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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 640x427, 1335337506_man_throwing_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
439523 No.439523 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ make any side money?

>> No.439537

Moot sells ads across all forums, and you can select which forums to advertise on. The demographic is notedly poorer, but more gullible, than the rest of 4chan. /biz/ ads are a lucrative way for any bitcoin-focused startup to increase revenue.

Additionally, with a new demographic means increased readership and a higher chance that users buy the 4chan pass.

That's how /biz/ makes moot side money.

>> No.439538

you do realize 90% of people use adblock right

>> No.439544

so the answer is, /biz/ does not make any side money.

>> No.439559


I buy and sell Magic cards

>> No.439616



>> No.440640

Landscaping (only mow lawns) in the summer. Sometimes I paint mailboxes.

>> No.440669

He meant how do /biz/raelis make money on the side.

>> No.440671

lol forgot to clear namefield. o well.

>> No.440673

link to thread your name was used in?

>> No.440693

I just started it and it's /c/ so expect to wait for content. I'll be bumping it from time to time.

>> No.440695

Selling Narcotics

>> No.440811

amazon's mechanical turk

>> No.440846

i sell fake sell phones for a quick $400 from time to time

>> No.440850

bill me later and credit card scams

>> No.440885

pls help how

>> No.440891

import the replica s5 from china, post an ad on kijiji/craigslist, meet someone somewhere safe and sell it
you can ask for 500-600 and it costs about 130 per phone to deliver to usa

>> No.440992


Has anyone actually be able to notice it was a replica?

>> No.440996

how the fuck is that profitable at all

>> No.440998

I've considered this but is there any chance of legal action?

>> No.441001

I bartend weddings and buy used electronics cheap and sell them high

>> No.441002

I buy used school books and flip them for double the price.

>> No.441011


of course

>> No.441027 [DELETED] 


yeah its possible, originally i thought of selling a simple 1 phone a day which is about 1 hour or less of work per day but there are problems: everything is in cash which leads to tax issues etc., customs may decide to check your parcel if they see you importing many packages from china and when they see the fake phones youre in trouble, also the cops may bust you at some point if they really wanted to
thats why i sell maybe 5 phones a month. its extra side income to my fulltime work but actually now that I think of it someone can easily live off of selling 5 phones a month. wont be a lavish life but some people dont need much

>> No.441028

not sure but they're really good fakes; even have the heart-rate sensor and thumb scanner (they dont actually work but it makes it seem as though they do)
i usually try to sell to women because there is a lesser chance they will check to see if its fake, they just want a fancy phone to show off to their friends. they ones I import are also packed very well so I can make it look like its never been opened before

yeah its possible, originally i thought of selling a simple 1 phone a day which is about 1 hour or less of work per day but there are problems: everything is in cash which leads to tax issues etc., customs may decide to check your parcel if they see you importing many packages from china and when they see the fake phones youre in trouble, also the cops may bust you at some point if they really wanted to
thats why i sell maybe 5 phones a month. its extra side income to my fulltime work but actually now that I think of it someone can easily live off of selling 5 phones a month. wont be a lavish life but some people dont need much

>> No.441040

Holy shit mayne, I'm seriously considering buying a fake s5 once I get the cash now. Damn.

Is their a specific website you order from? Any measures you take to protect your identity in case someone finds out?

>> No.441051
File: 2.09 MB, 4224x2376, Kahr CT45 with ammo (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ here, I'm helping a guy who has a fuck ton of guns and ammo move furniture (guy is moving to a different city), he's paying me $15 an hour in credit (min. wage is ~$8/hour in m state and cost of living is low so 15 is good), then I take the credit and "buy" guns and ammo, praised be to the based barter system.

I also occasionally flip firearms. For anyone interested, here's the easy method:

>buy gun that people like
>put it up on armslist for trade and cash
>find trade that is equal value, then have them add a small amount of cash like $50
>repeat for profit

also take semi-nice pictures for the armslist ad, pic related

>> No.441066


I did quick google search and found a place that makes replicas really well, and looks like it comes in original packaging. If yours does to, do they ask to open it and look at it, or do you convince them that its in original packaging unopened and they don't second guess you?

