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4514593 No.4514593 [Reply] [Original]

Do your grandchildren a favor and buy 1 btc while it's under 10k

>> No.4514857
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I can't, it's too expensive.

>> No.4514874

5 years from now: "I wish I saved up and bought one when it was 8k, but now its too expensive"

>> No.4514892

But Bitcoin is still only $1350?

>> No.4514906
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You think I don't know that? I wish I wasn't a poorfag. But I am. And I can see it get further and further out of my reach every single day. Fuck my life.

>> No.4514908

nice just realized bitcoin buys itself and it will go up even if you don't market it
don't ask me about liquidity though

>> No.4514918

he said Bitcoin, not shitcoin

>> No.4514922

you know you can buy fractions of bitcoin, right?

>> No.4514951

I know that, and I currently have them in alts so that I can try to accumulate at least 1 btc. But last month really put a hurting on me. I could have had 2.2 BTC. But I got greedy, then so shellshocked from the loss that I just held. I took profits wherever I could and put them into good alts that were low. But at this point I'm not even looking to get back to 2.2. I just want 1.1 so I can have 1 to sit on, and then trade with the other 0.1 to see if I can recover the rest with that.

>> No.4515014

arbitrary numbers will get you killed, stop being so stupid. just set your wallet to display in different units if you're that obsessive. the market doesn't give a shit about your goals.

>> No.4515053

I'm going to guess that English isn't your first language?

>> No.4515079

what an odd statement from someone who himself has a very poor grasp of comma usage. why is my first language relevant here?

>> No.4515128
File: 53 KB, 650x868, My_Secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have no idea what the fuck you were even trying to imply. Just change my arbitrary numbers to different units of arbitrary numbers? What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.4515313

>i want one of something, it's not worth having if i can't have one whole thing
this mindset is completely misguided in this space other than for people who want to exploit the simple psychology behind it and it hand-in-hand with similar dumb ideas like:
>i'm only looking to buy coins less than $1
>buying coins only because of a low circulating supply
>they're burning tokens/halving blocks, this will cause a price spike regardless of demand

you can toggle wallet software to display in whole units or sub-units like satoshis or mBTC if you can't stand seeing a number <1

>> No.4515331

it goes hand-in-hand*
i'm smoking marijuana kush i have only a quarter of my regular brain cells left, don't do it son

>> No.4515352
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kek not in this universe

>> No.4515440
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But how will I reach my goal of 21 BTC if I don't measure in BTC?

>> No.4515477

I've only got 2.6 BTC, but that'll do me well enough for now

Praying I can figure out what the true successor to BTC is and get in early and in large enough quantities

>> No.4515538

buy 5 of the new mining rigs and mine 5 btc in 2018 3 btc in 2019 1 btc in 2020 then you're fucked sorry