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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4510256 No.4510256 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here /biz/, let's talk. What's your end game if you make it from crypto currency.or whatever it is that you do. Personally I want to get revenge on the pieces of shit who ahve wronged me, buy a cozy condo somewhere, travel, fuck escorts, go to asian massage parlors, eat restaurant food, do high quality drugs, host huge parties etc etc etc.. What about you?

>> No.4510291

To be happy

>> No.4510293
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I want my father to be proud of me.

>> No.4510304

order 1 of everything at the mcdonalds

>> No.4510321


buy a plot of land and house, become self sustainable so i can get out of the jew game

>> No.4510327

This, unironically.

>> No.4510328

Downpayment for real estate

>> No.4510333

escape the third world shithole i was born in.

>> No.4510355

Freedom. That’s what I want: freedom from wageslavery, freedom to be able to do what I like without material constraints. (And to pay to my father the money he paid for my failed university degree).

>> No.4510390

live a secluded life, travel, do a lot of research and invest in mostly unexplored, uninteresting science fields

>> No.4510396

Buy an apartment, get an asian bride and live with her together while being financially independent.

>> No.4510513
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honestly im happy when im able to pay my 8000€ debt from crypto
i started with 400€ 3 months ago and now im scratching at the 4000€ mark
i will obviously continue investing afterwards but when im debt free im already happy as fuck

>> No.4510553

my plan is to first figure out if my family deserves anything if i make it. i'll be like MOM DAD I LOST EVERYING IN CRYPTO FUCK I NEED HELP. if they decide to call me an idiot or tell me to go fuck myself i'll whip out blockfolio and tell THEM TO FUCK THEMSELVES. then travel around the world for awhile til i figure out what life i want to live

>> No.4510593

It keeps changing. All I used to want was 10k profit, now I have 30k but want 100k, if I had 100k I'd want a million and so on. Damn it greed.

>> No.4510609

you sound like a giant faggot

>> No.4510621

hm i like that. I will also do this

>> No.4510643


>> No.4510653

Move to Switzerland, build my home, become a sheep farmer, purchase a top tier piano lessons and get maths PhD

>> No.4510663


>> No.4510665
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my father only scorns me more when i tell him about my gains, i want off this ride

>> No.4510690

To not be a wage slave while still have enough money for house and family.

>> No.4510704

I want to wake up every morning and not have to worry about anything. I want to be free.

>> No.4510739
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I just want a cozy home, a decent car and to travel every once i a while. Would be great if i could bring some of my closest friends/family/girlfriend some good experiences.

Fuck chasing lambos and big houses, it's all artificial and only poor people think that stuff like that provides happiness.

>> No.4510760


>> No.4510763

Take some cash and invest in real estate. Go back to college (laugh at the plebs who are taking mountains of debt while I pay it all in full) to learn business and economics and to make my parents happy. Once I have a few successful properties under my belt I'll take up speculation around the world and invest more time in. The crypto industry which should be booming by then. If I'm going to be this early in it might as well stay involved

>> No.4510764

I'm not sure. I wanted something but now it is gone and money can't get it back. Hopefully time will heal things.

>> No.4510784
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my father laughed at me when I said "I'm going to retire early" and then I said "I'm not joking" and he goes
>I know you aren't
what did he mean by that?

>> No.4510785

Buy a above average apartment in a decent neighbourhood without a mortgage. That's it. Being a multimillionaire would probably have a lot of impact on current relationships and open doors to new problems.

>> No.4510821

I want to become a fucking whale

>> No.4510834

To have enough saved money to never worry. I don't need a lavish lifestyle I just want to be able to comfortably live on my own.

>> No.4510848
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I want to be able to repair my car and get it back on the road so I can get a job, and then be able to visit ancient sites around the world ie peru, lebanon, syria ethiopia and egypt. With the left over I want to start a physical business maybe apartment cleaning or something.

>> No.4510853

just fuck you money, that's all I'm after. Once I have that, then who knows what I'll do.

>> No.4510863

Mail order brides are desperately looking for good men, be sure to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6vgx81XQL0

>> No.4510869
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tfw your father thinks you retiring is euphemism for suicide

>> No.4510885

>only poor people think that stuff like that provides happiness.

