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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4522513 No.4522513 [Reply] [Original]

>still cash flow negative
>needs taxpayer welfare to survive
>plenty of problems and customer complaints with current cars
>already shilling new products to just get investor money

I agree electric cars, and self driving cars, are the way of the future, but this just seems like one big scam company to me. Just preying off of people's love for Elon Musk, futuristic tech, and environmentalism.

Is Tesla a fucking meme brand or what?

>> No.4522522

easiest short ever

>> No.4522532

Tesla is absolutely worthless. Watch it crash and burn

>> No.4522544

electric is not the future. we cant produce enough electricity to even power all of the cars in california if they all converted to electric. its impossible.

>> No.4522573

spotted the burger

>> No.4522643

Guess who is becoming a third world country soon

>> No.4522685

How much electricity do you think it takes to refine gasoline? Yes, you didn't realise that gasoline refineries use massive amounts of electricity, did you? You can use the electricity that would have been used to refine gasoline and you'll end up traveling more miles. Get some education!

>> No.4522786

spotted the uneducated niggers

>> No.4522797

please do, looking forward to that glorious short squeeze that's gonna ensue after Q1 call
found the brainlet

>> No.4522851

Convert gasoline to electricity retard

>> No.4522860

Theres tons of free energy everywhere, just need someone to make the initial investment. Problem is the large companies wont just switch over because of muh profit

>> No.4522939


1 Charge (Gas) Station:

>2000 cars over 12 hours serviced
>Requires 30 megawatts per station of power

The cost of these stations would require +$20 million just for the chargers, this does not count the electricity costs.

30 megawatts of power is equivalent to powering 20,000 family homes. This is just ONE station.

Brand new power plants will have to be built to supply them energy. At $1 a watt, charging stations will have $30 million in operating costs alone.

Not. Possible.

Electric cars not sustainable:

>Fiat loses 20k on every electric car in Europe
>GM loses $9k on every Volt
>Tesla propped up by tax payers

Deal with it you leftist soyboys

>> No.4522989


Source for you soyboys now utterly BTFO

I am sorry your (((sustainable))), (((renewable))), (((clean energy))) pipe dream isnt real

>> No.4523013
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t. /pol/tard

>> No.4523021
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nice argument :)

>> No.4523049

>some burger motorsport trash magazine
>an academic source

pick one brainlet

>> No.4523106

>found the undergrad
>found the undergrad who appeals to authority

Tell me, which scientific journal is going to publish something about the costs of changing gas stations to charging stations. Economic journals, at best, would discuss the logic of actors in doing so, and the conditions under which they might, but I am sure this already way past your comprehension because the fact that you used this as an argument tells me you actually do not know anything about academic publications, which makes sense given that you probably a 4 year degree or less. I am also quite certain you would not be able to get through the first page of an economic journal.

Your idiocy also highlights several other laughable things about yourself:
>things published in journals are true
>anything outside of a journal is not true
>i cannot evaluate arguments myself

Proceed to gas yourself, immediately.

>> No.4523156
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I also don't "believe" in electric cars, but your use of ((())) and "soyboys" disqualified any and all argument you were trying to make.
(unless you are a LISP programmer or a Sunn0))) fan. Then I'll give you the benefit of doubt on ((()))).

It's so funny.

Back in the days, when /biz/ still discussed stocks and such, everyone was fapping like mad over tesla stock mooning and such, and /g/ treated him like the second coming of christ, but nowadays, it's all just bitter loosers trying to meme him to bankruptcy.

Yeah, there is a lot of issues to be discussed when it comes to Tesla and Musk (and don't even get me started on SpaceX, hyperloop or the boring company), but
>why is this autistic looser not a virgin, poor looser like me, but actually rich, successful and not a virgin
is not one of them.

>> No.4523205
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whats you point anyway? that eletric cars are dumb and we should avoid using cars who run on resources which are actually renewable?

>writing this whole essay in an attempt to insult me

pic related, its you

>> No.4523219

>Scientific journals
>not interested in understanding hindrances in adoption of renewable technology.

t. Brainlet

>> No.4523235

What coin is this?

>> No.4523249
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>> No.4523270

Why did you make this thread on /pol/ too?

One day we will learn how to harness the power of a lightning bolt and solve that problem.

>> No.4523301
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>>still cash flow negative
Yeah, most early-stage companies with massive YoY growth are.
>>needs taxpayer welfare to survive
No, that's wrong.
>>plenty of problems and customer complaints with current cars
No, that's wrong.
>>already shilling new products to just get investor money
Wow, clearly having a business plan for the future is a bad thing.

