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File: 122 KB, 399x372, 1508467899212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4515849 No.4515849 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you faggots think destroying BTC, a $130 Billion ecosystem, is actually good for cryptocurrency.

You do realize this will just crash everything below it as faith in cryptomarket will vanish.

Nothing wrong with competition but you faggots need to grow this organically and not by trying to destroy each other.

>> No.4515859
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>> No.4515873

Bitcoin legacy as it stands is actually really useless, 10 dollar fees, clogged transaction logs.
Its worse than just using western union

>> No.4515876

>he still thinks people are buying crypto for the speculation
>thinks btc is bitcoin because it kept the name

>> No.4515893

That's exactly right. Confidence was just coming back to alts.

>> No.4515903

>I don't know what a contentious hard fork is
>stop trying to gain real world adaption and let us have a nice organic speculative bubble

>> No.4515907
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>BTC is the center of the universe delusion

>> No.4515921

Who gives a fuck. All I know is it's making me a lot of money, and that's all I care about. Why not move some money in to it, then sell for more BTC?

>> No.4515928

BCH = The pajeet pump and dump of big money.

It was cute last time you spent hundreds of millions of dollars for a few seconds of fame. Trying again to flip this time? Oh, what was that? Not segwit enabled? Damn, so you're just a money making shitcoin. got it

>> No.4515930


>he thinks its about functionality

God you zealots are retarded. BTC is the most archaic coin out there, and yet it's the most expensive. Try and use that goldfish brain of yours to try and figure out why this is the case.

BCH is a cancer that will destroy faith in crypto, and for what? Just so a few of you greedy niggers can get in on a P+D.

>> No.4515988

you are wrong, i actually believe in using crypto to buy coffees and them being the future of commerce.
Bitcoin is about as useless as a gold certificate, you can use it for mostly nothing but showing off your balance

>> No.4516006

was England destroyed when the US forked off, did it's economy crash, no, they simply lost their fee making machine and threw a tantrum about it.

>> No.4516033

best analogy I've seen so far

>> No.4516042

at what price point are you going to stop being so tribal and entertain the idea that you're wrong

the only thing worse than not being crypto is knowing about it and not capitalizing

>> No.4516048

You probably are all in on bch so you're a greedy nigger aswel.

>> No.4516051

The wealth will transfer to BCH, not be destroyed. You really must be desperate if you're grasping this badly for straws.

>> No.4516066

btc IS the center of the crypto universe...

>> No.4516068

It's good, but not for the reasons BCH shills think it is

It'll kill both BTC and BCH, and a better crypto can eventually take the throne after Crypto Winter 2.0 is over

>> No.4516090

BCH fan boys are either late stage fomo'rs who are trying to get into bitcoin early again by meming a new bitcoin into existence or they're deadweight bag holders who actually bought at the top and believed in the flippening.

At any rate, these kids make linkies seem sane.

>> No.4516094

you’re both dumbfags.
US independence is totally incomparable to this, there is no dependence between the chains now, one does not want to control the other, it wants to kill off the other.

This is more like Western values vs Isis, if you must make a dumb metaphor

>> No.4516099

I don't think we're ready for it like this. It would be so violent. But personally, I'm ready for it.

>> No.4516109


>> No.4516114

^^^see tantrum

>> No.4516122

you will never use BCH to buy anything either, it’s just slightly less shit.

Let BTC do it’s digiGold thing, everyone likes it

>> No.4516129

>This is more like Western values vs Isis, if you must make a dumb metaphor
maximum lek

>> No.4516142
File: 208 KB, 640x480, FortunetellerBaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckk of reddit bitcoin core fags, go back to datadash and which every stinky crevice of discord/reddit you came from. I've been in your voice chat and you are all a pile of brainlet burgers trying desperately to be intellectual. It almost made me barf.

If you have no idea what's going on in the crypto sphere then just cash out and leave. Stop trying to bend the market to suite you, maybe you should be adapting to the market?

I haven't been using /bz/ frequently anymore because dumbass burgers are constantly posting unproductive trash.

Burgers are worse than pajeets.

>> No.4516162
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You do realize that there are plenty of coins out there with lower costs and greater functionality than BTC and BCH, right?

Again, you're retarded for not understanding bitcoins actual worth.

>> No.4516176

no, you are retarded for not knowing how open source software forks work

>> No.4516204

>If you have no idea what's going on in the crypto sphere then just cash out and leave.