This nails it IMO, I've always laughed at people who say they're gonna be rich so they can stunt on poor people who think that wealth = nice cars. You'll pretty much always be poor if you continue to think like a poor person. Maybe you can be rich, but you won't be wealthy. Such a difference.

>> No.4510898
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donate all my earnings to my favorite charity

>> No.4510914

I teach public school. It is an absolute fucking hellhole.

I want to open a medium-scale private school for the most gifted and talented students from around the world. Half pay to play from wealthy families, half scholarship based for those with no means. Equal focus on culture/the arts and science/emerging technology.

Just once, I want to know what it feels like to see someone educated to their potential.

>> No.4510946 [DELETED] 

My goal is $1,000,000 USD portfolio value.

I'll take that out of crypto (unless there is some obvious reason not to), and immediately invest it into a safe, vanguard fund which will earn me around 8%/yr.

$80k/yr is comfy AF.

Get myself a nice house in a neighborhood I like, and spend the rest of my life running a non profit and helping people build interactive art.

That's my moon mission. I'm about 10% of the way there right now. If my portfolio 10x (which I think it will), I think I might really make it.

I'm about 80% BTC, 15% ETH, and a few shitcoins/litecoin.

>> No.4510994
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It will, anon.

>> No.4510999

Likewise. About to finish two degrees in viticulture and enology. I plan on 20acres and freedom.

>> No.4511029

Open up a school for gifted orphans that end up getting trained to take down pedo rings. Fuck pedophiles kids don't deserve that shit.

>> No.4511049 [DELETED] 


:( -- I know that feel bros. This is an anonymous board that I feel comfortable sharing this on, but:

My Dad is super, super successful. He has multiple houses, he has a private jet, his own pilot on staff, he has an extremely successful company, but my Dad doesn't like me at all :(.

I think he thinks I am sortof a loser because I spend my time teaching in non-profits.

It's tough getting together with him and some other members of my family (doctors) who are all super wealthy. They talk about buying new houses, flying all over the world, wine that costs shitloads of money, fancy golfcourses, etc.

I can't even relate to ANY of that. I like to play golf, but I play at the shitty muni course that's $18 rnd. I have the same no-name-brand clubs that I got in high school. I like wine too, but $10/bottle.

I remember bringing up a restaurant that I liked, that I thought they might like because it's a wine bar and their response was "yeah, but they have REALLY shitty wine there!"

Oh sorry :(.


>> No.4511072

I would be homeless. Travel indefinitely, revisiting all the cool places I've been (navyfag), and adding a few dozen more. In between adventures visit old friends and far flung family members or take them along for the ride when possible.

>> No.4511082

you arent the problem. They are.

>> No.4511099

>you arent the problem. They are.

thanks anon. I deleted the posts because I was being whiney.

>> No.4511112


I want to support my family in the Philippines

>> No.4511115

I will get out after I make $10k to pay off student loans

>> No.4511120

Currently I'm just playing about with fairly inconsequential amount. I put in 600€ about two months ago and now it's worth about twice that. So I'm putting in 500€ more. Just something to follow and make some money off of, I guess.

I would have up to 50k that I could be putting into this. However, I don't have the balls to gamble my inheritance when I have no steady income or employment yet. Further, surely this sort of uncontrolled growth has to be a bubble. No doubt there's real money to be made, but I'm not that much of a gambling man.

>> No.4511122

Anon you pretty much summed it up. Also want to help my family to make it. wanna pay for family holdays and memories we share together.

>> No.4511125


>> No.4511131

Put 25k into Monero you fucking stupid idiot.

>> No.4511159

buy a ranch (~2000 acres)

>> No.4511166

Pay for my father's retirement

Pay for my steroids + rhinoplasty + blephoplasty

Travel the world for a year, fuck countless JB

Return to my 600 dollar honda civic at home, and begin solving at least one of the world's most challenging problems

>> No.4511191

ditto. sometimes i look in the mirror and see the reflection of george schwartz.

>> No.4511228

Have to never work again, learn the guitar at master level, have a small affordable place with a nice sized garden which is walled or fenced off, for privacy, detached place obviously, these 9 hours days killing me and my soul!