>> No.441074
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I have a few methods that I've used in the past or am considering using more in the future

Here's one that anyone that can read can make money off of:

>Go to convenience store where they sell lottery tickets
>Go around to their dumpster and take some trash bags from it, or just grab heaps of tickets from the trash cans inside
>Check tickets for people who scratched and discarded winners

I would just grab some tickets from the trash when I was a kid, and I won like hundreds of dollars of prizes, with $75 on one ticket. People throw so many winning tickets away it's ridiculous, and I'd bet that you would end up pretty well on time spent vs. money made.

>> No.441089

Does this seriously work? And the stores just throw out the tickets without checking them?

I live right next to a store and we share the same area for trash bags, maybe I should try this.

>> No.441095


Yeah, it works. People scratch tickets then throw them in the trash, and the store doesn't go through the trash after the customers just to check tickets.

If you find a lot of winners then you might notice that the store owners start checking their trash, but you can just cash them somewhere else.

>> No.441111


when i started i put my phone number on the ads. now i just use guerrillamail which is a temporary email site. once you decide youre ready to meet someone i usually use the pinger app, which gives me an number to send/receive texts, you can also use it for calls if you want

some people just take the box and hand me the cash then leave. some people take a seat (where we meet; usually a coffeeshop somewhere) and open it up and checking the insides so they dont walk out with an empty box. some people went all the way and took the phone and put in their SIM card to make sure it worked (you can only sell to people who's network providers use SIM cards = GSM providers; you can google it for more info).

no one has ever asked me to my face " is this phone real?" i don't think they know how easy it is to get a fake from china nowadays or maybe ive just been getting lucky, again i usually sell to women or older people, i try to stay away from young men (i can usually tell by their email address; if someone's email is youngthug1995@xxmail i dont respond lol)

>> No.441115

just read how and saw how atrocious my grammar and spelling is. im actually not an uneducated idiot; i'm just posting from a tablet and don't proof read before i submit
also i should mention that i actually use one of the replicas (better than my iphone 4s); i originally bought one for myself and saw how realistic it was so i decided to try selling them

>> No.441188

Quads of truth confirm

Thank you so much man, I've been really needing a way to make a quick buck and hustling some dumb broads seems like a good deal, god bless you m8

I'm gonna try this tomorrow, I appreciate it friend

>> No.441953


how did you even do that? phishing?

>> No.441960

>also i should mention that i actually use one of the replicas (better than my iphone 4s)
So what's the difference? Will they break faster/not have all the functions?

>> No.441979

I fix small gas engines, usually 2-stroke.

Its amazing how many people throw out or heavily discount (>80%) a lawnmower that needs a $1.00 part to get working again.

Its about as far away from my day job as can be but makes a nice bit of coin, esp in the spring/summer.

>> No.442033



>> No.442036

I have 2 websites for that
Pays 10$ per 15 minute review but they don't give much work
I just got in and they pay ok for NEET with no real experience (14$/hour) and have lots of work. However the entrance exam requires you to study a 160 page document and apparently you have to answer at least 90% of each exam correctly to pass and the third exam has 140 tests so it can be difficult.

>> No.442124

Really thinking of doing this. I'm in a college town so I'd hate to have a class/be at a party with someone I ripped off.
Maybe I should get someone to flip them for me.

>> No.443407

yeah, i don't understand how anybody is making any real money from ads these days since everyone has adblocker

>> No.443419

maybe you can import them distribute them to your college goons to sell

>> No.443421

what do you do there?

>> No.443442

>/biz/ make any side money?

By asking mommy and daddy

>> No.444407

It doesn't matter what OP meant if he is to retarded to communicate it properly.

>> No.444453
File: 3.54 MB, 4128x3096, fermenters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make spirits.

$200 of inputs gets me $1000-$1200 of booze, I can move that in a fortnight if I put the effort in.

Only sell to friends and friends of friends. Supply parties in the rural town I come from (can move a good 20L of booze in one run for a big party).

Never sell to strangers. Is good.

>> No.444479


Pick up the odd contract on elance and odesk. Nothing too long, and can work it over the Internet. If I get bored, I pick up something off DICE locally if it can work around my current schedule. Be amazed at how many companies just need someone to cover a week or two because someone is going on vacation.

>> No.444483

I use my van to provide informal moving service for friends.

>> No.444485


>Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan.org/*, purchasing a self-serve ad, or buying a 4chan Pass.

>> No.444512

Which spirits? Do you make non distilled alcohol too or is that not your thing?

>> No.444581

prices can change very quickly, especially if a card is banned/unbanned. Some people also have tons of them and want to get rid of it

>> No.444590

why don't you sell to strangers?