That's exactly what's going to happen to all of the normie money that rocketed BTC to $8,200 per. If you think this ends well BTC or BCH by BTC dying then you're delusional

>> No.4516222
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>BCH grows stronger
>corecucks crawl out of the woodwork to post asspain threads


>> No.4516239

Oh no segwit? haha get fucked btrashies see ya in a year and a half when we might maybe get LN.

>> No.4516401

>A better crypto will take its place
No it won't lol, If BTC goes down it will take everything down with it.

>> No.4516424

Good, everything needs to crash to pre January 1, 2017 prices. This shit is ridiculous.

>> No.4516441

what the fuck are you even typing, what did any of that have to do with btc AND bch being outdated tech? lmao

>> No.4516452

Because that BTC won't be worth anything on a frozen chain.

>> No.4516457

Don't bother. If it isn't obvious to them already, they'll never get it. I hope they don't own any other alts because those will be worth nothing if BTC tanks.

>> No.4516474

I have a very simple question for the core supporters who, now seeing Rome burning in the distance, still refuse to believe this is actually happening and think that they can somehow call it off.

What is Bitcoin? Define it rigorously and mathematically. If you claim it has a positive attribute, you must justify the underlying engineering which enables that positive attribute.

>> No.4516483

>Clogged, $10 fees
Objectively incorrect, fees went as low as $0.20/Tx in Bitcoin
What is lightning network?

>> No.4516553

>What is lightning network?

a trust based, privately owned solution to a problem core developers created themselves

>> No.4516614

>What is lightning network?
Should BTC just bleed market share to alts while we wait for this shit to be ready?
LN doesn't even have solutions for the hardest parts anyway. Like how routing is going to work for LN. Right now every LN node must have an image of the full LN network topology, of every other LN node. That sounds really scalable right? Also LN is going to cause the biggest centralization possible, compared to a blocksize increase.

>> No.4516639

Betting on BCH winning is betting on a black swan event that the whole market will surprise rally upon removing the blockstream cancer, contradicting the current media narrative (eg. hilary v trump). A very high risk bet to get into now, but virtually no risk for the smart ones who never dumped their BCH on opening day like a dumfuck

>> No.4516732

>Like how routing is going to work for LN
Same way it works for tor. The rest of your post isn't even worth dignifying.

>problem core developers created themselves
At worst they perpetuated it, Satoshi picked 1mb.
>a trust based
> privately owned
Wrong, open source.

Lastly, the testnet LN is functioning already.

>> No.4516804

BTC will invariably die because as BCH's price appreciates the miners are able to move more and more mining power to the real bitcoin chain

>> No.4516805

>Same way it works for tor.
So really really slowly then?

>> No.4516832
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>> No.4516833

Baba is that you? You've made me so much money thank you

>> No.4516882

All currencies eventuially become outdated

>> No.4516894

1. The Lightning network doesn't have to deliver anything but signed timelocked bitcoin transactions (BCH proponents seem to think this would only be 8mb/10 minutes but LN can handle more).
2. Tor relays all kinds of media, large data for many users, and with few nodes.
3. Everyone and their mother will want to run a lightning node, you can set it up to charge a small fee (microcent or lower) for relaying a 'hop'.

It won't be slow, but there will be nominal fees.

What about hen the price never goes above a certain threshold and the new difficulty algorithm brings it into parity with BTC for profitability, and then below BTC when it is over mined. meanwhile slush's pool makes up 20% of the network and will never switch to BCH because the pool owner is pro BTC. BTC can limp along for 10 weeks, there would be a price drop, but it would be in slow motion as people can't move their coins as easily with 50 minute block times.

>> No.4516932
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Obviously it'll pull down everything. You'd be a retard not to think that. I mean once everything has hit rock bottom something better than BTC can move up and slowly gain favor with people, eventually becoming the new king

I'm not exactly sure how you got what you said from my statement. I literally said "after Crypto Winter 2.0 is over"

>> No.4517038

It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

BCH fags are led by a handful of megawealthy scammers that are trying to upend the entire crypto market so they can be wealthier. It's pure greed and their faggot followers are either bought and paid for or brand new to crypto and too dumb to realize they are just useful tools. A handful will make it out ahead, the overwhelming majority will be rekt in the end. But like the morons they are they'll still blame btc while they were the ones trying to kill it all along.

Sick of it.

>> No.4517141

>Surely crashing by far the largest cryptocoin in existence won't cause institutional investors to flee, thereby also crashing the price of our own shitcoin, and setting adoption of crypto back 5 years. Surely also nobody will just flee to ethereum.

