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45060 No.45060 [Reply] [Original]

Italy Imposes 20% Tax Withholding On All Inbound Money Transfers !!
we learn that Italy has just ordered banks to withhold a 20% tax on all inbound wire transfers: a decree which on to of everything will apply retroactively to February 1. As Il Sole reports, "the deductions will be automatic (unless prior request for exclusion), and then it will be up to the taxpayer to prove that the money is not in the nature of compensation "income."

>> No.45199

Well, we already had an effect tax rate of 70%, so this is just something new.
Also it has been this way for almost 10 years now. When it comes to taxes if the government (or a private corporation known as equitalia) says you own money, you own money and that's it. You are guilty and you have to prove your innocence in a court, but first you have to pay, and if you don't have money to pay, or you use the money to pay, you can't bring your case in a court or hire a lawyer.

Taxes and bureaucracy are the reasons why Italy is screwed. The problem is that most people don't understand this, since they all grow up never paying taxes due to the fact that they either work as an employee or for the government, and the taxes are paid by those.
Also there is a lot of propaganda going around, about those "evil" tax evasors, and shit like that. Of course it's always the small business the evil tax evasor, never the banks or the gambling corporation who owns the state BILLIONS in taxes (and they got a lot of good deals in the years).

We are in deep, deep shit. But things are gonna change. It's only a matter of time before the suicide of enterpreneurs, which is by now a common occurence (they kill themselves because of taxes) become something else. I hope we will find the strength to fight for our freedom soon, even if it will probably mean fighting our neighbours.

>> No.45281

That's absolutely horrendous.

>> No.45307
File: 12 KB, 302x216, 3s3pc2.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we learn that Italy has just ordered banks to withhold a 20% tax on all inbound wire transfers: a decree which on to of everything will apply retroactively to February 1. As Il Sole reports, "the deductions will be automatic (unless prior request for exclusion), and then it will be up to the taxpayer to prove that the money is not in the nature of compensation "income."
Holy fucking shit.

Fuck Italy.

>> No.45355

Holy shit

What a beautiful country

Ruined by fucking crazy people

>> No.45365

They wouldn't have had to do this if Italy wasn't a land of tax cheats with the highest rate of tax fraud per capita in EU.

>> No.45401

>tax cheats

>believing in taxes

>> No.45483

Move to Somalia, libercunt.

>> No.45544
File: 186 KB, 831x907, 1380355090010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh somalia

>> No.45571

GDP is DOWN you retard

>> No.45586

So? Their lives are clearly better off.

>> No.45592

>adult literacy rate down by quarter
>school enrolment down by half

Their lives have really improved.

>> No.45617

>implying food, shelter, medicine and water isn't a much higher priority than school
>implying school is that necessary right now until they get their economy back on track


>> No.45620

>Their lives have really improved.
They have.

Give it time. If the Somalians value education schools will be built. Not like they were getting a good education from the state run schools anyway.

>> No.45615

Who needs school when you can become a warlord?

>> No.45629

Why aren't you moving to Somalia where you can expect the most improvement for your wellfare in the coming years?

>> No.45642

North Korea is a socialist country with working border protection and strict immigration policies.

Somalia is a libertarian paradise with completely open borders.

>> No.45634

Why don't you move to North Korea?

>> No.45647
File: 513 KB, 1279x819, 1354806584567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you moving to Somalia
Because it's not a free market at all
Because it's not libertarian whatsoever.
It's a violent shithole overrun with statist warlords competing for territory.

It's just not socialism
and being not socialism, it's far superior

Stay angry.

>> No.45644

Because your premise is false.

>> No.45655
File: 207 KB, 600x495, 1344294320399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somalia is a libertarian paradise


>> No.45651


Somalia is working out great for Somalians.

>> No.45667

Lol somalia has better telecom/internet services than the united states. How does that make you feel?

>> No.45663

How is it not a libertarian paradise?

It has no taxation.

>> No.45677

Like you should move there.

>> No.45678

>Somalia is working out great for Somalians.
Yeah, for Somalians.

America will be far better than Somalia likely for the remainder of my life.

>> No.45681
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1376367039741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it not a libertarian paradise?
>It has no taxation.
Thanks for proving you have no idea what libertarianism is.
I've never seen someone this mad.

>> No.45688

>I've never seen someone this mad.

Libertarians like taxation now?

>> No.45699
File: 1.30 MB, 908x720, 1375096094537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libertarianism just means no taxes
>who needs a system of law and private property rights

Somalia has taxes anyway idiot.

>> No.45700

>On All Inbound Money Transfers !!
Italy has had similar taxes before, if you send something to Italy you have to pay a tax.

But that's sort of the best way to fix Italy's (and Greece's) problem. They have huge debt to pay for their welfare system, if they cut welfare the people will have less money and thus Italy collects less tax. If they tax the people more, again, they'll have less money and then less tax again. The only way out is to raise taxes only corporations and people no on welfare pay, which is import and export tax.

>> No.45701

In some respects, I am.

>> No.45694

Why aren't you trying to turn America into Somalia then?

>> No.45721

You can choose from the many private security entrepreneurs (incorrectly villainized as "warlords" by the western media) in Somalia to protect your private property right.

These security entrepreneurs also provide an efficient private system of law to help you enforce your property rights.

>> No.45732

>literally pretending somalia is a libertarian free market
>actually believing this and not trolling

I....I'm speechless, I didn't know someone this dumb existed.

>incorrectly villainized as "warlords" by the western media

>> No.45743

>he really has no argument left at all
>he's actually this desperate

>> No.45740

>>actually believing this and not trolling

Do you have autism?

You shouldn't talk to people on Internet if you have autism. It will just make you more confused.

>> No.45754

>Do you have autism?
You actually think somalia is a "libertarian paradise" because you were told so off msnbc and reddit and you call others autistic?

>> No.45836

Muh data manipulation. I'm a professional historian and this is a classic example of how you can fuck with data sets to create a very nice looking, but totally wrong conclusions. What you really need to compare is, for one, more than one set of data. So instead of comparing "before" and "after" like OP did, you supply enough previous data to project trends. Pre-warlord era things may have been trending toward perhaps being twice as good as they are now, but due to the instability they only improved 25%. I'd also find an similar country and compare their rates of service growth over the long-term.

>> No.45884

>Muh data manipulation. I'm a professional historian
>world bank, cia, IMF, UNDP are all bullshit because I say so

Toppest of all keks, seriously this is desperate.

>Pre-warlord era things may have been trending toward perhaps being twice as good as they are now
There was massive inflation and poverty you gigantic moron, holy shit.

>> No.45910


Seems to me more like an austerity measure.

If it would have been on outbound then alarm bells would have started ringing because its the prelude to a banking crisis.

>> No.45912


Also >>45592 has got it right. That shit ain't sustainable over the long term.

>world bank, cia, IMF, UNDP are all bullshit because I say so

Neato. Re-read my post. That's not what I said. Data is legit. We just need more before it means anything.

>Pre-warlord era things may have been trending toward perhaps being twice as good as they are now
>There was massive inflation and poverty you gigantic moron, holy shit.

Show me the data. (I believe you, it's just the chart was potentially misleading.)

>> No.45938

>Show me the data. (I believe you, it's just the chart was potentially misleading.)

>> No.45949


What the hell could they socialize? Dirt?

>> No.46281

Dirt cookies.

>> No.46735


this image is hilarious, especially the guy who made it while using photoshop with his "arts degree"