>> No.444595

I do cider too but it does not sell as well, its mostly for myself. A good dry apple cider with some mango juice added to sweeten is amazing. Store bought cider is nothing like actual home made stuff.

Beer requires too much work, equipment and cleaning to do properly and I refuse to use one of those fisher price my first homebrew kits. Absolutely disgusting.

The spirits I make (to sell) are a neutral spirit that I then add essences too. Whiskey mostly. Sugary cocktail stuff is popular with the ladies. I enjoy a good over-strength Irish cream myself.

Everything I make is tipple distilled and filtered through activated carbon. People cannot tell the difference between what I make and the mid range brands (Jim Beam/ Jack Daniels teir stuff)

The 90%+ alcohol that comes right out of the still is great for sneaking into concerts etc as you can dilute it down once inside or just mix it with coke/whatever without using as much, a good seller in that regard.

I use a reflux still made out of a 50L keg and copper tubing for the column. Cost about $800 to put the whole thing together.

>> No.444597

Because making spirits without the proper licensing where I live (Australia) is kind of a no-no. Selling without the paying the proper tax is moreso.

They always attack distribution and flip people till they get the producer. It is how it has always worked.

>> No.444598

>The 90%+ alcohol

You must be distilling down massive amounts of alcohol to get any reasonable amounts of that then. Do you produce much like Kilju (As in a water and sugar with nutrients only recipe to prevent methanol production on distilling), or actually use flavouring fermentation agents before the fermentation?

Id it legal to distill where you live? Do you have a license to sell or is it under the law?

I have a still though it's not legal to use it here, which is quite upsetting as I can't make beverages over 20-22% now.

>> No.444599

Also if some dumb as fuck kid drinks himself into oblivion on what I sell, I would go to horrible rape prison forever.

>> No.444619

Yeah its essentially distilled kilju. The high reflux (50%) means most of the unpleasant flavours don't make it past the still.

All flavouring is added post-fermentation, what I get out of the still is a neutral spirit (ethanol, water and some volatiles).

I ferment with a fast breeding high ethanol tolerance yest and when run properly I can get 20%+ ethanol out of a batch. I aim for 20% and add the sugar required to reach this as any more stresses the yeast and introduces some horrid flavours (most of which are taken out by the still and carbon filtering regardless) and can result in some sugar remaining unused if the yeast dies off early which makes cleaning the still a nightmare.

To make whiskey properly I would have to use a pot still (don't have one) and age it (ain't nobody got time for that). I plan on making a proper batch, getting a pot still draw head to distil it and barrelling it up to age, to be opened on my 40th and 65th birthdays. But for making side cash, not worth the effort.

I run 2 50L stills which I get 20% ethanol yield by volume from. I run them through the still once on their own then dilute the result down and run them through together for the 2nd and 3rd distil. Everything I do is tested and maintained in a proper sterile condition. If I do something I do it properly. I dispose of the foreshots to guarantee no methanol (but its rather unnecessary).

>> No.444621

Oh my still is essentially this http://www.screencast.com/t/ODMxYThm on top of a keg with a heating element installed in it.

Replace the thermometer with a temperature probe that feeds data to an arduino based controller that regulates the heating element to ensure the still stays in the correct temperature range.

>> No.444622

>I ferment with a fast breeding high ethanol tolerance yest

As in Turbo yeast? That is my go to aswell for most brews, though the only other one I use is cider yeast. What sugar:water ratios are you using for optimal ethanol % without the bad taste?

Did you construct the carbon filter yourself or buy one? If bought, from where, and do you have any tips on choosing one?

What are you using to heat the stills, hot plates or a bunsen set-up (Pretty brave haha) or something?

I am experienced in the field but would love to learn from someone with a lot of distilling and spirirt experience.

>> No.444625

That's very smart indeed, I never even considered automated temperature control, though now it seems like the obvious choice. What are you using for a heating element? I am yet to see a still with the element present inside the liquid rather than under it.

>> No.444629

I see, that isn't ideal

>> No.444636
File: 1001 KB, 932x3964, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbo yeast is what I use now, there are better yeasts out there but I cant get them any-more (guy I know with a homebrew shop ordered them in, writing on them wasn't in English but they would consistently give you 25% yield Higher yield means less cleaning)

My first carbon filter was home made but it was an unwieldy mess to deal with. I bought pic related, it is much simpler. Just fill the tube with activated carbon and you are off. Remember that high concentration ethanol ruins the carbon, you have to cut before you filter.