Blitcroim Crash idiots seriously believe this.

>> No.4517247






Coin Moonblast checklist:
>can only use “pajeet” to>>4515928

Coin Moonblast checklist:

<(!!newfags pay attention!!)>

>mentions irrelevant easily refutable tech (in this case it’s segwit, dyor and it’s an obvious fail like a kick in the bAllz, many such article literature)
>some desperate rant about hundreds of millions invested (?????) in this case somehow connected to “fame”...kek so stupid it need not be addressed
>can only use “pajeet” as his main tactic of “influence”
>throws “shitcoin” in there to make you doubt whether the sky is blue as your nutsack when you don’t follow these things:

Fork.lol (many such functions but shows how rekt btc or bch are slightly ahead of the market price action. Also SHHHHH)

Bchflippening.com to see how bitcoin’s unconfirmed # transactions are going up higher than your daddy’s 401k and how bch unconfirmed tx can be counted by looking down between your legs - male or female

>> No.4517965


$0.2 fee is still unreasonable and unjustifiable you stupid fuck

>> No.4518023

>20 cents to send thousands of dollars in under an hour
God damn, this board is getting spoiled.
Is the general idea here that transactions should be essentially free? You do understand that someone is using their resources to process your transaction right? Resources that cost them money.

>> No.4518063
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Everything should be free

>> No.4518077

miners are free to ignore zero-fee transactions. ask them why they don't.

>> No.4518222

Problem with zero-fee is lot's of nodes have sanity checks that reject zero-fee tx, and many miners actually do ignore zero-fee. But luckily with BCH the mempool is so clear that you can literally use the lowest fee possible and it will go through very next block.

>> No.4518356
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not really, the average fee in BCH right now is ~33 cents

>> No.4518378

>newfags who bought core at 5k and worry are now calling people who've been using bitcoin as a currency for years and need it working newfags
the absolute state of /biz/
pay for my hosting, core nigger

>> No.4518415
File: 310 KB, 1408x600, Screenshot-2017-11-23 Johoe&#039;s Mempool Size Statistics (Bitcoin ABC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average fee is that high not because it's what you need to get a tx through, but because of shitty wallets that set fees too high, and shitty users who don't understand that you can get a tx through for lower.

See how the mempool clears to zero, literally every single block?

>> No.4518423

I don't give a single fuck about destroying BTC

Let this shitcoin DIE

>> No.4518458
File: 71 KB, 1647x802, Screenshot-2017-11-23 1738000 BCHKRW - Bithumb live chart - Cryptowatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright this one looks like the top of the pump, for real.

>> No.4518530

>he still thinks its a pump

>> No.4518548

Made about $400 by selling around 184. When should I rebuy? 165?

>> No.4518653

>he still thinks its a pump
but it is a fucking pump by definition
jihan and his posse use all kinds of shady strategies to destabilize core network and shill bch
price growth is not moved by market demand - people jump on a pump bandwagon every time difficulty adjusts and jihan starts spamming transactions
just like they jumped btc every time new tethers were issued

>> No.4518672

What are you talking bout? England totally tanked, it became a 3rd world shit country with 20k average salary

>> No.4518675

BCH is literally the product that BTC investors have been paying for from the start, why would it not make sense for money to move there once people start seeing through the censorship (HINT: Everyone knows now, they're just scared, as soon as big players/miners move over, FOMO will kick in and Core will be deserted).

>> No.4518679

Nice backpedaling. You fucking retards disgust me

>> No.4518682

>he still thinks there's one evil guy behind all this
>ad hominems are the best he can come up with

>> No.4518685

> is actually good for cryptocurrency.

It probably isn't, but it is good for the world long term

>> No.4518704

No. You are wrong and your viewpoint is stagnate.

>> No.4518722

>>he still thinks there's one evil guy behind all this
>>ad hominems are the best he can come up with
yeah keep gaslighting everyone around pretending everyone who is against your shitcoin is core fanatic
i don't even own btc, just watching this two shits destroying each other so real cryptos can finally flip and own the market

>> No.4518730


Look at all those BCH bagholders who bought when it was $2400 and now desperately trying to tell themselves BCH will overtake BTC.

They don't care if BTC and the cryptocurrency's legitimacy as a whole is destroyed if a "flippening" happens, they just want their bags of devalued BCH to get picked up by some other sucker.

