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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1481208772579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4524853 No.4524853 [Reply] [Original]

how do I cash out?

>> No.4524863

You just stop posting anime and money will come out of your screen

>> No.4524869

Hahaha. We arrive at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.4524871

>he fell for the crypto meme

>> No.4524880

you can check out any time you like but you can never leave

>> No.4524887

>hi what is localbitcoin or atm
Some people are just retarded

>> No.4524888


I got my money wired to my account?

>> No.4524914
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haha, that's the joke

you can't

>> No.4524928

>what is localbitcoin
A fucking black market scam where you have to meet someone in person but they just steal your money and abduct you for human trafficking
It just steals your money, you can't actually withdraw money from it

>i got my money wired to my account
No you fucking didn't you fucking liar, stop shilling your garbage scam exchange right now.

>> No.4524930

You’re a complete idiot. First off local bitcoins and atms exist. Second of all I cashed out 2k to my account during the whole usdt crisis and it already arrived. If you seriously believe that you’re just a fucking idiot. Pull your head out of your ass and realize what you don’t understand isn’t always a scam.

>> No.4524938

You were lucky because it was peanuts.

>> No.4524941


>> No.4524952

Wow, great. I'm sure everyone has an ATM nearby and if not, they can just meet with some shady strangers (be sure to bring a gun).
You still can't withdraw from exchanges, it's a scam.

>> No.4524955


>> No.4524983

coinbase is a scam, the withdraw button doesn't actually work. go on, give it a try.

stop your fucking shilling right now you stupid pajeet. no one believes your bullshit, is it really worth it shilling a scam exchange and scamming people out of their money just for a measely $0.10 per post?

>> No.4525000

>Transaction successful
>Money is gone
>The money doesn't appear in your bank
>Contact coinbase
>You got hacked and we can't help you because brexit happened

>> No.4525005

This post is the worst I've seen on this sub all day

>> No.4525007

50k max a month

>> No.4525008
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You didn't know?

>> No.4525030


>> No.4525035


>> No.4525037

Shitty bait mate
Buy bitconnect

>> No.4525050
File: 1.94 MB, 240x265, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is telling the truth. Coinbase withdrawals don't work.

>> No.4525072

yes they do fuck face

>> No.4525086

stop shilling your shitty scam site, pajeet. we're not buying it

>> No.4525116

place it all on Etherdelta scams like upfiring

>> No.4525122

And the coinbase defence force shows up.
Proof that coinbase isn't a scam.
Pro-tip: You can't.

>> No.4525173
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>> No.4525183

Why the foreign-BCH-shill-tier anger? Why are you in /biz/ if you hate crypto?

>> No.4525188

Look at this blatant fucking photoshop bullshit. FAKE ass fucking pajeet scam. If you're going to use photoshop at least make it look believable. You can tell it's a fake.

>> No.4525189

How new are you?

>> No.4525191

See >>4525000

>> No.4525193

> never hearing of Paxful

>> No.4525205

>shilling another scam exchange
>doesn't actually let you withdraw

>> No.4525243

hello rajeet. I know you are here to shill your scam and you get paid per post, but you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.4525267
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>> No.4525274

fake as fuck. nice photoshop faggot

>> No.4525283

Why all the FUD? You can use coinbase, stop this shit please, you're scaring the newfags

>> No.4525290

>s-stop scaring the newbies away from my scam... I need to feed my family...

>> No.4525315

Your such a fucking retard I’ve withdrawn from both coinbase and Gemini. Occasionally they bitch about verification but if you put in your fucking physical adress your literally 100 percent fine. Don’t call me a pajeet shiller without evidence you worthless lying fuck. You’re the one with no idea what in the fuck your talking about.

>> No.4525332

>I’ve withdrawn from both coinbase and Gemini
Sure you have. SURE you fucking have you fucking lying shill. If I were really just lying then you would just brush it off and not get so defensive, but you're getting way too defensive over your little scam.

>> No.4525342

You don't cash out. Don't be like the guy who sold BTC for $10.
Cryptocurrency is the future. Bitcoin may be replaced (even this year), but there is no point to cash out ever.

>> No.4525343

>cashing out

>> No.4525360
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1504082576117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu
Put in $4k in June, got lucky and made $50k, tried to cash out via coinbase and the tx history is gone from my account and I haven't got a response even after 50days waiting.

Don't get greedy guys, stick to robinhood or preferably a real broker like Schwab. They actually have integrity and accountability.

>> No.4525365

So many cashiers trying to FUD the one true king, its fuckin pathetic

>> No.4525373

wut.. i took 3k out of crypto last week. no issues.

>> No.4525393


Coinbase actually does work, USD withdraws to the same account you deposit from. Take a couple days to arrive though. Just hit "sell" and make sure to double check it goes to your preferred bank account.

>> No.4525422

Remember, these are shills. They do not have your best interests in mind.

>> No.4525424

1 post by this id

>> No.4525443

4 posts by this shill

>> No.4525451

Dunno about coinbase, but definitely worked for btcmarkets (aussie exchange).

US banking system is shit-tier anyway, that's probably why.

>> No.4525468

I am in a shithole and even I can cash out but of course there's a lot of steps involved but I can still can.

>> No.4525480
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Yes you fucking idiot I just saw this thread
I'm not going to sit back and not speak up when there's an opportunity. I made 8% on VZ since the dip and that's made me the thousands crypto lost me.

Sorry but it's stupid to think you can make 10x your money just by buying ethereum and giving it to a pajeet team for their token and selling it a month later like with powr.
You're fucked up for scamming poor neets like this

>> No.4525500

They just wire it to your bank account what are you monkeys hollering about?

