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File: 53 KB, 300x300, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4553334 No.4553334 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4553339
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>> No.4553360


>> No.4553364


>> No.4553365

Probably not. A better coin will take over as #1 within the next 5 years.

>> No.4553367
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>> No.4553391

bitcoin in its current form will be replaced if it has no real world use

>> No.4553408

It needs a 20 trillion market cap


>> No.4553556
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>> No.4553582

Unironically yes but just because USD government cuck money will crash and burn.

It won't reach $1m in 2018-dollars.

>> No.4553619

Probably. 100k for sure.

>> No.4553679
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bitcoin is already worth billions of bolivares

>> No.4553699

1 million of what?

>> No.4553776

Lots of things would have to happen, for this to happen.

For crypto to take off at all, or to continue much further the way it's been going, we pretty much need a fiat crisis.

If that doesn't start within the next year or so, we're gonna go into crypto winter, and crypto won't emerge again until the crisis.

>> No.4553968

What's the market cap of Forex? I know the daily liquidity is about 5-6 trillion USD, but what's the total circulation?

>> No.4554005

No. It would likely never reach that market cap, and it's future replacement (whatever that will be) will have taken over by that point

>> No.4554039
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>it's future replacement (whatever that will be) will have taken over by that point
yeah you newfags keep saying this, but it's just because you're sad you missed out on buying even just a few of em

>> No.4554098


Nigga I got 5 BTC I'm doing fine, but I'm smart enough to know that first-mover advantage doesn't last forever

>> No.4554149

nobody knows

>> No.4554154

uh huh

>> No.4554223

None of the faggots that say it can did the math. Mining would burn $657 billion a year at that price. Where's the money supposed to come from? That's an astronomical amount.
Bitcoin is never going to be 'digital gold' or whatever.

>> No.4554239

Has a stock ever gotten to $100k per share? If not, why do people think Bitcoin could?

>> No.4554258

because muh future decentralized world wide currency fiat will burn

>> No.4554264

Yes realistically by year 2024 at the earliest, and almost definitely by 2030.

>> No.4554279

Well miners will just be taking fees eventually so mining can't burn more than the fees / what people are willing to pay to use the network

>> No.4554333
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>Do you think Bitcoin will reach 1 Million Dollars.
>1 million of what.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4554342
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>> No.4554363

How many watts to supply this bloat system?

>> No.4554382

>consider a future 500 sat/b tx fee
>average tx size 750 bytes
>btc at 1 mln
>fee = 500e-8*750*1e6
>fucking 3750 USD

>> No.4554385


Irrelevant anon because it's MONEY OF THE FUTURE

Seriously though BTC needs to adopt something other than PoW eventually or they're gonna get passed

>> No.4554409

>Do you think Bitcoin will reach 1 Million Dollars.
Bitcoin can reach 1 million gullible fomo normies... yes we can.
Why are you putting money in a dino-coin. You into nostalgics dawg? Did you drunk the koolaid?
We all know this coin has no future... try sending me 1 with 30 dollars bet you can't.

>> No.4554498

yes. first to market advantage is near impossible to shake. even if not the top, it will be a top coin and worth a fortune.

>> No.4554553

I am holding btc's because normies give it ''value'' while it has zero utility value. Like a dollar bill which is nothing but paper backed by a belief.
The value meme that the media is giving will slowly die off. There tons of coins out there that backed by real gold like onegram, zengold etc.
But who is gonna buy groceries with gold, or silver?
Bitcoin right now is nothing more then a pyramid shilled by media, wallstreet, institutional investors.
I could go on and on why bitcoin is a just a prototype and it's true i mean come on. We are the age of atomic swaps, smart contracts etc.

anyway i'm out tired explaining shitcoins to normies.

>> No.4554583

this. even if BTC is dethroned, which it won't be, it'll still be worth a shit ton of money in the future due to its first mover status. period.

>> No.4554594

look up stock splitting ya dummy

>> No.4554684

Sorry kemo sabe, your currency is one of the worst shitcoin around.

>> No.4554920

USA MILITARY BUDGET - 611,000,000,000 USD
USA DEBT - 18,984,100,000,000 USD
GOLD IN THE WORLD 31553,2 TONS = 1,278,960,782,690 USD

>> No.4554996
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BCH will go 3k in the coming week.

>> No.4555018

We all joke about flipping this and flippening that, some even take it seriously, which they should of course. But the truth is the most likely coin to flip btc is going to be eth.

