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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4511076 No.4511076 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4511421

Wow wtf it actually is

>> No.4511614

>2100 sats

people bought at 10k lol

>> No.4511697

10.000 sats by tomorrow.

This is the last time you'll buy LINK under 0,2 cents

>> No.4511735

They said the same when it was 50 cents
"This is the last time ull ever see link at this price"
Guess they were right

>> No.4511780


>> No.4511814

>up 10%

>> No.4511815


>> No.4512484

ITs back to 15c again

>> No.4512548

We have not even turned the engines on according to the market.

The market forgets who this company talks to and works with. They seem to think this is to good to be true.

The market seems to like shitcoins like:

>> No.4512623

ALIS will be big end of DEC. ODN is about to rebrand and come out wiht its platform on DEC4th and ppl are slowly buying in while its low. POPWR still had anotehr climb up to $1.50 or more. I would ride POWR for a bit buying in this dip and then sell at about $1.50 and then go all in ODN till the 3rd DEC then sell that and go all in ALIS.

>> No.4512660

odn won't do shit until it's on a real exchange.

>tfw mined my first odn block today

>> No.4512698

OMG is the only crypto with an actual payment company behind it lol.

For your perspective imagine if american express or visa had a crypto. now imagine their government supports it. now imagine vitalik is an office advisor. now imagine that same payment system is already being used in a major fast food chain. now imagine a central national bank from another country approves of it and wants to integrate your tech.

there's more to it than a skateboard.

>> No.4512741

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keep frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Get out

>> No.4513083
File: 385 KB, 490x358, meanwhile on bizarro biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link is mooning
next you're going to say real flippening is link replacing btc

>> No.4513125

The market doesn't care about memes
Give us news, give us updates and then people will buy

>> No.4513736

Got in at 1976. Am I forgiven, Father?

>> No.4513750

Alright, I kek'd out loud at this image.

>> No.4513896

am I th eonly one worried about Aeternity? they claim to be working on descentralized oracles too and their mainnet is supposed to launch on Q1 2018 (so says their roadmap).

anyone believes it's a scam or we're missing out?

>> No.4513915

Link made the first move and is famous in the cryptoworld. Ivd never heard about aeternity and never saw their faces either.

>> No.4514012

on CMC aeternity starts chartin on june 1 and link on september 20
I was so comfy but now I'm a bit worried :S

>> No.4514018

Lol you forgot the part where Steve smokes weed to cope with the stress, but otherwise I love this pasta.

>> No.4514036

It's because you don't actually frequent crypto communities besides this one (and maybe reddit) and got here after the summer.

>> No.4514048

Crypto didn't even exist back then

>> No.4514057

Never heard of it, must suck.

>> No.4514065
File: 128 KB, 1172x1324, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's also listed on: liqui, gate.io,HitBTC, etherdelta, mercatox, decentrex and hypex
even has a USDT pair

shit, someone comfy me

>> No.4514073


Here's the aeternity whitepaper:


They talk about "decentralised oracles" on page 5.

If you honestly think that they pose even the remotest threat to ChainLink then I weep for you.

>> No.4514137

alright that was lame
thanks man, looks really well but dosen't have good ideas

>> No.4514224
File: 92 KB, 342x241, iplc3nl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw back at 18 cents soon

>> No.4514692
File: 79 KB, 231x242, Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 6.17.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh linkies. What would the world of cryptocurrencies be without you? What do, we owe the honour. The promise of Link seemed glimmering at first. The premise of 'rent free' was surely innovative and ahead of its time. But, as time showed us, this coin was nothing more than a pump and dump that inadvertently created the most deranged community of bag holders known to man. A community that incessantly screeches "rent free" whenever they feel threatened, which is very common. To be a linkie is to be deranged. Having lost everything, whether it be your house, marriage, wife's sons college money or life-savings surely takes a toll on the mental serenity of a linkie's mind. Slight threats critiquing the developers of Chainlink sets the common linkie into a state of neurosis that can only be cured by euthanasia or the eventual revaluing of this godforsaken currency. However, once the price reaches 10 cents, the value will continue falling. This crash will be catalyzed by the fact that thousands of wallets will be lost as a mass suicide of linkies, causing the price to dip faster than Sergey can yell "POP OFF ME LEGS" at the emergency room at the McHospital. Don't be deranged, don't be a linkie

>> No.4514711
File: 803 KB, 1100x700, 717D1675-3ADD-4355-A1BC-28C79EFD2C27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I made that pasta as well

>> No.4514723

at least we're not a faggot trying to create a copy-pasta, based on another copy-pasta, on an anonymous board, shitting on a coin that you don't even own, while you could be making money

>> No.4514783

>imagine if american express or visa had a crypto

m8, you're literally talking about XRP.

>> No.4514827
File: 12 KB, 236x354, 1880cb0f9fd99d092a3a69bc2447fa2d--matt-leblanc-silver-foxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faster than Sergey can yell "POP OFF ME LEGS"

>> No.4514842

How's that? Speaking of which what does XRP even do?

>> No.4514889
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>while you could be making money
t. Deranged bag hodler at 50 cents

>> No.4514912

Convert currencies.

>> No.4514914

I bought at 15cents, m8

>> No.4514916

Monero aint a shitcoin dude, I dont have any but that stuff is in now way a shitcoin lol its being adopted by the black market, some circles are exclusivley using it and you would be best to educate yourself as to why

>> No.4514958

2things disturb me about monero, you might educate me on one:
1- enabling black market users: drug addicts/sellers, pedos, gun dealing, terrorism, all the things I don't like

2- With a private ledger, how do I know the devs aren't creating coins and selling them on the market? how can I know new coins aren't being forged/duplicated? The whole point of bitcoin is to have a decentralized PUBLIC ledger after all

>> No.4514989

Enabling black market users is a good thing if you are in it for profits, which is the main point of making investments. The black market is a growth industry so w/e like it or not thats a happening thing.

With monero yeah the devs could be fucking around the in the shadows fair point.

However the system they have setup insures 100% privacy in transactions, the quantites and who is sending and receiving. There was a wikileaks article with the FBI writing about how they could not keep track of monero AT ALL. But with BTC they work with insitutions that put adresses to real people and try to monitor it. The less control gubbermint has over my money the better so I am for monero in that regard

>> No.4515028

Lmaooooooooooooo how revolutionary!

>> No.4515074

>I want to make money so I don't have morals
>there's only 1 good opportunity to make money on crypto

let's not derail the thread dude

I'm ok with privacy and anti-government but I just can't make that investment.
Not liking the government or states dosen't mean I don't have morals or values

>With monero yeah the devs could be fucking around the in the shadows fair point.

this will keep this coin as money-launder and junkie coin, no matter how good the tech is, no sane person would invest on this
money launders sell the coins after doing their business and junkies are poor, so...

it's a good hedge from time to time though, I don't use but I can understand that

not judging you or anything, just take these things into account. and GL m8

>> No.4515094

Black market and increased divorce rates (hiding wealth from partners) are what give me confidence in bitcoin lol.

Yeah not judging either good to hear different opinions

>> No.4515361


So you don't use cash, then, I take it, given the role cash has in global drug, arms and people smuggling markets?

>> No.4515384

It's where it was at 4 days ago.

>> No.4515539

I wouldn't if I could, also pay most of my shit with debit
crypto is supposed to be better than cash, not "virtual cash"

>> No.4516218

>Link slightly in the green for once
>linktards: hurrrrrrr mooning *drool*

>> No.4516242
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>> No.4516959