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File: 568 KB, 1280x720, bitcoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4576854 No.4576854 [Reply] [Original]

First end the Federal Reserve.
Second end the fractional reserve.
Third make the dollar be backed by gold again.

This would make the dollar very strong and kill bitcoin.

Create the Federal National Bitcoin Loan Corporation.
So banks are forced by law to loan to anyone who wants to invest in bitcoin with negative interests.
People will rush like crazy to bitcoin, every single mother fucker will invest in bitcoin.
Bitcoin price will go to 1,000,000.00 USD.
Miners will invest a lot of money because it will be worth.
After it reaches 1,000,000.00 USD just undo the whole program.
Everybody that borrowed money to invest in bitcoin is now completely broke.
Price will go back really fast to what is now.

Bitcoin is so weak, why can't everybody see it?

>> No.4576897

fuck off burger

>> No.4576903

1. Never happen because they wouldn't be able to maintain the debt. Default would turn the country into a 3rd world shit hole.

2. Rambling tinfoil tier mental retardation

>> No.4576912
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, NKOREA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald Trump
who is it?

>> No.4576922

trump probably secretly owns some bitcoin, he likes money too much to ignore it.

>> No.4576930


>> No.4576963


3) Force Intel to give the Management Engine key.
Steal everybodies private key.
Transfer all the coins to another account.

>> No.4577046

> End the Federal reserve
>Donald Trump
He is a fucking slave of the jews . He will never harm his overlords

>> No.4577078

>make the dollar backed by gold again


trump fucking loves the free money that is infinite borrowing, he's saying it and applying it
also if he did any of what you said bitcoin would be the least of your problem

are you like 14 ?

>> No.4577118

>Third make the dollar be backed by gold again.

Even ignoring how difficult the transition of everything else would be, how exactly are people going to trust future governments to not undo the gold standard, which has always been undone before every single time by every single country?

It's even been incrementally reduced (gold per dollar) at times in history. "Backed by gold guaranteed by the government" is a joke.

>> No.4577171

for that murricah needs actual gold in its reserve

what's the point? also bitcoin is a world currency, think outside the happy meal burger fag

>> No.4577239

>buy gold
>receive it in mail
>its fake

wtf i trusted u biz

>> No.4578100
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1511706328697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trump
> draining the swamp

>> No.4578120

>donald trump makes things happen because he is a dictator
>nothing needs to be voted on

>> No.4578214

>How an asteroid collision with earth can BTFO BITCOIN, two ways:

1) Earth goes boom dead da-doomp
2) Earth not go boom but most ppl die and rest not care about bit-coins because no computerss

See? I can be retarded too

>> No.4578239

How he can make it go to 20k: simply tweet about it in a neutral way