>> No.4518748
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>> No.4518789

Same deal with every altcoin. Just a bunch of faggots who think they missed the bitcoin boat and bought the hype

>> No.4518801

>destroy BTC
no no, we just want eth to get to its rightful thrown as the currency that is the base market for all others.
It already supports all the crypto securities, and soon many more unique platforms.
Just need the governments to comply and give credit ratings to each asset.

>> No.4518811

>thinking people aren't buying BTC for speculation

If you're buying and holding BTC, then it's for speculation, you nimwit.

>> No.4518839

I'm late to the crypto party and I hate BTC but not because I missed out on gains. Honestly if BTC was actually fast and cheap and had superior tech to its competitors I would all in BTC. It has none of those things and is simply coasting on the fact that it was the first, which in 2017 it lost a huge amount of it's dominance to competitors and still hasn't come closer to scaling.

Then everyone says its "digital gold" and "store of value" instead. What a joke. It is such a shitcoin I hate even having to buy it to for BTC pairings for altcoins.

>> No.4518866

The market whole-heartedly disagrees with you nigger. Your argument is not even worth rebuttal.

>> No.4518895

Why do non of you BCH niggers have a presence on social media where you have to show your face? like Youtube? its because you would get absolutely blown the fuck out in the comment section so you troll here.

And just to let you know there will be repercussions for your actions.

>> No.4518914

>Honestly if BTC was actually fast and cheap and had superior tech
Another shill using the same exact language taught to him by jihan.

>It is such a shitcoin I hate even having to buy it to for BTC pairings for altcoins.
Ok now you are just making me laugh.

>> No.4518946

Fuck off you subhuman ape

>> No.4519158

>BCH is literally the product that BTC investors have been paying for from the start

Stop clowning. Investors are never going to sacrifice secruity, trustlessness and netowrk fidelity for lower fees.

BCH is a gypnak coin. It's cheap, so you get what you pay for. Bitmain will always run BCH, and can key in a 51% attack at any time, whenever they choose. There is no strength in a network like that, and big investors are never going to use it for that reason.

Bitcoin offers transparency and openness. It enables genuine entrepreneurship and wealth creation and provides a trustless environment where you can execute international trades and never have to rely on *if* the counterparty is good on their word.

BCH is operated to allow the dirty money to slip quietly out of the bitcoin ecosystem. It requires them taking a haircut, because BCH price will always be a fraction of BTC. But a haircut is better than a life sentence - or a death sentence.

Blockchain is a dragnet, closing in on launderers, fraudsters, and raketeers. Criminals that go to the very top of state and corporate bodies. BCH is their exit strategy from the blockchain. Because if you remain on the blockchain, and you hold dirty money, you are going to get wiped out.

>> No.4519240

Nothing of that sort will happen because Bitcoin cash is the real Bitcoin. It's what people think of when they see Bitcoin - fast tx speeds and low fees. Fuck off and die core faggot. Core version of Bitcoin is effectively a shitcoin atm

>> No.4519248

Adapt or die. If you don't want to scale you get to step aside and let others do it.

>> No.4519292

>It's what people think of when they see Bitcoin - fast tx speeds and low fees.
You dont speak for anyone but your bitch nigger "friends".

Replying just like you are paid too. Go right ahead and "scale".

>> No.4519391

I mean we literally are.
BCH is us going ahead and scaling, it was obvious that BTC is never going to get a bigger blocksize under blockstream.

>> No.4519495
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Been in BTC since 2011. Flipped the last of my $15 BTC into BCH the other day faggot.

>> No.4519504

Im looking forward to bch coinniggers once again failing to learn their lesson. Don't forget to raise your stops altfags

>> No.4519783

>what is first mover advantage
>what is network effect
>what is lightning network
>what is deflationary store of value
>what is open source dev community

Learn how to brain, brainlet.

>> No.4519792

The BTC has done much more to destroy itself recently than anything BCH could dream of doing.

>> No.4519804

>what is lightning network
>what is deflationary store of value
literally a ponzi if you cant move it
>what is open source dev community
not whatever blockstream is

>> No.4519814

>implying day traders give a fuck about the mid/longterm consequences
we're just here to make money OP

>> No.4519842

Deluded core coiner.

You are stuck in the weeds, go and play with your raspberry pi. Literally it's like a bunch of vitrolic feminists Vs the men.

>> No.4519854

If blockstream really turn out to be as evil as BCH fanboys think they are, do you not think competitors will simply offer a different routing option for cheaper?