>> No.444650
File: 5 KB, 287x175, element.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heater for the still is internal, It is a bar heater meant to be installed in hot water heaters similar to pic related.

It is controlled by the microcontroler (arduino knock-off) via a solid state relay (part for an oven). When the probe reads less than 78 degrees celcius the heater turns on. It stays on until the probe reads 83 then shuts the element off until temp drops below 78 again. There was some tinkering involved and an IR thermometer used to take readings at various points to set this range.

A more gradual range for the element would be better but that is far more expensive than the on/off functionality of a relay.

As for choosing a carbon filter, its a tube with a tap on the bottom, not exactly complicated. Get one as big as you need. Get stainless steel for ease of cleaning. I got a big one and made it bigger using the plastic bottles you see in >>444636
as I produce in xbox hueg batches.

I think mine is a Fuselex Master Filter.

For making a good still, do it yourself, grow a beard and learn how to solder copper (DON'T USE LEAD BASED SOLDER TO MAKE THINGS THAT WILL CONTACT SOMETHING PEOPLE INGEST FFS). You can get store bought ones but mine cost far less and is twice the size of anything offered to people without a registered business.

That $800 included everything I needed to go from nothing to making booze. You pay that just for the condensing column pre built.

>> No.444667

Not bad at all. I'll have to learn some arduino shit then to get something like that working.

Do you just attach your carbon filter to the tap and let it automatically filter all your distillate?

I have been looking at making more stills, though I'm quite sold on the Bokabob design now. I may start work on one of those, and from there I'm assuming I solder it to the top of my keg and I'm good to go?

>> No.444733

The distillate has to be cut down to 40% or so before filtering. If you filter the high concentrate it stops the activated carbon from doing any good.

I put a thread in the top of my keg and threaded on the column. Being able to detach it makes cleaning easier. Also the column works best when the bottom of it is packed with steel wool (or copper) it increases the amount of reflux. You can also get adaptors from some distilling suppliers to fit right to a keg that lets you screw on a 3 inch fitting, you solder the fitting (brass) to the pipe (copper or stainless). Copper actually reacts with some of the unwanted chemicals from the fermenting so its best if you use copper somewhere in the design, either for the condenser or for the scrubbers/mesh in the column.

You cant solder copper to stainless directly it wont bind. Welding stainless also takes specialist equipment. If you are gonna make a keg still I recommend the adapter, though I needed a specialist welder to add the threaded hole in the bottom of the keg for installing the element anyway.

>> No.444734

Guns are gay. Fuck off.

>> No.444735


Something like this can also be used for the temp controller and element apparently (along with the correct relay) but I have never used one.

>> No.445523

So do you dilute it and then run it through the filter?

>a thread

I don't follow.

I was going to use a copper column, so I assume that will work more easily with the 3" fitting.

Where did you fit the element, through the bottom for even heating or on the side? (Which I would assume would be an easier fit)

>> No.445567
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 1405029130125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you belong here, son.

>> No.445609

dat delicious 1 dollar an hour

>> No.445796

ok, so, I decided to try this method
>inb4 muh morales

so I got a shrink wrapping kit, and I decided to buy wireless routers top end (100-300 dollars range) open them up and take the router and cables out, fill it with crap and re shrink wrap it and return it for full refund, then sell the router for super cheap.

>> No.445974

Im an australian sheet metal fabricator/ stainless welder. id be able to weld this kind of shit pretty easily fully purged as well. But would need attachments and any random pieces besides the tube.i wonder if theres any money to be made if got together a good design i.e. we could use those constant heating probes, throw in some recipes and shit. under cut some motherfuckers

>> No.446215
File: 282 KB, 400x488, EndOfDays.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to, but then as I'm about to apply for the position for a supplemental weekend job.

>"None of our current clients are looking for male workers at the moment"

Why are they allowed to do this? If it was towards women there'd be a fucking uproar of >muh equality >muh patriarchy >muh wage gap.

>> No.446376

Servicing males

I am a male

>> No.446379

you know why, faggot

now stop bitching, its for women

>> No.446464

Many companies discriminate against women. They are just smart enough not to say it. If 50 men and 50 women apply, 50 women don't get called back and they are none the wiser.