>> No.4511234


you people are treating money as an end in itself rather than a means. You expect X amount of money to make you happy. But attainment of a goal never provides more than momentary happiness. What would be the evolutionary purpose of that? The dopamine fades and you want more. Habituation. Man's greatest folly.

>> No.4511263
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i would buy some friends

>> No.4511273

I want to earn $200,000. With this money I will buy a small house in a small community and a decent car. Then I will work my modest job knowing I have a solid safety net.

>> No.4511294

>Buy my own place
>Setup a small tech business and offer equity roles for all my hardworking switched on close friends.
>Encourage them to live near me, they all live in the same city currently which I would move to (I live in the capital for that career life)
>Quit my wageslave job that puts gold on the shareholders tables
>Hang out with my friends everyday, deepening our relationships and experiencing meaningful life's together.
>Grow old and lazy with my family and friends and be able to make sure that they are never stressed and rarely sad.

I'm 1/10th of the way there but now I think I need to increase my target. I really hope I make it, I don't want to spend my life dreaming of what could have been while I toil 5/7 in a lonely city.

>> No.4511306
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>> No.4511310
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fuck a lot of hookers

>> No.4511335

i just want to win in this game
it's not about money
i just like making right decisions (for the same reason i'm a sore loser)

>> No.4511338


>> No.4511461
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>surgery for eyes
>become chad investor now that I actually have a bank account bigger than 1k
>leave this overcrowded shit hole and move somewhere quieter
>finish learning japanese and visit the place for a month or so

>> No.4511471

First make 2k, buy new setup to keep going, getting financial help to grow faster and keep working and studying this game better. when i make enough i move by myself and studying even more and working.. next step the wallstreet game.

>> No.4511504

How ? How did you get so much? Please bro tell
Me, i have a shit job at ikea with the lowest salary, and the highest level of asshole bosses,

Please tell me how to do it :( or atleast recommend me a book or point me in a direction, i am fucking suicidal

>> No.4511577
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>What is your goal ?
I'd like to make enough to not have to work anymore, and be able to spend my free time in something of real value. Also hobbies, friends, and (a future) family.

Right now I have around 100€ in crypto. It sucks to be poor.

>> No.4511601

how much btc to hold her hand?

>> No.4511613

if you are suicidal i recommend getting professional help first
i was at that point too and put myself in psychiatry on 28.12.16-14.02..17
it wasnt nice but the anti depressants helped so much i can hardly describe it and therapy also feels good
if you got that out of your way only invest based on your own research and mostly hold with a little bit of swing trading on the side
also keep in mind im only in this game for a few weeks myself so im not actually qualified to give tips

>> No.4511674

I just don't want to have to tell my kids one day that I didn't invest in crypto.

>> No.4511779

How much would you pay to hold his hand?

>> No.4511828

Small town
Nice job
Nice family
Nice house and car
And stock up for the racewar
and Instigate the race war like Soros

>> No.4511832



don't do this to me

>> No.4511901

Then don't announce it to anyone. Only reveal your power level to someone you really think you can trust.

>> No.4511923

Why would you still want to work a job at that point? Are you retarded?

>> No.4511926

this this

small town
big house
attractive wife
5 blonde kiddos
upper middle class
minimum to no wagecucking

need powr to go to 100$ like yesterday

>> No.4511933

10x more :DDD xd

>> No.4511935

friendly reminder that having a "nice family" is statistically unlikely, due to the over-50% divorce rate, with women calling more than 75% of them.

Pump and dump women if you wish, do not marry them. they can take half of your precious crypto gains at will lads.

>> No.4511953

This. Fuck work. I want to grow food and weed all day

>> No.4511985

I started crypto with faucets.
So 1#, gain enough to buy mc do.($20)
2# gain enough to pay my parent loan ($10000)
3# gain enough to buy a house and rent it ($150000)
I will only wirdraw when I have at least the double in crypto.
I need to work on my English a little bit...

>> No.4511988
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>it actually is a guy

>> No.4511993

What about different sizes and meal sizes? Like for example, would you get one order of chicken nuggets and consider that ordering chicken nuggets or would you feel it necessary to order a 6-piece nuggets and also a 10-piece nuggets?