Also, I assume you've read about ASICBOOST and the real reason BCH was created?

>> No.4519871

Also, LN is being tested right now, hardly the definition of vaporware

>> No.4520094

>LN is vaporware
denying something exists because you don't like it. Let's see how that is gonna work out for you
>literally a ponzi
Using words wrong because you don't know what they mean.
>blockstream is not open source
You could sit there today and develop the future of BTC right now, if you had the talent. If your work was good, and was not designed to afford small cartels an uncompetitive advantage, it would find adoption. Literally try it for yourself, instead of sitting on the sidelines cheerleading for cartelcoins.

>> No.4520204

>he thinks the Bitcoin family have the most utility/are the most technically advanced cryptos

Why the fuck does anyone want mainstream adoption of crypto, its literally the crypto golden age rn. Wait till a bunch of Wall Street kikes enter and fuck it all up

>> No.4520274
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What BCH brainlets think will happen
>Everyone is impressed by BCH low fees
>Everyone dumps BTC for BCH and BCH becomes world currency
What will actually happen
>BTC, the only mainstream cryptocurrency, crashes
>No one dares invest in crypto again
>BTC and BCH are worthless in a year time

>> No.4520308

Hey faggots

Why dont you just increase the mother fucking blocksize, 2 years ago, eh cucks?

Youre killing bitcoin, you fucks.

>> No.4520451

They just missed out on btc riches and are desperate to make a fortune like us true Bitcoin folk. They will say and agree on anything for wishful thinking purposes with dumb hope that they will have valuable coin and money for the first time in their pathetic lives. Bch is the real Bitcoin meme etc... Sure sure... I'll just stay happy with my 'fake' Bitcoin which is worth 5 times as much and have netted me well and truly over 2 MM USD.

>> No.4520488

Hate BTC.... Emotional investor.... I don't need to have more information to know how hard you will fail. Nah nah...I hate it and it has nothing to do with the fact I missed the party. Your delusions are painfully pathetic. Too weak to admit to yourself that you are just a hack. Enjoy being poor. I really see no other options for an emotional Investor

>> No.4520548

Guys, guys, keep your money in a corporate controlled, super censored Blockstream Coin!! Otherwise everything else dies!

>> No.4520579

So how much lost potential profit have you lost? You really can't go wrong with BCH last 2 weeks a noob could trade those swings

>> No.4520599

>What is lightning network?
Have been hearing about this shit for years and yet still it keeps getting delayed. And you still need bigger blocks for that bullshit to work

That being said, there is no way BCH is going to win. If it ever looks that way for real Core will just announce emergency hardfork to 2/4 mb blocks

>> No.4520630
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>he actually thinks BTC is worth $130 billion

what do you think would happen if someone tried to sell 100k BTC right at this moment, you think he'd actually get 100k*$8000?

>> No.4520711

One of btcs main selling points was its ability to transact across the world in seconds with fees lower than banks. Years ago people teach others about bitcoin by sending them 1 to play around with.

>> No.4520751
File: 50 KB, 663x707, minister-you-satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satoshis vision
say it with me /biz/ BCH is BTC and current core implementation is an imposter

>> No.4520829
File: 43 KB, 741x568, Curious Helper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks gold is worth $2 trillion

what do you think would happen if someone tried to sell 300 million pounds of gold right at this moment, you think he'd actually get 300 million*$1,200?

>> No.4520847

>One of btcs main selling points was its ability to transact across the world in seconds with fees lower than banks. Years ago people teach others about bitcoin by sending them 1 to play around with.

Actually, what you describe is just a symptom of Satoshi's vision. You left out the crucial step.

Satoshi wanted a direct payment system that did not require banks. The motivation for this was that banks created a monopolistic cartel, and were able to extract inflated fees that are unfair to the average user.

But that is not unique to banks. Any monopolistic cartel will do the same. Kill of competitiors, then screw end users once they have no other alternative.

That is precisely what Bitmain is attempting to create with BCH.

People who complain about the (artifically high due to spam) fees on bitcoin are short-termists. They will accept a cheap imitation service today, with the understanding they will pay over the odds for it the rest of their lives once there are no market alternatives.

BCash transaction is cheap, because you get what you pay for.

>> No.4520854

Yeah, let's see Core try and justify a hardfork after passing it off as the Boogeyman. The timeframe for doing that would be on the order of months- could be too late even if they do announce it.