>> No.4555145
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>implying that price wasn't manipulated and set by the old wrinkly scrotum kike drilling fuck
>450B market cap


>> No.4555153
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>> No.4555223

Honestly, yes. The fact it is money that no individual country has jurisdiction over means it is a prime candidate for circumventing a lot of the problems with international banking and investment. Honestly, 1 satoshi hitting 1 US cent seems pretty plausible. It could happen. But then, the governments of the world could take a huge dump on it if they really wanted to.

>> No.4555240




>> No.4555273
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I did some napkin math on this a while ago because a stupid normie told me "analysts said it would reach 1 million eventually".

For BTC to reach 1m, about 1/20 of the world's wealth would have to be put into it and that's with today's supply and assuming everyone would sell every piece of real state, stocks, etc and put it there.

So, short answer: no.

>> No.4555281




>> No.4555286

Lad, it's started. Did you really think you could wait for television news readers to say "Fiat's crashed" before you knew for sure?

>> No.4555294


replying to myself. L

Long answer: maybe, but not in our lifetimes. Maybe when we are mining asteroids and humankind's economy explodes, but then 1 million will be like $20 bucks.

>> No.4555295

Yes, Dollar will hit 1/1,000,000 Bitcoins in next few decades.

>> No.4555324

Yes but you will be considered a terrorist and subject to instadeath if you are found to be transacting in it. Somehow the privacy must be enhanced

>> No.4555327

That is the most ridiculous analysis here
The world has 16 million millionaires and the total circulating supply for bitcoin is 16 million
So if all the millionaires put their wealth in btc it would go 1 million
This is very conservative because
1) Many are billionaires. trillionaires
2) Many just hold bitcoin long term so less capital would be needed to make it go to 1 million
3) If any country adopts btc like zimbawe all these numbers will be too small

>> No.4555330

1. Global economy is not a zero-sum game. It can grow beyond its current total
2. You used GDP totals not global wealth. GDP is just single annual output.

I still think a 1mn coin is unlikely without major dollar crisis, but your napkin work is flawed.

>> No.4555333


It sounds like unbelievable now, but people also told me that when I said Bitcoin was gonna be 10k by the EOY in April.
Bitcoin is a revolution. It's not gonna stop. The only thing stopping it is people dropping it on Masse for another cryptocurrency that gets mass acceptance, but none of them have a brand name yet. Normies know about Litecoin maybe, and it could be the Hipster coin to Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is gonna stay the king.

We only need to wait for normies to get in slowly

>> No.4555373


Literal retard detected.


I know, that i why in my reply I explained it could happen, but not in our lifetime and only at a point where 1m will be peanuts anyway.

You don't even know which numbers I used and you are trying to refute. Classic biztard.

>> No.4555396

Would BTC even be ALLOWED to go to 1 million dollars in the first place given that there's plenty of current addresses as is that already own dozens of BTC? If these guys sold wouldn't there be trouble, and wouldn't the thousands of mugs with 0~3 BTC have too much purchasing power (in the off chance BTC gets widely adopted)?

>> No.4555406

I was doing you a favour by assuming you used GDP, because by any other criteria you were laughably way off the mark. Pretty sure it was GDP, though if you want to show what numbers you did use (if any) we'd be happy to point out your mistakes.

>> No.4555428

1 million is really optimistic but how about BitCoin at $50K?

>> No.4555497

If btc cannot reach 50k in 5 years then crypto as a whole may not sustain the required growth.

>> No.4555516

>For BTC to reach 1m, about 1/20 of the world's wealth would have to be put into it and that's with today's supply and assuming everyone would sell every piece of real state, stocks, etc and put it there.
Yes. more than 1/3 world's wealth it heavy investment bags

>> No.4555526


I expect that within 1 year actually

>> No.4555539
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>> No.4555538


Ever heard about xcelera?

>> No.4555560


Who is gonna prevent it? The point of Bitcoin is independence from the banking system to get a true wealth distribution.
Also keep in mind that 8,000,000 coins aren't mined yet.

>> No.4555577

That would be unsustainably bubbly. 24k by eoy18 should be the upper growth target. Maybe 2019 will find 50k. But for those who remember 2014, there's always the expectation of black swans and a 15 month slump.

>> No.4555584

>Using actual money that isn't borrowed to trade

what year is this 1995? lmao

>> No.4555590

thank u for this share anon. i did not realize how much of a risk derivatives contracts pose to global economy

buy BTC, ETH and silver brainlets

>> No.4555604
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Gold does not have any real world use either.
Sure its "against satoshis will" but lets face it. there will be better solutions for a decentralized currency.

