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4510545 No.4510545 [Reply] [Original]

Apologize to your 2018 self for not going balls deep in this.

>> No.4510555

>inb4 skateboard and pictures in front of signs.

>> No.4510845

I am balls deep and I think I made a mistake.

>> No.4510849


Why is that?

>> No.4510902

I bought because of FOMO, it has good potential but I should have waited for a dip.

>> No.4510922
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>bought most omg near peak
>bought more around 8-9 usd
>unable to afford to buy when it is sub 7
>still holding

>> No.4510926


Ah i gotcha , don't worry and be patient you didn't make a mistake. OMG will be the #1 coin of 2018.

>> No.4510930

what did you buy it at? it's probably not gonna dip any further than it currently is

>> No.4510931

i have 3500 am i gonna make it
i ask in every omg thread on here

>> No.4510959

Somebody else said that on here when it was $11

>> No.4510981

I bought at >>4510922 at like 8.3 usd

>> No.4511000


>taking anyone's advise regarding floors/moons

I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.4511067

no way, this shit is starting to moon right fucking now

>> No.4511165

no no, investing in OMG now is not smart investment, because it will shine 2018, maybe Q4 2017 (but maybe)

for now, holding btc or any other rising altcoin to reap profits and then invest in omg when it starts to move up

and if it starts moving up, don't think that you missed out, because this coin is like holding ETH when it was 9$

>> No.4511189

Were in q4...

>> No.4511216

depends what you mean by 'make it'. I put this q4 2018 at around at least 30 usd each. I only have like 150 myself

>> No.4511288

no shit sherlock, it depends if these noobs still have something to invest in 2018, a lot of them would be more happy if they just bought omg and hodl'd to next year

>> No.4511316


i only have 1,000. but im not sure whether to increase. i like vitalik's involvement but i have no confidence in jun

>> No.4511350

that guy runs an actual fucking company unlike money skel, just saying

>> No.4511352

I am going balls deep in this tonight. Most exciting prospect for 2018 hands down.

>> No.4511371


>> No.4511489

'the fuck, stop doing coke faggot

>> No.4511599

Some anon was saying the pos returns will probably be tiny and I tend to believe him

>> No.4511688

That's because the fees need to be low in order to strongly incentivise businesses to use this instead of other payment gateways.

My bet will be something like 0.5% fees, which is still miles better than any credit card.

>> No.4511761

pos returns from fucking billions of fiat payments and another billions from cash in/out of crypto and another billions from cross-chain or multi-crypto use... even if pos returns was a tiny percent, that return is amazeballs, that's actually the reason why everyone besides you is accumulating, but please, trust more in biz so you can buy high and sell low

>> No.4512570

I bought 100 on the DIP around $7.50ish been waiting for this coin to take off, because it's got great potential
There's rumors that Mc'Donalds is going to allow OMG payments in Japan, and other countries and eventually USA, and OMG platform is rolling out anytime now as well, expect this guy to shoot to $20+ in 2 months great 2x+ opportunity

>> No.4512797

bought 1k when it was at $10 and i'm hodling thru this shitfest till it moons or dies

>> No.4512843

bought in at $3. lost 250 through some bad trading and now Im sitting on 1k OMG. Honestly, I should have reinvested somewhere else, since I could have bought before the end of 2017

>> No.4512887

why are you fools buying in so late?

>> No.4512907

cuz it will go to $20 by eoy;

>> No.4512910

> i have no confidence in jun
Tell me one other crypto that has a founder who also founded and is the CEO of a company with 150+ employees

>> No.4512921


Because they follow the philosophy major fatass who created Link in order to solve the "having a money problem"

>> No.4512933


>> No.4512994
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It was confirmed that OMG will be the first to use both the Raiden network and Plasma. Poon literally wrote the whitepaper for this coin. OMG has been laying low recently because of complaints from the community that there was too much 'hype' inflating the value of the coin, which is why it hasn't moved much. It's not a bad time to buy desu. Personally, I'm going to sell and try to make some more gains because I want to have at least 10k OMG when this thing takes off.

>> No.4513059

JUN has also been featured by Forbes, etc.

>> No.4513069


In addtion Omise won startup of the year..

>> No.4513097

Indeed. He has also been a big supporter of Ethereum for YEARS, before anyone even knew what the fuck it was. That's why Vitalik is so heavily involved. They've been planning this together for a long time now.

>> No.4513116

I missed on a lot of ETH gains last month because I kept HODLing this coin. Still not selling it. Let's hope it pays out in the end

>> No.4513227

I'm balls in OMG and I've never felt more comfy with Jun tweeting selfies with Japanese bankers.

>> No.4514103


>> No.4514357

lmao the skateboard pic was from 2016

lol it pisses me off how so many people fell for that apple bullshit when the fucking picture is from fucking 2016.