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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4521128 No.4521128 [Reply] [Original]

Refueling for launch.

>> No.4521284
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I'm already at a huge loss. And I sold LINK yesterday at ATL to buy it. If it doesn't moon now and I make up my money I might as well just kill myself.

>> No.4521305

I'm in HODL, just don't fucking scare me with those dips, don't go lower please

>> No.4521322


>> No.4521329

You slow on the meme uptake anon? You've had at least 3 days to catch on.

>> No.4521335

It might take a few hours or even another day.

Patience, young padawan.

>> No.4521365

take your time with POWR mate

it's all about OMG now

>> No.4521409


>> No.4521432

What do you mean? I'm completely serious.

>> No.4521434
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Patience Anon....soon

>> No.4521441

How fucking deluded are you idiots?
The hype is over now. This won't go up until atleast next week.

>> No.4521448

The hype just started bitch

>> No.4521459

>he fuds but then tells us it will rise next week

hahahaha fuck you man

>> No.4521461

It's dead, I'm sorry.

>> No.4521470


lol wtf is this

>> No.4521493

I'm just being realistic you retard.
You idiots get euphoric at every little bump expecting it to moon.
Is this the first coin you bought?

>> No.4521515

if you dont continue to pump it my stoploss will hit, so you better get to it

>> No.4521534

Freshman class of 2017 here thinks a dip means a coin is dead.

>> No.4521650

It genuinely is about to have another P&D to new ATH. EU fags get out of work 4-5GMT so in about 3 hours. It will reach ATH just after that when it will dump again, this time holding slightly above where it is now.
>Plus, there are about 5 POWR threads from the P&D group on /biz/ alone laying the groundwork for the 'OMG ITS MOOONING' threads in a few hours ;)

>> No.4521701

TA fails to account for the P&D group that is laying the groundwork with all these POWR threads. You will get a pump in 2-3 hours and then a lot of 'MOONING' threads at the same time. Then they will dump just around ATH. Good TA tho. A shame it's not stocks.
>Some genuine coins you can TA on are ALIS and ODN. ODN has a rework coming out on the 4th (so will pump before then and maybe dump on the 4th) and ALIS just came out with a prototype platform, has 8k twitter followers and is the Japanese version of STEEM. The only reason I tell you this is because I already bought all I can afford. ODN is a buy now and sell on the 3rd and ALIS is a buy now and sell in 3-6 months when it is a top 75 coin.

>> No.4521709

Wave number 5 is about to come. Get in right now

>> No.4521735

should i just buy POWR right now and hodl as long as im going to hodl ADA. ( 2 years )
tell me oh crypto-experts

>> No.4521749
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I don't think so, Anon. Look at that stoch RSI. It tried to move upward but it failing and is going to cross down. Last time we had a failed upward stoch take from this height we dipped from 8700 to 5200.

HODL onto your butts, Anon.

>> No.4521751

Even if this coin DOES manage to dip to 7.5k like these idiots are trying to predict, this coin is 100% going to reach 1$

>> No.4521759

how the fuck did you lose money with this coin???

>> No.4521765

Also true. >15k next week and we are literally just in the basement now still. End of Q1 2018 $10k in POWR now and you can retire.

>> No.4521775

HODL guys!!

>> No.4521784
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bought at like 75 cents, then through fail swing trades I lost 16% of my stock, then I rebought at 85 cents and now we're down to 80 cents

>> No.4521789


hold me anon i feel the same pls hold me

>> No.4521804

For sure it is coming down. I am saying that it is about to get pumped. Probably why all the FUD to get the price low enough so they can buy in. Look at the buy orders for under 20k on the ETH binance charts. That is where they are buying the POWR to trade it on the BTC P&D in a few hours. Then it will sink again after unless they try again.

>> No.4521813

damn, if you dont have alot of it youre better off not gambling it in these markets man. Like look at the charts this thing is going full chad

>> No.4521816


>> No.4521818

It won't get pumped until next week though. We just went up a full wave and now have some dip and consolidation coming first.

>> No.4521820

buy high sell low

you making /biz/ proud son

>> No.4521843

This will end up $1.50-2 tops but most likely it will bottom out around 50c till 1Q2019 when they have working infrastructure up and running IF they ever get that far. Until then the P&D groups killed this coins genuine momentum. They are stocking up for another P&D and I would sell at the ATH which it might reach again if I were you. It will bleed out for 12 months now thanks to these guys. Legit project, but its lost momentum and will have no real-world use for the tokens for a year. HOLD for 3-4 more hours and then sell. All this sell now stuff is just FUD so the Pajeets can buy lower to get more for their upcoming P&D.