>> No.4512018

Dreams are nice boyo. Most people want families. Fuck being a mgtowcel. Degenerate af.

>> No.4512023
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Nah, I was joking. She's called "shiroganesama".

It's fun, because she probably make more money in a week than I in a whole month.

>> No.4512027
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I'm never spending a single penny on a women unless it's a escort. Women are inferior, they are only sexual objects.

>> No.4512041

The fuck are you going to grow food lol? Beef etc doesn't grow on houseplants. You just mean grow weed and eat food?

>> No.4512047

%3.5 down on an FHA loan. I'm in the same game

>> No.4512065
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>Hobbit house innawoods somewhere
>sex cabinet full of onaholes
>isolation tank with 15.7d dolby surround sound system
>infinite supply of DMT
>2 cats

Perfect life.

>> No.4512075

its ok i wont have any when powr is finished josting me.

>> No.4512124

I like the game, too. I'd still be playing coins and stocks regardless of how much money I have. Material lifestyle is a secondary concern that I can pay for with my salary or, if retired because rich, however much money my tightwad ass is willing to pull out of the game.

>> No.4512171

To set up a big enough money tree to ensure my family is financially independent until one of them fucks it up.

>> No.4512194
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I'd publish my books.

That's my main motivation for getting ahead, though. I have 2 fantasy novels that I've written, but getting an editor to edit 400+ pages of content and critiquing it will cost several thousand in discretionary income. I'll also need a lot of time to rewrite shit that won't make it in a kindle ebook market. I have plans for 5 more novels as well and I would much like to see them do well because the characters, the stories, and the impact on my imaginary world will be orders of magnitude more significant than what I have. I would also like to commission artists to draw/animate my characters, my landscapes, my significant events as well as compose music for characters, action sequences, settings, etc.

Ideally, I'd create a wiki and some sort of book that details all the characters and events. I'd gain a following that compels an indie director to gather a crew to film a movie while they have me on set for artistic direction.

>> No.4512213
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>5 years later

>> No.4512259

that's beautiful, thank you

>> No.4512273

My dad died 3 months ago, what do I do now?

>> No.4512297

Dream on nerd

>> No.4512308

Fuck off, faggot

>> No.4512309

I'm from 3rd world country with 300$ average salary. All i want is to make around 20k$ and immigrate to France to study. That's why i'm working 10 hours every fucking day.

>> No.4512312

That's an awesome goal, anon. Use wealth to bring your creative vision to life. I wish you luck.

>> No.4512319

The guys that are talking about doing drugs in the woods know what's up, get on the level

>> No.4512326

Open my own business in a big city.

>> No.4512355

Thank you, man! I'll get some of my work published regardless, but I think it would be so cool if I had some sort of crypto fund that took care of the artistic vision fund while the rest of my money went to the other bullshit that I call an existence.

>> No.4512373

Travel the world promoting veganism

>> No.4512381

I want to own a mansion on the Venetian Lido and have afternoon naps in the shade.

Something like this:

>> No.4512385


>> No.4512396

Laugh now faggot but you will pay later

>> No.4512411

i want to buy a house in full

>> No.4512458

veganism is absolutely retarded
do you actually think your eating habits are going to change the wold?
in 5 years we will grow meat in labs anyway so that whole vegan bullshittery can finally die

>> No.4512471

Can I pre order 1000 copies of your elf books

>> No.4512475

make white babies

>> No.4512495

he knows you're not joking, just deluded. This isnt hard anon

>> No.4512504

Travel, definitely. And get a house by the sea/beach. Maybe start a business or something

>> No.4512811
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rich enough that I can LARP as a multinational arms dealer and sell a bunch of guns to Saudis with way more money than sense

>> No.4512845

I was considering the pros and cons of moving to someplace where there is an abundance of hot girls. So for example if you guys have yellow-fever then maybe for you that might be around Tokyo, Manila, Bangkok, or something. But I have the Slav-fever so for me that would probably be someplace like Spt, Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, Prague, Warsaw.

>> No.4512928

Sounds fun. You know what would make that idea really sweet? Do your deals one of those mega casino/mall/hotel things they have out in Vegas.

>> No.4512955

What amount do you guys consider to have "made it"?

