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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4543590 No.4543590 [Reply] [Original]

>not aspie enough to finish STEM
>aspie enough to not be good in jobs where you need to socialize
>would rather rot than work minimum wageslavery (would have never gotten into crypto if I was a wakeup-slave-sleep 0 free time drone)
>not good looking so can't monetize online or at least fuck Stacies while rooting on my mom's basement as a NEET
>tfw can't even kill myself anymore because of hopes of my 21 BTC making me rich in 5 years

>> No.4544120
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>> No.4544149

Wrong board
Take some community college acting class or something to stop being a sperg.

>> No.4544513

you just lazy brah

>> No.4544535

>not aspie enough to finish STEM
you dropped out?
what did you study?

>> No.4544542

you're just a lazy piece of shit. you're acting as if the reason for all your failures is something out of your control, when, in fact, they're your own choosing

>> No.4545138
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>muh lazy

>> No.4545186

It isn't that you're not an aspie, you're just a fundamentaly average to below average person in all regards.

>> No.4545349


you are probably just average but have poor mental health

drop out of the genepool or shape up

>> No.4546255
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>> No.4546298

>having 160.000$ worth of bitcoin
>"muh life is so bad"

>> No.4546322

all 8 billion of pajeet and chinks niggers want this.

this would only happen if we got rid of china, india, africa with one fucking mouse click.

then you would have your white master race passive income

its not happening until the impossible happens first.

>> No.4546337

That's barely a house in a bad neighborhood.
He has no real job with a real income. He has far from made it.

>> No.4546358

Define average

>> No.4546378
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21 BTC? That's fucking great.

Only 10 percent of men are truly good looking. For looks all you have to do is get fit (eat clean and train) and wear some cool clothes and then you pass the looks requirement for women (they don't evaluate men the same way we do to them).
You probably will be rich. Put 1/4 of that stack in ETH.
For mental game, become right wing. Right wing is masculine. It just is. Become racist and sexist in worldview. It will make you feel more natural and attractive.

Start here:


>> No.4546392

Define shape up
Define impossible

>> No.4546416

Get rid of anything that's non-White.

>> No.4546420

Join the military.

>> No.4546454

>7.5/10 white face
>In the 21 btc club
>gainfully employed as a blockchain programmer
>have banged 8 different relatively attractive girls this year (half were azn too! Korean master race)

Nice to have finally made it

>> No.4547044

Keep burning the rice and you will pay the price.

>> No.4548039
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he speaks the truth neets

>> No.4548229
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You forgot to mention you're Canadian lmoa

>> No.4548369

I like you anon.

>> No.4548869

Before you kill your self will you send me 0.9BTC? I can't access my old wallet because MultiBit stopped.

Or come live in Denmark and you can get your BTC out in fiat no problem.

>> No.4549148
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you are not considering that if i wanted to cash out to buy a house i would get raped by taxes

which is why im holding until it's at least 1 million yellencoins after taxes

im from spain and i dont know how the taxes work but im sure they are high and i dont even want to look at it

>> No.4549207

one side of my chest didn't properly develop (birth defect)

it's pointless that i lift, t-shirts look like shit due uneven chest

it's a shame, if i had that right, my muscle insertions are pretty aesthetic and im low bodyfat

too bad i got fucked at birth

meanwhile my cousin is 15, tall, and looks like an instagram fukboi

he's living the dream fucking prime goddesses on the reg

would give my 21 BTC to experience an ideal upbringing in a heartbeat

if im not rich in 5 years im killing myself

i will keep hustling for even more BTC until then

and no way im seling a single satoshi for fucking memereum lol

>> No.4549304
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also, this guy looks like a rat

my cousin doesnt even lift and gets the best girls

its all face + height + hair + not having ethiopian tier wrists

also he doesn't care about aspie shit like right wing/left wing trash, he just lives

ideal life

>> No.4549357
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i will not kill myself for the time being

i want to see all the shitcoin idiots thinking their shitcoin will flip BTC kill themselves first

specially the idiots holding BCH, that'll be fun

>> No.4549470

What's with /biz/ and wanting to be degenerates fucking random sluts 7 times a week?

>> No.4549538

>linking heartiste


did i time travel back to 2009?

>> No.4549548

What's with *every guy ever* and wanting to be degenerates fucking random sluts 7 times a week?


>> No.4549558
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>> No.4549984
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Lowtest faggot detected

>> No.4550093

this picture makes me sad