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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1080x1920, 20171126_143418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4583197 No.4583197 [Reply] [Original]

My mother made me miss out on BTC. When BTC was 2,700 I planned on buying two but I don't have a separate bank account from my mom, just separate saving accounts and I don't know her password ect. She said I can buy once I started school in the summer and when I did she still never told me anything or helped me, now that BTC is at 9300 I don't want to buy at this crazy price and my roastie mom costed me over 12k in profit! I hate her now. I guess I'll just have to buy ETH once it goes bellow 450 and hope it goes to 1k+ during 2018. I won't let my mom make me miss out on that. I'm so fucking mad right now.

>> No.4583236

>I don't have a separate bank account from my mom
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.4583237

kill her with fire

>> No.4583259



What the fuck is wrong with you?

Also, enjoy your underage ban.

>> No.4583262

I am 19 years old.

I want to, I rage whenever I see her or think about the BTC price.

>> No.4583267

No one cares. How old are you anyways?

>> No.4583268


>> No.4583269
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>depending on someone else for your success

>> No.4583273

Rape her

>> No.4583277

>I am 19 years old.
Bullshit faggot. I refuse to believe that there are 19 year olds who do not have their own bank account.

>> No.4583280

I'm 19.

>> No.4583292


Why don't you have access to your own money? Are you mentally challenged or something?

>> No.4583301

Gtfo underage faggot. Reported.

>> No.4583313

And why didn't you open your own bank account? It can't be that hard...

>> No.4583317

>literally reeeee'ing at your mother
Wow, It's almost like she doesn't think you are a mature adult capable of making responsible decisions.

>> No.4583320

I have my own savings account with around 25k in it. But it's in my moms bank account. I don't have a personal bank account or checking becuase I don't buy anything.

>> No.4583329


talking to your mom like that also gonna make you miss out on tendies at 300 gbp

>> No.4583336

> becuase I don't buy anything.
so what's the problem?

>> No.4583339

Don't worry it'll be back at 2700 soon

>> No.4583346

That's fucking retarded. You are probably the most pathetic faggot I've ever seen on 4chan and that's saying something.

>> No.4583347

Get a job and open your own account. Sounds like you just wanted to use mommies money to buy crypto. I have a feeling you never worked for any of the money in that account.

>> No.4583349

My mom and her boomer friends also tried talking me out of BTC.

>> No.4583358

take responsibility for yourself. When i was 17 i moved 500 miles away for college, opened my own bank account while I was at school. bought a used car, credit card, found my own apartments, etc

Don't rely on others.

>> No.4583359

>REEEEEEing at your mum
>too autistic to open bank account yourself
>Mother speaks broken english
Post race, OP

>> No.4583371

Holy shit you're a fucking autist. kys

>> No.4583372
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>this entire thread

>> No.4583375



>> No.4583394

It's my money, and I can't get a job. My mom has over 250k in her account and I wanted to use about 20k from her and 6k from my savings. I knew it would moon and I'd make us a ton of money.

>> No.4583431

>Wow I moved 500 miles away
I got a scholarship in china by 17, moved to the other side of the world
Get on my level

>> No.4583433

I'm a white American, mom is just a retarded 56 year old boomer that can't type well on a smartphone.

>> No.4583436

>memeing at ur mom
>blaming ur mom for your stupidity and uncertainty
>cannot bear responsibility for urself

OP you are literally worse than any dumb cunt I've met on this board. KYS you betacucked sissyboi

>> No.4583492
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What do I tell her

>> No.4583495

No, you see it's your mom's money and that's why she said no. Why can't you get a job?
Also hindsight is 2020, you had no idea it would moon. You could have easily lost your mom 26K.

>> No.4583497

Oh please nigga. You would have put that BTC into other shitcoins instead of holding it

>> No.4583507

Lol get your own bank account fag

>> No.4583512


Dude stop talking like a 12 year old to your mother. Fuck this hurts to read.

>> No.4583527

Your mom's tits or gtfo

>> No.4583531

holy shit. that's too cringy. using REEEE outside of 4chan is just too much my nigga

>> No.4583536

Someone actually took the time to create this autismo larp.

>> No.4583555
File: 24 KB, 369x387, 1505301221821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you're an extremely autistic faggot I feel sorry for your mum

>> No.4583560


write a few times more



>> No.4583571

Buying eth near ath. GL

>> No.4583573
File: 62 KB, 600x632, 65870A98-8899-422D-BC76-B8B868C1180D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>OP will gamble all his moms retirement savings away because of some 4chan memes


>> No.4583588

>using REE in real life
>Being under age
> Not having a bank account

You must leave. Go to Reddit.