>> No.4525526

You're either a shill, or new and you haven't tried cashing out yet. If the latter is the case, go on, try it and see for yourself. It doesn't work.

>> No.4525553

Coinbase is a scam, they don't wire you the money. Ask anyone

>> No.4525560

If by wire you mean make your ether disappear and wipe the deposit history from your account then yes, that's exactly what they do.
Should have fucking knew it when tether scam is allowed to exist and bitconnect meme; not to mention coinbase changes the deposit address so there's no way to tell if you really sent it to their address or someone elses when they wipe the history.

>> No.4525586

>not pajeet
Lurk moar.

>> No.4525603

They're both in this thread. Pajeet and Rajeet are brothers

>> No.4525626

If you want to cash out you should have enough money to not care about traveling to find an atm

>> No.4525630

What even is this thread

>> No.4525637

the curry is strong in here.

>> No.4525646

what if my bank account is in euro, will dollar txs be lost?

>> No.4525647

It's not a thing you idiot of a newfag. Stop trying too hard.

>> No.4525685

shut the fuck up you damn shill. you're just pissed because no one's buying into your scammy exchange

>> No.4525702

ITT: Faggots trying to bait others into cashing out

>> No.4525706

Dude stop calling people shills, You don't even know what it fucking means

>> No.4525707
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Just redeem your USDT anon

>> No.4525773

>I-I'm not a shill... y-you don't even know what shill means...
>you can totally withdraw from my NOT scam exchange, reallY!

>> No.4525823
File: 624 KB, 953x498, DogeCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to online gold and silver coin retailer
Buy gold and silver with BTC
wait 2 weeks for delivery
put wife in bikini in December
Have her sell Gold and silver at nearby freeway exit

>> No.4525839

Won't she be cold wearing a bikini in December?

>> No.4525841

Maybe if you weren't such an idiot you wouldn't lose all your money cashing out, stupid shill

>> No.4525843
File: 7 KB, 211x239, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-shut up y-y-y-y-yyou damn shillllllasdjklo hgboufv hwgsedfyutb8h sbnrvv hgdpuof9ngyh y

>> No.4525878

That's exactly what I would say, if I were a shill.

>> No.4525922
File: 46 KB, 460x576, 1510105953849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you function with half a brain?

>> No.4525923

Stupid nocoiner, stay poor

>> No.4525924

What an intelligent rebuttal.

>> No.4525933

Stupid pajeet. Keep shilling, nobody believes your bullshit.

>> No.4525945

how do you function with being a faggot?

>> No.4525980
File: 142 KB, 437x409, TittieGold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cold Wife
All the better to make her nipples hard
for even more road side gold and silver sales!!

>> No.4525988

you forgot to call me shill or pajeet

>> No.4525999

you forgot to stop being a faggot

>> No.4526014

Aww somebody's mad they missed the crypto train. It's OK dude you can still hop on, probably a better call now than a few years down the road getting your salary in Satoshis paid by the autists on this board.

>> No.4526025

xd shut up fegget xd xd xd

>> No.4526061

That's exactly what I would say, if I were a faggot.

>> No.4526073


>> No.4526084

If you're in the US, send Ethereum to GDAX (costs pennies and takes minutes), then sell to USD via a limit sell order (zero fees) then transfer those USD to your coinbase account (instant and free) and then deposit into your linked bank account. I just did that for the first time the other day, it took *one* business day for the deposit to clear, and they charged nothing - I got every last penny. There are probably other ways to do it but I was incredibly impressed at how fast and painless it was.

>> No.4526085

dude are you fucking 12? get some fucking anal cream and give it a lil rub on your asshole to calm the fucking asshurt you fucking sperg

>> No.4526087

Prove that you can cash out of crypto. You literally can't.

>> No.4526091
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>$256B market with no way to get money out
>more worried about "scammy exchanges" and their shills

>> No.4526116

Can you stop injecting your gay fantasies into every conversation for one second? Holy shit pajeet calm down with that.

>> No.4526144

There's a Bitcoin ATM 10 mins away where I live from. HAHA

>> No.4526173

Why? Its more fun to laugh at dumbasses like you than convince you.

>> No.4526187

No, there isn't.

Sure thing, shill. You literally can't prove your scam isn't a scam.

>> No.4526205
File: 1 KB, 80x90, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrrr durrrrr your gay xdxdxdxd
also you remembered to call me pajeet this time congrats for your fucking neurons to finally fire up again

>> No.4526222


>> No.4526252

Go back to Brazil Pedro.

In the USA we can convert our crypto to fiat and deposit it into our bank accounts with Coinbase or any of the other million options legally and securely.

>> No.4526265


>> No.4526286

I have automatic cash outs with quadrigacx from my mining revenue to cad$ never had any problems

>> No.4526289

The Coinbase shills are out in full force today!

>> No.4526290
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You're the defensive one you goofy little spazz. He's just proving your bad attempts at trolling wrong.

>> No.4526310

>y-you're a TROLL! You can cash out of crypto, r-really!
No, you can't.

>> No.4526408

H-he's r-right I know I'll pretend I didn't get destroyed and sarcastically laugh hahahahaha

>> No.4526411

the fuck are you talking about, i can literally just go to the fucking funding page on kraken and transfer cash to my bankaccount sooo....

>> No.4526422
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I've never cashed tried to cash out but I know you can't

>> No.4526497

hahahahahahahaha. Hilarious shit, pajeet. Keep it up.

>> No.4526743

I am a literal Pedro from Brazil and I can confirm that we buy and sell BTC with BRL through bank transfers using LocalBitCoins. I have done it myself. In fact, it’s the most non hassle way to do it. Brazilian exchanges are garbage.