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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4546695 No.4546695 [Reply] [Original]

Are we gonna have to deal with the Flippening bullshit every weekend?

>> No.4546719

tbf this is better than summer and a few months before.

now instead of cashing out to fiat or tether you just buy bch instead. you don't have to be as autistic about taxes and deal w/ fiat to crypto back and forth transactions and you'll be making even more monies!

>> No.4546739

Flip your mother if you want flip

>> No.4546746

only every other weekend when the btc retarget approaches. the scammers will pump up bch price a little bit then start making noise that "this time it's totally for real!" and get a few rubes to buy into it so they can make a bit of profit.

i imagine the low in the upcoming week or two will be about 800, but people will have been burned twice so when they start it back up they'll be lucky to break 1200 this time

>> No.4546747

Just short bch every weekend and rebuy when its low on monday

>> No.4546756

what bullshit exactly? aside from cash shills spamming biz, nothing would look any different if you were just looking at the market.

>> No.4546782
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Be afraid corecucks, be very afraid and it will only intensify every week.

>> No.4546788

The. Jihan Wu is just a great man who wants to take us to lamboland.

>> No.4546827

BCH is like a constant pump and dump and it's on every exchange.
It's a blessing for daytraders

>> No.4546841

its actually been pretty easy to make some good gains on this shitty chink coin

wait for a 10% gain to know its pump time, buy, ride til +30% gain, get off entirely

hope this trend repeats for a while

>> No.4546851

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Are you a fucking imbecile? What do you think is the issue here, faggot? $15 transaction fees? Scaling issues and massive mempools? Centralized power over BTC? Like, pick one, and there's your answer. No this isn't going away, you slippery ball tickler, this is a skirmish in an ongoing civil fucking war. But clearly you've made up to side with BTC, on account of the inconvenience of using that soft, smooth grey sponge you call a brain.

>> No.4546857


A welcome change from all the NEO/ARK/LINK/Shitcoin of the month spamming IMO.

>> No.4546861

bcash bags are heavy you know

>> No.4546878

Yeah hoping it continues - good platform for me to practice my noob trading skills. Already made decent gains buying as it pumped yesterday, selling near top, rebuying dip this morning etc. Hopefully wake up to find my sell orders filled tomorrow again.

>> No.4546938

how are you setting targets? sounds like you're making more than I have recently

>> No.4546999

>Creating a coin with a technically correct solution to the scalability problem
>haha itll nNNNNEver replace btc you chinky bagholders