>> No.4583604

stop acting like a baby, when I turned 18 this august my mum literally shove me money in my hands and said "Go invest, I know you're going to be successful, you're a smart boy", I was hesistant to invest into bitcoins but she gave me the push and I turned my $1300 to $6000

>> No.4583609

my impression exactly

>> No.4583628

spam her more memes, that will show her
get a job fag

>> No.4583641

There's a 0% chance you earned ANY money for yourself when you REEEEEE at your mom.

>> No.4583643
File: 113 KB, 351x398, 1317608281871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop blaming.
I lol'd

>> No.4583651

if you let her control your finances like that, you obviously weren't ready to take such a gamble

>> No.4583661

cringe thread
your mom just wants what's best for you

>> No.4583671

>go to the bank
>"I want a savings account"
>Ok sign on the dotted line and give us $100
>boom, savings account

Your mother is right, stop blaming.

>> No.4583678

You gotta agree this is some top kek entertainment, guys

>> No.4583687

>be mommas boy and share bank account
>get angry when mommy cucks you out of some gains

>> No.4583689

even if you had that money, you'd piss it away on stupid shit

>> No.4583710

Confronting her.


>> No.4583725

>Mommy I dont want my own bank account it hurts my head!

>Mommy help me buy bitcoins. Why won't you help me buy bitcoins Mommy!

>unironically REEs at mom

7/10 sensible chuckle.

>> No.4583746

if you really are 19 then you need to grow the fuck up

>> No.4583753

Not enough REEEEE.

>> No.4583763

You're meming
On the off chance this is real, I understand now why she didn't trust you to manage thousands of dollars

>> No.4583769

It is people like you that make me realize it is about time to get out of crypto. It doesn't get any more normie than this.

>> No.4583790


oh no

>> No.4583803

I got punched in the face by my dad breaking my nose and thrown out of my house on my 18th birthday, get on my level

>> No.4583804

>it never ever is enough for you.


>> No.4583823

AHAHA, HAHAHA, that's awesome. Well done. Thank you for the laugh.

>> No.4583835
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1439787794716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom was supposed to buy me satellite radio stock in 2009 when it was only $0.26. Had I been only 2 years older I could've just bought it myself. Constantyl nagged her about it and she never did it. It's now $5.44 I would've made 100k profit.

>> No.4583837

I don't even...

>> No.4583845
File: 15 KB, 292x257, Forty keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you don't miss out on the current Eth dip happening OP.

>> No.4583847
File: 65 KB, 517x768, 1480091962557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP. Making big money and playing the market is for us adults. Go do your schoolwork so you can slave away for us when we are filthy rich.

stay poor

>> No.4583864

>actually using REEEEE in a real life setting
you didn't deserve to get BTC at 2,700 anyway

>> No.4583876
File: 19 KB, 320x211, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> y-you m-made me miss oouuuuutt

>> No.4583893

I guess your only option left is to go shoot up a school

>> No.4583899

>implying an adult needs to buy you stock as a minor
Nope, I'll take custodial accounts for $500 Alex.
There are really no excuses. You didn't put in the effort to get something done yourself. Accept it and move on.

>> No.4583926


I'm pretty certain about getting a vasectomy now. Thank you

>> No.4583933
File: 524 KB, 886x1002, 1510116251114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you god damn son of a bitch. put me in the screenshot

>> No.4583937

I don't understand this post. Why would you need help linking your bank account for transfers?

>> No.4583979

Do you actually reeee when you talk to people holy shit

>> No.4583984
File: 270 KB, 2090x2090, hanging out with sayori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583990

I love you

>> No.4583993

You can't set that up without a parent either you fucking autist.

>> No.4584008

I told my family about Bitcoin when it was $100 a coin and someone told me to out $10,000 of their cash in and we would split the profits if I was serious and believed in it. I bitched out and was scared of losing their money and being blamed for it so I declined the offer. NO REGERTS.

>> No.4584066

Holy shit, that scared me. From the thumb nail I thought it's a skull tied up between the upper and lower jar.

>> No.4584089

stop being an ingrate. how do you even have money? get a job

>> No.4584107

You only need consent. Did you even fucking try or just continually pester her with "mommy buy me this stock"?
Did you put the paper (or computer) in front of her with everything filled out but the SSN?
Did you make any deal with her such as, do this for my birthday or do this and I give you something in exchange? Good grades?
She doesn't deserve blame if you didn't exhaust every possible effort to get what you want.

