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4558583 No.4558583 [Reply] [Original]

Almost gone all in on LINK. Only started like 4 weeks ago when the crazy pump and dump with bch happen, I happened to wonder over here from another board and seen it going on. Long short I made like $500 on it when I really had no idea what I was doing kek.
So I lurked over the board for a while and made a wallet and what not and started trading coins. Maybe a bit and decided I would prefer to hodl a coin.
Anyways I took your advice and started slowly accumulating. To be honest I really didn't believe the hype of this until I started doing a bit more research on what others were saying about this thing and decided I'm going to trusr you on this one ( I know trusting anything from 4chan is hard but I'm doing it)

Also my only regret is not holding my porw longer ( got that shit so low), I could have dump it yesterday and got what I wanted in Link, but oh wellz

>> No.4558934

going all in on LINK is only a good idea if you've done a shittone of research and are 100% confident about the project. If it's not the case diversify more, trust me, your gonna panic sell or get weakhanded at $1. Go like
1/3 LINK
1/3 BTC
1/3 ETH
and you should be fine

>> No.4558949


Is it really weakhanded at $1? If you've gotten in at sub .20 a x5 minimum is a really nice exit point.

>> No.4559015

whatever makes you happy man, profit is profit but ask people who sold eth at $10 if they don't regret getting shaken out
LInk is not a short term swing, it's an at least 1-2 year long investment

>> No.4559157

I don't plan on selling it anytime soon, and I really did think about the weak hand thing but if I get in now and it rise to $1 then back down to 60c I will feel comfy with my investment, I feel like I will keep it for atleast 3 years, most probably 5. Better then it sitting in the bank like the rest of my saving doing nothing

>> No.4559297

Honestly if you are young and/or throwing in less than 15k. Just go nuts. I've already gone all in LINK. Now that my gf dumped me I have no reason to be responsible and hold my 20k auscuck dollars.

>> No.4559335

Thats the way my friend, if i didn't have the missus I would have put 2k on LINK atleast but I had to trade my way their, also brought abit with my wage over the last fews weeks. Had to give up smoking for it kek

>> No.4559363

AUD is the biggest shitcoin in yo folio

>> No.4559372

So tempted to but the extra 1k on it I feel that good about it, plus it would be hard to loss 100% of it unless it only crashed.
Mate I won a fair few long shot this year on the ponies and dogs, if I didn't have the missus I would have put more on those long shots and won so much more, it happens every fucking time but she doesn't listen and I can bet it will happen this time

>> No.4559376

Can someone help me fix my blockfolio? All the sudden it stopped displaying % increase in the price column and started displaying $USD increase which is not helpful.

Any ideas?

>> No.4559406

Kek, like that one and your probably right, look if i had that 8k on btc when it hit 5700 usd, it would have already made it self a good return of value

>> No.4559446

Fuck you suck, it's not hard to figure out, click the top right where you see the total %.

>> No.4559470

Im a big retard

>> No.4559605

It's ok atleast you admit it

>> No.4559643
File: 98 KB, 1672x943, [KNOCKS VIOLENTLY].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get REQ, literally the future of accounting and invoices.
REQ, LINK, HST are the most promising projects right now.
invest in all of them.

>> No.4559696

I had req but decided to go all in on LINK, maybe ill buy a bit of it while its low, where is the best place to convert fiat to eth, i have been using shitty coin base for the past 4 weeks

>> No.4559859

So when does LINK moon again?

>> No.4560074

Not yet, sold that arn shit now, just waiting for order to fill for fuck sakes. And cant cash more for coinbase because of it's shit limit.
I wanted to get to 10 000 of LINK but ill be happy and not so stressed if I can get to 5500 before its next moon

>> No.4560305
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Yes, yes you are.