>> No.448112


>> No.448170

With websites and listbuilding and affiliate marketing

protip: proven-onlineincome.com

>> No.448180

>freelance web dev
>graphic design
>install pirated software on peoples computers for them
>help old people do stuff
>steal stuff and sell it
>buy car parts at junkyard, resell on ebay

>> No.448438


I actually buy what I want (nintendo 3ds, psp etc) then return it (using same sticker sealers) and get full refund then sell stolen psp, 3ds on craigslist or if I need the money that day I will sell it to gamestop/vintage stock

>> No.449312

clicking and playing iphone apps for about a minute each, intermittenly several hours a day for about $500 paypal a month. FeaturePoints app featu (dot) re (slash) 7436YC

>> No.449345

I sell shit on EBAY and Amazon, mostly video games and DVD's, but anything I can make money on I will buy. Lot of craigslist, yard sales, and secondhand book stores. Sometimes you can find people selling sterling silver flatware for like 25 cents a pop because they don't know it's silver, also bits of gold jewelry for a tiny fraction of it's worth because they either don't know it's gold or don't know what gold is actually worth.

>> No.449371

>Own rental properties
>Hire management company
>Never do anything

>> No.449372

i've literally never used anyone elses' computer that had adblock

>> No.449383

please explain

>> No.449386

So /biz/ is full of scumbags and scam artists? if your gonna be a thief why not just do what junkies do and shoplift from major retailers to return the items for merchandise return credit and sell the cards?

>> No.449389

>being this retarded

>> No.449390


>> No.449462

anything without a reciept they scan your id. You would need scannable id's multiples of.

Also wallyworld will only accept something under 25 without a reciept.

Then the dudes online you sell the card to only take so nmany cents on the dollar based on the store.

basically do it once for a quick 10 bucks selling the card to someone in the parking lot....like a crackhead

>> No.449483

I do bulk posting on craigslist, escort hiring, fake documents, deals cars in owner only...

I make an extra $800 or so a week, my wife helps during the day when I'm at my day job.

I also flip cars during income tax season, usually make $2-3k a week extra, January-April.

I've been doing lots of crowd funding projects on indiegogo and gofundme lately, just having people give me money or stuff I want to buy. It's actually pretty easy to get free money from people if you can present your begging properly, and promise your funds over what you're asking to a good cause.

>> No.449491
File: 34 KB, 756x536, views_blocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse every year. I run porn sites and about 40% of visitors are now blocking ads via installed ad blockers.

>> No.449500

I sell high quality pirated movies. Some even before they are officially released, I sell them at flea markets to dumb Mexicans

>> No.449502

>I do bulk posting on craigslist

How? Can you link your script? I'm a small-time web dev and my postings get drowned out by these auto-posters...as a result I haven't eaten in 2 days now.

>> No.449515

how does this work??? how do you get the new unit. I'm confused as fuck

>> No.449518

Consider this, when I'm looking at a porn site without ad blocker. Every now and then, it's just a picture of a huge dick and the ad says "WANNA HEUG DICK? FIND OUT NOW". Why would I want to see a huge dick when I'm looking for videos of sexy women. Ads on porn sites should be dick teasers.

>> No.449524

Wait what?
You get money from indiegogo for your own needs? How does that work?

Why would anyone pay for your shit?

>> No.449531

heavily interested.

where do you sell it? I don't think i can sell them to lawn mower places because most of the ones around here are brand specific

>> No.449532

brissy? Some dude up here is making spirits. woodchip whiskey though. pretty top stuff.

>> No.449544

I edit wikipedia articles for big companies. Basically if someone write's something negative I edit it away. Pay is pretty good for easy as fuck work.

>> No.449557

how to get in?

>> No.449563

>Hire management company
management company takes all your earnings in commission


>> No.449566



>> No.449568

I lied

>> No.450028

people are stupid...

>> No.450031

I set up sites with referral links to Amazon & similar with some generated recommendations and a blog that's really just crawling related blogs and stealing their posts.

Most of the work is just SEO and I have to do that at work anyway.

>> No.450061
File: 50 KB, 500x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind on /ic/ and draw adoptables.
Truly the biggest crime in the 21st century.

>> No.450085

I work as a machine operator ($25/hour, 2 year college degree) and assembler for 44 hours a week, and work in a call-center for $11/h on weekends, for like 15 hours.

>> No.450089

>mfw i got russians to do it for $70 a month per house

>mfw the russians are sketchy as fuck and i always get my money every month

>> No.450101

All of my tax free money goes into a 2% interest account at my bank, can anyone please tell me how to invest it? I'm a Canadian, 21 years old.