>> No.4521862

3 hours. If I am right then buy minimum 10% of your PF in ALIS (HOLD 3 months) and ODN (Sell ODN dec 3rd). If I am wrong then enjoy my cheap POWR bags as ill be selling if it dips under 8k to buy more ALIS ;)

>> No.4521879

Obvious that whales are keeping the price down @ binance.

>> No.4521930

Yeah, that's why it's refueling. We'll hit 12k at least next time, and 10.5/11k will be the new floor

>> No.4521957

I hope you're right about the p&d coming. I set my sell order at 6k eth sath below ath, I hope it goes through.

>> No.4521968

yup. thats the actual trend of the whole th9ing. It is actually just P&D groups making it peak to new ATHs. They are the ones making the POWR fomo and fudd threads all over the place. if you ignore the spikes and dips it has been steadily curving up now.

>> No.4522005

It should do. It hasn't dropped off nearly as much as it did after the last P&D so it might make it even higher. It depends firstly how much fuel the group doing it has and second how much FOMO they can generate once they pump it. It should break ATH unless this well has run dry. IMO POWR has enough behind it to push it to $1.25 with a good enough pump. Depends on how good they are and how deep their pockets ;)

>> No.4522009
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> It's about to pump again
Do you guys realise you've been saying this for 16 hours now?
Stop making people FOMO into this dip.
They are loosing money which they could use on real moon missions or wait until it really takes off ...

>> No.4522367

ETH sat is 1*10^9 and its called a gwei just fyi

>> No.4522385

people bought a coin with a billion coins and no blockchain for 1 dollar a coin.

LINK is nothing compared to this. atleast that trashcoin only went to 50 cents. you retarded faggots actually bought a shit token with a billion coins and no blockchain for 1 dollar.

>> No.4522403

And I earned 0.2 BTC doing so. Not bad considering I only had 0.5 BTC to start with

>> No.4522408

I bought it for 22c actually :P

>> No.4522439

>taking this much risk to make 1k

Epic trading strategem. Tell me more about the 5 shit tokens this week alone that went down 99% and exit scammed.

>I made money on a scam

If you haven't taken profit you deserve to watch it sink to red, just like the LINK bagholders who made fun of me when I compared LINK to Bitbean, which has 2 billion coins.

>> No.4522449

should i get in now or wait?

>> No.4522478

let's see
>1 billion coins
>no blockchain
>no developers
>no code
>fake news Elon Musk pump
>developers own over 650 million tokens

Yeah, definitely a billion dollar project based entirely on the ETH blockchain and without any actual unique code.

>> No.4522543

Okay bro
just bought Zcoin instead

>> No.4522567

Nice response rakeesh

>> No.4522584

Thank again, Pravik

>> No.4522667

I sold at 95c. rebought some but funnelled the rest into LINK Muwhhah. No, seriously I put the rest into ODN for a quick flip on the Dec 4th news and ALIS for a 3-6 month hold as its the Japanese STEEM.
I do have 2k LINK tho. 1.5k ODN, 2k ALIS and 1.7k LINK which I left on my nano and cba to get off, only got it at 15c so meh.
Rest of my PF is in ETH, BTG, BCC and BTC. I might get some Monero.

>> No.4522730

You guys a really trying hard to FUD aren't you? You astill not accumulated enough for your next Pump? Guess my estimate of within 3 hours was off by a bit. Might be another 8 because it's not dropping fast enough for the pajeets greedy hands lol.
It is holding steady with BTC and only dropping on the binance ETH, which is where the pajeets are filling their hands with other ppls FUDDED bags ready for a pump :D
You people just make me laugh. Literally the scum of the earth, but I guess that is to be expected from low IQ 3rd worlders. Enjoy your pajeet money, I bet your boss gets most of it anyway and pays you in rice and aluminum sheeting to build a roof on your house with.

>> No.4522750


>> No.4522758

It was barely any risk to be honest. So much promising news and the hype was unreal. I have never been more sure about a shitcoin than I was when went hard in on it. Just sad that I didn't go all in

>> No.4522945

It will probably rebound or at least stay in range. It will eventually explode by the end of the week, surefire. But yeah you have plenty of time until then to lose all your money on shady coins. Holders are winners, its the history of cryptocurrency on solid coins.

>> No.4523256

dump before the rebuy and pump.

>> No.4523281

I want to believe

>> No.4523317
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major doggo reporting in here.
triple bottom on 1hr candles. strap in for moon mission.

