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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 1056x256, LogoGroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
456606 No.456606 [Reply] [Original]

Alright slackers of /biz/. I have actually found a good way to make some decent money online. It's very similar to the blogger craze that went on years ago but the difference is that this is easier and quicker to make some BIG money. I would very much like to start a skype group for this but I just wanted to see if there was any interest in it first.

Let me make a few things clear:
1) There are NO referral or affiliate links
2) Like with most money making ventures, the more people on board the more money everyone makes.
3) This is a very BlackHat method of making money online. NOT illegal, just a simple PPD exploit.

I would like at least 100 others to join me on this venture but the more people the merrier.

>> No.456629

I'm guessing nobody is interested?

>> No.456634

I'm interested

>> No.456635

Explain OP, i'm interested

>> No.456641

I'm interested, but define big money.

>> No.456648


>> No.456655


Since this is a PPD exploit that requires everyone to cooperate (much like the blogger thing) everyone would make an account with the same PPD network (in my case sharecash) and upload ten files. These files would contain passwords to nonexistant .rar files so they would be only a notepad file with the fake password. Everyone would then download each others files using Tor as a proxy. Now we all know that these kinds of files are survey protected, but the uploaders (all of us in the group) get paid on average $1 per completed survey.

Tor is the most essential part of this strategy. Everyone would fill out everyone else's surveys using a different Tor proxy so everyone makes money. But much like the blogger scandal, it requires EVERYONE to participate and fill out surveys.

The reason I want to start a Skype group is to moderate this process. Everyone sends me their download URL's and I send the group a list. Everyone starts at the top and completes surveys one at a time until finished.

Essentially that is all. This does require a little work put into it, but it's well worth it if we get a big enough group.

>> No.456660

I'm talking an easy $500+ per day

>> No.456664

Well I'm a college unemployed student so that sounds great. But I'm more than a little skeptical

>> No.456669

Did anyone ever actually make money off the blogger thing?

>> No.456670


I understand how your feel man. The only thing I can tell your for sure is that there is absolutely no costs to this method other than the time spent to set things up and do the surveys.

>> No.456673

One of my friends made a few thousand dollars over a couple months of doing it then his adsense account got banned and he quit.

>> No.456679
File: 44 KB, 406x422, 1406279370132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in.

I think we're all skeptical, but i also think we're all desperate enough to try.

Stop lurking and make yourselves known.

Why a skype group? Is there another option?

>> No.456682

It doesn't have to be skype. Just a way for us to all communicate privately is needed. I just picked it since it's easy to have large group conversations.

>> No.456691

how much time would it take to do the surveys, according to you?
if it doesn't take hours per day, I'm totally in. Thanks for this thread, I'm pretty sure this'll get people interested.

If you want to get 100 people though, this board probably won't be enough. Seeing how slow the board always is, you'll need to advertise this somewhere besides here in order to reach anyone. Try /b/ or something.

>> No.456698

it depends on which survey you decide to do. There are the ones that take like 30 seconds to do and others that take over 5 minutes to complete. If we ever reach 100 people in the group, it very well could take a couple hours to fill out every survey. But I think it'll be worth when we get paid

>> No.456701


Yep, this might turn out to be worth it.

If this spreads to /b/ we wont be able to control this, consequences will never be the same.

Maybe /pol/? Although they seem more interested in lynching jews than making money.

>> No.456702

I'm in, but yeah make a thread on /b/ or some other high traffic board

>> No.456705

I think /fit/ would totaly go for it

>> No.456707


I'll give it a shot. But I don't think spreading it to /b/ just yet is a good idea. We should get it up and running, then come up with a way to profit off of bringing bigger boards into it.

>> No.456708

/pol/ will think it's spam and ban you
I was thinking maybe other websites, I'm sure there are equivalents of /biz/ on other forums or chans.

>> No.456712


Im ready to make some platinum.

>> No.456714


Oh god not /b/. Some idiots would ruin the whole thing if /b/ got involved. I'm not entire sure about other boards either.

I'm going to go ahead and put my skype on here since this is catching interest.

sharecashgroup1 is the username.

>> No.456716

what do the surveys consist of? Is it something that we can automate in any way?
we could have one of those apps that moves the mouse and clicks on things automatically, depending on what the survey requires. Then all 100 of us would use the same app.

This is crazy enough it might actually work.

>> No.456718


What do you suppose is the cleanest/safest payout option?