>> No.450921
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tax free savings acount (good for 4 or 5 k a year) and put that moneze into vanguard index funds

>> No.450934

>Ended up doing like 4 or 5 tasks which would have totalled about 5 dollars over the course of 20 minutes
>"sorry ya fuckin' goyim we actually rejected you"
It's shit.

>> No.450952

>tfw you go on a website you think is SFW at grandma's house and all the fucking ads are porn

>> No.451120

Damn thats a good idea

>> No.451252

Work a full 40 office job now but have 3 hours a day to fuck around with. Usually browse here but looking at leapforce atm. Extra 13/14 an hour to rate tasks seems easy enough.

As for side income...

Use to "fix" computers for 50-60 a pop. By fix I mean copy contents to external, install pirated win 7/8 and done. Also use to install RATs and keyloggers to steal info. Everything from Runescape accounts to paypal. Never fucked with CC or banks. Would usualy sell that info off for cheap and let someone else do prison time.

Work as a "personal trainer" as well. No clients atm but I charge 300-400 a month (about 35-40 bucks a session) and have them attend at the gym I go to anyways. Very easy money. Problem is people are either cheap as fuck or think mad gains are made in a few weeks.

Use to write teenager and freshmen cover letters and resumes. Would charge 100 bucks for a round service. Work was very infrequent, also most of time, people who messaged me were master degree holders or people with way more experience than I had anyways. What always amazed me people like that would surf craigslist for this kind of service to begin with.

>> No.451381
File: 31 KB, 378x500, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW turbo yeast

>> No.451456


how many hours?

>> No.451496

heroine addict teir shit... not /biz/ at all

>> No.451502

Never expected to see you here. So how does Ivan make money on the side?

P.S. I own 2 Kahrs.

>> No.451827

Holy shit my sides

>> No.451842


I buy stuff at garage sales and flip em on eBay.

>> No.451845
File: 74 KB, 450x673, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol eat a dick commie.

>> No.451854


same fag to this post here >>445796

I also branched out to psp and nintendo 3ds devices (or whatever video game systems) that I can sell to gamestop that same day, and have money guaranteed.

I have 6 gamestops in my area and rotating through them 6-8 months wont raise suspicions.

>> No.451858

i still dont understand what your doing

>> No.451863


Basically I buy a portable video game system (ps vita, nintendo 3ds mostly) I open it up, take out the video game system, seal it back up (which btw ps vita and nintend 3ds use 1 5/8 inch diameter stickers) return the "sealed" box for full refund then sell the actual video game system at gamestop (mostly) or craigslist.

tl;dr buy video game system, open it up, take video game system, seal it back up, return sealed package for full refund, sell video game system at gamestop or craigslist.

>> No.451865

So you buy and return the box at like Walmart?

>> No.451964

and they dont open to check it?
only in murrica i guess

>> No.451969

Wal-Mart has a no questions asked return policy.

I hope you have a shitload of Wal-Marts in your area, because if you keep doing this, they'll catch on eventually and charge your loose ass with larceny by trick/obtaining money under false pretenses/etc.

>> No.452018
File: 1.99 MB, 370x206, 1404351731145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me more about your shrink wrapping game? Which items have the best return, any close calls? What kind of kit did you buy, thanks.

>> No.452019

made 3k by investing 1k in darkcoin 2 days ago. i got lucky.

>> No.452021

he re-shrink wraps everything

>> No.452023

I guess at that point you could go back into these Walmarts and just do the reverse. Buy the psp, take it out the box and go back to the service counter and say there was nothing in it. You'll seem credible because they've already dealt with a the same problem numerous times.

>> No.452042

nice job. too bad my ebgames/gamestop don't shrinkwrap/seal their boxes.

>> No.452059

>new set comes out. make bot that simulates >new metagame.
>create killer deck and dominate competitions or watch other people do so.
>while on tournaments- monetize cards which are in winner decks, and will go up by price.
>sell them with profit.
>or just follow some random nerd after a friday night go home, hit in head, take cards.
>watch policemen laugh their asses off while autist cries over "valuable play-cards".

>> No.452087


what he said

>> No.453051

Got super lucky a couple of years ago and got an extra apartment for cheap. Now I rent it out.

>> No.453076
File: 82 KB, 486x409, batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>watch policemen laugh their asses off while autist cries over "valuable play-cards".

holy fuck I cant stop laughing