>> No.4523467

selling is such a mistake right now

>> No.4523521

Dropping fast what will the bottom be?

>> No.4523528
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She packed my bags last night pre flight,
Zero hour, 9 A.M.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then.

I miss my gains so much, my BTC

It's lonely out here in POWR
On such a timeless coin

And I think it's gonna be a long long time til paaajet brings it down again to find out i'm not the coin they have at home

Oh no no no I'm a rocket coin
Rocket coin burning out the jews up here alone

>> No.4523532

8.5k is my guess. I'm not selling my position at 6700 though. I know it'll retrace to 11k again.

>> No.4523544


All these young poseurs who fancy themselves daytraders. Buy and hodl with iron fucken hands. Don't sell in the red. Stop looking at crypto for a while if you have to.

>> No.4523556

Not selling here either, i am gonna go down with this coin.
Its the most legit one in my portfolio except Eth and Btc, so that is given.

>> No.4523557 [DELETED] 
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LOOOOOL Looks like there's a fuel leak.

>> No.4523610

We are here until the end of month for the sweet profit. And if not by the end of the month end of whatever. Its not like these guys will go with our money. Look at the team and look at the partners they have. Billion dollars companies. Its the most comfy investment of the cryptoworld atm

>> No.4523613

How long will the washout last?

>> No.4523621

Enjoy the bags I dumped my 100k @ 11k

>> No.4523630

>implying i'll have bags at 6700

>> No.4523635
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>> No.4523655

agreed, keeping my powr for a year. big bucks

>> No.4523661


>> No.4523673
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> tfw dumped POWR @10.5k for ETH. then ETH mooned

HODL my ass

>> No.4523675

Yep. This is simply a natural correction which will allow it to go even higher once FOMO round 2 sets in.

>> No.4523713
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tfw sold everything at 11200 and feared to miss the moon mission yesterday so bought back at 10k where I could be buying today under 9k

>> No.4523730

1 billion tokens

no blockchain

>> No.4523732

lol yea. Now I am just wondering how much to keep on binance rto rebuy later and ho much to move to cryptopia to buy ODN for that moon mission. thinking 50/50.

>> No.4523739

yep its ok :D

If you panic looking at those charts everytime you see red candles, just look at your wallet in 2-3 months for now on. Big surprise. I hesitate myself on watching my wallet for christmas. It would be my gift to myself :D

>> No.4523741


>> No.4523746

Right there with you. Did the exact same thing

>> No.4523762

Hey, I bought at 13k and sold at 20k and I've been sitting on ETH ever since ;)

>> No.4523766
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it's recovering

>> No.4523790

Honestly, I was here for the rise past 9k (it was epic), and i'm pretty sure it wont go below 9k (for long at least)

>> No.4523813

Volume is so dead the bots are putting in 10 token buy/sell orders to make it look like its spiking lol.

>> No.4523816

Yeah I think 9k is the bedrock
tho if there is a huge rise will it settle for a higher one?

>> No.4523824

Probably not too high. I'd guess mid 10k low 11k

>> No.4523873

gogogo pajeets buy buy buy.

>> No.4523874

holding feels good

>> No.4523890

Yeaah there's literally no reason to sell this coin unless you bought it at ~9k lol

>> No.4523903

>emotionally clinging onto some overhyped shitcoin that already did a x20 since launch

get a grip

>> No.4524092

Meanwhile, ODN is slowly going up pre-moon for the 4th of Dec 'relaunch'. Smart money I in that. Even smarter money is selling on the 3rd.

>> No.4524127

What about 11k?

>> No.4524145

12k minimum

>> No.4524161

Bought back in at 9250 sold at 9752, made a quick 200 bucks. All on a days work

>> No.4524246

niceuuu. My god the bots on binance are spamming both the ETH and the BTC charts lol. ETH with red and BTC with green.

>> No.4524275

Binance now holds everybody's bags. Prepare for liftoff lol.
I think they killed it, the volume has died.

>> No.4524279

yeah they want to keep the price down

>> No.4524288

Sold half at 10,3 for ETH gains. buying them back at near 9k

>> No.4524289

Wait the bots on Binance are owned by Binance?

>> No.4524303

LMAO Cryptopia has none of this crap and it is recovering on there.

>> No.4524348

Most of them. The ones with a pulse are the Asian sweat shops. those 12 12 12 12 etc bids are for volume on the exchange and signals for the bots logarithm. probably binances. I think they (binance or the programmer behind those, I'm thinking programmer maybe in this case) have them set to different numbers depending on how far up or down the buy/sell it is and it triggers the bots bid/sells based on that.