>> No.456725


How about we just stick to /biz/. Slowly build up. No need to rush this.

>> No.456727
File: 61 KB, 775x532, survey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of these types of surveys where you "pick your offer" kinda deal. I know there was an auto fill extension or app somewhere but I don't remember what it called. automating this would make things go by 10x quicker but might be difficult to do. And trust me. Before I even considered posting this thread, I was thinking about every possible angle about how to do this. We can do this.

>> No.456732

Sounds good.
Did Skype fix the IP leaking to all contacts? I'd get a Skype but I don't have a VPN and IP leaking is not cool.

>> No.456735

Can we just make a steam group for this?

>> No.456736


May I suggest an IRC channel? It's more blackhat friendly and skype a shit.

>> No.456738

payout to paypal then ACH to your bank. I foolishly trust paypal with my bank info but not PPD sites. I also found a way to make an almost completely anonymous paypal account as well if you want to know about it, add me on skype and I can tell you about it.


I agree. We don't need to draw any unwanted attention.

>> No.456739


Irc sounds nice

>> No.456741

that actually happened? oh shit

I completely forgot IRC even existed to be honest, but I definitely second this. I'm going to set up one now.

I'm not sure how blackhat friendly steam is. I think an IRC channel would better.

>> No.456744

by the way which IRC client should we use?

>> No.456748


Maybe, does anybody else think a irc channel lends itself well to organized discourse or will it be a clusterfuck of people posting links?


Thanks, after i setup my fake skype.

>> No.456749

I like the idea and I'm interested. when I get off work I'll contact you to get some more info

>> No.456751

Im interrested in, OP.
my skype is helay.malfoy. hit me anytime it sounds gud

>> No.456752

No problem man. The way I was thinking about it going down would be for everyone to private message me their links, then I would copy paste them into one big list then send that list to the group. might work in theory but still not sure which road to take.

>> No.456758

it didn't "happen", it's just a thing due to the way Skype works. It used to be p2p, so if you have a firewall you can just see the IP of the people you talk to. Microsoft changed it so it's no longer p2p, but I think it still leaks IP somehow, at least that's what I heard.

IRC sounds awesome though. Can you choose a network that allows +x? +x basically lets you hide your IP from others in the channel; by default, IRC shows your IP to everyone.
more info here http://forums(dot)mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/89212/Hiding_your_IP_Address

>> No.456759


That way we can all go down the list answering questionares. Sounds good enough.

Now tripfagging

>> No.456769

I'm in, if this makes actual money. I'm not going to do it if it's basically the same as a minimum wage job

>> No.456771

huh i never knew that. interesting...

I was actually thinking quakenet irc for this since they have /MODE nickname +x. does this sound good to everyone?

>> No.456777

you idiots. they won't pay you. they don't have all that money. sorry to ruin your scam.

life experience

>> No.456779

I'm down, but I'm a complete nub when it comes to things like proxies and shit. What all would I need to participate?

>> No.456784

uh yes they do pay you. You just have to not be an idiot about it. and yes they do have all that money. It comes from the surveys. They get paid when users fill out the surveys. They in turn pay the uploader a percentage of what was paid to the company.

common sense?

>> No.456790


Speaking of which, won't their system notify them we're uploading and downloading worthless tiny files?


If it doesn't share ip thats all we need.

>> No.456800
File: 270 KB, 700x894, 1351535855977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone would then download each others >files using Tor as a proxy. Now we all know that these kinds of files are survey protected, but the uploaders (all of us in the group) get paid on average $1 per completed survey.

Top kek and you think those company would not know that your using tor proxy? Why not download yourself all day it would be the same. Reason why we have groups in palringo is we cant fake the IPs. Read the pastebin to join group. http://pastebin.com/yzRtByur the picture has an old group that is no longer active. only the palringo group is active.

>> No.456801

This has a ~1$ per minute ROI and there's no chance of that rate increasing. Frankly that's not a lot, considering this isn't passive income. Do you have any other ideas OP?

>> No.456807

it might but this is still a legit way other people use these services for. Have you ever downloaded a torrent that was password protected with a notepad file that tells you to go to a different URL to get the unlock password where you fill out a survey to get said password? that's what we're doing. just skipping to the survey protected password file so we can get money. I already uploaded 10 password files and they haven't said a thing.

