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4574551 No.4574551 [Reply] [Original]

I can actually see a valid issue with BTC now.

1] Government(s) allow BTC payments everywhere.

2] All store's and ATM's accept BTC as payment.

3] Government(s) create a white listed group of addresses which you are allowed to use and pay with.

4] ATM's and other stores will reject all payments that are not on the white list. This effectively allows the government to "freeze" certain addresses.

5] To get a white listed address you have to apply for it with the government and give up all your personal info. These address will then be linked to your name/personal data.

6] If large amounts of BTC flow into your address you will be put on a blacklist and the IRS will conduct an investigation from where that money came from. If valid it will be put back on the white list else you will be questioned.

7] The government will have access to your private key since they will issue you a personal address, this means they can seize the "illegal" BTC that flowed into your address.

8] Crypto is now regularized just the same way as fiat is (fiat has certain money IDs blacklisted) but less securely since once your funds are stolen they are gone. Albeit the attacker will have to structuring to launder the money in some way which might decensitive this.

I just realized crypto solves jack shit.

Even if ATM's are gone and we all use BTC payments, using your bitcoins will not be possible unless you are white listed.

This is actually a huge valid flaw in BTC.

Same thing could be done for any ALTcoin btw.

We need some way addresses mutate over time so it can not be bound to a certain person. (Monero has the same issues I can imagine)

Anybody an idea how to solve this shit, you can guarantee something similar of this nature will happen.

>> No.4574563

Is your picrelated supposed to be a devolution from top left to bottom right?

>> No.4574647

That would be way too difficult to track and youd have to force all kinds of middlemen to be able to tap into the system to get an all clear to accept a payment or then youd have to refund the buyer taking a loss on fees.

Thatd be way too complicated of a setup. Regulation will pile on but I just cant even imagine what its going to look like. Right now its focused on putting pressure on the entry/exit points of crypto. That way if you had illegitimate funds they have a permanent record and your real info on the cashout points so they can just get you later.

>> No.4574674

This is so stupid it hurts. The whole point of Bitcoin is that you don't need a middle man to say "yes, those pieces of paper or electronic 1s and 0s have actual value backed by our guns". It's likely governments will turn their national currencies to blockchain technology in some way, but it won't be Bitcoin. Try paying your taxes in ounces of gold. Bitcoin will remain as a separate peer-to-peer currency, and there's fuck all governments can do about it unless we fall into full authoritarian regime 1984 style.

>> No.4574675
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>> No.4574705

It's already begun.
Google Skry, Chainalysis, Numisight, and Elliptic.
These are these companies perform Blockchain analytics and are employed by the following: Interpol, Europol, IRS, FBI, NSA, FIS, IMF, and various other overarching international goverment agencies.

The truth is we "early adopters" may have been baited into a one world currency under the guise of decentralization.

>> No.4574733
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We got jewed again? Fuuuuck

>> No.4574930
File: 64 KB, 600x747, a4e6ad4eeb95d38b7ffe945a8168ba62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killx5, Marry.

>> No.4574954

you must be american to be this dumb