$1,000,000 after taxes is my goal. I'm fairly certain I could make that work for me and live off of.

>> No.4513025

>doing deals in America
Not tryna catch a CIA bullet amigo

>> No.4513115

I want money so I can make friends
I'm lonely

>> No.4513244

We can be friends for free if we have similar interests.

>> No.4513286

women, hiking, motorcycles, technology

>> No.4513303

You sound like a faggot tbqh

>> No.4513581

Go fuck yourself, anon.

>> No.4513657

buy a boat. a live a board. travel around the world and disappear into the sunset.

>> No.4513678

Sounds interesting, but you should change "women" and add "lil girls".

>> No.4513744


Build enough wealth so my family can have "family money". Leave my children a comfy future.

Buy a sports team.

>> No.4513759

I always liked playing career mode on FIFA, not to actually play but to buy young players, develop them, and make a profit. Doing it in real life would be a fucking rush

>> No.4513874


To get to a point where I don't need to worry about being homeless and hungry.
Focus all of my time into martial arts, travel the world looking for teachers and friends to train with.
Mostly I just want to look back on life and die with a smile on my face.

>> No.4513906

If you want to get good at a martial art, you will need to be in the same place for an extended period of time.

>> No.4513958

depends what you consider making it. i see it like this: if 5% of the total earnings would look good as my yearly income, it's enough. 5% of 1mil is 50k, which is basically wagecuck salary, but without the wagecucking, so it's still something. personally, at least 3 mill would be my minimum, with 10 mil being preferable.

>> No.4513981


That's fine, I just want to train in peace. The city is full of noise, and terrible smells. Honestly at this point being a monk is an aspiration.

>> No.4514203
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>if I can get rich in under 7 years I'm retiring before my dad

>> No.4514226

Which martial arts is good for really fucking someone up and leaving them disabled for life?

>> No.4514231

Donate to charity.

>> No.4514279
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>> No.4514316

I just want to live in a safer area and buy a really nice house where I can put my family into. I live in the ghettos and I'm just hoping in a couple of years of hodling BTC will help me and my family get out.

>> No.4514335

Great goal. Very well thought out too. Airdrop free tickets to your movie on 4chan when you make it

>> No.4514347


Quit job, buy house, spend my time building furniture and stuff out of wood, wildlife photography, keep pet reptiles, continue shitposting on various boards of course.

Not all that different than right now, it's just that my job gets in the way of the hobbies and I can't afford to buy a house yet.

>> No.4514349

Where at? I feel you brah, I live in a shitty nigger/spic part of NYC and it sucks and I want out ASAP.

>> No.4514354

Gun fu

>> No.4514364


I think one order of nuggets counts towards the nugget category regardless of quantity.

>> No.4514438

I just want enough to pay off my parents' mortgage and buy a Model X. And to never work again. A boat would be nice too.

>> No.4514511

Lol you guys..

Your parents are inferior versions of you. They grew up in a more ignorant age, cemented more ignorant beliefs, and carry more pain than u ever will

>> No.4514530

This is true

>> No.4514579
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I want to overcome my biggest flaw, which is the inability to plan and stick to things, and become the opposite of what I am.
I want to be order incarnate and change my name to Atlas.
To carry the world on my shoulders but instead of hunching like a bitch shoulder press it 3x18 three times a week.
I'll have a great wife, three amazing kids, a big business, have my parents, friends, siblings and cousins over all the time, lift like a truck and just be an overall iron man. To have unbreakable morals and the discipline of a thousand monks. I want to tame my inner monkey so bad I won't be able to grow a single hair in my entire body and my bald head sitting on top of my monstrous trapezoids will shine like a beacon of hope to all those who know the feeling of having your instincts get the best of you.

>> No.4514647


Muay Thai is great for leaving perm damage but you have to kill a lot of your nerves in your elbows and knees while training.
What you really want is the ShaoLin submission techniques, or akido which branches off of them, one good grab and they lose a limb.

>> No.4514663
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this thread is depressing, but I hope every single one of you guys make it and live up to your dreams

>> No.4514697

My only goal in life is to have a house paid off in cash so that I can work on my business part time and raise a family. I'm cashing out as soon as I can do that, but I have a long way to go.