Now back to IRC. I downloaded hexchat i'm just trying to figure out if it supports +x

>> No.456808
File: 37 KB, 221x316, Screenshot - 08222014 - 02:13:52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May i suggest palring. Tap into the blogger comminity everyone is willing to do anything for money there. There more then 1 group. The biggest is int the pastebin >>456800

You can get easy 200 users from my group i dont mind all i care is to also make money if what OP says is true

>> No.456809

palringo there already dozen blogger community to tap users to join your PDD stuff. IRC sucks and skype is even worse.

>> No.456812

>still blogging
top kek

individually, yes this would not be worth it, but that's where the power of numbers comes in. $1 per minute = $60 per hour. Still better than minimum wage if you ask me. Multiply that by 10 users, $600 per hour. See where I'm going? Kinda like compound interest, except with everyone getting $60 per hour

>> No.456828


I don't know if forcing people to sign up for a social network is good plan at this stage, but you never know.

Once OP sets up the chat, feel free to warn your group about our eendeavor.

>> No.456843

you can do it by email and normal password :) thats how i do it. i dont have facebook.

>> No.456848


Just in case I'm adding you skype.

I'm sharecashglobal

>> No.456849

Let's say we're 11. If I understand correctly:
I upload 10 files. 10 people download my 10 files, so I earn 100$.

But I have to click on 10 x 10 links, so 100 surveys, so 100 minutes.

Simplified: I earn $100, takes 100 minutes.

I don't see how it scales up. If we're 100, it'll take 16 hours, and we'll each make $1000.

Will we have do do these surveys daily or weekly or what? 16 h per week is more than 2 hours a day, which I assume only NEETs can achieve.

$4000 for 2 hours a day, every day of non-passive income isn't that cool.

The only solution is if someone comes up with software to automate this, so we don't have to spend ludicrous amounts of time doing mindless repetitive boring shit every single day. Anyone know of automation software for surveys?

>> No.456850

skype is a social network also even IRC. Palringo has 4 advantages. Easy to make a group under 1 minute and low ram usage. It has voice/pic chat. You can password protect groups/unlist them from index. free spam bot.

>> No.456851

if someone can create script and macros then I think they wouldn't be sharing it

>> No.456853

Wait, how do we know this rate of pay is correct...

>> No.456858

It's on their website. Average of 1$ per survey.

>> No.456859

I see it like this: while the same amount of time is required for each dollar, the AMOUNT is what increases. Say you have 1 person filling out your survey which you get paid $1 for. It would be however long that survey takes = $1. Now say you have 10 people filling out your survey. The amount of time it requires stays the same, but you get $10 instead. It makes sense to me. Am I using broken logic or something?

it says on the website that you get $1-$20 for every survey completed.

>> No.456862

Okay I have an IRC set up.
join #sharecashgroup1 on QuakeNet server.

>> No.456864

How can we make sure they won't ban us? Does tor with a proxy really do the job?

>> No.456865

yes but in return i have to fill out more surveys, meaning it scales linearly like that other anon already said
if i had time i would participate but good luck anyway

>> No.456866

No you're right actually.
I think we should listen to the palringo guy. This scheme will only be useful if we have dozens and dozens of people doing this.

>> No.456868

but I just finished making the IRC channel :(

hell IRC is confusing enough is parlingo easier to use?

>> No.456870

Have to go to sleep right now, hopefully you and >>456850 can make this work
I'll help when I'm back if it's needed.

>> No.456873

Palringo is only for smartphones?

>> No.456880
File: 25 KB, 199x278, Screenshot - 08242014 - 05:46:23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRC sucks.

this guy has logic :) you can get people who are already experience on exchanges. Even some people in my group do PDD and PPI.

The community is already made you can recruit and all benefit.

>> No.456881

there a PC version look at the pastebibn i provided.

>> No.456885
File: 55 KB, 280x419, Screenshot - 08242014 - 05:51:44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.456890


>> No.456896

palring takes 1 minute to make a group

>> No.456903

Thanks, I use 1Password, it's good too.

>> No.456907

im interested
going to sleep now.but i will read later

>> No.456925 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 320x224, portmansmoking2-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in.
EVeryone in put an email we can contact:

>> No.456929
File: 14 KB, 320x224, portmansmoking2-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in.
EVeryone in put an email we can contact:

>> No.456940


The irc went dead, we need to setup a new one.

