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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4544632 No.4544632 [Reply] [Original]

9k incoming
you have been warned anon

>> No.4544643

Deluded biztie

>> No.4544668
File: 219 KB, 900x1200, OLDFAGBIZTARDTIMESTAMP..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ABORT!!! NOT ME!!!!!!

>> No.4544675

is this the real oldfagbiztard?

>> No.4544683

>Didn't even bother to try and change the date

>> No.4544699

Fucking predicted it a couple of days ago too, didn’t you

>> No.4544702

first we go to 4k
t. real oldtardbizfag

>> No.4544731

Not true, we are going to the moon. Even if OP is falsely claiming to be me.

>> No.4544755


Dude you're becoming more of a legend than plushie

>> No.4544758

oldtarbizfag....can you start using a trip? Too many impersonators lately.

>> No.4544787

btc doesn't look to bullish to me, I doubt it's the real oldfagbiztard

>> No.4544788

I'm here my child, come into my loving arms and fulfill your destiny.

>> No.4544818

not sure if anyone in here is really oldfagbiztard. i guess at this point a trip is the only way to recognize the real one...

>> No.4544888

Wait! I'm Oldfagbiztard and so's my wife

>> No.4544912
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>> No.4544936


>> No.4544955
File: 511 KB, 840x488, 1510341552718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked to you last night and you suggested BCH was risky. Well I made my $200 back I lost on BTG.


>> No.4544970

You're talking about BCH?

Because now that many former BTC whales have been accumulating huge amounts of BCH, BCH is going to be even scarcer than BTC now.

>> No.4544979

Kudos to you for balls of steel. I didn't say don't do it, just that it was risky.

>> No.4545014

Check my passport P of I. All in on BTG.

>> No.4545016

so, will there by anything crazy in the next hours or is the storm over for now?

>> No.4545023

So is BTC gonna dip? When do you expect it and how low do you think it will dip?

>> No.4545031
File: 56 KB, 401x628, 1293123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. 9k then 10k. everything is going according to plan. keep spamming those tethers.

>> No.4545032

"The coin that does not glitter", and "has a specific gravity of 19.3".

>> No.4545042

BTC Segwit is dead man waking

>> No.4545045

Biztard didn't get this mad in the other thread with a fake biztard. So either this isn't the real one, or none of them in the other thread were real

>> No.4545067
File: 332 KB, 1790x926, btcflipprep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...worst tripfag ever



>> No.4545087

None of them in the other thread were real. Impersonating me makes me want to put (5) .22 rounds through a pumpkin. Really bad.

>> No.4545162

Can the real biztard email me at lrnsmith99 @ Gmail . Com


>> No.4545195

that chart, holy kek.

>> No.4545205
File: 1.03 MB, 1210x1958, 20171011_164114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you have a cock carousel to ride over in Harlem? Oldfag is pissed. I suggest you move along

>> No.4545252

Throw out anything that does not have my P of I passport. Everyone knows it is the one I started using with the first instance of an impersonating Faggot.

>> No.4545348


Often impersonated, never duplicated.

>> No.4545418
File: 1.54 MB, 1400x2371, 20171008_162509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, dont bother to wipe your hard drive. Its too late. It was always too late. Dont run, it just pisses them off.

>> No.4545623

You have all made an extremely serious error in judgement. Prince Alaweeds guards are in fine shape compared to (your) future.

>> No.4545655


>> No.4545669
File: 98 KB, 390x388, Screen Shot 2017-11-24 at 12.57.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Komodo Successfully Makes Zeroconf Atomic Swaps, New BarterDEX Whitepaper and MORE

Here's your sleeper motherfuckers. Shit's about to moon.

>> No.4545691

I think we're going to fuckin 10k boys!

>> No.4545705

Holy shit its going up quick

>> No.4545750


>> No.4545827
File: 3.38 MB, 480x360, abort.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545985


I assume wetworks really with all them appropriately.

What's going on now?

>> No.4546093

Wetworks Notified. We are currently on stanby in BTC. We are also on standby in BTG waiting for an incoming Korean Pump.

>> No.4546129

$8400 here we come!

>> No.4546151


Noted, sir.

Can you please email me as the address I posted before? I have some quick questions...

>> No.4546185

>Wetworks Notified. We are currently on stanby in BTC. We are also on standby in BTG waiting for an incoming Korean Pump.
when to sell btg

>> No.4546282

>Update] [Auto] 3 new posts
Into a million dollar sell wall? I think not.

>> No.4546312

BTG Sell point is being negotiated ATM.

>> No.4546333
File: 1.02 MB, 1075x1326, 1510425676092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for Satoshi's Bitcoin? I know, been accumulating since $600

>> No.4546379

Deluded Cashie.

>> No.4546429

One side wants $620, and the other side wants $898 EONW.

>> No.4546442
File: 9 KB, 295x229, 1496590416384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking about this event for hours every day for weeks
>Still don't know how to play it

>> No.4546446


>> No.4546458

Contrarian investing. If /biz/ says to buy something 1 day, be cautious and probably don't buy it. If /biz/ shills a coin for an entire week, you should REALLY avoid it. BCH was shilled, plain and simple.

>> No.4546479
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>> No.4546508

I've gained thousands of dollars from it though

>> No.4546541

Wrong. Those who get into coins as soon as /biz/ starts shilling them are usually successful (example RDD). Typical pumps last a few days, longer than expected and this is why the "don't buy ATH" thing leads people to miss out (example NEO). /biz/ has a tendency to beat the coin to death for weeks and weeks after the pump though (example LINK and DGB). Those are the ones to avoid, at least for 6 or more months while it cools off considerably since something like 75% of /biz/ has been here for less than a month, always. The newfags just keep coming in and people who have been here a while stop talking so much.

>> No.4546546

I think you can make money off BCH by selling 12-48hrs before the supposed "flippening events" that people will be spamming. It will crash on any designated flippening event time, but it will go up prior to that since people will buy it in hopes of the flippening.

>> No.4546590

Does this mean I should buy BTG?

>> No.4547135


oldfagbiz confirmed Micheal J Fox

>> No.4547293


His hands are steady when the sights are lined up, I'm sure.

>> No.4547512

You said this was going to 11k

>> No.4547596
File: 156 KB, 1440x628, Screenshot_20171124-224402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miners switching to BCH!!!

>> No.4547774

Is that the Challenger shuttle?

>> No.4547789


>> No.4547811
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.4547885


He worked on the shuttle, and it's a sore spot for him. Best not bring it up.

>> No.4547911

I'm the real oldfagbiztard; buy ark.

>> No.4548787

No me
Link is gonna moon