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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 900x1213, Bitcoin-Cash-Green-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4567924 No.4567924 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not concerned that the man behind bitcoin cash is a known con and convicted felon? Doesn't /biz/ understand that con men never change? He doesnt even have a background in programming for crying out loud. His background does include selling second hand electronics and spending time in a federal prison. That does not sound like a success story in the making. I am OUT of bitcoin cash the day coinbase releases it and lets hundreds of thousands of people sell it off.

>> No.4568012

Sources that point to nothing good when you research Roger Ver:




>> No.4568015

we will see who the real felons are in the end. corrupt corporate banksters or a 22 year old who was busted for selling fireworks.

>> No.4568026

Obviously. Bitcoin is the biggest scam above Enron. Mark my words there will be a crypto crash very soon.

>> No.4568047

>convicted felon
he sold overpowered fireworks
kys you statist scum

>> No.4568051
File: 560 KB, 2456x1632, diver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun note: He ran for California State Assembly in 2000 and publicly shit on the BATFE. This may or may not have caused him to get targeted and BTFO for the same fireworks that Cabelas and other retailers shipped and sold in the same fashion.
Bitcoin was pioneered by shady folks. It only makes sense that the people resurrecting it are fairly shady themselves.
Roger Ver, Kimdotcom, McAfee, Jihan and Calvin Ayre are literally Bitcoins spirit personified.

>> No.4568068

>The 'fireworks' meme

They were not fireworks, 5 minutes of research shows that the quarter sticks of dynamite he was sending through the mail would not have been legal even as fireworks. Now imagine big boxes of quarter sticks of dynamite being stored in a residential apartment and shipped through USPS. That's reckless to other people's lives and shows how stupid and inconsiderate he is.

>> No.4568117

Shady people like Ver are being pushed out of bitcoin as things progress. It's time we reject Ver and his Bitcoin Cash scam on his way out.

>> No.4568131
File: 16 KB, 300x300, team_roger_ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's better looking than you and has more money, i suspect your jealous....

>> No.4568160

I am tired of people like him soiling the name of crypto. We will get nowhere with shady conmen like ver still lurking in the shadows. Ver is worthless to the cause as he has no background or proven track record that would indicate success.

>> No.4568198

feels pretty comfy to be in a coin backed by so many big guys desu.

>> No.4568220

yeah yeah keep repeating your instructions like a parrot, its so obvious you guys are all paid trolls or the same person responding to yourself.

>> No.4568228

and it was such a heinous crime that he lived the rest of his life in shame. lots of people have gone to prison and then went on to do great things. haven't you read the Count of Monte Cristo :)

>> No.4568236

Concerns me about as much as the fact that a fucking anonymous weaboo was responsible for creating the original Bitcoin

>> No.4568247
File: 547 KB, 1200x1600, idl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, replace Roger Ver with (((Blockstream))), the deep state, and all the other entities that Bitcoin was created to avoid.
Please tell your employer im willing to push his agenda for XMR.
Until then ill continue acting in the futures' best interests which includes unveiling your blatant shill attempts.

>> No.4568324

b-but he is rich :<

>> No.4568368

Only statist bootlicker faggots have a problem with anything Ver has done.

>> No.4568569

bump for eyes

>> No.4568742

the count of monte cristo was innocent

>> No.4568824

He is a fucking idiot. This is my only true concern. He is not a smart person at all, by any definition of the word

>> No.4568843

some people would rather be rich than smart...

>> No.4569079

false dichotomy

>> No.4569083

So he basically has prior experience with professional scamming? How is that a bad thing? Its all about scamming in crypto.

>> No.4569113

logic has to place here

>> No.4569136

This was all financed by Prince Al Alaweed, who is now close to death from capture and interrogation. Most of his personal Military is dead as well. Dragonslayer is D.O.A.

>> No.4569627

t. pajeet

>> No.4569663

Its not like he's a violent criminal, he just had explosives. There's literally nothing wrong with having explosives, are you a faggot or something?

>> No.4569680
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>> No.4569697

>Fictional Frenchman

>> No.4569754

always attack something with stereotypes when you feel threatened. I didn't realize misspelling a word earned such a label. it must be tough living in such thin skin. i apologize for triggering your racism. but im sure its genetic and you can't do anything about it. so i forgive you.

>> No.4569772

fictional!? but they made a movie about the guy...

>> No.4569995

Woosh, you missed the joke.

>> No.4571080


proof? This sounds like a cool story

>> No.4571232

ironically this

>> No.4571262

reminder bitcoin cash was started by ViaBTC exchange
and the main developer is Amaury Sechet, a frenchman. Ver/Wu are only central figures in your head.