>> No.456941

Automate clicking/keyboard actions
Only obstacle would be going on the URLs of people on the list.
Maybe if someone can post something to auto scroll a word document we can automate Copy/Paste for different links

>> No.456945

Okay, I joined palringo. How do I join the group?

>> No.456946

Count me
If this leaks to any otger board then consider it dead.

>> No.456949

Where's the palringo group?

>> No.456953

Can't we just use bitmessage?

>> No.456955

Also we should stick to skype.
Most of us are probably using it and are hence already very familiar with it.
All we need to do is just make a throwaway JUST for this.
If you're still paranoid then download Tunnelbear and make an account with the same credentials as you did with the skype throwaway.
And then all you ought to do is to not go on facebook or some other shit that can identify you while using Tunnelbear.

>> No.456968

I'm in, lurking until we decide how to communicate

>> No.456970

Im in, skype name is josephdouglas123123

>> No.456974

I'm in

>> No.456983

yeah they fixed it. There's now an option to prevent that in settings.

>> No.456992

Me too

>> No.456998

Alright anons i'll bite. I've been in this sort of "industry" for a few years and here's what I can guarantee you.

1. You will not be guaranteed to receive $1 for each survey completed. The surveys are valued on the information they acquire and the demo/geographics of this information. For example, an anon from India may complete a survey for an anon in the US, but due to the the geographics and demographics of the India, the information will be valued less, as it will be harder for them to make a profit off of. Many reasons factor into why surveys fluctuate in value, but on a country per country basis, the surveys boast dependance on how easily a North American company can use this information. That's why the highest base type surveys (Questionnaire types) will generally be in the US. Generally speaking, most countries surveys can hit the $1 mark, however you will need to spend much more time on those ones, rather than those from the US. Think of it as first party vs 3rd party information.

2. Unless there is financial incentive of some kind, no survey another anon will complete can amount to more than 3-$5. This is because surveys like mobile pin submits, or trial offers give the company access to deeper information about the person who completed the survey. Such as CC info, Bank details, Subscriptions etc. Generally the more info you give the more the payout. But judging by the assumption that each survey will take less than 5 minutes and that most people don't like sharing information, it will be an extremely rare case to see any anon make more than 1-$2 for each survey completed. Unless otherwise the anon completing the survey is generous.

3. Unless you reach a certain income threshold, you will be paid net30. So 30 days after the end of the month you get surveys completed, you will be paid. Or every 30 days.

4. Unless you recycle IP's your ip you use for this will be caught quickly. More in next post.

>> No.457001

Were tooling up at webchat.quakenet.org
come join us

>> No.457003




>> No.457005

guys make a palringo it can never go dead or be deleted.

>> No.457006


4.a If you do not cycle through IP Address, the system will catch and flag your IP address in association with fraud. So if you're IP address is linked to your account, you will be banned and lose all earnings on the account. That is why you must cycle through IP addresses and
ONLY MAKE SURE YOU USE 1 IP ADDRESS TO LOG IN. It will be very tricky to have constantly fresh proxies available to complete survey with, inorder to keep yourself from being banned. Usually if the same IP completes a survey for you more than a few times per week, you will be banned or have your account limited without warning. They are very strict when it comes to this.

5. Even if you manage to go a month without being banned, any leads you create for someone else that seem faulty maybe rejected by the advertiser, and will not be paid for. Make sure you use real information (just not yours). Google maps can help you find phone numbers, area codes, and addresses. Just make it believable.

6. The safest way for you to get money from any online Pay per download/survey site would be Paypal. A Throwaway one at that. It guarantees you will recieve the money and can send it within the same day. If worst happens it will be limited, but you can make a new one.

That's all I can think of for now, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

>> No.457007

talk to ham USA will send you group link or follow the paste bin>>456955
skype bloated takes like 500 MB ram. palringo just 30MB ram.

>> No.457017

This sounds interesting, I'm at work at present but I'm definitely going to have a closer look tonight.

>> No.457031
File: 20 KB, 351x333, 1-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so unorgonized!
Someone take charge; say what chatroom and that's it. OTherwise this was just a marketing scheme.

>> No.457035

I've been in affiliate marketing online for over a decade and I'm here to tell you with certainty that unless/until the business model breaks from to much of this fraud, they will pay and pay. It's a form of 'incentivized marketing' that get it's money from businesses knows as 'advertisers' that pay affiliate networks for traffic. They almost never know the true origin of tehir traffic in this business model and what we are discussing is the secind tier of fraud going on when looked at from the source of the $$ perspective.