>> No.4514725

Buy an Island, live off the land, and shoot guns into the ocean.

>> No.4514748

best answer here. Thank you anon, make as many as you can please.

>> No.4514787

my goal will always be to make more money.
it is fun.

>> No.4514830

Fuck off /pol/

Don't force people into existence just so you can fulfill your weird stormfront demography scheme

>> No.4515070

Why's it depressing? Because we're all deluded and going to die wageslaves? Heh... I guess that is kind of depressing.

>> No.4515183

Pay off my car and pay for college. Even if you mooned into a million you still need a job dumb shits

>> No.4515198

i want to pay off my mommy's mortgage

>> No.4515207

Except we don't have to. Dying a wageslave is a thing of the past. Even some 30 years ago the general population was uneducated and too easily manipulated. We might not get 100% of our desires but we have the knowledge and tools to get more than 0%.
>Want to be full-time artist but not good enough
>Have an instagram page with my drawings and occasionally sell one instead

>Want to be full-time musician but cannot
>Upload my songs to youtube and maybe get a hundred thousand views

>Want to NEET away forever, but not enough passive income
>Move to Thailand and live off 1,500 dollars a month forever

Older generations died wageslaves because they did not have half the tech or the knowledge we own today.

>> No.4515305
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>>Move to Thailand and live off 1,500 dollars a month forever
Is that possible? I'd only need $180k worth of Ark for that....

>> No.4515355

Sure thing. All your living expenses plus a trip to a nearby country every 6 months is pretty doable on 1500 a month

>> No.4515388
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My first goal is to make $75k from crypto. After I hit that goal, I'll diversify a small % into stocks.

My end goal is:
>to make at least a million $

I have some connection to the representatives in my country's parliament. I want to be involved in politics so that I can expand my networks to other powerful politicians, so that I can do bigger business.

I want to build a business empire.

When I hit 1 million $, I want to build a safe house for the homeless, the poor old people and the orphans. I want to take care of them. I want to finance these orphans' education until college.

The rest of the money will be used for my future wife and children. I want to afford the best life for them.

Money is not the end goal, it's just the tool to realize our dreams.

I hope every one of us here will make it.

>> No.4515732
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Retire early with over a million $ in investments generating passive income I can use over the year. (Think 5% growth = 50k sitting on my ass, easy living). If I am still single by then I could deal with a humble abode. Car doesn't have to be anything too expensive. 2012 Dodge Challenger is bae. Occasional weed and LSD, can buy in bulk especially for the LSD. I like to microdose too.

>> No.4515801

>paying chads to live their dream lifestyle
>getting a rush vicariously through chad’s success

>> No.4515805

This is true, and is the reason why I hate my dad for being so fucking stupid and ignorant. Really wish I just had a normal American dad sometimes honestly.

>> No.4515826

Bro, these are good ambitions but s million dollars isn't anything

>> No.4515845

>middle schooler detected

>> No.4516101
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Don't tell me you actually believe this?

>> No.4516103

Give us some stories anon! Whereabouts (roughly) is the school?

>> No.4516311

hmmm depends where you live and how much interest you get, in my country I would need a lot more then that. I would need 4,000,000 at least to sit on my ass and do nothing.

My goal is to have 4 million keep investing it and rot away at home while my fortune grows forever.

Just want to stop the forced financial slavery I am in right now.

>> No.4516351
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i want to be a billionaire chad with a lot of lambos, i want that link make me rich, and i will pursue pure intellectual pleasure.

>> No.4516399

damn that pic is goals,
basically rich as fuck, got your shit together and you're just watching society collapse from a safe distance

>> No.4516650

No. Because all of us have such a nice dreams. We're so small and insignificant right now, but this tread is full of our heart's desires, many of which we equally share. Freedom, opportunities, hobbies, family. It makes me sad that likely not all of us will make it, so I can only hope I'm wrong. I want to be wrong about that. I enjoy spending time on /biz/ and wish this community to prosper. It's not hard making money trading cryptos, it's hard to fulfill dreams.

>> No.4516705

I want to have enough for a house deposit by 25

>> No.4516717
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You seem like a good guy anon. Yes that thought is actually kind of depressing. But you never know honestly. Hopefully we all do end up making it. For me, I just want to be financially free and get what I think I deserve. I just want to be away from the bull shit and better myself and have fulfilling experiences.