It's extremely obvious you're just buttmad that an electric car company is so successful. Go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.4523304
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>One day we will learn how to harness the power of a lightning bolt and solve that problem.

>> No.4523316

Apple and google are scams too.

>> No.4523351

I don’t give a fuck about the (((sustainable))) meme

I want a Tesla because I fucking like them a lot.

>> No.4523380

With Elon, is 0% chance his intentions are not psychopathic.
This man is not normal.

Yes, Tesla is a part of a large Ponzi scheme. but Elon is smart, he can keep it going until SpaceX mines the Unobtanium asteroids and can finally buy back his PayPal shares

>> No.4523384

>>2000 cars over 12 hours serviced
exagerated assumption but agree at the picture

>> No.4523518

They are way overvalued. The company turns no profit, they cant meet demand, and still have a ton of sunk costs they've yet to realize to increase their production such as new factories and such.

They were first in their market for electric cars, but they're losing thier market share to other auto manufacturers even european ones are going after their piece of this emerging market. The infastructure to support these cars still isnt here, but that will change.

I see them sticking around but as a niche luxury sports car brand as these larger manufacturers start switching existing factories over to compete for the more economical cars average consumers can afford.

Easiest short on wall street period. This company is easily going to lose 240 maybe even 200 within the next year.

>> No.4524314

>whats you point anyway? that eletric cars are dumb and we should avoid using cars who run on resources which are actually renewable?

Where do you think electricity comes from, sweetheart?

If your electricity comes from fossil fuels, how is your electric car green? A lot of people in the US get their electricity from coal. So, their "electric" cars are actually coal cars.

This doesn't even touch on the strip mining of heavy metals used in the batteries, which produces toxic waste and is concentrated in poor parts of the world. So, good job killing brown people.

By the way, did you know that a picture of a Lithium strip mine looks a lot like LE EBUL CANADIAN TAR SANDS? Funny that only one of them gets plastered in media everywhere. It's almost as if........

>> No.4524332
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>One day we will learn how to harness the power of a lightning bolt and solve that problem.

>> No.4524424

>>>needs taxpayer welfare to survive
>No, that's wrong.


>As wide-ranging as these various entrepreneurial ventures may be, they all have one thing in common – not a single one of them would get funding in a competitive private capital market if it weren’t for massive (and I do mean massive) taxpayer-funded government subsidies.

>A study published two years ago by The Los Angeles Times revealed that just three of Musk’s ventures – SolarCity Corp. (which manufactured and installed solar energy systems before its 2016 merger with Tesla Motors Inc.), Tesla Motors Inc. (which manufactures electric vehicles), and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX (which builds rocket ships) – had received $4.9 billion in government subsidies to that point in time. By now, Musk’s various ventures have sucked well over $5 billion from government coffers.

>But granting literally billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to Musk’s firms isn’t the worst of it. No, that honorific is reserved for this little gem: In order to induce car buyers to spend their money on electric vehicles, the federal government offers a $7,500 rebate on the purchase price.

Come on, now.

>> No.4524603

>and don't even get me started on SpaceX
What's wrong with SpaceX? They've been pretty successful with their launches

A concept that didn't go anywhere, but it's not like Musk sold it to people and then backed out

>> No.4524641

Spacex is the only thing Musk has ever done right that isn't a complete scam

I highly doubt he was involved based on his track record

>> No.4524645

>not wanting to give money to arab muslim shitholes
you fucking piece of shit burgers are so embarassingly stupid fuck you and your multicultural degenerate piece of shit country that brought on the current state of the world you are all worthless pieces of shit in the united states

>> No.4524669

>the only thing Musk has ever done right that isn't a complete scam

Wait that Model X I drove a week ago doesn't actually work? Shit man why didn't you tell me

>> No.4524684

>not realising you are the massive cuck giving money to the oil industry and sandnigger countries

>> No.4524705

He doesn't know that fossil fuels require more electricity to refine than electric vehicles need to run.

>> No.4524711

seriously i hope with the next national socialist movement we eradicate anyone in the united states doednt matter if they are white they are complicit in the destruction of europe and european culture

>> No.4524731

>Electric cars not sustainable:
>>Fiat loses 20k on every electric car in Europe
>>GM loses $9k on every Volt
>>Tesla propped up by tax payers

What are upfront costs for setting up production and developing new items?

>> No.4524739

power plants are more efficient than engines so in the end the electric coal car is still greener.

>> No.4524742

>I highly doubt he was involved based on his track record
Retarded and ignorant. Off to >>>/pol/ with you.

>> No.4524881
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I guess you don't realise that Musk actually designed much of what SpaceX has developed?

>> No.4524995

>implying eating soy is bad