>> No.4584151
File: 60 KB, 500x414, 911 pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said you meant meth

>> No.4584159

you're a horrible person for blaming your mom for this

if you couldn't do it yourself then you have noone to blame but yourself

>> No.4584169


The point of crypto is that anyone tard with a computer can mine then for himself and that you don't need a bank account you tard.

If some 3rd worlders in fucking Simbabwe and Venezuela can get Bitcoin, why can't you?

>> No.4584182

[inhales deeply]

Asking mommy for advice... financial advice?

[inhales deeply]

Women don't know shit, besides how to manage a kitchen, woman know very, very little. And you're asking for her help to setup a bank account? Holy shit anon, you have much to learn, I hope you're still under like 14, for your sake.

>> No.4584192

The much-anticipated sequel:


>> No.4584224
File: 89 KB, 313x325, 1511190746080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are to blame for this, this is what happens if you raise your children in a safespace suburban enviroment while reminding them every day how unique they are.

>> No.4584253


>> No.4584271

Why do you talk like that to your mother? This is so fucking cringy.

>> No.4584288

with how calm she is Im guessing this faggot does this crap all the time. Parents need to start beating their kids again before this shit gets worse.

>> No.4584350

My gf stopped from buying btc when it was 300 eu and eth when it was 7 eu and still dont blame her lmao. You re over 18 your own decisions

>> No.4584357

Good lord op, sign up for your own bank account. You're (technically) an adult now.

>> No.4584405
File: 153 KB, 645x968, 1510591867080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom wanted to invest $30k into bitcoin when it was $25 and I talked her out of it.

>> No.4584424

Thanks for this, op. I haven't had a hearty chuckle in about a week.

>> No.4584549
File: 68 KB, 1008x600, 1421788600078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know you screwed yourself out of tens of millions in inheritance?

>> No.4584555

I almost sold a RuneScape account for 3 BTC back in 2012 when I was 18.
I almost bought BTC for $40 each back in 2013.
I made 21 BTC from RuneScape goldfarming when I was 22.
I am to blame for my indecisiveness. I am responsible for my own successes.

You're also an adult. The above also applies to you.

>> No.4584566

Should I buy 5k worth of ETH guys? I think I'm too late to the BTC party, I missed out. Maybe I'll put 10k in ETH and 5k in BTC.

>> No.4584596

>all the posts telling OP to get his own bank account

He's 19 and can't get a job, uses memes in conversation with his mother who has custody of his finances. I'm guessing all the money he has is autismbux, which go to directly to his legal guardian. Opening a new account won't do much in that case, because Mom would still have to agree to transfer the gibmedats into it.

>> No.4584618

Yeah go for ETH, it's undervalued against BTC. Then go all in on Tezos when it launches.

>> No.4584623

Dude. I thought I was late when BTC was trading at 2000.

>> No.4584642

>I am 19 years old.
>Its mommy's fault I don't have my own bank account
No faggot, its yours.

>> No.4584771

In all honesty.

When will this crypto meme shit end? It's not real money.

>> No.4584799

>on the same boat
>my cash goes directly through a bank(bank transfer)
>bank account is tied with parents because reasons
>have to ask my parents for my own money
>they question why every time I ask for money
>MFW my money is hostaged by parents
Really fucking weird desu

>> No.4584827

She'd sell everything at 40$ anyway...

>> No.4584866

I bought a Nintendo Switch with my imaginary money last month and a car with it last week. I love imaginary money, I get to trade it for real things.

>> No.4584882

>bank account is tied with parents because reasons
Then get a new account, its not hard.

>> No.4584885

There are no stores that accept this computer meme. If you tried to buy food with it, you would sadly starve to death.

>> No.4584907


>> No.4584914

Too lazy and too much paperwork. Will also take 1-2 months to 6 months for it to get transferred and don't forget the hurt feelings..

>> No.4584925

that's pretty top kek
good job, goy

>> No.4584999


pretty good, would be 10/10 if it had multiple REEEEEEEEs

>> No.4585038
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>> No.4585130

You type reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to your mom? What sort of limp wristed faggot are you?

>> No.4585166

>Too lazy and too much paperwork
So its your fault for being lazy.
>Hurt feelings
They'll get over it, its your money.

>> No.4585220

>REEEEing at your mom

I know this has a 99% chance of being a made up conversation but still

>> No.4585285
File: 46 KB, 650x365, 1508339306968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop blaming.

>> No.4585514

>It doesn't get any more normie than this.

This is the complete opposite of normie.