Also, importantly, a 2MB/4MB hardfork would so dramatically push off the timeframe for Blockstream to ever have serious demand and profit in the lightning network that they could just run out of money.

>> No.4520865
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I don't hold either coin, but I do distinctly remember corecucks laughing at BCH and saying it would never break $1000 or threaten BTC. Now a pair of weeks later the tune has shifted to a less smug, more pleading tone.

As an outsider, it seems to be like BTC holders are getting increasingly nervous.

>> No.4520871

That's incoherent. Bitmain backed Bitcoin cash, which has far lower fees and that's a monopoly how?

>> No.4520916

Hey dumbass, maybe that was the fucking point of Bitcoin to begin with?

You're part of the reason why this coin will cause the market to crash within the next couple of years. Fags like you still support pumping this coin up for no other reason to make a quick buck on it.

I can slight you for having done that prior 2017, but Bitcoin is losing it's value as an altnerative to using fiat. Transaction fees are too high, backlogs of unprocessed transactions and slow processing times will cause the coin to lose it's relevancy once one of it's competitors is recognized as being more user friendly by the general public. You're a delusional moron if you think Bitcoin is going to survive much longer than a couple of years given the Bitfinex/Tether controversy, and everything else that I mentioned above.

It's not going to hold out much longer. The only way it may be able to retain it's relevancy is if it can avoid heavy government oversight and the whales keep it going. But even then, the current administration could come out against it, or in favor of crypto. Idk

>> No.4520978

Ethereum is going to be the next world currency.

Bitcoin was merely a testbed. Ethereum is satoshis vision

>> No.4520994

If Satoshi's vision involved child pornography and communist collapse yeah sure.

>> No.4521000

Can you please use some more memes in this thread, I am using it for a research paper!! Great discussion.

>> No.4521022
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dont forget mass worldwide autism

>> No.4521041

Nothing wrong with upping the blocksize until a proper non centralized solution can be sourced. Can always scale the blocks back when they start coming up empty

>> No.4521060

Did Vitalik trigger your moral indignation?
He is shaped a bit like a dollar sign

>> No.4521162
File: 910 KB, 500x382, 87c[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism is next step human evolution
how are we going to cope with teleportation space travel and genetic engineering to produce offspring on other planets if we arent autistic

>> No.4521188

mfw people think if bitcoin kicks the bucket normies buy a bitcoin called bitcoin cash made by some chinaman that alters the code whenever he wants so he stays in business ?

>> No.4521263


Bitmain *is* BCH. It had 97% of the network in the first few months. It is a controlled market: it is not free.

>> No.4521287

the problem with upping the blocksize was it being done unilaterally, by a monopolistic mining farm, while preserving a non-competitive exploit that the very same mining farm not only used, but had IP ownership of.

Satoshi's vision? Only if you have drunk the koolaid and never read the white paper.

>> No.4521323

No, what will actually happen is Ethereum becoming #1 and everyone fomoing into it, while both bitcoins fade into obscurity.

Faith into search engines didn't die when google won with yahoo.

>> No.4521363

It's only Core faggots that think "the other side" have to be destroyed.
They can coexist.
Digital gold and digital cash.

>> No.4521387

>drumpf supporters seem to be getting increasingly nervous

>> No.4521388

muh digital gold meme. kys

>> No.4521390

You're in backwards land.
BCH publicity is literally all "we are 'real' bitcoin", "BCH is satoshi's only one true vision", "flippening will end BTC".

Bitcoin hodlers are by a huge majority thinking to themselves "thanks for this handful of free altcoin".

>> No.4521429

There is no problem. Bitcoin Legacy (BTC) will stabilize around $1k while Bitcoin (BCH) moons to $10k before Christmas. 99.999% of normies don't have Bitcoin yet and they will never know about the time when Blockstream tried to be Bitcoin.

>> No.4521450
File: 69 KB, 453x576, 1508973710579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corecucking this hard

>> No.4521477

not really both bitcoin sides are full of fags
one side is being compromised by some company that wants to make cash by keeping the blocks low
the other uses an exploit and big blocks to stay relevant
both are controlled by one entity
>muh corecuck
go fuck jihan if you want fuck

>> No.4521509

The ones destrozing BTC are not the BCH fans, but Blockstream, the BTC development team. They're the ones who don't want BTC to scale so that they can force people to use the Lightning Network so that Blockstream can have more centralized control.

BCH is the solution to revitalize Bitcoin.