely going down

>> No.4601622

evey loss thread on 4chan is just a thread for people with weak hands to congregate. these pussies see a 10% drop and then sell even though the coin is up 400% just over the past month lmao

>> No.4601643

Jemma Green do some research retard

>> No.4601648

shhhhhh let the price crash so we can accumulate more

>> No.4601739

Is POWR the next LINK?
In regards of people forming fudding and shilling camps?

>> No.4601803

Lmao just wait for literally one piece of news to drop. If you're thinking about selling now, ur dumb. They dont pre-announce shit so it's not accurately priced in atm, this is just fallout from people expecting an announcement today and not getting it. Good time to accumulate tho.

>> No.4601849


you're getting MOMMY'd and you don't know how to get out. looooool

>> No.4601865

I'll sell this shit and buy again when there's a date for an announcement

>> No.4601881

unlike link the shilling is only after significant moons/drops, so i tolerate that

>> No.4601892

They ain't giving dates for announcements now. They want to get long term holders in good and let everyone else catch the FOMO price.

>> No.4601941

how low do you think itll go? thinking of buying more actually

>> No.4601978

No, they lost the Bittrex momentum. Powr had some of the best shills in the game and they've moved on, mommy is alone and is going to have to suck her own tits from here on out.

>> No.4602048
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>> No.4602065

what's the new phrase meaning all the cool kids through around now?

>> No.4602153
File: 42 KB, 536x396, bill-clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got in at 1400 sats and exited at 10400
>mfw there are actually people in this world who lost money on powr somehow

>> No.4602201

For you to gain someone else must lose. You're retarded if you think otherwise

>> No.4602285

Buy Buy Buy

>> No.4602359

This, the fact that bitcoin hasnt btfo this coin more is telling, I'm holding happily. Even if it takes a couple months (it wont) this coin is gonna blast off. I'm pretty sure the MOMMY fuds are just trying to get cheap coin

>> No.4602443

I'm FOMOing hard, please don't disappoint me

>> No.4602522

Here we go. This coin deserve to be top 15 at least ...

>> No.4602820

>being this retarded

>> No.4602834

What's so special about POWR? You guys realize it's all too gimmicky & flashy and will never work in real life?

>> No.4602879

What won't work? Buying and selling your solar power? If you say so anon.. Good luck functioning in the society

>> No.4602918

Explain further, also what was the ico price?

>> No.4602960

Its well above ICO price and is at least a year away from implementing a testnet. It will dump hard. Buy when it dumps and holding for a year might be a good call. I got out at 9000 sats and might buy in again when it dumps.

>> No.4602976

All of this reminds me of XLM fud before SWIFT/SWELL week. If people are pressuring you to sell this much - they just want the price to go down anon.

>> No.4603027

7k might be the bottom :)

>> No.4603045

I think 6.5k-6.8k is the bottom. But it might linger here for a while

>> No.4603270
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>> No.4603723

> Thai partnership

>> No.4603745

>Indian partnership

>> No.4604553
File: 213 KB, 636x636, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 10.51.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following me will clearly lead to financial ruin...

>> No.4604693
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>> No.4604734

Attention shills and retards, the govt grant was 1.3 million not 8 million

>> No.4604775

There were 900BTC buy walls on this before when it was mooning. Whoever accumulated this can make the price go where ever they want without playing mind games on neets.

>> No.4604836
File: 64 KB, 658x662, IMG-20171125-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAG you saying we should be buying and holding or gtfo'ing?

>> No.4604849

It means you should have gotten out in the 10k-10.14k range a week ago when we told you moon kids this was going down.

>> No.4605678
File: 109 KB, 800x450, solar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here,

Everything we know is soon to be changed.


>> No.4605904

The future. Normies eat this shit up.

>> No.4605993

well the normies seem not to give a fuck hence they ain't buying

>> No.4606232
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>> No.4606246

Check bitcoin diamond

>> No.4606697

With time this is gonna be a lot. Just gotta be patient for now, at least we're more sure we get good returns than something like ChainLink. At least this shit already works, just gotta get some momentum right now. The team might be quite by announcing something right now because BTC is in the spotlight atm.

>> No.4606724

ERC20 is the token standard of virtual assets deployed on top of the ethereum blockchain. Ether is still needed to transfer these tokens. Ethereum is inextricably tied to all ERC20 tokens, and thus transacting with ERC20 tokens is fundamentally the same as transacting using Ether. There is no practical use for an ERC20 token that benefits the user, ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH, and ERC20 tokens only act to lock consumers down to their platform. Therefore, there is no reason for ERC20 tokens to exist in any capacity, and all tokens are borderline scams or money grabs, without exception. We do not recommend investing in them. Please exercise extreme caution.

>> No.4606730

honestly, i already sold to try to get some more funds around to buy more
but still

>> No.4606920

What program?

>> No.4607009
File: 36 KB, 480x278, pepe-meme-katy-perry-th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAG just dropped a follow on Twitter. You still standing by your XMR TA? What's your ideas on BCPT? Am I getting shilled?

>> No.4607043

BCPT is going to moon like crazy. App is coming out and Bittrex listing is confirmed.