>> No.4516836

Help my wife pay for whatever cancer treatment options she has left to make the last years comfortable.
Then be a self reliant mountain man, move somewhere very remote. Lots of anons here wanting to get out and make friends. That's awesome, gives me a lot of hope for the future won't be full of dickbags. Until then, I've had enough of people.

>> No.4517061


What kind of cancer does she have, and what kind of medication options have you looked at?

>> No.4517433

I want to not kill myself for another two years.

>> No.4517919

To go back in time and marry her when she still loved me before we had kids with different people

>> No.4518312

Am I the only one who is very unsatisfied making money this way?

I graduated from university with a degree in Chemistry and even though I loved doing it, I decided against gradschool so I could save up some money. That was 8 months ago, and I still don't have a job. I was feeling like a failure and pretty depressed / suicidal. to preoccupy me I activated my autism and went fully into researching crypto the last few months.

Since then, I've made over 10x my initial investment. I almost doubled my portfolio just today and I don't even care for some reason. It just seems so pointless making money this way. What the fuck is wrong with me /biz/? I just want to be happy and this is clearly not working. I have no idea how to get there.

>> No.4518388

thanks, doing them now.

>> No.4518468

This is me too mate. what did you lose. I am still set on acquiring juicy gains but I doon't really know for what

>> No.4518474
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ill be ur frind

>> No.4518558

the money is just numbers on a screen, do you have a lot going on in your life outside of crypto?
your income comes from sitting by yourself staring at a computer screen. it's great that you've done so well, but you need to take care of the other aspects of your life to0. you need community, hobbies, friends, relationships, etc. cypto and growing a portfolio of investments are inherently very self endeavors, you're making money for yourself but not contributing any productivity to the rest of the world, and odds are you are not a big enough player to be influential in the space. moost jobs, no matter how horrible they are still make you do something for someone else, whether is be help solve a problem make things better or more efficient etc it ultimately does something for someone else. find a way to do that. if you can do something like that in one of your hobbies, even better, but make sure to contribute to others, even if it's something little.
you figured out how to make money, now try to contribute value to the things around you that you care about

>> No.4518578

> (And to pay to my father the money he paid for my failed university degree).
Kek same here

>> No.4518606


This. Making money in crypto is too easy. It almost feels like cheating. It's not as satisfying as making money by working at a job or running a business.

>> No.4518616

Pay off my 1 year Uni debt of which I wasted. Get 100K-200K and start my small business. Probably invest 20K into the startup, work my way up from there. Also travel, fuck qt Korean girls. The usual

>> No.4518714


I'm starting to feel a bit of the same thing, but that's mostly because I finally started making real gains, i'm up 30% in a week its kinda throwing me off, I'm trying to figure out what my next move is, when to sell etc beccause it's all going up, and it looks like my coins still have a lot of room, but I don't want to get greedy and I know things are overbought in the short term.

anyway, for me, I'm a college senior studying chemistry and philosophy, but tired of academics and I don't care to work directly in the fields I'm studying and a lot of jobs philosophy majors go to like "consulting" while lucrative just seem to fuzzy to me, I want to be hands on, work with machines, be very self reliant mechanically and be a pillar of community and have a handful of close friends.
I want to make money off crypto so I can go learn a bunch of trades without also having to worry about making money. essentially learn the trades for what the knowledge and ability I will get instead of having to learn in order to get a job and support myself. after that I want to get an old bus, kinda small, build it into custom camper, tramp around in style and go mountain biking, find a plot, settle down do outdoorsy stuff, start a small home brewery, do some farming, have a small machine shop, off grid shit, and travel around often in bus, and keep good company, hopefully find a cool chick that fits my life and style, and be the dependable, always ready to lend a and and help you out kind of guy, that shares his homemade booze, has awesome cookouts and coordinates awesome outdoors adventures. the kind of guy you always want around, and is great with his hands.
all this makes me wonder what I've been doing in college.
short term, I just want to do a 4 month bike/camping trip across the usa without having a plan for what happens next in my life, which is really looking promising thanks to crypto