>> No.4524437
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> Its dropping panic AAAAA!!!
Anons... ffs

>> No.4524495

Bots, P&D groups, FUD and FOMO have killed another good coin. Get in, sell at ATH, get out and don't return for 6 months.
This is some straight up Wallstreet botting action, you stand no chance.

>> No.4524498

Buy back in near 7000, it'll hit 10k+ again but for now it'll continue going down.

>> No.4524512

This boring dip is taking forever though

>> No.4524515

lol no. most of people are holding on this one top FUD.

>> No.4524527

IDK Binance has already started adding walls of volume bids onto itself. I think its just dead. OFC other exchanges are getting fuded by binances price and panicking too.

>> No.4524548

Like most people held onto LINK while binance destroyed it? Their bots only want your money and other exchanges are buying into the FUD.

>> No.4524562

Lol look at that bot sell wall. Literally noone except bots is selling this low haha

>> No.4524564

how much did you trade for those gains?

>> No.4524683

Looking back at yesterdays pump, this coin gives a nice look into how bots actually operate. I feel like i learned something.

>> No.4524732
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Okay, now look at the 1 month chart on blockfolio. Calm the fuck down and hodl

>> No.4524777

Comfy losses

>> No.4524806

Fuck off john

>> No.4524997
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I made dis.

>> No.4525028
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FFFF stupid orange line. Take that!

>> No.4525041

so whats the play? do i buy?

>> No.4525049

more legit that this Lain bullshit haha

>> No.4525082

did you read the chart anon? He believes the price will go to shit
Which it may, or might not.

>> No.4525093

surefirebet is to buy now. and hodl until the moon.

>> No.4525129

Fuck you nigger I'm already down 20% my initial investment it just keeps dropping down and down like a sack of shit there's no stopping it at this rate it'll literally drop 90%

>> No.4525180

> he thinks 500x 10 coin sells are natural decline
I am HODLing anon, but do what you believe is best.

>> No.4525207

how long will the dump go? eager to buy

>> No.4525220

who cares if it's natural or not? it's decline, it's fucking dead. nobody wants to buy this shitcoin anymore
I'm still not selling my bags though, if this gets delisted next week I'll just have an excuse to hang myself.

>> No.4525225


shitcoin. solar shit is dumb and expensive

>> No.4525237

I'm holding 1100, it'll prob drop to 190mil MK and 54 cents a token now thanks to the P&D groups and binance bots. Who knows. It might follow its original path to ~390m MK and $1.11 a token with 650million in reserve.
So its what 78c at the minute. I stand to gain $363 or lose $264 basically. It's closer to the losing it number right now.
I should cut y losses an go all in on ODN which is about to moon. I have enough in that already to make up any losses on this if my risk doesn't pay off, which it probably won't. But it might, so I am risking it. Because I am a stupid human who likes to gamble. I'm $130 up right now.

>> No.4525253

I'm mostly seeing sells in the hundreds or thousands not in the tens.

>> No.4525260

This is true but the global warming fearing SJW lefties love it.

>> No.4525288

That is possible
I am watching Eth market

>> No.4525344

It's leaning towards falling more to 190mil. Probably 30% chance it will go up and 70% it will bottom out at 190mil Market cap (no idea why I was writing MK). You can get worse odds in Vegas to make 35-40% gains. Up to you. I would probably go all in on some ODN if i were you. platform and white paper revamp on the 4th or some shit. Sell on the 3rd or before then if it is getting no action. ALIS is a great 3-6 month hold.

>> No.4525355

It's a coinflip, I'm hodling myself but I'm 80% sure we're seeing cuckchain all over again, it will probably pickup in the long future but will nothing satifisfying

>> No.4525385

you guys are retards. POWR is not a coin to make small profits aka bet on shitcoins wether its up or down to sell and buy. Its a hodling investment to make people real rich. Keep trading on your shitcoins and lose all your money FUD retards.

Holders millionaire are laughing. POWR is the most legit thing in the crypto world right now besides Eth. Even BTC is not safe anymore with forks, and BTH BTG and LTC competition...

>> No.4525447

It looks a bit better on the Cryptopia 15min 1 week chart. I'll hold it and see what happens. Might make it to $1.10 a token, might not. It'll prob fall off at $1 anyway even if it does rally.
I could see it getting another going over by the P&D group holding a lot of ppls cheap bags tomorrow. If it does ill sell tomorrow if it makes it to 95c again.