The fact that the surveys/offers are backdoored through this site exposes the whole line-up as a product(traffic/cpc's/cpls/cpa's) for affiliate marketing media buys. Again the guy paying the end bill has no idea that the surveys are even getting filled out the way this site has arranged and marketed.

Even if the affiliate networks paying this company find out about about fraud they aren't likely to say anything until it gets out of hand. Shit, sometimes the big aff networks build these sites themselves as traffic magnets that may produce fraud(the whole business model is fraudulent from the advertisers perspective) they can mitigate it and keep it under the radar...sometimes(I know two very wealthy brothers that do this very thing). They are getting paid from the offer advertiser and until/unless that advertiser complains to pull the plug, it's chalked up to a few different things and goes on and on sometimes.

I can contribute, I might dip my toes in.

>> No.457039

g8 b8 m8

>> No.457055

I'm interested.

>> No.457056

just an old fuck that's been on the shit end of this before and paid for it so I know about it

>> No.457101

Yeah I wish.
so far you haven't gotten anything going on for any One person.

>> No.457139

Still haven't decided what we will use for communications?

>> No.457216

So how is all of this coming along? Just started looking tonight and I'm quite interested.

>> No.457284


bro, how much do you make a week doing this, holy shit why have I never thought of this.

>> No.457322

how exactly do you cycle through IP addresses?

>> No.457343

Alright, I'm in. Some one post a lemmingly easy way for individuals to get started. We definitely need a definitive post on instructions, and where to meet. This board is not a good meetimg place. The thread will be delete soon. So ringleader- please give us numbered steps to follow. Do not forget to include all of the ip cyber tech bullshit we need to avoid.

>> No.457365

>3) This is a very BlackHat method of making money online. NOT illegal, just a simple PPD exploit.

>I would like at least 100 others to join me on this venture but the more people the merrier.

OP is breddy gool guy, eh confounds interests and doesn't afraid of anyone. :DDD

>> No.457390

Hey, internet marketing guy. I just have one question: is CPA a profitable thing nowadays?

>> No.457393

Shit's absolutely unorganized

>> No.457398

why is it such a problem to create simple group on skype or anywhere to start chatting? We can still create another group in the future when needed.

I can't deal with it right now i'm at work...

So anyone create a group so we can arrange things there.

>> No.457426

We´re almost ready.

The main issue were trying to solve at the moment is finding an easy to use vpn so we can fill out the surveys from a different ip.

After that were golden.

>> No.457433

>Trusting sharecash scumbags to pay up

Good luck with that. They're also not too friendly towards 4chan after we DDOS'd the shit out of them for spamming us. One of their cronies points them to this thread and it's game over.

>> No.457434

where are you guys? Want to join

>> No.457461

So wtf is going on. I'm all game if some will tell where we're all gathering.

>> No.457462

One big problem is that these "surveys" are used by companies (not very many - most of the surveys you'll see are from a small pool of companies) to generate leads to sell. So you often won't be able to use the same details more than once, because the company won't pay for duplicate leads (even across several surveys). So that's a whole lot of believable addresses and new emails. I'm not sure if Sharecash's surveys pay out on duplicate leads, but I'd bet against it.

Also, any company that generates leads through surveys (again, there aren't that many) has learned how to detect the same computer by more than just ip (there's a lot of things to spoof / clean up to be truly hidden). And they will eventually unearth the ranges of any public VPN service.

Usually Sharecash like companies only check with the survey owner about fraud leads just before you get paid - if the survey company has reversed your leads because they suspect you used a VPN / could detect your computer's footprint then Sharecash won't pay and you'll have wasted a month.

This kind of stuff is actually very hard for most people to pull off in 2014. It can be done, but you really need to know computer security and how to fly under the raider of the survey's algorithms.

>> No.457468

yeah! same here

>> No.457474
File: 483 KB, 1680x1050, 564524417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all should try this better

>> No.457476

Fuck off

>> No.457478

Did he cash out before the acc was banned?

>> No.457479

Fuck off. This is not the /biz/ way to make money. Go back to /b/ you faggots.

>> No.457486

/biz/ desperate for $$$ too. So are we gathering anywhere yet?

>> No.457487

What he said.

>> No.457515

As of now were gearing up at
Quakenet webchat

>> No.457522

the room with 10 people?

