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4540313 No.4540313 [Reply] [Original]

So I spoofed my location for 24 hours in ny, woke up, started swiping and I have 40 matches. wtf. This is way too easy. And I didnt even swiped right everyone.

Maybe I don't need crypto. Just need to move to the US.

>> No.4540324


>> No.4540328


NYC? at least 90% of those matches are girls fishing for a free dinner.

>> No.4540335

literally just put a pic of your blockfolio on there, i have gotten laid twice from this
you just pretend like you'll be their sugar daddy, and tell them you want to make sure you enjoy what you're going to get, because you know they will (gifts)
and then after they let you fuck them the first time, you just ghost them

>> No.4540348

>pajeet dreams big while being swarmed by tinder bots

>> No.4540356
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>> No.4540370

maybe. its still too easy to meet people, which is the easiest road to get laid. (outside of paying for it)


zero. 1 is the max.

>> No.4540406

But housing in NYC is expensive as fuck right? I don't mind fucking less if I can keep more money.

>> No.4540410

Did this for tokyo, holy shit those bitches love white dudes, literally EVERY swipe was a match, got like 10 super likes too.
I have to go there somedays for a few weeks, fun times are to be had.

>> No.4540411


how hot are the chicks u fucked

>> No.4540436

truthfully, not very.
they werent fat though, which is my limit
i dont mind a 6/10 face, as long as they arent fat or tall.

>> No.4540467

sure. actually nyc looks like a fucking dump. no way i want to live there. but it must be easy as fuck to get laid (with really nice looking girls. cause if she's normal, that i fuck already).
im latin and never seemed very popular among asian girls but i kinda want to try.

>> No.4540522


aslong its free a 6/10 is ok xD

>> No.4540561

Yeah but, getting easy lays gets old after a while. And if you're looking to have children, you know those chicks are not worth your time.

>> No.4540728

i fucked a almost 8 girl once. Most are also 6, 6,5, 7.

I would like to fuck some of those before marrying lol.

>> No.4540877

Damn, when i was for vacation in california with my famly i had tinder and made out with 4 girls in one week, and each of them was hoter than the other.
American girls are thinking different than europeans :D

>> No.4540893

yeah std-ridden whores.

>> No.4540928

I've had 37 girls and like 12 hookers. I don't mind fucking some more before I get kids, but money gets you feel more satisfaction than girls.

>> No.4541184

poland (krakow and warsaw) and prague (czech) are even easier though. women there kinda hate native men. but yeah, US seems like the easiest i've ever seen outside those two.

i don't agree totally. money to me brings me comfort that one day in the future (in a bunch of years hopefully) i might not work. i'ts less about me wanting a lot, but more about escaping the void that is 5days-40hours-shit wage life. long term.

porn is a moment thing. like an immediate urge. short term.

>> No.4541195

Thats absoluteley true

>> No.4541207

Highly underrated

>> No.4541212
File: 29 KB, 696x449, mothership.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this shit has any future? Thinking of dumping most of it it doesn't move soon

>> No.4541248

if i've never heard about a coin, then i imagine its a shit one. dump it. loads of opportunities around.

ark might move. link might move. powr is a great project. modum too.
fun, req, substratum all might go to the 10x gains in the near future.
or just go bitcoin/eth.

>> No.4541267

matches dont mean shit
i have 560 matches but zero conversions

>> No.4541278

not my experience man. matches lead to conversations that lead do dates that lead to sex.

>> No.4541285

lol just came back to NY for thanksgiving
>like a handful of matches
> LA was way easier,

>> No.4541298
File: 47 KB, 708x708, 1495499284172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make new blockfolio
>Claim to have 3001 Bitcoin
>Show your balance at 25 million
>Fuck stupid sluts in a hotel room

>> No.4541303

So how is comfort not better than short term gratification?

>> No.4541331

Cause i haven't gained that comfort yet. when I get there, I assess. I just said I didn't agree completely.

>> No.4541337

>matches lead to conversations
in theory

>> No.4541361
File: 134 KB, 1096x2008, fakeasstinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha I thought I was the only one doing this. I also spoofed my location to Singapore and I've been swiping in Singapore for the last week and I got 19 matches already, kek.

>> No.4541389

this is a crypto board faggot


>> No.4541411

>pls respond

>> No.4541432

Take it from someone with over 4000+ matches on accounts and fked over 65 girls on tinder.
NY seems to be harder for me right now, compared to LA
Asia like Korea/HK/Taiwan as well as Vancouver and Australia are easiest.
Keep in mind im an asian guy mostly into only asian girls
>Tip me if I helped ty

>> No.4541460

>not spoofing Lithuania

literally the best fucking girls, muh dick everyone is a supermodel

>> No.4541461

dude I got those matches today kek. or yesterday. Most of them do respond

>> No.4541598

>1.5% conversion rate
well its better than my 0% conversion rate. ik asian too, girls want white guys lol

>> No.4541652

what does gettin' laid have to do with crypto. if you ain't gettin' laid regardless of crypto, man you be messin' up.

>> No.4541690

Oh conversion rate probably varies cause I swipe right on everyone lol
Yeah, its less true in asia surprisingly though.
As an ABC, it's pretty easy. It seems like most of the girls i meet in asia are like from UK/London, Vancouver, and Australia lol.
So even without being a white dude, it's not that bad, used tinder for like 2 yrs and im like 22 yrs old and I have over 65 lays

>> No.4541701

not theory man. i've used tinder quite a bit. not all lead to it but a lot do.

go poland and czech (prague)
c'mon man. i like the board. and we all hoard crypto for something. im trying to correlate tinder and crypto.

>> No.4541706

I can't bring myself to use Tinder or dating sites. It just seems so sleazy and unnatural. I'd rather meet bitches the old fashioned way, even if that means enduring some long dry spells.

>> No.4541723

a lot of people want to be rich to fuck. im just trying to say you can be poor (me) and still have luck in certain metropolis.

>> No.4541766

a match doesnt have to reply to anything you say

>> No.4541781 [DELETED] 

>go poland and czech (prague)
Doesn't work for me, I look Slavic just like a local person lmao. I was from southern europe and I was in Poland once and the girls were kind of disappointed after I told them where I was from and I could pass for a local there.

>> No.4541782

im basically a non asian asian and i still get no interest

>> No.4541809

>go poland and czech (prague)
Doesn't work for me, I look Slavic just like a local person lmao. I am from southern europe and I was in Poland once and the girls were kind of disappointed after I told them where I was from and I could pass for a local there. I don't look exotic enough.

>> No.4541872

I have learned Chinese for like 3 years and it's been a pretty good investment. Basically in many ways China is easy mode, even easier than places like Japan etc. I recently had a really crazy girl who bought flight tickets to come meet me.

But I am not sure if I would marry a girl from mainland China because the parents are ultra traditional and all the other cultural things.

>> No.4541976

china is super easy modo if youre white

>> No.4541978

never really had success with asian girls (truth to be told, never seen that many on tinder). one of the things i kinda want to go through but haven't yet.