>> No.4525460

It's now been more than 4h. Where's the pump, oh wise one? You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.4525484

Thinking its pnd when it stabilized at 10k-ish two days in a row. Everybody is holding coz its the real thing and people learned from the guys who sold Bitcoin at 30$. Now they would be millionaires those morons.

>> No.4525499
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>> No.4525507

I'll make more money selling this coin every time it's high and buyin it every time it's low you dumbass.
While you will recover your losses after every dip, I'll be making even more money

>> No.4525547


>> No.4525551

True, but bags are bags. 350mil in circulation with 650mil in holding isn't going to make you much more than $2.50 (390mil = $1.11. 1bil/390=~2.5. $1.11*2.5 = $2.55) a token max even if it gets above 1billion MC which it might eventually but not for a year or until token holders can use their tokens to rent power generation units and make money in their system. You are literally looking at a 6-12 month wait for x4 on your current investment. Not bad but meh. It is fine if you can afford to hold but this is not worth it for anybody who needs the money to invest in low MC coins on moon missions. (like ALIS and ODN kinda)

>> No.4525576

Ayo waddup we wuz miners and shiet

>> No.4525581

The pajeets didn't FUD well enough and nobody sold so they dumped a load of tokens and caused FUD that way and cleared up the cheap bags. So prob tomorrow now if ever :P the coins been raped.

>> No.4525601

Mooned what, 10%? 20%? Lmao

>> No.4525602

lol, might actually make it pump tonight tho. I am out of this shit show if it does lol.

>> No.4525890

> tfw you sell into ETH now and ETH dumps
I will much rather hold my POWR bags

>> No.4525904

OP here, looks like its dropping hard. I got in at 6700 but im exiting now. FUN is the next moon mission, cya nerds!

>> No.4526257

GJ Pajeet lol

>> No.4526297

Shill me this coin

Is this p2p trading for energy really that big?

>> No.4526314
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>> No.4526423

Refueling completed?

>> No.4526442

Lambo in @name. Enough for me. ALL IN!

>> No.4526485

yes, it is. Don't let the dips scare you. This is a long term hodl

>> No.4526493

damn i just bought this for some quick gains

only have 200 of these suckers

when do we hit 10 again?

>> No.4526504

soon. I'm sitting on 1003 of them. About to buy about $100 worth more once this LTC transfer finishes.

>> No.4526507

yep I sold too at a 20% loss. this is going down the shitter. sell now before it goes to ICO price

>> No.4526531

Someone's salty

>> No.4526565

???? are you retarded?

>> No.4526591

What did you learn

>> No.4526599

Check the current depth if just redistributed, it was previously sell wall at 101 now its gone to sell wall at 102 and 103 and smaller one at 101.

Bots are redistributing ready for a pump

>> No.4526612

>we're powrmarines

>> No.4526614

Lol salty retard who bought at all time high and panic sells. Just cash out to fiat now this life isn't for you dude.

>> No.4526616

Expect a peak of 12 or 125

>> No.4526635

Not much, i am in crypto for about a week.
Just some observations how they push prices down and up and try to cover big price differences.

>> No.4526655


>> No.4526695

how do you idiots expect bots to get through 100k sell walls at 9.5k

>> No.4526738

what 9.5k sell walls? next stop 9900

>> No.4526744


I'm asking because I think there is a possible competitor that it may be possible to get in on early

Energo seems to want to do the same thing ie P2P energy trading but is fairly under the radar and is a QTUM token

>> No.4526766

Backs oil energy production.

Not government backed.

but seems good

>> No.4526814

If volume goes up to 4.5k this coin will pump, otherwise more stagnation, if we drop to 3k volume consider it dead until new updates.

>> No.4526836


>> No.4526844

its dumpibg sell

>> No.4526855

bought in at 96, selling at 112
then back to link

>> No.4526866

idk volume seems kinda low

>> No.4526878


>> No.4526897
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>panic sold at 9k

>> No.4526910

educate me anons, whats the potential market cap on this thing?

>> No.4526912

lettuce be reality this is such a manipulated pump that I suggest anyone who bought into it sell asap as you never know when ahmmer gona come down - also binance bot just rekt QSP at about the same time this pump started so the manipulation is out in fullforce

>> No.4526917

Sold at 9960
What do I buy now? I kinda wanna FOMO into ETH. Convince me not to.

>> No.4526930

Why is volume going down but the candles are going up? Makes no sense.