>> No.4585518

Offer to eat your mom's hairy withered pussy out in return for BTC.

She pays very well

>> No.4585542

Don't be an asshole to your mother. If you can't figure out how to buy BTC on your own, it's your fault.

>> No.4586562

Dude you do know there are A LOT of people still buying BTC right now right?

Just buy as much as you can, it'll hit 100k within 5 years.

>> No.4586584

You are still quite early. 10k is nothing. It'll be 500k by 2025.

>> No.4586630
File: 43 KB, 740x615, Screen-Shot-2012-10-17-at-4.03.41-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is your average biztard shitcoiner.

>> No.4586768

i'll give you 1 BTC if you make a vid of yourself jerking off while you cry and say reeeeeeeee

(you don't need to show your face)


>> No.4586859


>> No.4586893

so these are the idiots that want to buy BTC

>> No.4586906


>> No.4586959

are you illiterate?

>> No.4587041

why do you type REEE unironically in real life texts to people
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.4587063

you will give me 9,000$ worth of bitcoin to jerk off... IS this how porn starts??

>> No.4587102
File: 44 KB, 297x339, 1506450105216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ either start acting like a man or kill yourself for the love of god!

>> No.4587122

keked irl

>> No.4587191

If you can't open you're own bank account then you're a child. Children should stay away from complex financial assets.

Man up and get your shit together. Does your mommy still make your bed and tuck you in at night

May allah help you

>> No.4587250

confronting her by whining like a child
Thread gets better as I read

>> No.4587270

I had the opposite scenario. When I bought 1 btc at 2400, my mother urged me to buy more, but I was hesitant, thinking it might be a bit too risky. The rest is history :)

>> No.4587409

Found the fat autistic basement dwelling faggot of the day lolol

Kill yourself you virgin peasant faggot, wait, better yet bag my groceries and take a few sats as a tip, fucking faggot

>> No.4587648

me and my friends wanted to buy btc with like 1k when they were 4$. now we just want to kill ourselves

>> No.4587663

Sop blaming faggot
And get your own bank account

>> No.4587688

I wanted to put my savings into btc in April when it was about that price and my wife wouldn't let me .

>> No.4587722

>This are the kind of people that give you financial advice on /biz/

Thanks for the lels anon. Also, posting on epic thread.

>> No.4587748

Why do you speak english to each other when neither of you can speak it properly

>> No.4588201
File: 131 KB, 800x774, MW-FR157_hillar_20170727102601_NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 yo
no bank account
lives with his mom

>> No.4588260
File: 357 KB, 341x793, 1281250273448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jack Rodger.
>Published on Nov 26, 2017

>> No.4588277

get off that custodial account shit, man.
i didn't do it until i turned 19 (a few years ago) and I sorely regret it

>> No.4588409


95% of this board would have been better off buying btc and leaving it in cold storage and not looking at /biz/ all year.

>> No.4588451


Get the fuck off biz faggot.

>> No.4588452

Genetics anon. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

>> No.4588495

No just don't raise your kid to be an autistic fag

>> No.4588561

>be happy to take 2 right now.

So she did buy you 2 what are you fucking complaining about?

>> No.4588589

this lolz

>> No.4588590
File: 269 KB, 1053x1022, 1511675125973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone who REEEs in texts at his mom telling someone to get off biz

>> No.4588612

Being your mother must be so tiring.

>> No.4588625
File: 67 KB, 750x505, Refugees-Welcome-sign-germany-RuptlyYoutube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am 19 years old
Don't blame your mom then. Women are silly and you can't expect them to make good decisions. It's your own fault for not being independent and having your own account.

Open up your own bank account. Either find a local credit union or use one of the online banks listed here: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/banking/nerdwallets-top-online-checking-accounts/

>> No.4588688

No, I bought 100 take 2 interactive stock when it was around 40 dollars and now it's 118. She said to be thankful for that.

>> No.4588706

Holy shit. You're so fucking annoying I would actually beat the shit out of you IRL.

>> No.4588799
File: 106 KB, 750x937, decisionmaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are silly and you can't expect them to make good decisions
Well I guess it's not good that western societies are pushing women into leadership positions.

>> No.4588813

I refuse to believe this is real. On the off chance this isn't a troll you should spend your money on counseling because you have the maturity of an 11 year old.

>> No.4588874


Nobody cares about you putting your $5.50 of lunch money. Not like you’d be rich anyway.

>> No.4588876
File: 104 KB, 894x894, nat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell op what to do you faggit. Op could be rich and independent by now if it wasn't for his abusive mother. He need to report her to cps. .