>> No.4571286

>Amaury Sechet,
The main developer is Satoshi Nakamoto. McAfee said so himself in an interview.

>> No.4571351

Roger pretends to cry about dead Iraqi children while having gone to prison for selling explosives through the mail. He easily could have killed innocent people himself.

Fuck that sociopath.

And fuck Fauxtoshi and Jihan "I act like I have fucking rabies" Wu.

The Bcash team is made up of criminals, liars and psychos.

And if you need a technical reason to dump your bags before the price goes down, remember that Bcash has no devs. Look at their commits and issues. Do you honestly think programming upkeep isn't important for them even though it is for literally everyone else?

Shitcoin Crash is going only one place: The floor.

>> No.4571526

Bcash has no devs because Satoshi is running the show, idiot. Who else would be capable of this at such a scale.

>> No.4571535
File: 214 KB, 1242x1431, ver-wright-ayre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was just a criminal who got lucky with Bitcoin by being in the right place at the right time, and then instead of being happy with what he'd got, he let his ego turn it into some kind of a game where his own delusions of grandeur got the better of him and he consistently jumped on whatever new Bitcoin fork would likely do the most damage to the original. He promoted Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin Unlimited, Segwit2X and of course, Bcash which were all obvious attempts to steer the Bitcoin brand into a more centralized, less secure future, controlled by a few wealth individuals and companies. He associates with Craig "Fake Satoshi" Wright, despite nearly everyone in the Bitcoin community completely rejecting the ridiculous claims that he is Satoshi Nakamoto (the guy who invented a system that itself can be used to prove such claims!) and has provided zero proof of that claim, despite promising to do so, on camera with high-profile TV interviews and journalists. The false "proof" was endosrsed by Gavin Andresen, who the real Satoshi Nakamoto had stopped communicating with after he announced his involvement with the CIA. He also associates with Calvin Ayre, indicted by the US Attorney for Maryland on charges of illegal gambling and money laundering, who posted on social media about "plotting the death of BTC" whilst posing with Fake Satoshi. He also is heavily involved with Jihan Wu, who's company Bitmain, created ASICBOOST - a system which gave their own brand of miners an unfair advantage as well as the "Antbleed" backdoor which could stop any of their miners from mining remotely. Then along comes John McAfee, who was previously on the run for an alleged murder of his neighbour, regularly appears to be completely unstable, making outlandish, provably incorrect claims online,

Look up the phrase Occam's Razor and what conclusion do you come to about Ver?

>> No.4571559

BCH pump soon?

Fud after fud after fud

The signs are looking good

>> No.4571571


>> No.4571588

Name one of those things that isn't fact.

>> No.4571607

It's Bitcoin Cash not Bcash ;)

>> No.4571617

Honestly didnt have a problem with him until the b-cash shit. "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" applies quite well here.

>> No.4571643

Name one that justifies centralizing bitcoin

>> No.4571659

>He doesnt even have a background in programming for crying out loud.

Neither does Sergey but the LINKies warship that barista

>> No.4571675

Jokes on you you can't even sell or cash out on coinbase. Enjoy holding that coin forever since you can't get rid of it

>> No.4571679

no problem with him while he was out there making money for you, but now, nooo he's criminal trying to steal your hard earned money.

>> No.4571754

Gtfo with this big blocks centralizes meme

>> No.4571815

Strangling the system and pushing a false narrative to implement Lightning network is pretty fucking centralized

>> No.4571863

Ironically, Adam Back (inventor of Hash Cash, cited by Nakamoto in the Bitcoin Whitepaper), named plenty several hours ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHc81OL_hk4
The full, logical, reasoned, talk, including just the response you don't want to hear, is at the 4:58 - 5:55 mark.

Inb4 "Blockstream shill".

Nope. Just someone who has eyes and ears and critical thinking skills.

>> No.4572150
File: 32 KB, 408x632, shut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The man who shrugged off Satoshis initial prototype is willing to undermine the fundamentals of said prototype and turn it into something worthless
Really makes me think.
The point of Bitcoin is to get rid of banks, not give them more tools to use against us.
Also fuck him, Adam Back is a Bilderberg pawn.

>> No.4572163

4 minutes and 55 seconds in is just a banner.

4 hours and 55 minutes in they're talking about key custody and it's not Back who is speaking.

There is no justification for the centralisation of bitcoin, period, blockstream shill.

>> No.4572217



>> No.4572241



>> No.4572261

critical think up on that