And as a store of value, its the logical since it is the first crypto.

>> No.4555650
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>> No.4555666

Gold has many industrial abd commercial applications.

>> No.4555674
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just use this picture lad

>> No.4555683

Bitcoin will be replaced within the next few years. Get your gains while you still can, this cash cow won't last.

>> No.4555740


BTC in the future will not be used as a currency but as a story of value, think of a Gold 2.0 but with more liquidity and efficiency.

>> No.4555752

Not anytime soon. New coin emission schedule needs to peter out a bit so mining doesn't suck up inordinate amounts of power and create a worldwide energy crisis

>> No.4555772

less than 10% of gold consumption is industrial, if the value was tied to actual uses of gold for its physical properties, it would be worth significantly less.

>> No.4555850

Not unreasonable

>> No.4555877
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The reast and Ethtrium is pecreleated

>> No.4555904

By the time bitcoin will hit 1 million.... you prob will pay 15k in transaction fees.
By the time bitcoin hits 1 mill will we still be mining with asic miners? Will bitmain still exist?
By the time bitcoin hits 1 mil, the majority of the coins prob moved to proof of stake.
And lets not forget bitcoin protocol poses a serious security when we enter the age of personal quantum computing. There is a 1/14 chance bitcoin protocols can be hacked with modern day Dwave quantum computers. It's just not practical to do so.
The Central banks are already developing their own state issued digital cryptocurrencies. It's no secret. Digital dollar on the blockchain is coming. Digital RNB backed by gold is coming.

I don't see a future for bitcoin the prototype coin
The bitcoin core team is too divided, greed is 1 key factor. The division will lead to countless forks.
Countless forks, slow transactions speeds, very expensive fees, outdated tech, divided team, speculation from wallstreet.

>> No.4555929

>BTC in the future will not be used as a currency but as a story of value, think of a Gold 2.0 but with more liquidity and efficiency.

LOL @ liquidity and effiency

>> No.4555941
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>> No.4555962

It's already worth $8,000 though so saying it would only be worth $20 of today's money in the future once accounting for inflation is... not smart?

I'm starting to think your napkin math might not take everything into account

>> No.4555974

if by btc you mean xmr then yeah bruh

>> No.4556018

BTC is stupid, look at the facts. It doesn't scale. Transactions cost 5+ $. It takes hours to confirm. Why is this better than the alternatives? Because of the name? Fuck the name! Bitcoin is doomed, these issues should have been solved years ago. On face value, who the fuck would want this? Banker controlled bullshit, when it need not be.

>> No.4556054

many people think or hope bitcoin will hit $15-20k next year

But there are a ton of great stocks in Asia that could double or more in 2018, the market index alone will end the year up by 30% with stocks that are still far cheaper than in the US with 2018 looking to be just as strong.

JD, YY and Unicharm for example are nailed on for minimum 30% growth

Why the hell not move out of bitcoin and into healthy shares and watch that compounding growth?

We all know when bitcoin crashes there will be no survivors(-50% minimum), why wait until that day? There isn't going to be another year of 4000% returns...

>> No.4556190

I don't think so. Jews will shut down the entire internet before that happenes.

>> No.4556219

That jump to 8400 was totally natural, nothing to see here, trade on. Buy! BTC will definitely never crash to ~3000 in the next few months. No whale would want you screw over the little man, it has never happened in history.

>> No.4556271

>As a store of value
There's already something for that. It's called Gold.

No. Anyone that thinks it will is delusional. It doesn't do anything. Literally nothing, and you expect it to be valued at $1 million?

>> No.4556276

Actual printed dollars? About 2 trillion.
Dollars in circulation after Jewish Federal reserve tricks? 50 trillion.
Including other assets that are traded in dollars? Nobody knows.

>> No.4556287

Do you know what literally means?

>> No.4556329

It won't ever reach even 30k $, 2018 will be the year the focus of the markets will slowly start shifting from bitcoin to alt-coins.

>> No.4556337
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yes, because I hope so then I can retire.

This is what people who know nothing about how cryptocurrencies actually work think.
They learned a little bit and then they think they know everything.

>> No.4556391

My dream come true

>> No.4556460

4.3 Million remain

>> No.4556532


>> No.4556648
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It's going to 10k to BTFO the shorters.