>> No.457525


>> No.457532

There would be more if people stopped asking where we are instead of joining the irc channel

>> No.457560


>> No.457724

>pyramid schemes

Did you even read what this is about?

>> No.457730

no idea what that means

>> No.457734

Has anyone even tried one of these surveys? They all require confirmation using real life info (credit card, phone call). Try to do one of the surveys and you'll see what I mean. This isn't going to take off.

>> No.457850


>> No.458107

Not a pyramid scheme

You can use real info, but just not yours

Why bump, it's a waste of time

>> No.458152

OP, i'd be up for this, but I have 1 question. How does this money actually go to our bank accounts?

I'd have to actually put Tor on this computer as well.

>> No.458456


>> No.458493

>You can use real info, but just not yours
So stolen credit cards and phones of people who will be surprised and angered (maybe even reporting to FTC) when they get the follow-up calls? That's sure to help you get paid out after 30 days.

>> No.458525

No one is in irc. They must meet elsewhere

>> No.458807

Of course I'm in.

>> No.458848

This. The Chatters Edge blogger group is pretty much extinct as well.

>> No.458885

I will just read the whole thread, but count me in!

>> No.458958

You're too late, it's all dead

>> No.459246


Check the pastebin the palring group.

IRC is dead and will always be dead its too hard and clunky for noobs it can get DOS and other problems. SKype is dead too much RAM clunky and ugly.

Palringo is more simple and uses less ram.

>> No.459253

or join palringo with an establish userbase.

>> No.459265

Listening too

>> No.459322

how to join the group? I don't understand how to a group by ID

>> No.459403
File: 12 KB, 411x252, Screenshot - 08262014 - 04:22:04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done or you can put the ID of group also there

PASSWORD hamlove

>> No.459939

sounds like a pozi

>> No.459957


>> No.459962


What is a PPD exploit?

>> No.459976

Unfortunately, I think this math is broken.

This anon said it. >>456865

Your thinking was only in one direction;
True, each additional anon doing a survey for your account would increase the amount paid in X amount of time.
But OP says that everyone needs to do everyone for this to work.
So when the (let's say) 10 anons each do your survey in 1 minute netting you ~$10, you now have to spend a minute of your own time on each of those 10 anons surveys in return. Giving us $1 per each minute of time you spent doing surveys.

But still, $60/hr is way fuckin better than I'm doing right now

>> No.459981

so, op. like many people have pointed out, you are trying to set up your skype pyramid scheme.

is there any skype recordings of you trying to herd cats? cause, I, for one, would love to hear that.

>> No.460007

Thank you based anon

>> No.460038
File: 21 KB, 559x260, IMG031601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the google adsense/yahoo ads exchange group earn $$ proven for many years.

join via the pastebin


>> No.460064

The fuck is this? Paste bin is utterly impossible to understand

>> No.461328

are you using irc
or is this dead

>> No.462680
File: 331 KB, 480x640, dearzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.463048

op pls respond

>> No.463082

guise. how is going? so blogging or another shit?

>> No.463166

Can you tell more about this?

>> No.463178

Why not /a/?

>> No.463858

I think it's dead

>> No.463864

/fa/ggot here, it will get you a few numbers

>> No.463867

another vote for it

>> No.464798
File: 311 KB, 604x780, 1408470561246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.464804

let's say I use my phone connection to click people's ads. a different ip each day. won't Google see that my android phone has the same ip as all these people clicking ads?

>> No.464977
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1365103304005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag to /biz/, mildly interested anon here. Gonna be lurking for now.

>> No.465009

are you people too retarded to read the thread? The idea died

>> No.465029

reported to the irs, called the fbi, tweeted John Travolta. ...

kidding. bump I'm interested.

>> No.465863

I's hard to get around surveys so the idea died. But you are always welcome to propose possible solutions. peace.

>> No.466148

Sad to see this is dead, I would love such a method to work out well. Anyone have something similar to this?

>> No.466185

Why do you need 100 other people ? You can just use TOR on your own survey 100 times, switching identity each time.

This wouldn't work though, because it's tor traffic and the website can easily check this. So it won't work even if you have 100 people.

>> No.467577

Join our group on Palringo

[adsense boost exchangers], password: hamlove.

We currently exchange Adsense clicks in there, but you you guys are saying that we could make some money with PDD. Come in and convince us. Maybe we could also combine our methods.

>> No.467634

Stop bumping this, you losers. Only 12 year olds and third world goat fuckers care about this shit.