Inb4 people get burned

>> No.4526934
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>Panic sold at 9.5k

>> No.4526979

glad i waited to sell damnit, nice run

>> No.4527023
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No coin can keep pumping non-stop. This is the point of stagnation for POWR, and most people will cash out for the next moon mission.

Sell half of your POWR and invest it into HST. It will skyrocket in December due to many events; AMA with Ian Balina, new exchange listings, partnerships announcement.

In the next few weeks you'll see that I'm right.

>> No.4527033

1099 stats on cryptopia. still under that on binance. This is the P&D group from earlier imo. Selling back those cheap bags. They couldnt FUD them cheap so they dumped a load on people plus started shilling FUN.

>> No.4527057

Live in the dark. You don't deserve POWR.

>> No.4527067

FUN doesn't need shilling lmfao it's literally the best of it's kind

>> No.4527106

I almost pulled the trigger at 8850 for 1200 but didn't.. could have sold for 10k fuck

>> No.4527119

bought at 8890 sold at 8950
kill me

>> No.4527121
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>> No.4527123

pump's over, sell your bags now

>> No.4527132

pajeets trying hard

>> No.4527149

yeah this is a trap . we going back down.

>> No.4527167

We're skyrocketing again

>> No.4527172

we are going back to 10k baby

>> No.4527181

So nervous cant study got eyes riveted to this fucking chart

>> No.4527193
File: 80 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20171123_123416_606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4527221

translate this please

>> No.4527229

No, that's some random lines on a 1min chart with no volume below it.

>> No.4527252

arent those bars at the bottom the volume?

Also, volume has been decreasing...idk how long thisll last

>> No.4527289

Any way to set Binance to show me the cost of bought stacks in dollars and not in crypto?

>> No.4527291

They are. Hype was killed by P&D groups and bots. Need new news to bring ppl back in but they are probably off chasing other moon missions. If this pumps then so be it, I just sold at 10k, ill buy back in if it gets to ~1050. I have a feeling that was some pajeet who bought cheap bags selling off to their 'mate' or other account holding at 10k tho. I may be wrong.

>> No.4527300

He's a pajeet trying to get you to buy. There is a pump group artifically pumping it right now. They are making it super obvious I love POWR, but don't like pajeets messing with my mommy. Buy POWR once it drops a bit after these pajeets fuck off.

>> No.4527307

God no, then you would realise you are playing with real money and be more cautious. Check on the blockfolio app.

>> No.4527337

Please hit 10k please hit 10k

>> No.4527345

How can a pajeet pnd group pump and dump a coin with 9k btc volume? Kys

>> No.4527358
File: 15 KB, 365x290, 1506886727737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Sold at 10k and made $170 so I'm happy. I'll buy in later if it drops again. Or I might just invest in some ALIS, ODN and even dare I say it LINK which all have better potential gains. This might make you x4 if it reached 1bil market cap. Maybe x6 if it goes under 6k stats.
MFW I buy back in for 1050 next pajeet pump and lose 0.5btc selling lower. Fuck your emotions. Why could I have been born fully Vulcan instead of only part Autist?
>Think and do as a Vulcan would.

>> No.4527397

>by randomly putting overpriced buy orders in and having his other account ready to sell at a higher price for more tokens than he puts in.
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>> No.4527455

The auto buyers and bots take care of the rest.

>> No.4527465
File: 37 KB, 720x507, jewish-beauties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yer space suits on, we're off to the moon!

>> No.4527580

inccoming dump

>> No.4527641

pretty sure the person who started it dumped already once it hit their 68k 1000 stat bag. might just be climbing naturally for a bit or stagnating before dropping as the volume drops off.

>> No.4527939

>unironically caring about the price fluctuations at this point

just fucking hodl and come back to it in 3 months

>> No.4527995

in 3 month link will be 100$ my nigga there's no time

>> No.4528250

Yeah, I cashed out at 1000 and rebought LINK. 5k LINK holder now and I bought some REQ and FUN because the pajeets told me to. Yay FUN... I will not be saying that when this is 100% up tomorrow. Oh well. Invested heavily now in bellow top 100 coins except fun and LINK (give it a week it'll be bellow 100 lol). Hoping for that moon mission and holding. Watching charts is too stressful. BUY ALIS and I am outie!
>Oh, and ODN will pump and dump by the 4th too, the smart money is buying in now, check the charts. They are changing everything on the 4th.

>> No.4528283


>> No.4529386
File: 42 KB, 605x328, 110713_putin_ap_328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha why the fuck are you even trading